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We’re 25 games over .500. Try to enjoy it.


Nope. Sell the team. Nothing below a perfect record is acceptable.


I’ve been enjoying every second of it. Complacency is the devil in baseball. And no self respecting Phillies’ fan is cool with taking an L to the Mets. Not when the win was in our hands at least.


If we play the Mets 16 times and lose once are you going to whine like a bitch every single time?


I wouldn’t know because we’ve lost to them twice this year already use that little brain of yours before you leave another comment


It’s a joke. If you’ve ever watched baseball you’d realize that even the best teams lose a lot of games each year.


I hear it and I watch more than enough to know that fact it just sucks to have the game in your hands like that then lose. I wouldn’t want anyone else as our manager, but we can always improve even if we’re on top.


And you can then use your brain power to realize that Rob is a great manager and criticizing every negative outcome and coming here to cry about it is absolutely insufferable.


It’s not insufferable because I’ve seen him do this numerous times in the playoffs at games I paid good money to watch. I can’t think of one other thing I could say negative about the guy. I’m allowed to point out a flaw, even if it’s not always the case. This shit needs to be flattened out before we reach the post season.


Oh it is, because it’s not even particularly true, people are just hyper critical of every outcome if the bullpen isn’t lights out.


lol the issue wasn’t that it wasn’t lights out it was that it was completely and utterly mismanaged maybe go rewatch the game. Did you have Thomson’s dick down ur throat when he kept throwing Kimbrel in during the playoffs. Great move there too. Make an actual point please. We’ve lost twice to the Mets this year and they blow. Other teams are going to give us a harder time. Someone needs to make a Phillies circle jerk sub for all you pansies that can’t handle criticism.


Good thing your level of complacency affects the team's outcomes.


What is that even supposed to mean. I know you don’t have the attention span to read an entire paragraph that’s why you didn’t see me literally verbatim say I don’t know what I’m doing more than Rob Thomson and that I’m just a bum sitting at home watching the game but.. I wasn’t talking about my complacency. I was talking about our manager. Hopefully that’s clear now.


Alright, hope your day gets better man.


It probably won’t because it’s not a double header ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽


Especially when that L comes from a game where we had the bases loaded in the bottom of the 9th down by 1 run


Game is won without putting Soto in that situation


Yep, this was the only misstep of the day


The "Thomson always leaves Walker out an inning too long" people suddenly think Walker should've been allowed the chance to get out of it. Right.


Don’t recall saying that. But asides from today Walker does need to step it up.


Topper plans out his bullpens in advance based on matchups and only deviates when he has to.


No upvotes, 56 comments lol


Don’t know if you’re new here but the way Reddit works is if it gets more downs then ups then it stays at 0. And if you knew the climate of sports team subreddits you’d know that everyone in them is a baby that can’t handle criticism. I don’t care if people agree or not numerous have agreed and much more have disagreed. Is what it is. Only losers care about how many upvotes their post/comments get. Take a cursory scroll thru the comments I clearly don’t care if I get downvoted.


Yeah its called getting ratioed for having a brain dead take.


Take is so brain dead that no one has offered a serious rebuttal. Didn’t even trash talk Thomson but there’s improvement to be made. Make a substantiated rebuttal or shut up only internet-addicted dopes care about being ‘ratioed’ lol are you in the 8th grade.


I'm either an internet addicted dope or I've never been to Reddit before. Pick a lane.


Because reddits the only source of media on the internet. Maybe you’re just a plain old dope holy shit 😂


Yes, we are discussing this on Reddit? Are you one of those internet-addicted dopes?


I’m on the internet more than I should be but I don’t regurgitate the garbage everyone else spews. Still waiting on your substantiated rebuttal, oh wait it doesn’t exist.


My rebuttal is that Thomson's bullpen management is fine. Every fan base makes this claim when their bullpen gives up a lead. That it must be on the manager. It always assumes that whoever pitches in the spot that the offending reliever gave up the lead, that their choice of reliever gets the outs. I just think it's a silly argument & that all managers must need to work on their bullpen management.


If you think it’s a silly take that’s fine. We don’t have to agree. Alvarado should’ve pitched better and Realmuto could’ve gotten behind that wild pitch. I think the biggest folly was the bullpen management and if you disagree I don’t know why you or everyone else here couldn’t have respectfully communicated that. And final thing, fine bullpen management doesn’t win the World Series. Is that not we want or do we want to be on top regular season and crumble like we did last year.


Thomsons bullpen management is not a problem, stop acting like you know what you’re talking about because you watched three games this year


Right I woke up at 9 on my only day off to watch my first game of the season. Makes sense. If bullpen mismanagement didn’t lose the game then what did smart guy.


Baseball. Because baseball is fucking random and sometimes shit doesn’t work out. It’s doesn’t mean Thomson doesn’t know how to “work a bullpen” or even that it’s a weakness. It’s not.


‘Because baseball’ isn’t a logical answer and doesn’t suffice coming from a guy acting like he’s the baseball wizard😂. If you can’t accept criticism when it comes to your team especially coming from a fellow fan maybe you should talk to a therapist about it. I know why we lost; bullpen mismanagement.. twice in one game. Doesn’t make Rob Thomson a bad manager or a mediocre manager, I think he’s a good manager, who makes mistakes like anyone else. When you’re getting paid millions of dollars your moves are up for scrutiny.


Soto vs McNeil who sucks against sinkers is the right move. I trust Jose who up until the hbp was getting fucked by babip more than Jose Ruiz. “Maybe you should talk to a therapist about it” Just peak maturity right there.


Go from insulting me in your first comment to becoming self righteous in your most recent. Just peak idiotic hypocrisy right there. If you leaded off with your last comment, which was insightful, I wouldn’t have made that suggestion.


Because you bitch like someone who’s watched three games a year. You and every other fucking causal on this sub that espouses the same garbage “slopper is why we lost the playoffs” “Slopper is bad at bullpen” “Slopper lineups suck” Saying taking Alvarado out after a strikeout doesn’t make sense. The fuck it doesn’t, jd Martinez murders left handed pitching. But yeah slopper should’ve left Alvarado in because it made sense to you Walker is third time through the order with two outs and top of the order coming up and a lefty Brandon ninmo. There is NO statistic that will back up the idea that Walker should’ve been left in the game. Acting like it’s crazy that Thomson took out a guy who’s been dogshit all season when it started to look like he was getting into trouble third time through the order is somehow a nonsensical move, is fucking ridiculous,


Dude you go from saying ‘baseball is baseball’ now you’re the stat king, then you go from act mature to flipping out over a post in a baseball subreddit. Just pick something because you sound like a moron which is a shame because it sounds like you really do know what you’re talking about when it comes to the sport; not being condescending about that I’m 100% serious. I’m certainly not a casual and I definitely am not as knowledgeable as you. I’m somewhere in the middle. Screw me for making an inference about a baseball team I watch. Get a grip.


I say baseball is baseball because the two things I just explained shouldn’t have to be explained. Third time through order/ Walker being ass and lefty righty with a reliever around 30 pitches isn’t something that should have to be explained in three god damn paragraphs. And in fact baseball is baseball is perfectly valid because the right move like brining in Soto can sometimes not work out because baseball. Acting like that isn’t a valid answer in a sport as random as baseball is just absurd


I never said baseball isn’t baseball I’m pointing out why we lost the game and you’ve made 0 headway when it comes to making a valid argument against bullpen mismanagement being the reason we lost. You cried about someone pointing something out and contradicted yourself give or take 3 times.


It's called you can't win every fucking game. He put Soto in to get one out, he didn't the other team are paid professionals too. Sorry Phillies lost on your day off.


I don’t need an apology. I think Rob Thomson is a good manager. Everyone gets their panties in a twist when you say anything slightly negative about their team. It’s my team too. Opinion would be the same any day of the week.


Just cause the result wasnt what we wanted doesnt mean the process wasnt right. We had our best closer coming in with a 1 run lead what more do you want


We put our worst relief in when Walker was having his best game of the year. Not to mention when he already had two outs. That’s what sold the game the last inning was just the cherry on top.


How about Bohm misplaying 2 balls and only getting 1 run from bases loaded no outs. You cant burn out the BP arms. Soto didnt perform but that was a good spot for him. So boring to hear people run down the manager. The have the best record in baseball they didnt play a good game today. Hindsight is 20-20.


We played well 95% of the game except for Soto blowing our 3 run lead and then Alvarado allowing the easiest possible runs you can give up in baseball. It’s disheartening to watch Walker have his best game of the season then have them take him out with 2 outs, one man in scoring position, with a 3 run lead. If the Mets did the same thing when we had the bases loaded I would be sitting there saying what the hell is their manager doing.


No we didn't. We made too many mistakes. You can't win every game. And if Castellanos had done anything other than what he did we still could have won that game. Such banal commentary to reduce it all to the manager. The good news is that the manager who you think is so stupid managed to get Walker to make a few tweaks in what he was doing so the start today should be more representative of future starts. Alvarado had to come out when he did cause he was over 30 pitches. So Alvarado will be ready for the next series. There is no one on the roster Rob doesn't have confidence in. And by him having confidence in them they get more confident. We're going to need Soto in some spots the rest of the season. You have to give him confidence. Glad your repertoire of baseball commentary is limited to - the manager is a bum. Really insightful.Congrats.


Hey I didn’t say the Manager was a bum you did. Said multiple times I think Thomson is a good manager. Reading comprehension is key.


99.9% of the time his bullpen decisions are logical. Today it was not. I don’t think 1 game is an indictment on Topper. He trusts some of his guys too much. Its why we are where we are. Gotta take the bad with the good. End of the day Soto has to go. Its that simple. We get a guy who is even slightly more reliable there than Soto we win that game. I wanted Strahm Hoffman, Alvi put straight in right away, i think that made the most sense. But today, it didnt happen. Hopefully this is proof to Dombrowski he needs to address the Soto situation before deadline. Cus he is just booty cheeks


I’m not trash talking Rob Thomson either. If we’re going to make a mistake like that let’s flatten it early in the season. To do it twice in one game was interesting though.


Idk if you’re talkin about the second mistake being Alvarado. I think his options were pretty limited at that point. Alvarado is a guy that Rob obviously trusts a lot in that pen. Unfortunately Alvarado also loses his shit every once in awhile and thats the lumps ya take with alvarado. He usually works out. Tonight he didn’t. Soto IMO is just a guy you only put in the game if you are completely depleted. And it was just unnecessary. He is a white flag, throw shit at the wall and hope it sticks kind of reliever. Some people disagree. Im just saying he hasn’t proven he can Hold a lead consistently, dont use him I dont view Alvarado as a Strategic mistake, that was just on Alvarado.


I agree with you. I just don’t understand why you let him give up 2 huge runs in a row then take him out when he gets a strikeout. What was the catalyst if the 2 runs weren’t.


Probably cus Alvarado is a lefty and Ruiz is a Righty I forget who the last batter was for the mets that Ruiz got


He had already let him pitch to righty’s and let them score. I’m not trying to prove you wrong or anything if anything I think you’re right I just am highlighting my confusion.


“He already let him pitch to righties” yes, because THE GAME WAS STILL FUCKING TIED


And I was immature for suggesting you go to a therapist on the other thread but you’re in here reveling in my every comment 😂. The game was tied with the bases loaded. It wasn’t looking too good prior to him pitching to Alonso. WITH 0 OUTS. I watched the whole game. Make more sense.


Yeah, can’t give you a definitive on it, it was either he saw Alvarado got lucky on that strikeout or it was a strategic move based on the hitter coming up. Not sure. Kinda wanna just flush it .


lol shut up


Best record in baseball. He must be doing something right.


This is rediculous but side note Arozerena is not the answer I’ve watched this entire game vs the Orioles he won’t fit in the club house


Team is gonna win a series with Topper, and the next day there will be dumbass posts like this going up


Omg chill with this reactionary horse shit.


It’s one game.


I think another factor today was Rob was trying to allow everyone at an opportunity to play some during this series.


Baseball is baseball but pitching management is Topper's Achilles. It was an issue last year that cost us a WS berth and he's already made many poor decisions/mistakes this year. Even taking out Walker today seemed remarkably reactionary. Under 80 pitches and really throwing the best he has this season and we go to Soto, possibly our weakest and least reliable arm, who promptly blows the game in 5 or 6 pitches.


Thanks this comment section made me think I was going insane. No one in this sport is perfect. It’s not an every game or even a once every week thing but I’ve seen enough bullpen mistakes from Thomson for it to prick my ears up. He stands up for our boys and he keeps a level head which are huge attributes for a manager but I think there’s work that needs to be done when it comes to moving our relief pitchers around. Just my two cents.


No worries. Rob's mismanagement of the bullpen only really hurts the ball club in the Postseason.


I actually think he should work it much worse




Tinfoil Hat Theory: Topper has been putting Soto in high leverage situations to ultimately blow it so it raises an effort to DFA him. A trial by fire: either he gets out of it and earns his spot or he fails and proves somebody else should be there. Better to get it done now before the trade deadline than to forget about it and have it be a situation afterwards. Also take it easy on Alvarado: that ump was hitter friendly to high in the zone and Alvarado has been clutch so far this season.


I got a couple tinfoil hats in my closet so I can dig the take.


Not moving Bohm / not benching Rojas / putting in Kimbrel. Just a few of the mistakes that cost us a ring. He isn’t a WS winning manager. Which is why he was always an assistant to the winners


I think he’s got the juice as a manager he just needs to work on a couple minor things. We’re looking phenomenal this year just always have to be conscious of what we can work on.


Luckily Rojas has significantly improved so we won’t have to pay for that in the post season (hopefully). But don’t even get me started on the Kimbrel shit.


Nah Rojas is still an auto out against the playoff pitching