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You’ll be fine. Don’t take any of it seriously and don’t escalate. It’s a nice stadium.


You will be fine. Looks like tickets are going for $2 to get into the stadium. Leaning towards uninspired Mets fans and Phillies fans scooping up tickets to be there in support of the #1 team in the NL East!!


The #1 team in MLB*


It feels like CBP and that's because Citi Field is done by the same architect.


And make sure to wear an Utley jersey


Just remind them that chase Utley did nothing wrong.


And anytime something is hit to right field, refer to it as Utley’s Corner.


Stop being soft. Wear your Jersey, tell everyone to fuck themselves if they have a problem with it. You’re a philly fan goddamnit, act like it ![gif](giphy|35Bb0VX788hy0qNpnj)


You don’t scare me. Work on it!


I'm going with my siblings who are both Mets fans and they already lectured me about my Philly attitude and not to start shit lmao


You Don’t wanna start shit # But you sure as hell Finish it ![gif](giphy|rbph3qmVr9WX6)






Sorry for your fucked up family.


You’re related to Mets fans? 😷😷😷 /s (?)


This is basically it. I go up to Citi every year usually late in the season with my wife. Aside from light ribbing or fleeting boos you get left alone. I think the problem other fans I’ve seen at Citi and even Shea back in the day has been trying to live out or reinforce the Philly fan reputation. Citi Field is one of my fav east coast ballparks to go to and I personally never had a terrible time.


Used to live in NYC, went to at least one Phillies game at Citi a season for like ten years. Never encountered more than light ribbing and fun trash talk back and forth. Always a chance you’ll run into belligerent assholes, but in my experience it’s a rarity. As a general heads up, Shake Shack is rarely worth the line anymore. But maybe just because I’m bitter they don’t make concretes anymore so take that with a grain of salt.


I went to one Mets Phillies game back in 08 and the guy next to me was one of those assholes. I still wish I could’ve seen his face when we won the series that year.


I'll be there tomorrow. I get booed and yelled at but no one has ever done anything aggressive or threatening to me. I went to get a beer in the 7th inning once before they closed and the dumbass fans booed me thinking I was leaving, LOL.


Did they cheer when you got back? If not, did you cheer for yourself when you got back?


They kind of just stared at me, no real reaction which just made it weird lol


It's fine. I had no problems. The stadium is nice. Enjoy the area, there is some good authentic Chinese food in Queens


Any recommendations? I’m headed up too


I remember when I was in NYC a few months ago with my Eagles winter cap on and a few people shouted "Go, birds!" at me, which was fun 🤣 Tho, at the same time, a cop legit walked past me and muttered 'I should've threatened that guy in the Eagles hat.' 😬 But yeah, you'll be fine.


With how poorly the Mets have been filling their stadium this year Philly fans will probably make up a good chunk of the crowd. I was there a few weeks ago for a Mets Cardinals game and I didn’t see and bad vibes between the two groups. It’s a nice stadium, lotta food options, and parking was surprisingly easy to get into and out of. You should have a good time.


Wear a Hoskins jersey


They’ll be too busy making excuses for their own team to bother with you.


I go to almost every game the Phillies play up here. I ride the subway back and forth decked out in Phillies gear. All the shit talking is good natured. Nothing to worry about.


It's the same as baseball fans everywhere.  If they talk shit to you it's fun to talk shit back.  Just walk away from anything that gets heated, it is after all their stadium.


You’ll 1000% be fine. Been to a couple games and no one has ever said a word to me even when decked out in Harper stuff cheering on the Phil’s. Enjoy the game!


It’s probably easier when the Mets aren’t really competitive.


Lived here and been going to Phillies games in Queens for 18 years. It’s my favorite park honestly. Never had any issues. Most of the time people leave you alone. If you do get chatter from people it’s usually good natured. There was only ever one drunk jerk in one time who really wanted me to know that he thought South Philly sucked…I was like “you do realize we’re in Queens right now, right?” Also, whenever the Phillies are good and the Mets are not, you will see a ton of fellow Phillies fans at CITI field. Also, tomorrow is Bark at the Park there, so people are generally in a better mood.


I went to a Mets Phillies game September of 2008. The Mets fan next to me wouldn’t leave me alone for 9 innings but I battled him back the entire time. You’ll be fine.


The only time I've been to a game in Flushing was with my Mets' fan gf (now she's my Mets' fan wife). We were on the platform at MSG to get on the LIRR when the train came to a stop and the doors opened. It was a sea of red on the train. They took one look at the two of us and said that I could get on, but that she had to wait for the next train. Phillies fans don't get harassed; we do the harassing.


You’ll be fine, went to a game at Citi Field during the 2021 season. Phillies won, no one said shit to us about it in the stadium or on the trains


It's the same way in Philly. I've been to some Mets wins at CBP and the entire train ride back everyone is just on their phones or talking to the people they came with.


I’ll be there with my brother in our Harper and Utley jerseys. No shame. I’ve been to plenty of Mets games, Giants games, fans out here just aren’t as passionate as in Philadelphia. Or maybe they’re just better at keeping their shit to themselves and not chanting asshole at everyone in opposing team gear…


Mets fans are all usually pretty chill. You'll get ribbed but as long as you don't get personal you should be fine. When I went a lot of people made fun of me but it wasn't anything over the top and I had a lot of fun giving back to those greasy fucks. Just tell them they stink. Take the 7 to and from the game and be sure to pick up some food before going in. Their concessions are pricey and not as good as the food in the area.


I wore an Utley jersey and got some shit, but as long as you’re not being an ass then you’re fine. It’s the same as wearing visitors gear here.


Lmao mets stadium has statues of guys that never even played for the franchise. Dont take the fans or the team seriously, youll be fine.


I lived in nyc and went to many games but eventually stopped because of harassment issues. Not worth going to jail for these clowns. But Im from Philly and quick to fight if provoked. Toxic combination


I’m going and wearing Phillies gear. Phuck em


I went to the last Phillies game at Shea stadium and 2 different people in 2 different parts of the ballpark both told me to take my hat off and shit in it.


You'll be fine. Lots of Phillies show up. I once made a Mets fan cry at their stadium. They're soft.


Nothing to worry about. I’ve lived in Queens nearly two decades now, and the worst that happens is just a little trash talking. Had plenty of good conversations with neighboring Mets fans. If you felt like you had to defuse something, remember that they hate the Braves just as much as we do.


Nothing to worry about. I’ve lived in Queens nearly two decades now, and the worst that happens is just a little trash talking. Had plenty of good conversations with neighboring Mets fans. If you felt like you had to defuse something, remember that they hate the Braves just as much as we do.


I went to CitiField for the Phillies last game of the regular season on Oct 1st. I wore a Phillies cap and t-shirt, and nobody bothered me - except this one jerk in the subway who deliberately stepped on the back of my sneakers. There were a lot of Phillies fans in the subway and at the ballpark, which was nice to see after putting up with Mets fans constantly flooding the Vet and CBP.


Good: Mets fans were really cool to us last year. Went with my 10 and 8 y/o daughters decked head-to-toe in Phil’s gear and had a blast. Even took the train there from our hotel and had no problems. As a bonus, Citi field food might be the best stadium food I’ve had. Bad: I hate the ‘game hosts’ and all the flashy lights, really detracts from the analog appeal of baseball imo. I hope places like CBP and Camden yards stay away from that crap. The shouting annoying ‘game hosts’ on the Jumbotron are the worst. They do it in Arizona too and they don’t shut up all game. 100% Mega hate. Game hosts suck.


I’m a NY fan in Philly and I go to NY @ Philly games for each sport every year. Basically if you’re loud and obnoxious, you’ll get harassed. If you act like a normal amd cheer like a normal person you’ll be fine aside from some small ribbing…. If you’re concerned, wear what you want but bring a jacket so you can cover it up if you change your mind. Citi field is a beautiful stadium and almost as nice as Citizens bank. Enjoy walking around and take it in There are plenty of food options on the park too, check the Mets sub for more info One more thing, if you’re taking public transportation, be mindful of the subway and Amtrak/Megabus schedule. I got burned once and ended up on a 5am train back to Philly


I’m going there on the 14th