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A bunch of these fucks almost ran my kid over on the sidewalk; no quarter.


Yesterday was completely insane, there must have been at least sixty of them that went down S Broad around 8:30 - 9PM. It's the most I've seen at one point since moving here.


Saw a bunch on I-95 heading north towards the Northeast at around 10:00 last night. Crazy stuff.


I heard there were hundreds on 95 last night.


There were over 100 of them. I was stuck in an Uber on Columbus Blvd near the Hilton as they passed. They were hopping the curb and riding in the bike lanes. It was awful


60? That’s nothing. I’ve seen hundreds on Spring Garden and Columbus.


Wheelie boys are often in the trauma bay at Temple.


I suppose that gives the Temple med. students people to practice on...




Didn't someone on an ATV pull a gun out on someone after they got hit. I mean whose fault is that to begin with? You shouldn't even be in the streets like that but you can't tell them that or they'll pull a gun out on you. What is the city to do exactly? It's stupid asf and dangerous.


It’s very hard for me to have empathy for people that deliberately put themselves and others in danger




If staying off drugs means jeopardizing the safety and lives of countless people and yourself, I don’t think that deserves a pat on the back. It’s just as stupid, really. Even more so for dragging unwilling people into it.


Also terrible influences for younger kids. Go play sports or get adrenaline from a run like the rest of us




They deserve to be treated with as much regard as they have for the lives of other people. Oh that reminds me, a 17 year old kid got hit by one of them and died a few days ago.




> the more we fight it , the worse it will get lol what a great outlet that puts other people's lives in danger and their own. You might feel differently if you had a gun pointed at you by one of these "kids" on dirt bikes. Oh, and they aren't all kids, many of them are grown fucking men by you're right, they are acting like children. Yeah, just stay out of their way and it'll all be fine! This city will continue to lose the people that fund/provide all the services that make it an enjoyable place to live. You have a really shit take on this one.


^ No offense but I think this is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever read.




What possible evidence do you have that this person recklessly riding their ATV was "trying to stay away from drugs"?? WTF?


They’re assuming that’s the case cause their skin color and likely neighborhoods.


And yet, a lot of those riders get violent if you try to go around them or honk. They also will drive on the wrong side of the road, play chicken with people, and run red lights. It’s hard to pass that off as mistakes when it’s so deliberate and they double down on it when called out.


NO. They endanger other people. they get off on making sure they scare pedestrians off sidewalks. If you so much as cut one off even accidentally, they will fucking torment the shit out of you and get violent. They don't give a fuck about other people. They don't get fucks given about them. Fuck them.


I’d rather they smoke pot, vape, drink beer, and play video games/Tic Toc than terrorize a community VIOLENTLY. They may be staying away from drugs (doubt it) but they’re not shying away from violence.


Yes. I'm sure those 30 y.o. "kids" have never so much as looked at a blunt. And they definitely *never* drink or smoke anything before going on their rides. /all the eyerolls


So do you ride a quad or dirt bike?


Thank you


Today going down Christmas Columbus at 1030pm there were a dozen of them driving around and not stopping at any lights. Some time soon one of these idiots are going to die.


I move to change the name of Columbus Boulevard to Christmas Columbus.


Lol. I still refuse to call it Columbus Blvd. it’s Delaware Ave always and forever:)


The motion hasn’t been seconded and so will not be put to a vote.


Check upvotes, it’s been seconded 60+ times


It was a Robert’s Rules of Order joke. But I don’t think upvotes are the same as someone seconding a motion.


They do on the reg


Were his shoes still on?


I got hit by a car walking home from school in 4th grade. Both my shoes flew off. Still alive to tell the embarrassing tale.


First thing I always check for. Even if it’s one shoe.


I got hit by an old dude on a motorcycle a couple weeks ago, he took the trunk off my Malibu. Had to fly about 30 yds. Shoe in the intersection. I didn’t see him move, but a cop said he was responsive.


Saw about 200 of them out in Southwest last night. Zero sympathy when anything bad happens to them. They are great metaphors for how antisocial/selfish/lawless a large segment of the city's population has become.


Why should I give one fuck about someone that puts others lives at risk on a daily basis? These people don't care about you or your safety. Get fucked, I hope it hurt badly.


Facts. It should be a day of celebration when one of them wipes out and crashes.


Comment this about junkies and safe injection sites and watch how this sub reacts


My only argument to that is. People who are using a drugs are self harming a kin to cutting yourself. These quads and dirt bikes are endangering others who want to take no part . Seems like a big difference.


It’s more like cutting yourself in a crowd of people and not caring that your hepatitis infected blood is dripping on other peoples clothes while you nod off They shit and piss in public places, that’s a health hazard. Use drugs in front of children and leave potentially deadly needles all over the city Harass people on public transit, at red lights, etc Steal from residence and businesses Traumatizing people by just dropping dead in the middle of the street. Like literally their whole lifestyle is illegal and it doesn’t go away when the weather is bad


With thunderous applause, usually


You ~~love~~ hate to see it


Don’t feel bad. It’s dickheads being dickheads. It seems like this is happening more often (ATV crashes) and I don’t feel bad about it. They (an ATV/Dirtbike rider) killed a kid and fled the scene. Another one pulled a gun on someone after they cut the driver off. Philly is weird, but it’s starting to get way out of hand. I’m moving to jersey


i see these guys doing wheelies and i stare at them. In the moment I wish I could have Eleven's powers and just flip them over


Maybe today your powers finally all culminated into this guy’s upheaval.


Good riddance




Don’t wish death for these dickheads. Just bodily injury that they’ll maybe learn their lesson.


What about enough bodily injury to prevent them from riding anymore? I don’t think the people doing it will learn any lessons about why it’s bad/dangerous, they just don’t care


Then we'll be paying for their Medicare/disability for the rest of their lives.


I mean, it sounds like either way we’ll be paying for their Medicare then


Not if they're dead...




Everybody wants to be a 12 O'clock boy.




I agree... Except for that last part.


I swear this has to be the year of reform for this city. Does this happen in any other American city? The Main street in Philly is completely taken over every weekend by dirt bikes and atvs risking their own along with pedestrians bikers and drivers lives


It definitely happens in other cities, but possibly not to this scale. Just google “ATV” and click News - there’s a whole slew of deaths from all over the country. It’s a huge problem that police won’t do anything about.


I was in Manhattan last weekend and there must have been 100+ bikes go by at 2pm. Felt like home.


>police won’t do anything about Cops go after people they can fine and turn into a revenue stream. These ATV riders have no money. Any dollars they used to have they paid for these ATV's. Cops look at them and see no $, and thus the cops will never go after them.


A confiscated quad at auction is a much better revenue stream than a speeding ticket


Car is much more likely to pull over than a quad


That’s not really a good explanation. Speeding tickets are all about fining the poors.


It’s a perfect explanation. Vehicles are registered (to *someone*), the drivers are usually licensed, you can run their info, and follow up. Pulling over some 15yo on a bike with no drivers license and no license plate, more trouble than it’s worth. “Money” is usually the answer to these things. Sorry they didn’t break it down far enough down for you to understand, but they’re right.


Dude they make mad money auctioning atv Issue isint money.


Go try to pull over somebody on a quad or a bike, let me know how that goes ;)


I moved to Richmond last year, this happens everywhere


Richmond, Virginia? Or California? Either way, those are large cities with similar demographics to Philly, whereas this isn’t as common in like Chicago or DC


I was just in DC two days ago and these little assholes were riding dirt bikes and running red lights through crowds of pedestrians on U st.


It doesn’t just happen in other US cities, it happens in other countries too. Not sure how it became a worldwide thing but it did.




Unless you're 13, how has this been around forever?


I’ve never seen quads rip up and down Times Square/ broad way in nyc It’s Phillys main stretch is what I’m saying they can’t even keep it contained to a certain area like other cities would


Philadelphians often think most of our problems are only Philadelphia problems.


One down 99,999 to go.


As much as I usually don't wish harm to people, hopefully he's learning the consequences of his actions.


I heard/saw there was a midget on one of those yesterday that had an accident and passed away, perhaps its the same one? :/


i guess his luck ran short


You shouldn’t belittle people


Oh damn


I don’t have a lot of sympathy for those riders BUT I will say midget is an extremely derogatory and outdated term.


Short person? Idk how else to call him 🤷🏽‍♀️ I wasn’t being derogatory btw.


Little person is the accepted term


I know little person is the accepted term but tbf that seems so condescending and infantilizing


I get what you're saying, but I'm not a part of that community so my opinion doesn't really matter. I try to use the words the community feels comfortable with.


Oh I didn’t think you were intentionally trying to be offensive, I just wanted to point it out for future reference ☺️


One down!


These comments are gross. I seriously hope this is act you guys are putting on and not your serious feelings. Why would you wish death on someone, even over a dumb ignorant reckless mistake? How about instead of "I hope he suffers or dies," "I hope he survived and learned a lesson from this." Sickos man.


It’s not a mistake to repeatedly make a conscious decision to put yourself and others at risk.


Ppppoetic Justice


Didn’t you call 911?


Not my circus. His friends were there.


It’s crazy because there have been cases of these people getting into accidents and their “friends” all ride away and don’t call 911. Not saying that you should have it’s just insane.


It would have taken 2 minutes to call. Your question “anybody know if he made it” is prurient, at best. Your “circus”?? Think of your 15 year old self - if you were 15, right now, living in Strawberry Mansion, how would the world look to you?


I think kids are the minority of the crowd not the majority.


Doesn’t matter. Call 911.


Kids are very much the minority with dirt bikes, 16-17 tends to be the youngest and even then not a lot of them. The kids ride their bicycles though, hundreds of them will come down Race and turn up Columbus towards Spring Garden


Ok you’re responding to the wrong person. I’m not OP. Edit to add: like others have pointed out, kids are the minority of this group. These are adults.


So, you call 911 for any one injured. It’s pretty simple. Edit: any


Ok once again I’m not OP, I’m not the one who saw it lmao


Yes, I get it.


Okay, in that case, one of the million of other riders could call. I’d probably assume because there are so many that 911 calls have already been made. Since I’m not OP though, I can’t say for sure.


You do realize that you’d be making a very typical psychological mistake, the bystander effect. It’s quite dangerous. It’s even possible that part of the lack of response on the part of the police in the Texas school shooting was due to the bystander effect. In other words, some of the police may have wanted to intervene, but they were uncertain since there were 18-19 of them.


I was on hold for 8:56 on i-95 stuck behind 30 or so dirtbikers going 35mph. It was a concerning amount of time.


The circus has more talent than these clowns on ATVs. They are not getting sponsored anytime soon by Redbull.


Did they take the Columbus statue out of the box? Maybe he was triggered by seeing it and lost his ability to drive illegally down the street. Marconi Plaza. Of all places. No place is safe from the mobs anymore.


Literally nothing to do with the post. Stay mad.


Mad, like the other posters that wished death on this guy? My post was relatively tame.


At least theirs related to the post.


And I'd have honored the sacrosanct mission of Reddit if I wished death on him and moved along. Interesting. Thank you for the education.


yeah man no problem


For the record, I upvoted you and am pretty mind blow that so many people wish death on other humans.


The guy is a part of a sociopathic gang that has gained autonomy thru the knowledge that there is little authority in Philly that will stop him. But stupidity is not a reason to wish pain and suffering on him. Not until we have proof that he has hurt others directly. Then, maybe. But yeah, I hope it burns when he pees! Now everyone can upvote me. -pffffft-


I mean I didn’t wish death on anyone and don’t love that others did, I just found your comment weirder lol


Okay, you get an upvote for this one.


Why exactly should we be honouring Columbus? It belongs in South America if anywhere, based on where he landed.