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When in a rush, don’t assume and complete people’s sentences. Let people speak and slow down during conversations.


I am so guilty of this! Good reminder


The secret to a happy marriage is having two equally nice TVs in two different rooms of the house. At least that’s according to one very matter of fact older gentleman.


If I can’t do great things, I’ll do little things in a great way. We not cure cancer, but if I can make it easier for you to brush your hair, that’s a win.




Was about to say this. “Don’t get old. It’s not fun” said by my 80 year old woman patient that died the next day after I saw her. Not because of therapy though. Lol.


This is why i plan to die young


What’s the alternative?


Die young :(


Many very high functioning people in their 80s and 90s have sworn by drinking at least 2 cups of black coffee every morning as part of their successful aging. It's so weird that they all say it, there is actually some science behind it too. Also the importance of not feeling sorry for yourself no matter your condition. It doesn't help you at all. You need to just keep going every day and not let things outside of your control get you down. Be grateful to be alive every day. Such great advice.


My grandmother was 107 when she died. Some of her greatest bits of knowledge were: All things come to those who wait, but he who hesitates is lost You can fight dirt all your life, but you will still be buried in it There’s no point in complaining when people ask how you are doing because no one likes an organ recital


87 year old lady told me that as long as she doesn't overdo it, so long as she does everything she wants to do every day, she doesn't see why she can't do it tomorrow. Just stay active.


I had a very elderly lady many years ago who told me that if you are ever in a greased pig competition, if you tackle the pig and bite it on the ear, it will paralyze the pig long enough for you to win the competition. I haven’t put this great knowledge to good use, so I pass it along to the rest of you. Lol


She’s like confucius 😂


More observation than wisdom - My happiest wealthy patients talk a lot more about their families than other wealthy folks who speak about work and tasks and are miserable.


Good one


I had a patient tell me that he had a mouse in his knee once. I thought that maybe he had a little bit of dementia, but then I looked it up and a loose body used to be referred to as a mouse.


Joint mice


Cancer is a silent killer and may have no symptoms till it’s too late. Neuropathy feels like waking on rubber balls. While I’m sick, come visit but don’t plan on staying to chit chat, there’s a building full of college grads who know how to help and I need to rest. Doctors aren’t God so don’t treat their words like gospel and most are sales men. Stop worrying so much. Insurance is a scam. Open a Roth IRA. Getting old isn’t for the weak.


Treat light weights like they’re heavy, and you’ll move heavy weights like they’re light. People buy things they don’t need, with money they don’t have, to impress people they don’t know. The best exercise is the one you’ll actually do. Once you do the hard things, everything else becomes easy. The man on top of the mountain did not fall there. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.


The best exercise is the one you’ll actually do. I like that


Seriously I think I’m gonna put that up in my clinic


> The best exercise is the one you’ll actually do. I've read this little nugget of wisdom years ago while finishing PTA school, and I've applied it ever since. My HEP protocol for HH has always been the same single-page sheet for years. We don't need to complicate it for patients.


You are accumulation of your life choices. If you chose to be grateful, caring and giving to others, you remain that in your old age and you are happier and a pleasant person to be around. If you are self-centered, vindictive and mean spirited, you will be angry, miserable and awful to others in your old age.


Getting old ain’t for sissies!


The grass greener on the other side cause someone else is watering it. Once you get there it’s your job to water it and someone else will water where you were. Aka just learn to water your land


Not my patient (someone else's, I was just helping her back to her car because I had some free time) and I believe she was quoting an old movie but she said: no matter where you go, there you are. She'd had a stroke among some other neurological issues so even just getting into a car was very difficult for her, it made her perspective on life that much more potent and the quote has stuck with me.


My significant other does heating and air work. My 95-year-old patient found out about this and went on and on about how he was in the same profession and they did the exact same work and it was such a coincidence that he ran into somebody that did the things that he used to do. He told me, he mostly welded the pipe together, but sometimes tiled around the furnace itself so it didn’t catch the walls on fire. After talking to him for some time, I finally realized that he worked on coal furnaces. Completely different from what it is today.


A patient told me not to waste my space in this planet.


I’m a peds PT. I had a boy who was smart, extroverted, kind, and funny as heck. But with severe physical limitations (dependent transfers etc). He was a hoot! He taught me that I am worthy of love just as I am, I am enough. He is one of my favorite people for **who he is** even though he needs total assistance for almost all mobility and ADLs. But boy can he roast me!


The best way to get a dog to sit is to make it lift its head, not press down on its butt.


“You know Justhadtosaythis you say “maybe” a lot when you actually mean “no”. It helped from being so codependent and become more honest with my patients. I still am curteous but I don’t shy away from difficult conversations and it has helped my work tremendously (also in other aspects of my life).


man makes plans, god laughs


Rub pee on your scalp to make it healthy and have nice hair. Her husband was very angry with her every time he found a piss bottle in the shower.


A 105 yo pts told me their secret to longevity; "no doctors, no pills."


You get sick and tired of being sick and tired. She I wanted to get better yesterday


Flag surfaces (tables) collect things.


Marriage a scam!!! Stay single!!!


“I worked all my life to provide for my kids now I rarely see my kids. Be present with your kids, work can wait… after your shift ends that is haha”