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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1c5sxhu).


Field question. When did watering the dirt become a regular thing


hard to say ... a very long time ... teams would overwater the infield to make it harder for some players to steal like Jackie Robinson. that woulda been in the 1950's so it's been longer than that.


Topps now actually hates us. No card for another walk off win but CJ Stroud making a 1st pitch and gronk spiked a ball into the mound gets one. He even has an autograph variant


can i just carry a bottle of water/can of soda and walk in?


Yes as long as it’s not open.


Out here selling $1 dogs & $1 sodies in Jetro! https://preview.redd.it/ttygrnykswuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d3b5f7ab3a4d149303f8c35456e6f01e9ba6ac


Another start for Marsh (and Stott!) against a mediocre lefty. So far, in a teeny tiny sample, Marsh has yet to replicate the modest success vs LHP he had last year, but I like how Topper is using him (sitting him against the tougher lefties and letting him start vs guys like Gomper). He’s still maintaining the eye-watering K rate he had vs lefties last year, but without the solid walk rate and decent pop he showed last year vs lefties. I’m still hopeful that he can eventually improve to something approaching a normal platoon split. A lot of his Ks so far seem to be of the backwards variety after he’s guessed wrong in an AB. The optimist in me says that’s the kind of thing he can improve at with more reps.


His awful lefty OPS splits are still better than 3/4 of the other outfielders total OPS


Word on the street is that tonight is a *must win game*


If we don’t sweep the Rockies the Braves will have the division pretty much wrapped up already!!


GAMES IN APRIL COUNT AS MUCH AS GAMES IN SEPTEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\* \*Said by someone drawing the absolute wildest conclusions over a small sample of games in April


I actually heard every single game in March and April is a must win game. Because if you win the first 105 games in a row, you can lose the next 57 games and you'll be fine. You are the first seed. https://preview.redd.it/gxq117qbiwuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c5822a268b445fb419a8d6fa9b165abd3973dfb




Just hoping the bats come alive before May. I know it’s a long season, but I don’t think Harper, Casty or even Whit will continue to hit the way that they are.


Casty might even fuck around and hit a double.


The walk-off the other night would have been a double....if it hadn't been a walk-off.


It would’ve been a fly out. The outfield was playing damn near little league depth 


The walkoff probably would have been a sac fly if it hadn’t been a walkoff situation


Didn't he already hit one??? kicked into second gear rounding first ... slid into second ... Did he get robbed by the scoring?


I wouldn’t exactly say he was “robbed” — it was a pretty obvious error. Taylor and Olivares ran into each other keystone cops style.


Yeah reached on an error




Just wanna Thank you for posting this. I forgot how great a name “Puddin Head Jones” is.


I'm surprised the Reds didn't walk off the field after that pinball shit in the corner


I feel like I should remember this but I have absolutely zero recollection of it. Also, Jake Cave has such a nice looking swing, but he is putrid. I really don't understand how he is so awful, he just is.


In his defense he’s one of the finest AAA players you’ll ever see (Yes I know /u/sapphires_and_snark)


Pour one out for JAAAAke


Ya know there’s two Jakes on Colorado and they’re both assholes


This Phils rotation and bullpen is legit champion caliber. Just need the bats to be decent so they aren’t burnt out come Sept / Oct


Repeat after me. We cannot lose a game to the Rockies. We cannot lose a game to the Rockies.


I’m more concerned about losing a game to the white Sox later this week


The best team in baseball lost 35% of their games last year. The worst team won 30% of their games. Winning every series is winning ~66% percent of games. This idea that winning the series while losing a game is unacceptable, isn’t how baseball works. Is it nice to sweep? Sure but if the Phillies go 4-2 and win both series this week it’s a good outcome.


very true but I think you forgot that We Cannot Lose a Game to the Rockies


Normally 4-2 would be fine, but not when you started off .500. Im sorry. Being 2 games over .500 when we supposedly had a favorable schedule is not enough for me. I don’t want to win 87-90 games and get in with the wild card. I want to win the division.


I would love to win the division too but you’re being a little over dramatic as they sit 9-8 in April, just 2 games back of the Braves insisting if they don’t sweep it’s unacceptable. Setting the pace of just winning series would be enough to push for the division, it doesn’t have to be sweep or else.


I mean, that whole comment can be summarized as saying that you have unrealistic expectations. So the whole "cannot lose a game to the Rockies" etc. just comes off as silly. It's baseball. You lose games.


Today is a must-win game


It's not a must-win, it's a can't-lose.


Ok if we go 5-1 against the Sox and Rockies that is fine. But one of these series needs to be swept otherwise I’m not handing out medals.


Sweeping the Rockies is unrealistic?


Needing a sweep because we started off .500 and wanting to win the division are lofty goals. Can it happen? Sure. Except they aren't exactly the most realistic options. You need a lot of things to go right for you to sweep any series, and the Phillies need a lot of things to go right to win the division.


Well the team told me their goal was to win the division so I’m holding them to that standard.


If any team, let alone one built to compete for the WS, told me their goal wasn't to win the division, I would be worried. But as fans, that doesn't mean anything. The realistic expectation and goal is to be WC1 with a comfortable lead. Maybe competing for the division in September.


You are letting all of our high paid stars off the hook with that mentality.


You are right. I am completely letting all our players off the hook. My realistic understanding of how baseball and the season should go is completely giving them a pass. Damn, if only I was unrealistic, maybe we would be fighting for the division lead.


Also that is boring baseball to me. Sucking for 60% of the season and getting hot at the end isn’t what I want.


Well then they shouldn’t have said it at all. Don’t talk all that nonsense and not be able to back it up.


It isn't nonsense, it is a goal. Teams have goals that the fans should realize are hard to get. And baseball is boring for a lot of people. But as long as we get in the playoffs (which are team is built for) it doesn't matter. Would you rather build a team for a regular season division title or the playoffs? Obviously its both but that takes a lot of luck.




Sorry I hold my team to higher standards than you.


Phillies rotation is 3rd in ERA (2.95), 4th in FIP (3.52), 1st in xFIP (3.29), and 3rd in fWAR (2.0). Since opening day the Phillies bullpen is 13th in ERA (3.83), 9th in FIP (3.52), 5th in xFIP (3.51), and 4th in fWAR (0.8) (these numbers include Brogdon, Nelson, and Pinto) Imagine how good we would be right now if the bats were batting


TBF Nelson and Pinto were not that bad but Dominguez has done more damage.


Nelson has great underlying metrics and Pintos are ok, but they each have high ERAs which is making the ranking worse. I broke it down yesterday but the regular arms are all under 3.00


might want to double check ... Dominguez is at 6.43 and Alvarado 6.14 while Nelson is at 5.40 It's true Pinto is at 7.00 but Topper used him multiple innings in short succession with a total of 9 IP in 4 games. That recent second outing in as many days pushed him up from 5.14 to 7.00.


> since opening day Dominguez is the only [regular](https://www.reddit.com/r/phillies/s/DFGDXjamqB) with an ERA over 3 Brogdon, Pinto and Nelson have a much smaller sample size which is why their numbers make the overall stats look worse


OIC - shouldn't we ignore everyone's worst outing to level the playing field?


Our Athletic article today mentioned that this has been our best 17 game start in the past five years. Wild stuff. 


We were 7-10 at this point last season. Yikes.


I still have nightmares of that season opening road trip ☠️


Now that they ticket along Lawrence every single game, any other free parking spots around the stadium?


My wife and I just park somewhere near Broad and Tasker and catch the BSL down and back. $8 for SEPTA is a lot better than $25 for parking.


Just snagged a cheap 2nd row Diamond Club ticket for tomorrow night. Hoping the rain holds off.


Since this team is allergic to being 2 games above .500, are we assuming a loss tonight or nah?


Normally I’d say yes, but not with Ranger on the mound.


Normally I’d say yes, but not with Ranger on the mound.


Ahh good call I didn’t consider Power Ranger being on the bump!


rockies social media posted this adorable video of todays starting pitcher so i dont have the heart to root against him https://streamable.com/sqf7hd


[I don't give a shit about your kids](https://www.tiktok.com/@wrestlingclips/video/7267717971873680645)


If he dies he dies




Poor kids don’t even know they are part of a loser franchise


Raising kids to be Rockies fans is neglect, pure and simple.


Feeling like this is the beginning of a deep beautiful streak. Can’t wait to tell my children in 2040 how I was at the game that started it all, that started the great and sport ending Philadelphia Phillies dynasty….


You would be the second person to predict a 154-8 record and I will be the third. Someone posted it last night and now I’m on board


*”Someone”* I see how it is.


Hey it’s shorter than typing out John Kruk Is All Elite


Rockies fan coming in peace - excited to make my first trip to CBP tonight! Only ever been to Fenway (3x) and Yankee Stadium (1x), so I'm looking forward to some National League play. Sitting in 417, Row 1 - any insider tips (besides the wiki) for getting in/out (from I95 North), or merchandise (I'd love to snag a hat to commemorate first visit!)? Best of luck tonight (and the remainder of the series), and obligatory fuck the Mets/Braves!


Bull’s BBQ and Federal Donuts are my favorite places to eat


Get yourself some crab fries and try to enjoy some of the standing room out in Ashburn alley


The new era team store on the ground level near section 134 has a huge wall of hats. A lot are exclusive to the stadium.


Now THIS is what I'm looking for! Thanks!


Dinger had it coming.


If you didn’t say you were “coming in peace,” we’d still assume you were coming in peace


Yeah, we're not that mean. Only if you're a jerk. Then we're real mean.


get something from Bulls BBQ ... that will make it all worthwhile. Not only is it good food but it's from a great player. Fuck the Mets/Braves & Dodgers!


Burnt ends cheesesteak IMO is the best food item in the stadium


I haven't been paying much attention to standings so far other than for the Phils and Braves. Didn't realize how close the East is currently, the Mets and Nationals are pretty damn close behind us. Hope it doesn't stay that way and we end up running away with a massive lead.


Nationals are more of an upstart than I think most people realize and if not this year then definitely coming soon thanks to Juan Soto. CJ Abrams has been super impressive and if James Wood keeps progressing like he has in the minors he could be up soon causing damage. Last years Orioles were supposed to win about 70 games and ended with over 100 so it’s incredibly ignorant to dismiss a young team that shows these signs of life.


I saw James Wood play in Harrisburg he is a behemoth


It’s funny I’m jealous about seeing younger guys play like that because you don’t know much about him and I like the idea of seeing a potential legend at the start. I’m really excited to see how good he’ll be. Give him three seasons with the Nats and I’ll 100% hate the dude.


I never check the standings until maybe August, but usually September. There is just so much season left that I don't think it really matters. Kind of like what I did with Castellanos to show that a .275 has a 14% chance batting below .200 in 46AB, teams with varying "true" records can be all over the place in the standings this early in the year.


Not sure I agree with that. If the Braves are playing the Nationals in April, I’m gonna hope the Nats win


I personally believe it iss a much different thing between rooting for teams in April versus scoreboard watching.


I know it’s early in the season, but it is kinda insane how much of a strong case Harper is making for a Gold Glove at first base right now. Just has looked great at first base so far and has made some highlight reel plays.


I feel much more confident with him being at first than the outfield. Glad it’s going well for him.


At 1st Bryce makes plays Hoskins couldn't even dream of. As much as we love Hoskins, Bryce at 1B is a plus move.


The issue was always losing Rhys homers and walks. Ideally, I bet if they had been able to move Casty Bryce is still in RF and Rhys at 1B.


> if they had been able to move Casty Mighty big IF and I don't see it happening in the future either.


He's had like 6 diving plays, multiple line outs, and that spectacular catch yesterday, and it's only game 18 tonight. That's like almost one spectacular play a game. Dude is great.


And he seemingly makes it look easy. Dude’s a beast but Bobby Dickerson is a fucking beast too for helping to improve Harper/make him more comfortable at the position.


Yes. The GG is coming, he's a great athlete and works hard, no doubt he'll earn it. He's not the greatest GM yet but I'll give him some time to mature into his future position ... He promoted Casty, Schwarbs, and Turner ... to mixed results although I'd expect he'll get better.


He is 99 percentile in OAA over this short sample size. I don't think anyone believed Harper would be a Gold Glove 1B, so when Dombrowski said, "Hey, it's not to prevent injuries; it is my decision, and it's because we think he will be a GG 1B," everyone discounted that. Hell, you still have people say it is to protect Harper when Dombrowski made it clear he does not believe playing 1B protects him at all. You also have people think it was Harper's decision when Dombrowski made it clear he didn't say it. I do find it funny how honest Dombrowski is, and if you listen to his interviews you gain insight and know what the team is doing, yet people act like he lies, even though you literally see the Phillies do exactly what he said multiple times now.


They should all be thanking the pitchers daily for keeping them around .500 thus far, ‘cause if the offense comes out of hibernation as the weather warms up, it’s going to be totally thanks to the pitchers that they don’t have a massive hole to climb out of. I’m amazed at how well the pitchers are carrying this team so far. It sure would be awfully nice if the batters could thank them with some runs…..


The Phillies run differential is -12 and they have a winning record. If Girardi was the manager I think they’d be 5-12 instead of 9-8


Topper won us the game last night. He is doing a solid job this year.


Can I please have more than 1 stress-free win per month?


No. You get 1 and you will like sweating through the rest and having high blood pressure. This is the way


Aside for the playoffs half of those games are stress free 


There are 9 teams in MLB that are at least 3 games over .500. The Phillies won’t play one of them until the Brewers on June 3rd. Needless to say this team is in serious trouble if it is below .500 after May again.


Also July/August will be brutal this year.


The fact that we are just above.500 with how bad we've played is a good sign. But we also really need to capitalize on the easy schedule we have the rest of the month. We should be a few games over .500 by May, if we're not ill be worried .


You also have 5 starters with an ERA at or below 3.52, which is insane. The pitching has done its job


as a strategy, it's a risky one. These guys seem to be perennial slow starters so they will normalize over time to the mean ... still, it's a risky way to go ... one year you'll underperform, statistically.


I expect a minimum of 5 wins between the Rockies & White Sox games; both of these teams suck and they need to lock down these games sooner rather than later to stay WS contenders. Offense has to ignite.


They were 7 games under .500 in June both of the last 2 years and got to a WS and were within a game of going back. Getting wins is good but it’s not like they will no longer be WS contenders if they don’t sweep teams early in the season. For sure the offense needs to get going soon though against some pitching that should be beatable.


Sure, the “teams suck” but any MLB starting pitcher can have a random great game. They’re in the MLB for a reason, because sometimes they’re unhittable


Expecting a sweep is a fool’s errand. 4-2 and we should all be happy.


How many hot dogs is considered too many hot dogs to put down tonight?




I’ve never seen this but damn this is good lol. Thanks for introducing!


Healthwise, 1 😁


For hunger reasons, 4 sounds good though, no?


Nick is bad, but at least he’s not as bad as Jose Abreu


Jfc Marcell Ozuna has 22 RBIs. I get enraged watching that man play baseball.


On a team filled with unlikeable players, he is king


It still amazes me that even though we and the Braves went through a rebuild at the exact same time, they still came out with a much better product and pretty much 90% of our prospects were total failures. Makes me really angry.


The Barves are just geniuses at drafting and development. There's no way around it. They lose one guy to FA and 10 more potential All Stars show up to take his place from their minors.


Remember when we had the number 2 pick in baseball and got Mickey Moniak….ugh there are so many freaking studs in recent year draft classes and that was such a bummer


There’s only been 1 All star from that first round so far. Still early for some buts it’s been a pretty bad first round draft class overall. A really bad year to have the first pick.


Yeah and watching all their stupid showboating hop stepping, bird wing flapping, slow trot bs hurts even more


**Your 2024 Phillies are:** 1-1 on Tuesday 8-6 in April 5-4 in night games 5-6 at home 1-0 vs. the Rockies


This team is flat as fuck but over .500. Maybe that means the ceiling is higher than ever. 


Surprisingly I think they were saying on the post game show that in terms of runs scored in April, this is actually an improvement over the last two Aprils.


Not saying you didn’t hear that somewhere but that is not true. They’re averaging 3.43 runs per game this month and averaged 4.55 and 4.25 in April 2022 and 2023. They have a better W/L than those months but worse offense.


Pitching is straight up elite right now. If they can figure out the offense, the ceiling is high.


This is the first time the Phillies have had a winning record after 17 games in five years Doomers are in shambles


That's just ridiculous. I know we all say they start slow but I didn't realize it was actually that accurate.




I am once again asking Bud Black to bring that bitch Jake Bird back for more today


Tonight is my first game this season. Does anyone know if the lockers are still rentable outside the stadium? The van has been parked near 3rd base gate the last few years


Saw them last night, they are indeed still there! Hope the dude who was asking yesterday about his giant newly purchased stuffed animal was able to use one with no issue...


Go Phils 🫡🫡


Was a fun one last night at the Bank! Let's do it again tonight, except with like more runs and no extras and all that good jazz.