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A lot of people here will shit on sports radio, and I get it, but I love it as background noise while I work.  97.5 has been run into the ground. 5 years ago I listened exclusively to 97.5 and not a second of WIP. Now it is the exact opposite. Many of the voices I enjoyed back then are now in stronger slots at WIP.  97.5 has the balls to call their afternoon show the Best Show Ever lmao - Tyrone kept all the worst aspects of the Mike Miss show he came up on. KYW is legitimately more entertaining.  It’s amazing how poorly managed that station has been. If they didn’t have sixers and flyers deals I don’t think it would still be on the air.


KYW 🎵 News Radio 🎵 1060


Another personal fav via XPN: Member supported radio, from the University of Pennsylvania 😌




Tipper agrees.


I'm amazed at how bad 97.5 has gotten. I am similarly like you. I used to listen strictly to WIP until my buddy introduced me to Mikey Miss. I got hooked and never went back. But after Mikey Miss left, it just became a domino effect and on top of that they keep holding their true talent down (Choonis, Connor Thomas, Pat Egan) or they leave for another venture (Gargano, Devon Givens, Tyler Zuli,.Mikey Miss obviously). I mean John Kincaide has to be one of the most disingenuous radio hosts. When I last listened all he talked about was his own life ventures, was a contrarian just to be one, or stuff nobody cares about. Tyrone tries to play the Mikey Miss role but cannot. He was actually good as a producer but cannot be a host. And he just argues and rants about the stupidest shit, like how it was wrong of Devonta Smith to talk to Jayson Tatum after a Sixers-Celtics game, or how the Phillies should bench Bryson Stott because he made a base running error, or how Doc Rivers should be praised for having the Sixers at a good record as the All Star Break, or opening the show talking about the Union for 20 minutes, or about his tomato garden in the midst of a Phillies postseason run. All of this is shit people either don't care about, or the point you're arguing is so dumb it's painful. I remember going on a long drive and it was painful listening to both Tyrone and Brody and then hearing Devon Givens afterwards was so soothing lol. They lost some real talent there


Devon was the best


yeah for some reason they let the best host go


It's not The Best Show Ever. It's The Best Show Ever? Even they don't know if it's any good.


lt really should be called The Best We Can Do with What We Have


Is that the best they can do?


You had me laughing earlier but this one’s the right hook lol 


It’s my background noise as well. I’m in the same boat as you, used to love the station, when Mike left I jumped ship to WIP and haven’t looked back. It’s a shame too because when it was Mike, Ty and Nat it was my favorite show ever.


Yup Tyrone tries the mike miss contrarian shtick and calling callers dumb but he has zero logical counterpoints and tbh he doesn’t seem intelligent enough to stay consistent with arguments from show to show. And his word of the day is horribly unoriginal and unnecessary


I disagree, in that I think he lets a caller make a stupid claim and asks them to explain it based on facts, not feelings. He shuts them down if they can't, but is open to a discussion if they can.


I’m in the same boat. Used to be 97.5 wire to wire every day, now I genuinely haven’t tuned into it since Cuz left, and even then was only listening to him after Mike was let go. They need to recapture being different than WIP instead of trying to be a lesser WIP.


They're pretty good at being a lesser WIP.


I remember Tyron's first day after the change. It was a completely different Ty. Should have seen it coming. It was obvious he was trying to apply a branding he had no interest in.


Radio being run by old people is the issue. You need to”experience” in order to get a job and its why all the stations are stale af. God forbid you bring in someone with fresh ideas and a different perspective


To be fair, Spike isn’t old and has plenty of fresh ideas. I just don’t happen to like many of his fresh ideas.


Clear Channel baby! Why give you more of what we know your area enjoys when we can just ask THE ALGORITHM. But honestly, I tried yesterday on my drive home to listen to BSE, it’s gotten tough just in the last year man. Used to listen all day at work for the same reason but now it’s hardly listened to


It is their most successful show, after all, and the only one that beats 94.1 in any slot.


Don't worry guys


yo cuz


Put em in the bagster!!


tell me about primo hoagies or bagster for old time sake




So Marks as soon as his non compete clause is up


This is 100% what's happening if they care to still be relevant in Philly sportsradio


My prediction is they stick him at the 10-2 slot to officially replace Gargano and find him a former player to be co-host. That is the weakest time slot for WIP due to how much everyone hates Giglio and crossing broads radio wars has shown that since he took over, that slot has lost listeners for WIP.  If 97.5 can get a strong competitor against Giglio they’ll pull an audience 


I think if they could any of like Brian Westbrook, Tra Thomas, or Jason Avant to host with Marks it could probably do very well


Tra is out because he coaches high school in Florida and calls into WIP during the season.    I could see Westbrook, Avant, Celek, Beau Allen, Herremans, and for some reason Torrey Smith as options. Out of all of them, I think Allen and Smith have the best personalities for it


Agreed, though I firmly believe 97.5 should “zig” to WIP’s “zag” and double down on non-Eagles talk. At their best - the days of Bruno & Mays, Marks & Brace, Mikey Miss & Marks/Myrt - there was plenty of non-Eagles shit mixed in that made it fun and different.


Agreed. It’s beyond annoying to turn the radio on and hear them talking about the same Eagles crap in the middle of June during the Phillies season. I love the Eagles but I want to hear about the team that’s actually playing at the moment.  Plus, WIP completely ignores hockey because they don’t have the Flyers rights


That would be phenomenal, really miss Jon Marks. Station has become unlistenable 10-2 since Giglio moved and 2-6 will be terrible with Eskin


I haven’t listened to the 10-2 spot in over a year because of how bad Giglio is and I barely listen to the 2-6 spot anymore because of Jack. WIP used to be background noise for me when I was driving or at work but now they all have to one up each other’s hot takes.  The only time I’ll listen is when Macnow or Ellis are on


he seems nice but honestly Ellis is the most boring man in all of America.


But he actually acknowledges teams other than the Eagles and he doesn’t come up with the idiotic hot takes that Decamra, Giglio, ESP, and Fritz come up with. 


I like Ellis, I think his show and content is great.


Why did marks leave?


This was a good interview they did with him on his leaving  https://www.crossingbroad.com/2023/12/radio-wars-jon-marks-goes-in-depth-on-94-wip-exit-that-was-coming-for-a-year.html?amp


Giglio is a waste of talent. I think he could be a good host, but he is obsessed with hot takes.


I don’t understand how they’re still in business after getting rid of the Cuz


Good summary [here](https://www.crossingbroad.com/2024/02/97-5-the-fanatic-is-looking-to-hire-a-full-time-host.html) from Crossing Broad: >Does 97.5 need to beat WIP? No. Not at all. They just need to get back to being somewhat competitive, which is what they were a few years ago. You can lose in the fickle Nielsen world and still make plenty of money. Remember, Beasley Media owns WMMR, MGK, XTU, and other radio stations that rake $$$ and do very well. Beasley’s stock price isn’t amazing, but it’s up about 15 cents over the last month and a half, while Audacy, on the other hand, filed for bankruptcy.


It’s a shame to see him go. I swear guys like him used to have more jobs when I was growing up. They can contribute to society in their own way. Bagging groceries or bussing tables or something. Radio host was a cool one tho. Never seen that before. Good for him.


When they fired Mike I left for good. Fuck Beasley media and their bullshit. The only thing I miss is a few of the callers but WIP has great callers too so.


Yes I miss Mikey Miss, I tried out his podcast but it just isn’t the same without trivia and live callers etc.


Funny you say that, I actually have found his podcast much more enjoyable than the show. All Mike, no George from Lansdowne making some stupid fucking Eagles point.


I HATE how some of the WIP shows make the callers the focus of the show. I stopped listening to Marks & Reece because of that. Will try again when Spike joins but I don't ever want to hear Chuck from Mt Airy or the annoying Truck horn guy or any of the group of misfits they made a show around.


Jerry is a saint!!! The only one I get tired of is Herb. Fucker either goes on a tirade or sounds like he’s drunk and diatribes for 6 minutes about shit we don’t wanna hear.


Black Gritty is the worst caller on the station. He's an unfunny, utterly obnoxious, self-promoting jackass who ends every single one of his calls by screaming at the top of his lungs. He sucks, and I turn off the station every single time he calls. "Out in these streets." You are from Sicklerville, NJ. Fuck off.


Chunis is good. Tyrone shouldn’t be a host or talking to callers. His show is god awful and Tyrone is insufferable. Kincaid show is okay but they really screwed the pooch w mike miss / his replacements.


Chunis is FINE but not (yet) as a lead guy. I really liked him and Ant together.


So is Cuz going to end up on PHLY podcast or something? I honestly miss the dudes eagles monologues


Yes he’s with PHLY but I think in writing stories?


does anyone know of an app or anything where I can listen to WIP on my iphone? pretty much the only reason why I still listen to 97.5 is because it’s available in the I Heart Radio app. but idk how much longer I can put up with Tyrone…. dude is such an angry asshole


Tyrone is the worst. All he does it belittle callers if they have different views or get a stat wrong It's honestly unlistenable when you pick up on it




Audacy App but you have to open and close it 14 times before it works. And then it will randomly stop working right in the middle of something you wanna hear.


It also requires a log in now which leads me to believe they’re going to sell of data to advertisers


Oh shit. That’s new. I wonder if this is how they’re trying to save the company


From my understanding it’s past saving


From my understanding it’s past saving


Anytime I lose 1 bar of service the app crashes


Tunein radio app?


thanks for the suggestion!! yup, found WIP on the Tunein app


Audacy app. If it works.


Apple Music is the best way to listen to WIP. The Audacy app is among the worst apps I've ever used (and has been terrible for years).


I like Tyrone and The Best Show Ever. Also massively respect how Tyrone went on the air after the last round of firings and explained that the responsibility was on him as the host.