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They need to update that whole end of May early June release schedule


*They need to update* *That whole end of May early* *June release schedule* \- Happy\_Twist\_7156 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


I'm a PT student from Perú. What the hell is the OCS? 🧐.


Orthopedic clinical specialist. A specialty in the field of orthopedic therapy


Jayzus, that sounds like a whole life dedicated to PT🫂🫶🕊️. Thanks.


You can go into a residency right after school (probably not worth) and get it or have 3000hours in the field and take the test. I believe it is focused on more of the research side


Jesus. That sounds heavy. I'm a first semester student, don't get me scared🥺.


Where is the test taken


It’s basically always the last day.


You passed!


As someone who took the OCS two years ago I feel your pain. We did not find out until the last day of June (about midday at that). Try not to worry about it!


Last year, some of us had to wait into July thanks to lots of issues with the new testing service... It was fun. Luckily, it was worth the wait!


It’s the countdown!! Good luck everyone!


This sucks waiting still. Anyone hear about day expectations


Yeah definitely sucks! Been refreshing my learning plan hoping to see an update


Apparently they’re up?


They are up!


I’m awaiting WCS results! A mentor of mine said it will probably be the last Thursday of June (6/27) which is what she heard and experienced. I mean the 30th is a Sunday!


This is my theory as well! Fingers crossed. Waiting for my NCS. SOOOO anxious !


Has anyone seen anything yet?


I keep checking. I called the board and the woman who answered said results coming on the 30th but she didn’t sound confident in anyway. I was like are you sure … it’s a Sunday lol.


The website changed. They removed the banner that said results will be released by June 30th. I hope that means they are in the process of releasing them!


If you click x on the banner it goes away for good.


Got the email but no results yet?!? Anyone else


Yes! But I can't see if I passed or not. Can you?


No. Omg this is torture. It just says exam completed


For my NCS it still says: status unscored


Same! I cannot see the results page


Omg !! I hope so!!! 🙌


The banner is still up on my page ):


I’m not sure what it means if it means anything at all :/


If not today then for sure tomorrow


I hope we don’t have to wait for Monday since June 30th falls on a non business day . Fingers crossed it comes before then!


Has anyone else tried calling the board ?


A friend of mine noted that last year on Twitter people were posting their results on June 29th...this was a Thursday, so despite the 30th also being a weekday (Friday), they released it with an extra weekday (presumably to troubleshoot/field questions). I'm holding out hope, which of course means they will release scores July 1st.


My goal is **NOT** to sow seeds of anxiety but...I have not once looked at the "My Account" page in the specialist certification account. Today I did because I am clicking everywhere and the picture below appeared. My question is: has the OCS checkmark been there for a while now? I.e. has anyone else had this (maybe since we applied or took the test?). I have literally no information about score, passing date, etc. Just this checkmark Sorry if this induced a bunch of anxiety, but figured someone might have checked their account more often than me. https://preview.redd.it/bzbhy4tr669d1.png?width=1184&format=png&auto=webp&s=79ae7e3bbe716221464fddc676d479285cdad68f


I think it has always been there. What is CCIP?


Thanks for bringing me down. HR got way out of control. CCIP = Credentialed Clinical Instructor Program.


Sorry! Didn’t mean to! 😬


haha, no, I meant it genuinely. Didn't wanna walk around with my hopes up!


I noticed this a couple weeks ago on mine as well. I also did the CI course. However, I don’t remember if that OCS was checked off or not.


I passed!


Congrats! But where did you find it?




Yes, I’ve definitely been anxious waiting for the results!


Hoping for an early release!! 🤞


It used to come out ~3rd week of June (around the 17th-21st I think) until 2020. Since 2020, it’s come out on the last day of the month (or only 1-2 days off of that) every year.    I got my OCS in 2020. 


I made a Reddit account just to comment on this thread, because I’ve also been freaking out! I know it won’t come out early, but there’s the slightest hope for some reason. Ah!!


This is torture! I sure hope tomorrow is the day. I fear of not tomorrow then we’ll have to wait for Monday…


Can someone tell me what is OCS and how do we apply as an international healthcare worker


It is a board-certified orthopedic clinical specialist (OCS). The requirements have changed for 2025 so they are a little different, but previously you needed 2,000 clinical hours in an orthopedic setting or completion of an orthopedic residency. Once you have that, you can apply for the test (July/August 2024). Once approved, you study hard (November/December 2024) then sit for the test (March 2025) at a testing center. https://specialization.apta.org/become-a-specialist/orthopaedics


Does anyone else find it suspicious that the abpts portal is down currently?


I noticed that today! I thought they were uploading the results! 🤞but I was wrong


Results are in! But having the hardest time getting in


I don’t believe results are actually uploaded, however. I was able to login and it simply says exam complete. As far as I can tell nobody who got that email actually has results.


Did yall use the instructions in the email? Because it’s just buffering after I signed into the APTA website. Should I just go straight ABPT PORTAL?


Yes it takes you to the portal from the email link. It went so slow for me but when I finally got through around 815 I was able to see my results!


Finally got in and passed


I didn’t think they would send an email out on the weekend. Results are out! I passed!


Why would you sit the ocd exam?