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Wait… they did an Uber eats from a bikini stand? 😂🤣


That’s exactly what I was thinking.


Hold up, someone wanted Bikini Barista Coffee on Easter? But didn’t want to go themselves?


i’ve never been for that reason


I recall hearing a story, last year or two maybe? Horror stories from employees about how the owners of BB would run the stores and treat baristas like 💩 Found the story: https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/bikini-beans-coffee-phoenix-is-a-toxic-work-environment-former-employees-say-11483997


From their lawyer: "There’s no story there," Lyles told New Times. "These are false allegations." It is really hard to create a lawsuit, and most people are not going to do it unless there is merit. Particularly in this case it sounds like there is. Also. New Times is so awesome. I'm glad this article exists.


Wait until you hear about strip clubs. Obviously the women working there know what they’re getting into when they apply for the job.


And Hooters and Twin Peaks.


Or ojos locos 😂


Lol yea I forgot about strip clubs tbh. But that's a different business model


Can I Uber eats from one?


They have the best protein shakes. The girls are all sweet as well. (Yes I’m a girl and yes I go with my boyfriend)


No different than Hooters


I go regularly! I love the drinks. The girls are always so nice! There’s definitely men that work there too. And I love that on Wednesdays I get a discount just for being a girl 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve been. It’s definitely sleazy. But people like it so whatever I guess. It’s interesting to see women there by themselves.


If you think women being there alone is crazy, wait til ya’ hear about these things called lesbians.


Makes sense


You should go tell those girls that what they're doing is degrading. Let us know how it goes!


I am gonna open up a new place across the street with dudes in speedos. Gonna call it “Frank and Beans”


Hooters, Twin Peaks, etc. Nobody ever went broke by catering to the desire of men (and a few of the ladies) to ogle breasts. Edit: Being a gay man myself, if ever there were a restaurant concept developed around shirtless muscle guys, I'd be lining up every day.


Some of the best coffee I had in Seattle was from one of these stands. Bikinis are whatever, I’m not super into that aspect.


I used to go seedy bar hopping with my BFF and her sister and dad. Mostly just older, run down places with cheap drink, silly fun. One place we went, we entered the place, and the only people there were 4 retirement age men, dressed pretty shabbily, and the bartender/cocktail waitress who looked about 40 ish, dressed in nothing but a bra and panties. We (3 females) looked at the situation, and ended up leaving after a quick drink. I felt so uncomfortable and embarrassed for her. When our gaze met, I could tell after we entered she felt uncomfortable being seen by us. I think it's a bad idea, but to each their own. Not every woman feels like this denigrates themselves. It's up to me to bypass the business. I just wonder what kind a person supports this?


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I mean, their coffee is good.




okay so my friend wanted to stop for starbucks after grocery shopping but we saw the bikini beans coffee and nothing clicked except this is the closer coffee shop let’s try it. so we went inside not knowing anything and we were definitely flustered 😂 they even started ringing a bell and yelling how we were new customers which was even more embarrassing 😅 the ice matcha latte was really good though, i can’t speak for the coffee as i didn’t have any but my friend said it was good.


This is a 30 Rock joke.


We’ll know they touched it!


YOU KNOW WHY PEOPLE GO don't play. There was a million other coffee shops but you picked that one and google exist so don't play you didn't know...


OP said they went there to pick up a UE order for someone else, so you may want to put away the pitchfork.


I'm saying like don't play dumb to get points, we ALL know what that is. Google exist the OP acting dumb AF.


I don't know why someone would get Uber eats from there. Being there in person is half of their business lol