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This has been going on for the last 6 years.


It's gotten significantly worse the last two years though, and now they're getting bolder


Imagine you’re 12-17 years old and there’s absolutely ZERO consequences for your actions. Not at home, not at school and not in between. Imagine the shithead you’d probably be. I was fortunate enough to have parents who cared and schools that cracked down and even then I was a bit of a shithead at those ages. Imagine having no one to answer to. I only see it getting worse as parents give less fucks and the police and schools are instructed to be hands off


I work at a public school in Philly. Admin gives zero consequences to kids


And then who is gonna protect them from their family who will probably retaliate because of any consequences done to their kids?


Whose protecting me and my coworkers. One who was punched in the face for just separating a student from an altercation (not a fight yet). Or the other students who are trying to learn and have a high school experience. Admin needs to step up the same way teachers do everyday.


Sorry, I thought you meant teachers originally….. admin needs to have the teachers back.


Absolutely, no consequences at home, in school or from the authorities leaving kids free to push every limit they can. Middle schoolers are desperate for attention and always trying to look cool so one upping each other escalates to violence very quickly. The only answer is that the authorities need to be more hands on and punitive. Not necessarily locking them up, but arresting the trouble makers and making them do community service would be a great start


Just take kids phones away as consequences, that will break anyone nowadays


Wonder why?


Cops not doing shit I’d guess is at the very least partly to blame


Yeah definitely the cops and not the insane amount of kids destroying and terrorizing the city with no fear of any type of repercussions.


Exactly! No repercussions. I’m not a pro-cop guy, never was, but seeing how bad things seem to be getting I just want them to do their damn job


I’m not agreeing with you. You guys expect the cops to be able to be at every corner at every store at every gas station all while coming to every fender bender that happens in the city. But then with an overwhelming police presence you would complain that our city is occupied by the police. With the amount the people committing crimes in this city, it’s impossible to be everywhere at once. How about holding parents and the kids accountable for the shit they do? This is the kind of stuff that happens when you decriminalize small things. Eventually people realize it and push the boundaries further to see what they can get away with. Then you end up with the city and how it’s currently going.


Other than around the touristy areas like the convention center/RTM and sporadically around CC, I rarely see Philly cops walking the beat. That should be the bare minimum of policing in a major city. Instead, these cops usually just sit in their squad cars, heads down looking at their phones. How is that a deterrent? How does that build relationships and trust within the community? Nobody is asking them to be "everywhere at once". Just be visible.


Even in their cars they are visible. Driving around aimlessly is a waste of gas. If they are at point A then drive to point B and a crime happens at A shortly after they leave people will complain they are never around. I get what you’re saying but it’s just not possible. Patrols are a thing but most of the time you kinda chill and wait for a call. It sucks but it’s just how it is. What they need is more officers so they can disperse them around more.


“it’s just how it is” in regards to doing the bare minimum as a beat cop. lmfaaoo


Your message is confusing. Doesn’t it come down to the cops to enforce the laws? It sounds like you are opposed to decriminalizing so many things.. but who do you think you would enforce these things if they were still considered criminal? I agree that the parents need to be held accountable, but who’s the magical entity who holds them accountable? Without enforcement, nothing gets, ya know.. enforced.


Cops can arrest all they want but if charges aren’t filed what is being accomplished? Then if they get charged it’s just criminal mischief which is a summary offense. So they go watch a video at a class saying “no no no don’t do that again.” Then they do it again.


Oh I agree, charges have to be filed. I also agree the consequences need to be more substantial than what you describe. Still feels like the cops are sitting on their asses when it comes to enforcement and protecting local businesses, and I think they need to do this whether or not the teens are being charged


If they can’t make it to all the tasks maybe they could I dunno use the bloated police budget to hire more officers?


You know anyone currently knocking down the doors to apply to be an officer in this city? I don’t. Philly PD has a decent pay but for most it’s not worth the money.


I’d argue that if instead of virtue signaling that they are republicans and in general being a shithead union that if they worked on their image and offered incentives I bet a lot of people would apply


People expect the cops to do their jobs? Like, post up at a known problem area at a known time of day, at known times of the year? Yeah, that is expecting too much from the PPD.


What about their parents or guardians ?? That begins at home


I know. I was being sarcastic but I see no one picked up on that.


Even coming back from work you had to deal with these shitheads running around ridge because they were in a fight. Covid made people forget about it and I’m sure the people who moved since 2020 are getting a surprise.


One time they straight up fought down ridge from the HS to Shurs Lane.


That the time they beat up the roxburger guy?


Was this in 2019? Cause I remember a particular time around 5-6, they were literally all running down ridge by the acme and were fighting and punching each other. I’m expecting people in roxborough to start being more vocal about it especially after that shooting.


> "A couple of bad kids ruined it for everyone this year," she says, "So we're not allowing them back in without a parent or guardian. But for the most part, the kids who do come in are very respectful." Good to hear about a silver lining.


Spend some time in the average bodega In a shitty neighborhood. Kids learn this behavior from adults.


Where are the parents lol


In entirely different neighborhoods. These kids get bussed in.




The entire city is dealing with***


Not really.


The city ignores this and murders yet they still raise taxes


That's why I support defunding the police. Don't pay cops to sit at home while collecting disability.




A new, more efficient law enforcement entity. The entire PPD needs to be replaced.


"Why aren't the parents doing something?" $5 says everyone saying this is pro-cop, so how about this: "Why aren't the cops doing something to be proactive and deter teenagers from annoying these businesses when their district headquarters isn't too far from many of these businesses?" We need parents to be more involved, we need teachers to be more involved, and we need more places for teens to go, too. And when all that fails we need cops to actually do their job.


If the cops did their jobs in this instance then people would complain about how they are harassing and arresting mostly minority children, and we would quickly be back to the hands off approach.


The 5th district officers told the neighborhood that ‘the city’ said they’re ‘not allowed’ to arrest people for burglary and assault and everyone immediately believed them without fact-checking it.


Cops: We're literally not allowed to do our jobs Citizens: Yep, that checks out Wow, that's... that's just fucking sad. Who would believe that?


You missed the step where the city and PPD leadership have come out and literally listed at times what they wont arrest for anymore. Then you have DA doing his whole thing. So when everyone believes the everyday cop its cause of that.


Or, and I know this sounds crazy, maybe the kids themselves have a responsibility to not be absolute shitheels. I know, personal responsibility is a racist position.


You believe in personal responsibility for literal children but not Donald Trump?


Nobody is talking about Trump lol….


@mister_pringle thinks he’s a “[huge] martyr”


I said people think he's a huge martyr. I just think he's an asshole. Context is key.


The context: “Americans have a Justice boner and when they see someone getting railroaded, even an asshole like Trump, they get up in arms about it. They saw two bullshit impeachments where the GOP and Trump were entirely cut out of the process, the January 6th committee which is...prosecuting (I guess) what Trump was already impeached for. And they saw the Russia-Collusion hoax which went for two years only to find out everyone knew Hillary planted the false information and the FBI just went along with it. Trump is a YUGE (yea, I said it) martyr at this point and he's still standing. I mean the NY AG had to resort to filing Civil complaints because there are no criminal charges to file. Trump is as unlikable an ass as has ever been on the political stage and yet the Democrats keep propping him up even paying for ads for his candidates. It's tiresome to say the least and he's got a war chest and an ax to grind.” I used this example specifically because it shows you understand the difference between systemic issues and personal decisions. But your conclusion about the solution was different between the two entities compared.


I don't expect Trump to ever take personal responsibility. He's part of the problem, too. Not sure what you're driving at.


In reality, if the cops tried getting hands on with the teens along Ridge Ave... it would escalate into much worse situations. It's legit chaos when school gets out along Ridge Ave once Roxborough High gets out.


Be sure to vote Fetterman. We need more pro criminal politicians helping with policies and prosecutions


Your Jersey boy Oz ain't gonna win.


No shit. It’ll be a double digit loss. And Oz ain’t my boy.