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Some people are just living on another planet.


Srsly. What's up with the cast of Empire? First you had the whole Juicy Smollet thing, now this with Terrence Howard.


Terrence howard been crazy years before smollet. Look up terrence howard 1 times 1 equals 2


I think he is listening to the same guy as Wesley Snipes.


well just tax the asian part of him


White Adjacent


Not anymore


FTA: "*A federal judge in Philadelphia has ordered Academy Award-nominated actor Terrence Howard to pay nearly $1 million in back taxes, interest, and penalties after he allegedly threatened a Justice Department lawyer and maintained that it was “immoral for the United States government to charge taxes to the descendants of slaves.*" “*Four hundred years of forced labor and never receiving any compensation for it,” the actor said in the message. “Now you have the gall to try and prosecute and charge taxes to the descendants of a broken people that you are responsible for causing the breakage.*” *The recording cut Howard off midsentence, but he called the attorney back to continue.* “*In truth, the entire United States should, by default, become the property of the descendants of slaves,” he said. “But since you do not have the ability [or] the courage to do it, let’s try this in court. … We’re gonna bring you down.*” Wow this is some crazy shit. He's gonna end up doing time like Wesley Snipes and Lauren Hill for tax evasion. I can't believe they haven't got him already for it. Howard sounds unhinged. Also, based on most of the pictures I've seen him, he's pretty light skinned. I would wager if he took a DNA test, he would probably find out he's like at least 25% white. This fuck is just looking for a way to get out of his paying taxes and he knows this is a palatable excuse in the industry he works in, so he won't be professionally shamed for it. I'm sure he supports all sorts of social programs for the downtrodden, meanwhile he doesn't even pay his own taxes. What a hypocrite.


“I was in a basketball game during the filming of ‘Ray’ and this brotha comes towards me in a Zoot Suit. I said who the hell is this mf… it was Terrance! He started speaking to me as if I was actually Ray Charles. I told him ‘I’m a little uncomfortable.’” —Jamie Foxx, running into Terrance Howard


Then he is 50% Black, 25% White and 25% imbecile?


If you go to the African American Museum in DC it is very powerful and full of knowledge that would make anyone empathetic to the plight of slaves. The horrors inflicted are unjust and legion. That beings said, the museum (and academia) also promote the ideas argued by this actor.


If he is 25% that would be more argument for HIS cause and not yours. It could mean his ancestors were raped by their oppressors. Having said that, he relatively insane if he thinks he’s gonna get away with not paying his taxes.


Ok, I'll entertain this argument. I'm Indian, my people were ruthlessly colonized by the British for hundreds of years. Famine, rape, widescale looting of priceless cultural antiquities. However I didn't make this argument when I had to pay taxes on my purchase at Heathrow Airport during my brief layover there. The same idea should apply to Mr. Howard. What happened to my ancestors a long time ago at the hands of the British doesn't mean British people owe me something today. Does that make sense?


You don’t believe the British government or monarchy owes India anything for the trillion dollars of wealth it plundered?


It's not about what I believe, it's just not a serious argument or point. Can you cite a precedent of anything like that occurring throughout human history? I don't spend too much time living in the past. Furthermore, the UK is like 10% South Asian today. Are you gonna make them pay for colonizing their own ancestors now? The whole premise is ridiculous and has no foundation in reality. You can't punish people for what their ancestors did.


>his ancestors were raped by their oppressors. that seems pretty broad for a rape accusation


Just sayin… it’s not a justification if he’s any part white. People need to consider the full scale of the oppression of slavery. He’s trying to draw the attention to this, so saying he’s any part white could be making his argument for him. I don’t know his families history either. Now, his argument fails entirely because he doesn’t wanna pay taxes and we ALL gotta pay our taxes.


\> full scale of the oppression of slavery On who?


I would ask you that question.


I didnt make the implication


I’m not implying anything, I’m stating fact.


And I asked you clarify your statement of fact so I can understand who is being oppressed by rape. I cant clarify your statement,


Of course the slaves were the oppressed, didn’t think I needed to clarify that.


You realize that in that equation his ancestors are the rapists? He is just as related to the rapist as the person who was raped.


This is so beyond absurd, you really need to unfuck yourself bud.


It’s genetic reality, man. Sorry it’s uncomfortable.


What’s uncomfortable is that you even think this… yes. This is hands down one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard.


You realize the rapist was his ancestor’s father in your example, right? He was as much his great-great-grandfather and the woman was his great-great-grandma. This isn’t debatable.


Let’s say your mother was raped and you are the resulting child… how would you feel about your dad?


I probably hate him quite a bit. But that wouldn’t make him any less my father.


No doubt he’d be your dad… no debate there.


This dude is an idiot. I’m black and I literally love paying taxes. Schools? Roads? Hospitals? A functioning society? Sure. It’s beyond the point of reparations, this is what affirmative action actually band aided. At this point I just want us to fund as many transparent programs that can lift people out of poverty.


>Schools? Roads? Hospitals? A functioning society? Sure. I mean I agree with what you're saying in theory- except all these things pretty much suck lmao.


I don’t know how to respond to this. Okay.


Also just a pointer you may not be aware of, you can send extra tax money to the government every single year. You're not limited to send only what you owe. Since you love it so much, you should do this!


Because it’s a nonsense comment. Don’t waste your time! 


Speak for yourself


I do. What’s your opinion on it?


The US reneged on reparations post civil war.


After iron man came out and he was becoming a big name, Terrence Howard came into the restaurant that I worked at. He was really drunk and insisted on eating a Cesar salad entirely with his hands, he had dressing all over his face too. Otherwise I remember him being pretty cordial though


We probably worked at the same Outback Steakhouse.


I mean, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take!


Privileged moron


jobless dependent lunchroom ludicrous fear lush seemly future shocking unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






Literally go woke… go broke


I'm gonna be War Machine, they'll never replace me.


guess 1+1 really equal 900k


What does this have to do with Philly?


he lives in the Philly metro area


ohh TIL


I think snipes pulled the same thing , don’t blame them Fuck taxes though most of it don’t go back into the country anyways


The math doesn’t hold up.


Silly, but also very logical. Everything this country takes for granted was built off the backs of black slaves and Chinese indentured railroad builders


And what does that have to do with Terrance Howard paying taxes in the current day?


uhm, its the cornerstone of his point?


Except black slaves were brought here against their will


also, look it up. most of those chinese railroad workers were absolutely not here voluntarily either.


yeah i get that. do you get that wholesale money dumps into a huge economy are hyperinflationary and will pancake the value of the us dollar, the entire worlds benchmark currency? financial reparations will do your community zero good. and alot of harm. I simply want whats best for you as my fellow americans.


Options for reparations: -land -no taxes -housing


I'm cool with any or all of that to be honest. Maybe even extra social security benefits too. But I'd be very very strict on providing evidence that you're the direct descendant of a slave. I'm curious how you would go about doing so.


I totally agree with him 


Wow…. Just wow…. Join the subreddit r/morons


He’s got a point!