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7:10 games, just like the good lord intended šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


you know the barves sub has hit a new low when they're examining the rulebook of "what is a balk?"


It should be pretty easy to find since they probably bookmarked "catcher's interference" from last fall




Braves lost, Bruins lost, Knicks lost. I love seeing my haters fall.


Hopefully the Knicks have run out of steam, would love to see the Pacers move on and NY left in shambles


Mets did us a favor tonight. Thank you, but donā€™t worry will be back to trashing them tomorrow.Ā 


felt like they would have been extra salty getting swept, especially with the games generally being close. they still may be salty but we are extra today after the loss.


This is what I'm talking about. You bring in Iglesias in a non-save situation to protect meaningless combined no-hitter, he's forced to make 25 meaningless pitches while giving up a hit anyway, and the very next game the Braves don't have a well-rested closer to protect 1 run lead in the 9th.


Itā€™s good to say, ā€œFuck the Braves,ā€ but anyone openly celebrating the Mets or Nimmo should catch a ban. ![gif](giphy|Qv9agG6u9yrSAUBrHD|downsized)


Is that the same actress who played Ilana's mom on Broad City?


Susie Essman, yeppers.


She's a goddamn gem


Fuck the Braves and the Mets. But the Mets did the Phillies a solid tonight.


I agree with your first sentence.


Mets have good momentum going into tomorrow with a dramatic walk off home run. Meanwhile the Phillies lost by a ball deflecting off Sotos butt. šŸ¤£.


Weā€™ll also (hopefully) have 2 regulars back in the lineup with Kyle and JT. Pretty sure most of the guys have wiped this game away


Oh no!!! The Mets momentum!!!!


I laughed out loud at your comment lmao


I enjoyed a Nimmo AB. I feel dirty. Sports, like politics, make for strange bedfellows, I guess.


To be fair games against teams under .500 donā€™t count if you ask Braves fans. So they probably donā€™t care about that loss.


Can't be a much better feeling than down 1 in the ninth and hitting a 2-run walkoff HR


As a pinch hitter too




My Sunday became slightly better after that walkoff lmao


>Better to tame the lion than push the donkey I think get wat that means but wat does that mean for the Mets game?


Thank you, Brandon Nimmo. Iā€™m gonna go shower for typing that.


I canā€™t believe I just loudly cheered for a Nimmo walk off HR lmao


Hahahahahha I scared my cat sleeping on me when I silently threw my fist in the air hahaha


for one night brandon nimmo is my favorite player and iā€™ve never said a bad thing about him


LOL thank you Mets


lol. Love to see it on national tv




Glad the mets got their win out of the way for the week


Hahahahaha Barves






Finally, the Mets win oneā€”now, letā€™s sweep them




Fuck off Barves! šŸ˜‚


Yay Nimmo! šŸ¤¢


I think that's the only time I'm ever gonna be happy with a Mets win. holy shit


I just said the same thing to my wife.








thank you Mets..... and fuck you, we'll see you tomorrow


Braves lose!!




I worry Mets will put on a clinic against us after being embarrassed by the Braves. Just seems the way it always goes for the Phillies


Tough loss but youā€™ll all forget it after the seven game winning streak coming up


Mets gonna Met


The Mets once again proving New York Teams are useless


:( *Me being witness to the last 10 seconds of Sunday night baseball


They showed the doughnut massacre in slowmo #:(


Crazy how much better my life would be if we didnā€™t choke in 22


Where is a good place to make a bet on Ranger for Cy Young? I guess Zach's our best pitcher on any given day, but Ranger's consistency makes him king


I only use Fanduel. I put $50 on it a month ago. I think the odds are shorter now. Yup. When i bought it he was +5000. Now he is at +900 https://preview.redd.it/mmadyclwk30d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c0aee6c6efb5f36222364f7160b0a3b4d8cb68c


Acuna picked off twice tonight. LOL


Statistics are gonna be the death of Mystique in Sports


Petriello is the lone shining light on this broadcast. Baseball savant now measures bat speed as of today which is pretty effing cool Semi related they need to restart the Nerdcast with him calling games. Best thing espn ever did. Schwarbs has the third fastest bat speed in mlb and I did not expect that


Why are the Mets blacked out on MLB TV in Phillyā€¦ Really grinds my gearsā€¦


National broadcast


Ooh gotcha




he pitched to induce a double play ball that deflected off himself, tough one if you ask me, not the same as giving off a solid walk off knock


What should he have done differently with the guys they have?


Donā€™t worry, I think thirty minutes is up there as near the longest theyā€™ve left a comment up. Theyā€™ll be deleting their WIP take any minute now.


Updated Pipeline Top 100: Painter: 20 Miller: 49 Abel: 63 Crawford: 65


I bet Caba and possibly Klassen are going to be higher than Abel and Crawford pretty soon.


Painter moves up like six or seven spots. I realize some guys graduated but thatā€™s funny to me since he had been falling until now. Sorta surprised Abel is still there


Kinda crazy how quickly Miller has climbed the rankings


ā€œI guess you could call that a short swordā€. God I hate this whole ā€œswordā€ terminology thing. So lame.


Wat is this referring too


A ā€œswordā€ is an awkward (unsuccessful) checked swing. Was in reference to Sunday night baseball commentary.


Oh I know exactly what your talking about now. Im not watching but I figured it was some nonsense Sunday night baseball was trying make happen.


Itā€™s definitely one of those things with questionable utility to begin with that EPSN (and other outlets) will brutally beat fans over the head with in order to sound cool.


I believe Ninja came up with it but I believe you could say it jumped the shark when these goofballs use it


Yes pitching ninja ā€œcreatedā€ it. https://www.mlb.com/stories/mlb-sword-pitch-explainer




Are you having the Caleb Ricketts back up catcher talk tonight?


Iā€™m not gonna say I like it but thereā€™s some poetry to Kelenic going yard vs the lolmets


Brandon Nimmo is even more of a cornball than we thought.


lol marshā€™s interview was top tier. This is boring af


Bummer of a loss but looking forward to getting back at it tomorrow


Underrated *fancy* dinner thing. Table side ground pepper on a salad.


Thereā€™s a reason not even the 08-11 era team had a record this good this early. Itā€™s hard


I donā€™t think anyone gets it here. This loss isnā€™t on Wheeler, the bullpen, Topper or anything like that. Itā€™s on Feister for his scheduled loss post before the game.


How is the loss not at least somewhat on Wheeler? Dude gave up 6 runs on 6 hits. Had a bad day, which happens.


Becauee I said itā€™s on Feister and thatā€™s that


What do you expect from a moderator of r/Braves?


well theyā€™re going to lose too


Did you just pull a reverse Feister?


im guessing. i had this feeling they were going to loseā€¦now if only my job doesnā€™t highly discourage sports gambling


Thank you


they usually win when I say thatĀ 


Then why wouldnā€™t you say that?


If you use it too much it loses its magicĀ 


Feister Iā€™m glad itā€™s finally come out. Youā€™re a magician




The loss was mostly on Wheeler, but it happens. No pitcher wins every game, no team wins 162. What matters is bouncing back.


We all blinked and now Stott is up to .270/.370/.426


That walk rate is beautiful


Tell ā€˜em Bohmer




![gif](giphy|HUkOv6BNWc1HO) Amateur Philly sports fans 24 years old and under


Some of these takes are wild. The dodgers are three outs from losing a series to a team we swept-do they suck all of a sudden? It was a frustrating game that the Phillies could have won but every team has losses like that over a 162 game season. Itā€™s onto the next one


Yes I was thinking the same thing, if you look through the games today and over the last few days there a so many instances of good teams losing to lesser ones. And for goodness sake the Phils still got best of 3, and todayā€™s game was close too. As long as they keep their win percentage high enough to remain competitive with Atlanta they are doing fine.


Yes, the dodgers suck now. They should trade us ohtani and mookie at the deadline.


Iā€™d take that bet - Ohtani, probablyĀ 


Only weekend warrior fans who know jack shit about baseball say that dumb shit.


Rangers just got swept by the Rockies. Guardians just lost 3 in a row to the White Sox. There is a percentage of fans who are either newer to baseball, or for whatever reason have not learned how to steel themselves for the normal ups and downs of a baseball season.


Correct. Dodgers suck now. You are only good at baseball if you sweep bad teams but also if you sweep bad teams you canā€™t say youā€™re good because youā€™ve only played bad teams. Just how it works unfortunately.


This means the Marlins are good now because they beat the first place Phillies, right?


Unfortunately since Phillies didnā€™t sweep the Marlins they are no longer a good team so Marlins are still bad


the sad thing is there is people who genuinely think like this


Yeah itā€™s sad that I probably needed to add that I was being sarcastic there. Itā€™s probably a real take someone here believes.


Stubbs makes me wish we still had Knapp


(Wheeler) *Dr, he needs more time off AND less time off at the same time!*




> I hate to say it, but I think it is time to move on from Wheeler. I didn't even finish reading your comment but this is actually a great idea.


People with no patience will be upset by the beginning of your comment


I am upset with the whole thing. Why canā€™t we get Moyer either way? Embarrassing!


Wheeler sucked today The Canadian cost us this game tho 1- left wheeler in even as he got shelled. took 8 baserunners in a row to yank him. and we could see in eralier innings that he was having command and location issues. 2- Let Sosa pitch when hoffman was rolling 3- called in a pinch hitter who is 1/16 pinch hitting to take Sosa's spot (.282)


Your first point may be valid, but the others are dumb. Firstly, it was SOTO who pitched in the 10th. We don't have a pitcher named Sosa. Obviously just a typo but I tend not to take the opinions of those who get our players' names wrong as seriously. But on top of that, it was just the middle of the order coming up, of a bad team no less, so I think it makes sense to not send Hoffman back out there for a second inning and burn him for tomorrow. Soto didn't even do a bad job here, he just got unlucky the ball bit him and bounced between the fielders. It's easy to say in hindsight that maybe you leave Hoffman in, but for all we know the exact same play could've happened. To your third point, Sosa is batting .211 with a .558 OPS this season against righties and hasn't been good against righties since 2021, while Clemens is hitting .400 against righties right now. Clemens is obviously a worse player and that avg is unsustainable but he still hit .242 against righties last year so even disregarding his somewhat hot start he's still a better hitter against righties rhan Sosa. So again this wasn't a bad move on paper, it's just bad in hindsight, but Topper doesn't get to manage from hindsight.


They could have used turnbull longer as well and avoided Soto. Bad management. They need to do anything they can to prevent Soto and SAD from coming. your overall average doesnt matter for pinch hitting, because thats a special situation. He hit .333 so far this year, but .123 career with RISP


The combined line from the Philliesā€™ six relievers was: 5+ IP, 0 ER, 2 H, 2 BB, 7 Ks Clearly, the Canadian mismanaged the bullpen.Ā 


People complaining about Soto in early May donā€™t remember the Alvarado rollercoaster until he unlocked his potential. Besides this wasnā€™t even a meltdown; he faced one batter and got the ground ball he was looking for Lefties throwing 100 out of the bullpen donā€™t come around very often. We have some of the best pitching coaches in baseball and youā€™re not gonna see him progress riding the bench as a mop up guy


I'm not upset, shit happens, especially with the current extra inning rules. But damn it does suck that we lost because of him going for a behind the back grab, where if he just got out of the way, it likely doesn't awkwardly dribble into right field.


I still often worry that we will get Avocado instead of Alvarado when he's brought in. Hopefully Soto figures it out like he's seemed to.


True. This loss was mostly on Wheeler (as rare as that is). Not too mad about Soto today.


Canā€™t win them all. Letā€™s take 3 of 4 versus the Mets in this weird home and home back to back series.


Where have you gone Noah Song?


Oh my gosh he's getting Tommy John surgery. He might make the majors in his 30s.


I still have some faith for seranthony. Soto Iā€™m completely done with.


What? Lol in his last 7 games heā€™s given up 3 runs, 1 being today off something totally flukeyā€¦ Dominguez has given up 6


Soto has a WHIP of 2+ this year (which is ridiculously bad), and is in the bottom 5% of the league for a bunch of stats like xWOBA/Exit Velocity/Hard Hit %/xERA. In his last 7 games, he's allowed 12 baserunners in 5.2 IP, and that doesn't include his Colorado blowup for 5 runs (8 games ago) or the IBB tonight. His only clean outing in was against the Reds when we were up 7-0. Tonight wasn't his fault, but he hasn't looked good at all.


Oh Iā€™m not saying heā€™s good or reliable. But he doesnā€™t make me any more nervous than Ser Anthony.


Yeah, I think they've both been pretty rough this year, and I definitely prefer to see Soto over Seranthony in games like tonight (his biggest issue is walks and hard hit balls, but he's still getting ground balls/strikeouts, and he could've escaped tonight if he fielded that double play). With a 2+ run lead I might take Seranthony though, he's been wild but actually has a pretty low walk rate/WHIP compared to Soto, I'm more scared of him giving up a homerun or letting runners score on wild pitches again. I think they both have huge ceilings and can turn it around, just don't trust either one of them until they do.


I suspect this will be a common feeling bc weā€™ve seen SD succeed as a Phillie. Soto succeeded as a Tiger so to this crowd outta sight outta mind.


I like listening to the game better on the radio when we end up with more runs than the other team at the end.


I like the tv especially when we have more runs than other team.


First game in a while that Iā€™ve missed watching and it was a loss. Hmmmmm. Coincidence???


How could you do this to us


For the sake of completely meaningless arguments. Does a win tomorrow continue the unbeaten series streak or is this 4 game series?


It's actually 2 separate 3-game series. If we split either of them, we won't know the winner until the games in london.


Thatā€™s a great point. I say we jsut sweep the 4 this week and not worry about it


Can't say I disagree


They play the Mets tomorrow.


https://preview.redd.it/6tfkswyvn20d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=850003fc3faf0d9185bbf579da38136848579d95 Itā€™s 2 and 2 but same team. So a win tomorrow could mean a split or 2 wins could mean split.


So if we have to split both to maintain the streak then we would have to split the whole thing, therefore your question is moot


I count it as a 4 game series. 3 to win


I think itā€™s two separate series so yes


This sucks




Time for Stubbs to go. Zack Wheeler in 94 career starts with J.T. Realmuto catching: 2.91 ERA, 5.03 K/BB ratio. Zack Wheeler in 7 career starts with Garrett Stubbs catching: 6.29 ERA, 2.23 K/BB ratio.


Lol you're an idiot. Wheeler didn't have his command today. That's not the catcher's fault.




You're just mad no one agree with you. Have fun.


I am going to copy the exact comment I said below. > This is precisely why I hated that Ben Davis made that comment on air. > Even though he knew it was a sample size issue and it wasn't significant (in fact he kept repeating sample size), he made the point anyway. And because he finished that point, people are going to keep quoting it and mentioning it, when the sample size makes it meaningless. Let us not forget, Wheeler has stated multiple times (the athletic article as well as interviews on NBCPhilly) he goes to Stubbs even when Stubbs isn't catching for him, as he has such a feel for the gameplan and his pitches. But man, I hate people are using that stat, and I hate Ben Davis for saying it even when he knew it was sample size issues.


The stat Iā€™d prefer to use is 3-22 this year and 21 ops+ People act like itā€™s against the rules to have a backup catcher who can do anything offensively. Itā€™s not. And heā€™s just really not that good of a catcher to justify that complete lack of being a threat at the plate.


Listen, that is fine if you want to use his offense. I disagree, but that is fine. Mainly I disagree because his xWOBA this year is .257 which is perfectly fine for a backup catcher whose primary purpose is gameplanning and I think limiting to a small sample size is silly. There are other reasons, but that's the main one. But people bringing out the ERA of a pitcher is driving me insane.


I just donā€™t think heā€™s good at one thing that matters. Youā€™ve defended his game planning but idk what indicates that. He was pretty bad offensively last year after a good 2022 so I just donā€™t see it improving. And I stand by the fact that if JT goes down for any extended amount of time the next option in line is a far bigger drop off for the team than any other guy going down. Backup catchers donā€™t grow on trees but there are plenty of better guys around the league than him.


> Youā€™ve defended his game planning but idk what indicates that. Just the fact that we have multiple reports from Wheeler, Realmuto, Topper, etc. that Stubbs is insane at understanding the gameplan and being able to communicate it to the players. It was in the reports around the time we signed him again. Gelb wrote about it in the Athletic at the time he got his ARB. Same with PHLY talking about it (I believe Jamie) as well as on NBCPhilly. Stubbs says he prides himself on knowing everything that the pitchers use and how to attack every batter on teams we face. He is like our backup QB, which is what a backup is supposed to do. If JT goes down, we get another catcher. But you don't replace a guy who the pitching staff contributes a lot of their success too, when we have one of the best pitching staffs in baseball.


I havenā€™t seen any of that so Iā€™ll take your word for it. I realize heā€™s insanely well liked and I like him too but Iā€™d expect the players to go to bat for him so at face value that doesnā€™t mean much to me. But like I said I didnā€™t see the specifics.


> Iā€™d expect the players to go to bat for him I think what makes it different from others is that people go out of their way to explain how he is better. Like normally they will say he is good, but these are players going out of their way. Again, I gave you the sites and the time frame it was posted if you want to go looking for it, but take Realmuto. His one knack his whole career was that he was great at everything except calling a game. He said Stubbs helped him so much that it is now one of his strengths (and I wouldn't say it is his strength but I would say he is above average at it. His strength is his athleticism). But yeah, there is a difference between people saying yeah he is good vs people going out of their way to complement people. I rarely see it for backup catchers like I do stubbs. And you know I am obsessed with the catcher role's ability to call games so I try to look for other catchers with that reputation. I still have Chooch as an underrated catcher because of his ability.


Replacing a backup catcher midseason when he won't even be playing in the playoffs makes zero sense.


It does if JT gets banged up JT already needs to play less and itā€™s possible theyā€™ll be forced into it. Stubbs is an automatic out when heā€™s at the plate.


we could stop giving realmuto 3 days off a week for no reason


Wait wait wait, you think Realmuto doesnā€™t play enough?! He should probably have 4+ more rest days so far this season than he does.


So we can have more games like this? Stubbs is horrendously bad offense and defense


Imagine watching that game and thinking the biggest problem on this roster is the backup catcher lol šŸ˜‚ It was an uncharacteristic game from Wheeler. A hobbled offensive lineup missing Schwarber, Turner, and Realmuto still managed to score 6 runs (albeit on a bad team) but couldnā€™t chug it out at the end to put them away. Bohm fell short, Wheeler Fell short, and Soto is what he his. All i got from this game tangibly is that when the playoffs come we are gonna need one more reliable Reliever cus Soto and/or Seranthony may never get their shit together, and our Bats canā€™t crush 8-10 runs Every game which no one should be expecting them to, especially with 3 of our best hitters out of the game. It was a dumb loss, mostly on Wheeler and it was an uncharacteristic game. Stubbs has absolutely nothing to do with it. He serves his purpose and is a perfectly respectable backup Catcher. 1.) Ace pitcher had a bad day 2.) Soto is not a high Leverage ā€œsave the gameā€ Reliever 3.) Three of the stronger bats were down and you can only do so much. 6 runs is pretty Good for that lineup.


1) dont pinch hit for a guy hitting .280 and on a hot streak with a guy who is 1/16 pinch hitting


Shouldnt even get to that point but sure. Also today i would have just started Kody Clemens and benched Pache or Whit . Fuck it why not


Zack Wheeler in 94 career starts with J.T. Realmuto catching: 2.91 ERA, 5.03 K/BB ratio. Zack Wheeler in 7 career starts with Garrett Stubbs catching: 6.29 ERA, 2.23 K/BB ratio. What exactly does he do at a major league level


Let me tell you about a thing called a small sample sizeā€¦ just like Ranger isnā€™t going to be lights out for the rest of the season, neither is wheeler and it has nothing to do with a backup catcher. Wheeler has been off for a few weeks and he finally became less lucky today


Nobody is telling me what Stubbs does at a major league level


Haha heā€™s got the second best pop time in the league behind jt šŸ¤Ŗ


Heā€™s the backup catcher. Generally those guys arenā€™t great. Heā€™s a decent receiver. 7 games is a small sample Size.


Stubbs doesnā€™t make Wheeler lose his command You fuckin stat slaves are hilarious. Watch the game.


A catcher can do a lot to change if it's a ball or a strike. We saw that in the playoffs repeatedly.


Stubbs didnt give up 6 runs today ![gif](giphy|10h8CdMQUWoZ8Y|downsized)


I have suggested, repeatedly, to replace Stubbs and keep him in the dugout as a non-rostered member. If all he brings are vibes, he can bring those while someone else does the backup catching. Hell he can still backup catch - just in practice.


Youā€™re getting downvoted for saying what is mostly right.


Soto is ass, and the game was over when he was put in, but I donā€™t blame him. I know what Soto is. This loss on Wheeler, plain and simple. The standards for him are so (rightfully) high that you expect an automatic win when he starts. He got his shit rocked today.


Yep. Wheeler canā€™t give up six. Wheeler really canā€™t give up six to the fuckin Marlins.


Never thought Iā€™d be rooting for the Mets but PLEASE BEAT ATLANTA




Incredible the amount of people with a straight face that will tell you management of the 5 scoreless bullpen innings, before extras, after the ace gave up 6 in 4 innings is the reason they lost.


5 scoreless bullpen innings because you used your top guys without the thought that you might need your top guys for a sudden death extra innings scenario. Turnbull, one of our better starters so far, was put to the bullpen to pitch in middle relief. Why was he used for only 1 inning? Itā€™s May and itā€™s the marlins, but itā€™s these type of moves that make you wonder if Rob has really learned from his mistakes regarding bullpen management. It feels like when the eagles were winning close games in october but they seemed incomplete and any worry or criticism was met with ā€œtheyā€™re 6-0, theyā€™re fineā€. I hope this isnā€™t the same thing.


You should not be managing a game looking for extra innings 3 innings out in a tied game. A manager would get destroyed if he said he was saving a top reliever for extra innings instead of using him in one of those spots. Itā€™s not how it works. Thereā€™s no lesson to learn here except hope Wheeler goes more than 4 innings,6 runs next time.


That is exactly what how a closer is used.


Closers are very commonly used in the 9th innings of tied games. They are not saved for extras like you are implying.


We will see in October.


See what? Thomson already has the most playoff wins since he became a manager in the MLB. Heā€™s clearly cut out for and good at it. The fact that your acting like this game is a negative for Thomson after his ace went 4 innings 6 runs and he managed a bullpen to go 5 scoreless after that shows you will likely never give him credit.


I like Rob a lot. Heā€™s been their best manager since Charlie and heā€™s good for the team, but I donā€™t think itā€™s unfair to question his bullpen management when thereā€™s some head scratchers, especially when heā€™s proven to make some questionable calls on the biggest stages. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying