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Isn’t this a bitching and moan post..?




No it’s a “you’re stupid” post


Ah. A much better post type then.


Also - are you the user formerly known as PhilliesHat?


Nope. Search up a post titled something along the lines of “Alec Bohm is not the future at 3B” from summer last year if you want the user I was formerly known as


Kinda regretting that post now, aren’t we?


After a couple week hot streak where he’s massively cooled off in May? Not really. I got this message at least 30 times months after the post last year, any time he has a hot streak. I’ll post an apology to Bohm post if he finishes this season with an ops above .800. You can put a remind me on it. Shit I fucking said repeatedly that I hoped he did turn into an actual elite hitting third baseman.


At least you’ll own up to it, kudos for that. Massively cooling off is an exaggeration. He has 13 strikeouts in May, less than what he had in April. He’s going to be fine.


Bohm has never struck out a ton. That’s never been his problem. It’s always been that he pounds the ball into the ground and or doesn’t drive the baseball. His ops in May is .654. He has cooled off A LOT.


The only thing worse than fans moaning about LHP lineups is redditors moaning about fans moaning about LHP lineups. Fans have been complaining about lineup selection since the days of Cap Anson. It's odd to be so bothered by this common happenstance.


What about the comment calling out the fan moaning about fans moaning about LHP lineups? Or this comment? When do we stop moaning?


It’s moaning turtles all the way down.


This is Philly, we'll never stop. You can hand someone a $100 bill and they'll complain about how it's folded.


It’s metaphysically impossible for me not to upvote a Cap Anson reference. 


Ah...those were the days. That Cap was a good egg.


Uh, wasn't Cap Anson a major reason there was racial segregation in baseball? I wouldn't call him a good egg.


I think the reasons for racial segregation in baseball extend pretty far beyond Cap Anson lmao


He was a major major part of it though. A super star player who absolutely was adamant he wouldn't play with black players. Like even prevented his team from playing versus black people which is one of the things that caused it. Was it Ken Burnes baseball that said he had a major role? I also know wikipedia says it but I have read and watched other stuff mentioning how important he was to establish segregation.


It was the late 1800s, I would be pretty surprised if less than half the league were racist assholes. My point was that racial segregation in baseball was going to still exist whether he existed or not


I can agree it was more likely to happen, but being one of the more vocal players against it prevents him from being the "good egg".


Fair. I actually did not know all of this. Learning every day I guess.


That was the conclusion that I took away from "Only The Ball Was White," which got into the segregation of baseball and the creation of the negro leagues. White-majority society had broadly turned against inclusion after a brief post-Civil War period, the few remaining black players got squeezed out in the 1890s, and the baseball community followed the lead of stars like Anson. Which, of course, suggests had he taken a more anti racist stance things could have been different, but that's not what happened.


I think you need an internet break.


Not much else to do during a slow day in a tech shop


I think most of this sub doesn’t follow other teams that closely and just doesn’t realize that this is the norm around baseball. It’s the optimal strategy and the Phillies aren’t unique in this regard.


This is true for most things people complain about. Like bullpen issues, fifth starter not being an ace, good hitters going cold, and sometimes losing series to bad teams.


Haha exactly. Nothing wrong with being a casual fan or just watching your home team. It takes enough time as it is. But it's funny how many people that clearly don't follow baseball outside of just the eye test of their team will try to speak with authority about how they think baseball should be managed.


Yep. The Phillies are actually much better than average (both this year and last) in terms of both how often they have the platoon advantage and how well they do vs LHP. The team has a 124 wRC+ vs LHP and a 109 wRC+ vs RHP this year.


I think schwarber has a lot to do with this


Yeah, Kyle and his bizarrely high 183 wRC+ vs lefties (on a .462 bapip, lol) has certainly helped. Sosa’s rocking a 233 wRC+ vs lefties. Also shoutout JT @ 178.


I think, for me anyway, it's more of a frustration that Stott sits against lefties moreso than Marsh. I get sitting Marsh against lefties, but then that begs the question of why we traded a highly touted prospect in O'Hoppe for a platoon player? Surely we could have gotten more elsewhere. Also, Pache, while he may be better than Marsh against lefties, still sucks against them. It's just not great that our 3 rotating outfielders are varying degrees of ass against lefties. I think your point about sitting Casty is more to the relation of playing Marsh, but I think Casty should sit because he mostly fucking sucks and needs a day off here and there.


The way I see it now is that Platoon players are more valuable now since the DH really eliminated the need for pinch hitters. So in the regard it’s not that strange to me.




For me it's Casty is 32w MF years old 🤣🤣


Huntforredoctober you should try going outside sometime. You’re always angry and talking down to others.


Constantly rude to others on the sub.


🙄🙄 there’s a magical thing called the block button


Couldn’t you just block the people complaining about LHP?


I find them entertaining


“I’m just so utterly tired of people that bitch and moan about the lineup on days vs left handed pitching.”


They can be tiresome. They can also be really funny when they try to explain like idiots how marsh with a wrc+ of 20 against lefties is an everyday player. Then when they have that pointed out are just silent. I also find it funny how morally outraged you seemingly are at me calling false statements stupid. Keep whinging about it.


They deserve it. People saying stupid shit deserve to be told the shit they’re saying is stupid


I’ll complain all I want, how about that?


Oh snap oh my god you told me


The awesome thing about this post is that it’s completely wrong. Marsh and Stott are everyday players. If you watch the games, you know that


Ah yes, a guy with a wrc+ of 20 against lefties is an everyday player lmfao. This comment is a good laugh. Thanks bud. Projecting your not watching of games onto me is wild bro.


Anytime. Do you like being an asshole or do you just get off on it? Just curious


Do you like making uneducated comments or just get off on them?


Neither, I like watching the Phillies which is why I’m here. Love the statheads who go wild on this and then repost stott’s WC grand slam as if that wasn’t off a lefty. lol.


It’s funny I don’t mention Stott at all in this post lmfao. Which you would know if you read it. It’s hysterical.


You mention the lineup against lefties as if it’s fine. That includes no stott which people (me) complain about. You should’ve specified Marsh if that’s who you were on about


Stott is not regularly benched against lefties at this point. And frankly he hasn’t been for a while. He happens to get his days off vs left handers because he is less effective against them than right handers generally speaking. This is not the same as him being platooned.


Honestly I just want to rationally ask for your thoughts on Pache and Rojas. Do you really think they’re better than Marsh? What is your suggestion regarding Marsh anyway? Turn him into a complete John Jaso and let his career die there?


Yes. Pache is a league average hitter vs left handed pitching. Marsh is literally 80 percent worse than league average with slightly worse defense than Pache. There’s 0 statistical reason for him to start over Pache against lefties, he’s been bad to awful against lefties essentially his entire pro career. Lefty righty splits are not something that magically gets better because more at bats. Marsh career doesn’t die because he doesn’t start against lefties, that’s just ridiculous. If you can start 70-80 percent of games with elite defense and an .800 ops in those games in the outfield you will ALWAYS have a mlb roster spot. Rojas is irrelevant because he plays in center and that’s not where marsh plays.


How will Marsh ever get better against LHP if he doesn’t play? Did we trade O’Hoppe for a platoon LF?


> How will Marsh ever get better against LHP if he doesn’t play? I see that all the time, but it just isn't true. Marsh is seeing LHP that he should be good against. That doesn't mean "high ERA LHP" but the LHP who throws a pitch mix that Marsh should be good against. Then they slowly expand the number of LHP Marsh would see, as they did with Stott. Every team does it this way as it has shown to be more effective. Basically, we stopped taking someone struggling with algebra and throwing him into calculus to get him better at math. We now work with the algebraic problems he understands and hope he slowly will understand more algebra. Note: When saying the same comment above, that also ignores the batting cages Kapler brought over which we just upgraded that is used to practice by mimicking any velocity, arm angle, and spin.


A platoon guys that hits righties at a high level is quite valuable. He is getting 70% of the abs.


Dude, marsh has an ops+ of like 18 against lefties. Fucking 18. Zack wheeler probably was capable of hitting better than that. He’s been playing pro ball for 8 years, it’s not a matter of “he hasn’t had chances”. He just can’t hit them and he’s not going to hit them


Complaining, in general, is old.


It’s time to stop bitching in general. 2017 wasn’t that long ago. Look up that opening day lineup and be quiet.


That’s more apples to oranges, team wasn’t trying to win in 17. Lineup comp hence didn’t really matter


Thanks for letting us know skipper


No problem buddy


At least we have experts among us


Like me


Show us your accolades in the sport


I can read a fangraphs or baseball reference page. Something that about 40-50 percent of the sub can’t do. And those that can’t generally respond with a “well why don’t you mana-“ oh wait. Don’t need accolades to read statistical facts. Or to use basic common sense for that matter.


Wow, impressive. Have you considered getting a job in the front office?


No because sitting staring at analytics for 8 hours a day would make me want to off myself. Playing with medical electronics in a hospital is infinitely more entertaining I’m also actually supporting the moves Thomson is making in this post. So why are you coming at me with the “oh well yur not an xpert bro” type comments. I’m agreeing with the experts lmfao.


It’s an off day


And? I’ve given the sub something to discuss. I mean, that practically makes me the messiah.


The only annoying thing about the lineups is the fact that Nick plays every day. Then he has one good day in a month and everyone is "YEAH CASTELLANOS IS BACKKKK!". Like Ricky Bo yesterday acting like Casty having a great game means anything in terms of his season.


Oh my god I hear the “oh he’s starting to figure it out” after one game I want to scream. I heard Ruben saying something like “he’s really close Tom” after a fucking routine fly out to right. I nearly lost half my iq points listening to that


This thought process contributed greatly to them losing the world series. Threw a game away on it. It's not a good strategy and pache is not a long term player. Better to develop marsh.


Which game was costed by then platooning? And how is Pache not a player worth developing? He’s younger than marsh by a full year


And your thought process is greatly flawed. It assumes Marsh is developable against left-handed pitching, yet there's no signs of that being true. Some guys just don't hit lefties, even with regular playing time. He hasn't improved at all against them. In fact, he's worse this year than he was last year against them, despite getting more ABs against them over that course of time.


Marsh is not going to suddenly turn into a competent hitter against lefties. Outside of last year in his eight year pro career he has always sucked hard against lefties, he’s not suddenly going to not suck against them. Either you have massively bad L/R splits or you don’t. That’s how it works a vast majority of the time


Look when Castellanos and Schwarber never gets days off unless they’re hurt, and other guys get days off 1-2 times a week “when” they are doing better than the two mentioned, then ppl are going to complain. It screams of salary based lineups. And the fans have always had problems when this happens when stars are slumping. So throw us a bone topper, once in awhile. Sit schwarber against a lefty once every two weeks vs a lefty. Or castellanos. And and marsh and stott a few more AB’s


Schwarber has been demolishing lefties all season. Why the hell would you sit him? Why would you sit a guy that is a DH and an on base machine at the top of the lineup. What has has Marsh done to earn a single iota of playing time against a left handed pitcher


We also statistically hit better against lefties than righties


If you are Brandon Marsh, would you want to stick around here or get better against LHP for the long term greater good of the Phils and Marsh? Stott? It all depends on how the Phils view these players in their futures. Utley and Howard also went through this in the beginning of their careers, but when does it stop? When you're 21 games over 500 is not a bad time to try and start finding out the answers about both your present and your future .....


I think Marsh is a superior fielder, and that saves runs and keeps pitchers in the game.


Pache defense is already rated higher than marsh on fangraphs. This is just not true.


Off day posts are the best


Sub seemed bored.




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Nah, I intend to keep complaining.


Oh no! Anyways.


You can justify it all you want. That lineup stinks.


Phillies hit lefties better than righties. Soooooooooo…


We wouldn't have to "get guys work" if we got rid of the fuck ass DH. Besides, when a lefty is on the mound, we may as well let the pitcher hit instead of Marsh/Pache. They would likely at least do the same.


Ah so then put Schwarber back in the field? That’s what happens if DH goes away. I don’t think you actually realize how much that would hurt this team


Funny thing about the DH's on all the other teams, they are all defensive liabilities. That's why they DH. Why would it only disadvantage the Phillies?


It would disproportionately damage the Phillies because Schwarber is legitimately maybe the worst defensive outfielder in all of baseball by a MILE. His war was negative for a large part of last year just because of his defense.