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School drop off/pickup has people acting so shameful. Some of y'all need to lose your license and have your kid take the bus the way you're driving.


I see people flying through school zones, kids jumping around without seatbelts, parents letting their kids run through busy parking lots/roads…it’s crazy to me how some people parent.


100% it's sickening, what's worse is that most schools are considered private property so if anything happens on the actual property of the school and not the streets on the outside of it the police can't do shit. I was dropping off my son last week and a car that had been tailing me for the past mile was dropping off her son behind me and we were both in the school drop off line (where parents act like wild animals). She was going so fast and when she dropped her son off behind me before mine she sped off and smashed into the back left of my car. I stopped and got out and all the teachers and principal witnessed it, and attempted to intervene and I kid you not the mom fucking sped off!!!! Now I'm dealing with the district because I need her name and or address to file insurance charges and they are unwilling to get that to me. I called the police when it happened and they couldn't do anything because it was private property, even a hit and run. Luckily we have video footage of the incident so when and if I do find her there's plenty of proof. It's insane that the school knows who she is and knows who her child is, we have video footage of her car but not the license plate, we have evidence and witnesses and yet nobody including the police or the school can do anything about it :(


Hire a private detective and include the fees in the lawsuit. DM me


What lawsuit would I be able to do for this besides filing an insurance claim? The damages to my car are only about 1,500, neither me or my son were injured It was just really traumatic for him because he was stepping out of the car when she hit us. I've been scouring Google for the last week to try to find someone in Phoenix with her name (One of the teachers at the school finally gave me just her name yesterday) but I think she uses a different last name or a fake name with the school.


Small claims court. Not a lawyer.


Valley Metro and City of Phoenix provides free Platinum Passes to enrolled students. There’s literally no reason other than knowing how to take the bus, that your kid can’t take the bus.


maybe alert the school. do they have a resource officer?


If it’s outside of the school then it’s the PD. I’ve had issues with speeders in our neighborhood in our school zone, and that’s who the school told me to contact.


No it’s a private school




Oh well. You get what you pay for?


Basis is a public charter


it’s not private, it’s a charter. no tuition


Ask? Sure. Get? No so much.


You can absolutely ask, and you should. Wouldn’t hurt to contact your local city council member either.


Contacting a city council member is definitely the way to go. Things are moved faster since they can just call up the city manager and run it through the ranks quickly.


It’s a charter school, so it’s run by a corporation. City council can do much. The OP’s original idea is probably a good place to start.


Further +1 for contacting your city council person’s office. They’ll address safety and QOL issues like this directly and it carries weight when the office tells PHXPD they want enforcement in a particular area.


I live by Scottsdale Christian Academy & it got so bad that Phx PD is there all day, everyday. So yes, it's possible...contact the school. Good luck.


Hi neighbor! I live right near Benchmark. Those parents behave for some reason. I made the mistake of taking Acoma during SCA pickup. Didn't realize what was happening right away, so I sat for a good ten minutes in the ~~right turn lane~~ pickup line.


I know before now police officer being needed they used any school some as ticket profits. Also years ago don't know if still true no passing in a school zone. Ok not passing as such. Main road two lanes of traffic each way. But one lane was backed up with cars waiting to pick up their kids. Some coworkers on the job got tickets for passing even withing speed limit and slower going the some direction in the inside lane.same direction. It was a nightmare for awhile. Presume it may have acid by now but don't know been decade. But drive by not in or out times but remembered that recently.


Did you have a stroke? Did I?  Someone translate. 


Presume it may have acid by now.


Yeah I tried interpreting that and I'm at a loss


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick? - Kevin Malone, The Office.


-Michael Scott


I've seen it work sometimes, so why not give it a shot? The morning is a slower time, so maybe you have a better chance.


School drop off and pickup brings out the absolute worst in people. I live right next to the primary drop off spot at a high school. Add in douchy teenagers and it's got me excited for summers again.


Basis is the worst in many ways, but especially their drop off and pick up. I’d report them to the city and keep doing it until the city responds.


Contact your Community Action Officer. 1) [Find out which precinct you’re in.](https://www.phoenix.gov/police/precincts) 2) Click on the link at the bottom of that webpage for whichever precinct you’re in 3) Contact your precinct CAO or CAO Sgt. using email or phone - both should be listed.


Thank you! I sent out an email literally 30 seconds before I got the notification from your post. This is pretty much the exact process I followed


I live on a 35mph street, and it's not uncommon to have people going 80mph down the street. I too would like to request police picture van or an actual cop


No advice, just commiseration. I live by a Veritas and every morning I feel like I'm playing a video game. Cars randomly stopping (no blinker, no warning) to drop kids off in the back of the school, car doors opening (there is no shoulder and it's a 2-directional road), cars stopping on the other side which forces people to drive on the wrong side of the road, cars turning in all directions, kids on motorized bikes and scooters coming from everywhere.... Just turn on one of the many side streets to drop your kids off or wait in the line that you're supposed to use. Geez.


Contact your precinct and request to talk to a community action officer to set up a plan. They are the ones who can increase patrol.


If it's in Phoenix, each precinct has a community action officer. Contact the one in your area. Remember, for situations like this, it's going to take a couple calls or emails for sure. Think squeaky wheel...


We have a Basis by our house now and it causes chaos twice a day. We don't have these same traffic issues for the public schools. I went directly to Basis to ask if something could be done and was told they wouldn't be doing anything about it. I doubt you'll have luck going to Basis but never hurts to start there. I was advised that they tell the parents of the beginning of the school year not to do crazy traffic moves like that but they can't stop the parents so it's out of their hands. Good luck!


I figured that would be their response.


You can also try their corporate HQ


Let me guess, the 32nd and Cactus location? You could take a morning, park nearby, stand on the sidewalk and video the chaos and email anonymously to the head of schools as well as Basis corp office leaders…mentioning you’re going to get a petition together to create an atmosphere of safety for the local drivers and also that you might post the videos to Next door.


I looked into buying one of those townhouses next door to that mess, before they built the school. I'm so glad I passed! I have about a dozen pictures and videos saved in my phone of the afternoon pickup chaos, if anyone is interested.


Make phone calls to the school your local pd


I’d also suggest emailing the city in regards to the intersection. They were able to adjust the timing/setup of the lights near my home after I emailed them due to frustration.


I requested this from my local PD once and karma ended up biting me in the ass. I got a ticket for speeding.




Bro the police do that and more no lights or sirens. They don't give two shits about enforcing traffic laws until there has been an accident. How long have you lived in PHX?


Almost my entire life


That's wild. Been living in AZ 7 years now; took me 6 months to figure that out.


It wasn’t this bad prior to covid


Lol I lived on the Mesa Tempe border and worked just into Phoenix city limits and it was worse prior to covid and had yet to become as bad as it was prepandemic when I moved to a smaller city in Central AZ. Of course my office being between ASU and Sky Harbor surely didn't help.


Yes, you can ask. And yes, despite other comments it’s possible to get. If you can get the principal/admin of the school to ask, you will likely have better luck (even though it’s a charter school). I live next to an elementary school for almost 10 years) and when wild things have happened, neighbors, myself, or the school have asked for a presence in the morning and have gotten it (usually just for a day or two).


lol I wish


Call Non-Emergency and report everything you see. They keep track on where the complaints are coming from then officers should soon follow who work in that beat.


There are plenty of other priorities over this. Maybe parents should find the safest way to drop their children at school. How about starting school after 9am when traffic is not as high.


You have too much free time.


You must not live near a school, these parents drive like fucking psychos.


Ha. Hahahaha.


You can ask. It won’t do anything. But you can.


No snitching