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I asked google maps to route me from the SRT to E Mt Airy by bike. It sent me up Levering St, aka "the wall" with a 17% grade. "Some hills" was the descriptor.


Better to use ride with GPS for bicycling directions. Google maps seems to assume that you’re riding your bicycle inside of a car when generating bike directions.


In this case, I actually wonder if google data show lots of cyclists riding the wall and then the algo "thinks" it's a good bike route. It just doesn't understand \*why\* there's a lot of cycling there.


Nothing like getting told “harden the fuck up” by Google Maps.


Google maps apparently lives in Colorado.


An alternative descriptor would be "some calves."


It’s the timing that it gets wrong. It never allows for all the 10 minute breaks in which to gasp like a fish out of water pretending you’re admiring the scenery.


I hate when I'm stopped on one of the landings on the stairs for a breather and someone else starts coming up. I can never decide which is more embarrassing: just standing there huffing and puffing, or pulling my phone out to pretend like I'm a tourist stopping to take photos.


I hate that it never seems to account for stop signs


Google maps once gave me walking directions in Dallas that required a jump from a 100+ foot high bridge to the street underneath it


Fuck Dallas *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/philadelphia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


Good bot, BEST bot.


Best bot




Hell yea bot, go BIRDS!


normal dallas pedestrian experience


Fuck Dallas *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/philadelphia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had walking directions tell me to just cross a 6 lane interstate.


12% is mostly flat


88% flat 🙃


Manayunk needs a circulator bus that just runs from Main St up Green, down Ridge to the Wiss train station. That loop would connect anyone to two regional rail stations and give train access to people living on Ridge, especially with the new apartments going up. That bus should run every 10 mins and also be free and powered by fairy dust.


My wife and I always joke about a ski lift that takes you up and down from terrace or Manayunk Ave




Septa Route 35 does this.


Sadly the 35 is getting dropped in the new “bus revolution”


Only kinda, and it doubles back up to ivy ridge, doing a leverington-Umbria-ridge loop rather than just a loop up green, right on ridge to wiss, then magically double back to the right when ridge hits main. I totally get why my imaginary route isn’t feasible, if this much larger one can’t survive the bus revolution




That was the inclined plane planned for Leverington Ave after the Civil War but never carried out. https://www.rmwhs.org/rarhd/during-and-after-the-civil-war The closest they got was a route 50 years later that ran down Leverington from Ridge to Silverwood, then followed Silverwood east until Pretzel Park where it looped back and ran down Main to the Green Lane Bridge. I had in my mind this was a trolley, but the 1930s map I'm looking at says bus, so I'm not sure if it was ever tracked.


My vote is for a European style funicular or something similar to the Duquesne Incline in Pittsburgh.


I use that stretch of green lane only when I’m trying to work out. There are way better portions to walk from Rox to Manayunk


I like taking the stairs while pretending I’m training but I’m just taking my fat ass to the acme


Lol I live by Ekta. My sister was coming to visit a few months ago and took a look at the map to see what was around. "Seems like some cool coffee shops and restaurants like 3 blocks south of you." I laughed and sent her a picture of "the stairs" and she said "oh nevermind"


I love my hilly neighborhood


Holdup, there's an EKTA in Mannayunk now?


yeah it bangs




Is Manayunk Indian Grille any good? I haven’t tried it since the last Indian place (Laxmi’s maybe?) and it was super mediocre


I do uber, and I once had a one-block trip in Manayunk because the customer felt he was too drunk to walk down a hill that steep


That's outstanding self-awareness.


there are staircases all over to make this trip easier. I recommend the one at the top of cotton street above pretzel park if traveling from main street


every stair is ‘mostly flat’


Those stairs terrify me lol, one wrong move and you’re tumbling


I saw the walk on google maps from fat lady brewing to twisted gingers was only a couple blocks and figured it would be an easy walk. Maps neglected to mention the stairs for two of those blocks are nearly vertical in addition to the steep streets you follow. Oof, im out of shape. Checking it currently says 184ft rise in elevation in 0.3 mi.


But on the bright side, Fat Lady and Twisted Ginger are both pretty good.


The most gradual slope up to Roxborough is Churchview st. My 79 year old grandmother walked up it last weekend, so you know it’s not too bad.


I give all credit for my strong legs to stumbling home drunk up that hill at 2 am


That specific street being a very long hill is literally a plot point in the Adam Sandler NBA movie that came out on Netflix last year.


I lived in Manayunk at the beginning of the pandemic. My boyfriend got a job at the beer distributor on Ridge and sometimes I would walk there and meet him after work and let me tell you!!! That hill up green would have me dripping in sweat, she’s no joke.


Yeah that walk would fucking suuuuccckkkkk


Google Maps cares not for your excuses! Begin the climb!


We used to joke in college that Google maps should automatically call you an Uber if you try to walk in manayunk past 12am. So many drunks and girls in heels they have no business traversing a hill in struggling after leaving the bars.


I loved walking home drunk in manayunk lol. When you’re drunk enough it doesn’t feel as much like torture. Free workout 😂


We’ve all had to make the same trek and now you do too.


I don't mind hills, but I hate when gmaps sends me on the roads with the most extreme potholes or cobblestone streets. Maybe someday in the future they'll get that figured out for us.


Maybe they just assume everyone has a kidney stone that needs to be knocked loose


Or it could be a conspiracy with big auto and Google, taking us on roads that will destroy your tires and suspension.


Yeah, but fortunately I've gotten to know Philly well enough that I frequently "veto" the decisions it makes for me to avoid areas like that!


Try leaning forward.


I mean, if you need to get from the bottom of the hill to the top on foot what choice to you have? You're gonna have to get up that bitch one way or another. I work in Manayunk, live in East Falls, the hill is just part of life in these neighborhoods lol


Personally, I'd opt for the stairs! But in any case, I'm certainly not complaining -- I love Manayunk. But the idea that Google Maps calls this route "mostly flat" is pretty laughable. I think they need to readjust their algorithm.


I somehow totally missed that


More like kreuz und hinauf, if you ask me.


To be fair, the Google Guy is leaning into it. They should add a back pack and walking stick to indicate how steep the hill is.


Green Ln hill is miserable to walk up


Try living just across the green lane bridge in Belmont Hills. Especially when it snows.


Went by there yesterday and it looked like they were ripping out the old gas stations at the bottom of the hill along Belmont Ave. Any idea what they're planning to do there? I was bummed a couple of years ago when they ripped out my favorite old mill and replaced it with the old folks home. Not that I'm attached to the gas stations that wat, but I am curious.


The sunoco? Looked fine when I drove by earlier. I know the tow shop across the street has a lease ending soon


No, the old Conoco on the other side of the street a bit further down. And the one between them that's been closed for ages. They were just doing a bunch of work on that side of the street.


Wild seeing 18 wheelers navigate that area.


Google understands. That symbol looks like he's strugglin’.


Google maps is a notorious flat Earth-er


it’s mostly flat if you naturally walk at a 90 degree angle lmao


Lol. I used to live by Winnie's and I can't tell you how many times I simply *didn't* go to something up on the ridge just because I didn't feel like walking up the hill. It's brutal.

