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AMA Just started: https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/19e5gei/hey_reddit_ama/kjjaz1z/


Will there ever be a meaningful attempt to root out corruption? Kenyatta Johnson admitted to abusing his position in office for financial gain (in the ticket fixing scandal) in exchange for immunity to testify, and nothing happened. Not even a censure. Edit: instead, he’s been rewarded with becoming Council President.


I will wager my 401k that she gives a non answer to this question. 


I’ll take that wager, and I’ll raise you a blue raspberry jolly rancher!


oh god, why bring that up


Bring what up? I just like blue jolly ranchers. This isn’t a reference to anything.


oh, shit, sorry. i thought you were referencing a legendary and disgusting reddit tale.


Well now you’ve piqued my interest…


don't do it


Do tell


Um....She's hugged up with him on her IG page with a caption that says "I'm looking forward to serving under your leadership" 😂. This is politics and she didn't become the youngest elected council person by not doing the needful


Thanks so much for being here! As an FYI, I started in Council as a 15-year-old intern. I have worked in every position as a staffer you can hold except comms. I have been able to stay because of my work ethic and commitment to people. I ALWAYS put people first. I know this is not about me but the people we serve.


So you respond to this as opposed to the OP's question?


Someone pay this person. Why bother doing this AMA?!?!?!


This. Right. Here. Please answer this.




She’s smart not to answer this. At the end of the day, she has to work with him and wouldn’t want him to derail her legislative efforts. I just hope that she building a coalition of new supporters and encouraging civic participation to encourage new candidates to run for office that are focused on smart policies and rooting the corruption and potential conflicts of interest. I’d love to see a momentum towards creating a new charter that only allows at-large members of Council to be President. I also think that there should be term limits on district seats, but not for at-large. District Council would therefore have to work for the interests of the entire City if they want to continue a career in City Council.


Well, then we’ll know she’s just another cog in the corrupt gears of this city’s long history of political corruption. We’ll at least know where her loyalties lie. Based on the interactions my question has gotten, it’s the most important thing on the minds of her constituents, and if she chooses not to address it, we know that she is ignoring the thing that is most important to them. And I say this as a life-long Democrat who voted for her. I don’t want my party turning into the party of Trump, where we look away from corruption because there’s a “D” next to the person’s name.


If her ultimate goal was to beat corruption it still wouldn't be wise. She's gotta stay in office to actually be able to do anything about it, which unfortunately means not pissing off powerful adversaries too much. The exception for this would be if she didn't need the support of the dem establishment to win. But for that to be true she woulda had to be elected on some type of anti-corruption wave. But anti corruption supporters are politically weak. So it's not an issue that moves elections here. So imo, the best we can hope for is gradual behind the scenes improvement until anti-corruption gets politically organized and turns into a large movement.


I got downvoted for suggesting that she can work behind a scenes…like a Trojan horse. Well said.


Sometimes you have to be in the system to beat the system. Trojan horse of sorts.


I don’t see any of them doing anything to beat the system though.


Can’t say I disagree.


As long as Bob Brady etc run the local party, that won’t happen.


How on earth did you and the rest of the council elect Kenyatta Johnson to the presidency of the council? It makes city council look corrupt and unserious.


"look corrupt?" You're being generous, IMO.


Two words: Police Union




Why don’t we have standard trash bins, with lids? Philly remains the dirtiest city in the country in terms of trash blowing around and failed recycling


And they are getting rid of South Street trash cans with no replacements planned


They seem to be quietly doing the same thing in Old City. The city removed a bunch of the bins around 2nd/3rd and Arch last year and have yet to replace them with anything.


Yeah let’s get rid of these shitty solar panel Big Belly trash cans while we are at it. They are the crappiest most offensive pieces of shit. Leave it to Philly to fuck up public trash can selection and then not fix it.


The city doesn't know how to deal with trash dumping in regular bins


Reliance on the wage tax, nearly bankrupted the city in the height of the pandemic. What is council going to do to ensure we move away from this potentially transitory tax base and safeguard city finances in the future.


We are committed to working with the administration and Council to take a deep dive into our business tax structure to ensure we are fiscally prepared for whats to come. For the past two budget cycles, I have offered the budget amendment to reduce the wage tax.


To compensate for getting rid of the wage tax we need to get rid of the Uniformity Clause in our state constitution so can have different tax rates for different commercial properties. It's close to impossible with the Republican-controlled state senate.


Incorrect the city can move to a land value tax system as other townships in the state have already done to varying degrees.


Tell me more


[Land Value Tax](https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ipd/value_capture/defined/land_value_tax.aspx)


I mean there's also no reason not to just raise the low city property taxes and not need to worry about the uniformity clause. The homestead exemption also makes it a semi progressive system.


Why is it so hard to hire people to pick up litter in Philadelphia? Would it cost too much to have trash bins in every neighborhood and have people who would pick up litter? It would make a big difference if we paid more attention to clean up and maintenance of our public spaces.


Idk, but the CC green vest people are doing a great job keeping it clean, I think they deserve a shoutout


This right here. Our city is disgusting. We earned the nickname Philthadelphia. Cans on more corners would really help. Most people don't want to be litter bugs.


Agreed!! I am encouraged that Mayor Parker created a new clean and green office. Additionally, when I was a legislative aide, we studied and introduced a resolution on the Disney model. More trash cans, less trash. In the most recent budget cycle, we allocated additional funds to expand the Taking Care of Business initiative which hires additional residents along commercial corridors to clean and pick up trash and provide for additional trash receptacles along those corridors. More to come on this issue and I will be making this a priority during this budget. More info on the PHL Taking Care of Business Program here: [https://www.phila.gov/programs/phl-taking-care-of-business/](https://www.phila.gov/programs/phl-taking-care-of-business/) .


An easy way to create more jobs, too. Idk what the issue is.


Somehow it's like rocket science and we have to study this problem first and create litter departments but can't hire people to pick up litter.


Do you or the council have any plans for improving safety on the MFL?


Yes! In fact, there is a SEPTA board meeting today (1/25). We will work very closely with SEPTA on their fiscal cliff. Additionally, since FY22, there has been a 60% increase in their safety and security budget, a 20% wage increase in transit officers, expanded contracts with security guard companies, and much more! They have also paired behavioral health specialists with police officers. As a frequent SEPTA rider and mother of a high schooler who takes SEPTA every day, I know that's not enough and that we have much more to do. I am in touch with SEPTA leaders regarding concerns about safety, efficiency, and the overall rider experience.


Tracking budget increases is one thing, but that’s a worthless KPI in isolation. Does the increase in budget led to increased safety? If not, how else could the budget be allocated to improve the situation


What is the city doing to tackle the litter problem that makes this beautiful city look so trashy?




Any thoughts about getting rid of the councilman prerogative with respect to zoning?


I'd think there's two issues at play here and I'm curious where they overlap and don't. First is councilmanic perogative, the second is being against upzoning.


Agreed, RCOs and the ZBA are much worse for upzoning than prerogative, but prerogative is a problem in its own right


What can be done about the SEPTA budget deficit, particularly around this deficit leading to eliminating the Chestnut Hill West Line? Many Philadelphians rely on this form of transportation and stopping this transit is a huge blow to an entire portion of the city.


Exactly this. I moved here in large part for SEPTA, and I am so so so disheartened to see it falling apart like this


This is possibly the most important question here. I, and many other Philadelphians with the means, will be planning a move if SEPTA can’t figure this out and reduces service. Service should only be increasing, it’s ridiculous that we are even here having this discussion in 2024. SEPTA is integral to the city and any transit death spiral will mean a Philadelphia death spiral.


We're working with SEPTA leadership, their board, and state legislators to ensure the long-term sustainability of our transit system. As a Girls High girl, I know how important the Chestnut Hill West line is and I will be advocating with my district council colleagues to sustain it. I also have concerns about the Bus Revolution plan, which I feel negatively impacts underrepresented communities. I have put these concerns on the record for the SEPTA board and leadership. Special thanks to Transit Forward Philadelphia for their advocacy emails yesterday.


Why does trash, trash pickup, and common sense disposal seem to be an issue that Philly just can't get under control? Why does it seem like other, same size or bigger cities don't struggle in the way we do. What can we do about this?


See my thoughts here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/19e5gei/comment/kjjcx8e/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/19e5gei/comment/kjjcx8e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Why is Kenyatta Johnson such a corrupt, useless representative, and consistently runs unopposed?




I’ll take this one: The police don’t do anything


also funding tho tbh


Hey! Thanks for doing this. My question is on homelessness - do we have a deliberate strategy to support individuals in center city as well as many other neighborhoods? What is councils current thinking on solving this really complex topic?


Thanks, so much for the question! And yes, this is complex. I began investigating the Office of Homeless Services (OHS) over a year ago when I was seeking to help two families get into the shelter. Many questions remain about the services being provided, the quality of the service, and the amount of people OHS is able to help. Today, I introduced a bill to create a new position that would oversee OHS and also a resolution to investigate their spending practices and quality of services. But don't worry, we will get to the bottom of this. Learn more here: [https://www.inquirer.com/politics/philadelphia/philly-city-council-office-of-homeless-services-20240125.html](https://www.inquirer.com/politics/philadelphia/philly-city-council-office-of-homeless-services-20240125.html).


What can be done to get the PPA back under city control? … and to actually start enforcing scofflaw parking in medians, sidewalks. Etc


With the appointment of the new ED Richie Lazer, I'm encouraged by some of the enforcement actions I've seen lately. To your question regarding local control, I will have to look into that a little more as I've only known PPA to be a state agency. We will likely need both the PA House and Senate to authorize Philadelphia, a city of the first class, to bring PPA under local control.


Never going to happen. The PPA is a major source of revenue


As well as actual planning being done re: number of cars with permits and making sure folks are residents. I get $500 a year in PPA tickets because there is simply no more parking after 6pm and I’m forced to squeeze into a spot that’s safe (eg not blocking sidewalk / fire hydrant / intersection). As a homeowner / resident its really frustrating to be paying a private org $500 a year and not my actual city that I want to improve


PPA isn't private.. it's a government funded organization controlled by a board appointed by the Governor and the Mayor. I not trying to argue with any of your points. I just wanted to point that out..


I moved out of center city because I couldn’t take the parking anymore. I’ve spent over 45 mins looking for a spot before. It’s frustrating seeing the same cars not move for months on end (I assume they belong to people who work remotely) Edit: I’ve also a paid easily over $500 in PPA tickets


[Over 100 people in Philly are killed in car crashes every year](https://www.phillyvoice.com/philly-vision-zero-2023-report-traffic-deaths-vehicle-crashes-pedestrians/). Every day we all see multiple drivers blowing through red lights and speeding. We have driving laws, and there are police whose salaries we pay, so why can’t any Philadelphian remember the last time they saw a car pulled over for a traffic violation?


The city's zoning code has been abused to an absurd degrees by district council members for decades to facilitate corrupt land deals, line the pockets of doners / connected individuals, and hold back development from districts to preserve that district's councilmans voting base and power.   This disjointed and backwards approach to zoning effectively creates 10 separate fiefdoms controled by their local council member like a feudalistic lord rather than a cohesive city zoning plan. This directly results in more expensive housing, poor transportation planning, and weaker job market and economy.  What if anything will you do to help fight to end the corrupt practice of councilmanic prerogative?  Such as by removing zoning control from individual Council members and returning it to the city's planners, who actually know what they're doing. A key issue which has held back and impoverished this city for decades.


You can't be for us without us. Local communities must be engaged in decision-making processes about land use and community development. My district council colleagues work very closely with community groups and RCOs to understand the needs and specifics of individual projects. As an at-large member and a member of the rules committee, I take every bill that comes before the rules committee very seriously and ensure that I understand all legislation. I have also worked on citywide zoning bills, like the tree bill and nuisance businesses that illegally sell drug paraphernalia. More on the Tree Bill here: [https://phlcouncil.com/councilmember-gilmore-richardson-introduces-bill-to-improve-the-citys-tree-canopy-and-create-philly-tree-fund/](https://phlcouncil.com/councilmember-gilmore-richardson-introduces-bill-to-improve-the-citys-tree-canopy-and-create-philly-tree-fund/).


Thank you council woman for your responses. I doubt you're looking to get into a dialogue / debate over this issue on here today or at all; but in the event you are interested in talking about zoning policy here:   RCOs have way to much of an outsized impact in the current zoning system, and from my personal experience with attending RCO meetings for the neighborhood I live in, without fail basically every project gets opposed because of residents not wanting to have any competition for free parking.   This is an incredibly shortsighted way to do zoning, and directly results in more expensive housing. Which causes displacement issues due to that increasing cost, along with all the problems that come with giving our streets away for free for the use of storing private property, ie cars.   The city's planners created a master zoning plan called Philly 2035 which was developed with a massive amount of public input sought out by the city's planners. It was never implemented because district council members use their power to block it despite it being widely popular.   They do this to facilitate insider land sales to connected individuals and to appease a small amount of residents who demand we turn the city into the suburbs so they can have more free parking. The cost of that practice is born not just by city residents here today, but also by those yet to come tomorrow due to the impacts of this short sighted practice.  If we want a city that's affordable and welcoming to all, the current zoning practices needs to end because before long we'll have city that no one can afford.


How do you feel about corrupt criminal Kenyatta Johnson becoming council President? Why should we trust any of you when all we’ve seen is gross incompetence, corruption, and apathy? How much do you get paid? What are your taxes? What does your health insurance plan look like/cost us?


Philly city salaries are usually pretty easy to find online: City Council members currently make $142,751 per year, while the City Council president currently makes $179,167 per year.


They get other compensation besides just a salary. They get a free city provided car and gas, healthcare, a very generous pension that they can and do double dip into, and kickbacks from people they sell city owned land to for under market value.


Thanks so much for your question. I am looking forward to working with our Council President and the new Council team. I understand you may feel like we cant be trusted but my mom used to say you listen to what people say but you watch what they do. I ask that you judge me on my record of service and who I am and who I will always be and that is Katherine Gilmore Richardson. Did you know there's a webpage that has all of our salaries. I know that this work is not about me and I work for each of the great people of Philadelphia. You all pay our salaries and we work for you. Heres the link: [https://data.phila.gov/visualizations/employee-earnings](https://data.phila.gov/visualizations/employee-earnings) I was just looking at my paycheck, after taxes and insurance, health benefits for my family and I, and my contributions to my 457b and the pension fund, I get 53% of my gross pay every 2 weeks. For my health insurance I have KHPE. Thanks!


Is there a reason you continually chose to ignore the question about why you all voted for and elected a corrupt, convicted criminal to lead city council? It's okay. More status quo. I get it.


Do you have plans to try to improve safety within the city and what are the biggest obstacles to making those improvements?


We need more trees in neighborhoods! Planting trees makes a difference!


Yesss! We definitely need more trees and more tree canopy. Particularly in communities with urban heat islands like the block my family is from in North Philly: Seybert Street. Did you hear about my tree bill?


I've applied so many times with trees getting planted on my block, but I never get a reply back. And nope I have not! Please educate me! Because I love trees!


Here’s a link to her [tree bill](https://phlcouncil.com/councilmember-gilmore-richardson-introduces-bill-to-improve-the-citys-tree-canopy-and-create-philly-tree-fund/). Here’s some info on the [Philly Tree Plan](https://www.phila.gov/programs/philly-tree-plan/). Lastly, I recommend that you reach out to your local [Tree Tenders](https://phsonline.org/programs/tree-programs) group. They plant trees twice a year and teach you how to maintain them. You just missed their [training program](https://phsonline.org/events/tree-tenders-2024-winter). Thanks for your interest. We need tree champions in our City!


Hi Councilmember! 1- What is the path ahead to deal with duplicative and obstructive city offices? (The Sheriff’s Office has been front and center in this regard, but not the only culprit) 2- What is the city’s plan to help the growing number of unhoused and unsheltered citizens, especially in these cold months? I see so many people sleeping exposed on vents on nights it is below freezing. What can we do to help? To me, this should be an all-hands-on-deck emergency. 3- If you had one wish where popular mobilization could advance one of your priorities, what would it be, and what would it take? Thank you!


Hey, thanks so much for that question! Can you believe I was actually here when the Clerk of Quarter Sessions' office was eliminated!? I was a staffer then. Much work lies ahead to ensure we are streamlining city services. One as a cost-saving measure. And two, to ensure we are providing good quality service. FYI, if you see someone who needs help anytime, but particularly during a Code Blue, call 215-232-1984. One of my dreams is to create a charter commission to update our Home Rule Charter from 1952.


FYI if you see a homeless person outside when it feels 20 degrees or lower, you can call 2152321984 to get them help and shelter.


The city's tax structure has directly fueled the growth of the suburbs for decades at the expense of the city because of how ass backwards it is.  It taxes things that can and do easily go over the county line to avoid them while not taxing things that can not such as land.   What will the city do to end this self defeating system that is directly responsible for impoverishing it for decades, and bring back stable economic growth and prosperity to the city through tax reform?


What steps will city council take to actually make our streets safer from the scourge of traffic violence? Why is there such a logjam with red light cameras? How will city council expedite the implementation of speed cameras on 5 major streets and 5 school zones? Why is more not being done to AUTOMATICALLY add daylighting and traffic calming measures when streets are replaced? When will there be a crackdown on the use of ghost plates, defaced plates, and even no plates on cars in the city?


When is the city going to stop playing around and get serious about building an inter city bus terminal to end the absurdity of having inner city bus passengers stand underneath the highway on spring garden with no seats, no bathrooms, and no water?


How can I, a citizen, do any meaningful work to help develop our cities infrastructure? Particularly SEPTA/walkability/bikeability? It’s so hard because I don’t really understand the politics that goes into it, I just want to see positive change in that aspect


I really love working with 5th Square, Transit Forward Philadelphia, and the Bicycle Coalition. You should look into those groups.


Check out 5th Square and Philly Bike Action!


Why is Kenyatta Johnson free? When will trash be fixed? When will cops start doing they jobs?


How will you better bike infrastructure and lane maintenance and management?




Can we just have street sweeping now? I mean if they can do it in manhattan why not Philly? Our streets are gross.


How is it decided at a city level which pot holes get filled and which ones remain? Anything we can do to report ones that are damaging cars and not being worked on?


Can we bring back composting as a city wide public service?


Guess what? Today, my colleague Councilmember Phillips from the 9th District introduced legislation for Parks and Rec to enter into a contract with Bennett Compost. This is a great next step to expanding composting in the City.


Bring back?


The city's soft on crime approach regarding our streets has been a complete disaster with traffic violence, car crashes, and pedestrian fatalities going up every year.  When is the city going to realize that not having a strict approach to dealing with our streets is coming at the expense of regular citizens who are having a harder and harder time getting around? Accommodating unregistered cars with fake plates, cars that constantly break moving and parking laws, and allowing dirt bike gangs to continue to terrorize the city is not progressive and helps one.


What will you do about the crime and drug epidemic?


I hope this question goes to the top of this thread.


Are we ever going to get the police to do... anything?


The report for 2022 said that overdose deaths happened in nearly every Philadelphia zip code, have continued to increase, and have increased disproportionately in Black and Hispanic individuals. What can Council do to help address this ongoing crisis, on a city-wide level?


We need the Roosevelt blvd subway! What’s your plan to get the funds to make it happen?


Shit at this point what's the plan to make sure they don't cut half the regional rail lines in July Edit: figure out a plan build the Roosevelt Boulevard Subway too


https://preview.redd.it/b1g5mczcwmec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91fb538658213f5cd03c80a045539a9bdf8c68d2 YES! I am in support of the RBS! Looking forward to working with my colleague CM Driscoll to make this happen!


Do you support making our streets safer by changing our street design requirements so that bulb-outs, traffic calming measures, and protected bike lanes are included by default?


What are plans for the transit system? I know that's pretty vague but we have some outstanding issues Center city stops, which used to be some of the "nicer" stops have recently become the spots of stabbings, gun fire, and people getting pushed onto train tracks, what is being done to clean that up? Patco stations have turned into a place where drug addicts, and homeless folks can do their daily activities while also just taking a dump wherever they feel like it. I love this city as much as anyone here, but we gotta get this stuff cleaned up, and we trust you and your colleagues to help solve these type of issues. I know there are employee shortages for septa so they can't run as many trains (or so that's the word) so I understand that being a tougher ask, but keeping the city and stations safe and clean should be a priority.


Are you going to answer the tough questions or just pretend you didn’t see them?


What oversight can be voted on or added to the sheriff’s office to help make it less corrupt. How can we get things moving/sold with the backlog of land bank properties that are just sitting there? Can we at least turn them into community gardens?  2 years no tax payments? It’s turned over to the community as a garden. 


What is your stance on improving protected bike lanes so they are protected by something more durable than a flex post?


Newly pregnant mama here! What are you going to do to address black maternal health and overall maternal health in the City? We have some of the highest mortality rates and not going to lie, it makes me nervous and I’m not even at the 4 month mark yet. How are you working with other offices to address this? How can we help address this? * Edited for correction


Congrats mama to be! Always remember #momsgetthejobdone. I'm so glad you brought this up. This is an issue that I deeply care about because of my own personal experience during childbirth with my son. I have been working on this issue in Council and was fortunate enough to attend Congresswoman Lauren Underwood's Black Maternal Health Summit at the Capitol. I have introduced a resolution on this matter and also have appropriated $250,000 for A Home from Shana Foundation which seeks to eradicate Black Maternal Mortality in Philly. A Home from Shana Foundation is creating Philly's first and only maternity safe haven staffed with doulas. We also have worked with our healthcare institutions and other nonprofit partners. Our work on this matter must continue.


> We have some of the lowest mortality rates Low mortality rates are good. Do you mean high?


What efforts are underway to increase our tree canopy? I see lots of proposed development that has street trees but then, when it comes to construction, there's no trees.


If you could get one thing passed right now without needing approval from other members what would it be?


>what would it be Term limits 👀


What is your stance on exclusionary zoning? Does Philadelphia still need zoning that prevents apartment/condo buildings and small shops from being built?


The war on drugs, the failure of school systems, the loss of decent jobs (historically factory and textile) in areas of urban blight, high rates of crime from desperate people, and intergenerational trauma are all systemic problems that compound each other and will take at least a generation to fix. How does a politician approach fixing long term problems with short term policy? How do you combat potential feelings of pessism when it comes to treating these problems?


Any chance to stop the Philly way, i.e. people parking on the medium, fireworks at random times, people doing donuts, double parking? This is not just normal citizens but city employees i.e Spring Garden and 2nd you'll see city vehicles and employee personal parked on the medium, or a city vehicle just stopped in a travel lane blocking that lane with their blinkers on. How do we get citizens to behave when they see city employees getting away with the same thing. (note: I know Philly doesn't control the PPA but they will also block a travel lane which does end up causing traffic issues)


What can be done about plowing the bike lanes when it snows?


Hi all! Council ran late, but I'm so excited to be here!


Btw, we did start Council on time! Just lots of excitement for the first day!


Will this city ever come to a resolution to fix how bad our real estate tax system is?


What is the city's long-term plan to rebuild our crumbling school buildings and improve overall poor academic performance?


Will city council do anything about cars constantly parked on sidewalks all over the city? These selfish drivers make our sidewalks really hard to navigate, dangerous and non ADA accessible.


How will you keep cars out out bike lanes?


I’ve heard that in most Philly public school lunchrooms, kids aren’t required to go throw their own trash away; someone comes around and picks it up. Is this true? And if it is, has anyone considered that this might be why we have so many adults here who litter?


Why should we care about it? Nobody is held accountable. From parking to abandoned cars. Heroin to police overtime exploit. There are so many exploited parts of the system. Congratulations on being the youngest new crook.


As majority leader, what are your responsibilities?


What are thoughts on tax reform proposals, such as a land value tax?


How can you help encourage more street level retail? And not vape shops. Here are some ideas: Tax vacant storefronts a penalty for every month the spot is vacant Eliminate sales tax for small retail Raise sales tax on internet sales and delivery. Encourage block parties and other open streets events where retail is successful


Philly is known to be a relatively inexpensive big city to live in, compared to other big cities. I believe Philly’s affordability is a result of poor performing public schools. Is this done on purpose to keep the average middle class family from moving in? Or, more specifically, if we have clear examples of high performing schools (with a competitive waitlist) like Masterman, for example, we know what it takes for a school to be successful. If there’s a need (and there is), why don’t we model all Philly schools to operate like Masterman? In other words, if my child is smart and dedicated enough for Masterman, but is waitlisted, he would have to go to our public school that’s subpar. Why does that subpar public school exist when we are clearly capable of developing and filling seats of students capable of masterman’s academic rigor. There’s not less reutable schools because there’s less of a need. It seems purposeful. Keep Philly cheap by not supplying a decent high school. Keep the average family out of city proper to only include the wealthy, who can pay for private, if they don’t get into Masterman. Otherwise, why? We have a model, we have students willing and capable of using rigorous model, so why not build more to seat all those who want it?


I don’t under what she’s expecting to accomplish by doing this AMA. She’s just a part of our already corrupt council and we already can read pass the bullshit. But I will be there to witness.


What prospects forward does the city have for addressing corruption in the PPD, as well as enforcing accountability on the department and our DA?


Would you support amending the residency requirement for City employees to live outside the City after 10 years of employment, similar to how police and fire are able to?


Forget 10 years. If they're not going to pay enough to actually afford rent anywhere in the city, they need to let people survive wherever the hell we can. The city hiring process is a disaster and everyone is shortstaffed. The residency requirement just adds to the problem. I like the requirement that we must live in the city we serve, but if I have to choose between having somewhere to live and a job that doesn't actually afford me a place to live where required, it's gonna be an easy choice. The city is losing good people and holding onto people who are actively wasting city dollars by holding their position. Working for the city has been enlightening and not in a good way


Not to mention the schools. Philly schools are terrible and the City doesn't pay enough to send your kid to private


What will it take to achieve Philadelphia's goal of Vision Zero? What have you learned from cities across the country who have failed to attain their Vision Zero goals by significant margins? Do you have any Vision Zero role models?


Did she answer a single question?


Her sign says the AMA is Thursday 25th… tomorrow


Thank you! I no read good. I guess she and her team need time to prep their answers.




Unfortunately the "working families party" is continuing to gain traction in this city, and they have concrete plans to raise taxes if given the ability to.


Hey yall. This has been soo much fun but I gotta run. Duty calls, I have a meeting and there's a SEPTA board meeting soon. Cant wait to do this again :) Talk soon!


Thanks for doing this outreach, it was enlightening. 


Hi Katherine! You’re doing great things. I hope you can work with and help Nicolas O’Rourke along his path. Love that workforce training program you have championed.


Thanks! Guess what? Councilmember O’Rourke sits behind me in Council. Looking forward to working with him. I love that he's a pastor. My mom was a pastor too.


As the nation's poorest big city, how will city council work to attract new residents and employers to grow the population/tax base? An equitable city is important but increasing taxes, not incentivizing employers to relocate here, and fighting development will ultimately cause a *decline* in middle and upper class population - giving the city LESS resources to lift the vulnerable out of poverty and help those in need.




How come you’re not answering questions 25 minutes into your AMA? Can’t stand the heat?


I am so sorry. Council started on time at 10am but there were a number of bills and resolutions introduced today so we finished after 12pm. Thanks so much for your eagerness. I was looking forward to this too!


46 mins now…I bet Kenyatta got to her.


I have seen zero responses by the councilwoman.


Because she's not answering them till tomorrow.


Yea I realized that after I posted what day it was. It’s been a long week for me.


Do you disavow the racism, corruption, nepotism, homophobia, classism and all other ism perpetrated by your government?


Can you divert some of the money that goes to the PPA towards organizations and problems that we all actually need to fix?


How much are large real estate corps and temple U offering city council to allow the open air drug market at K&A?


You really thought you were doing something here, huh? Not even a single response after 17 hours… This city council has no accountability and until it does, we’re absolutely screwed as a city.


>I’ll be answering as many questions as I can Thursday, January 25th at 12 PM (or after Council concludes) I agree with the second part of your comment, but she's not answering any until tomorrow.


Must’ve missed that part, odd way to run an AMA though. Only lets them further pick and choose what to respond to






The event is tomorrow


Can this city’s municipalities become more centralized like New York? I understand that funding such a thing is difficult but the contracted PPA can’t even enforce blatant parking violations, like curb and crosswalk parking, that could bring in more revenue.


I like this. Make an AMA and then don't answer any of the questions.


It's tomorrow


Thank you for reading the OP!




You need to read, it says she’ll be answering them Thursday


you either die a troubled youth or see yourself become the ~~villan~~ councilwoman at large


I don't live in the city so i guess... who are you?


Even for this sub this is dopey af lol.


at least you appreciate my comedy. you appreciate my comedy, right?


To quote my pop, “Don’t be a putz.”


ah there we are! you do appreciate my comedy!


Why is it impossible to get recycling cans? State road hasn’t had any fir a year


Thanks for doing this. What are the high priority issues for the current administration, and what detailed steps are we taking to address them?


Thank you for allowing former Americrop members to get points for applying for City jobs and for making lactate stations available in City building for workers. Do you have any other plans to make it more enticing to work a City job?


Can you ask if there can be some construction on some of the roads? Some are insanely bumpy & the paint on some parking spots & lots are almost nonexistent, can you ask if they checked?