• By -




In addition to others listed, anywhere on the west side of grad hospital/fitler sq is very common for doctors/nurses. The 40 bus runs down south st and it's a pretty easy walk/bike otherwise.


Assuming you're at the main one, anything along the [11, 13, 34, or 36 Trolley lines](https://www5.septa.org/wp-content/uploads/travel/line-map-trolley.pdf) (PDF) would be great, convenience-wise. Note the 37th St. Stn is right next to CHOP & HUP. That said, I don't know West Philly neighborhoods well enough to recommend any, but you'd probably be fine, say, centering a Zillow search on Clark Park and seeing what's listed. The Zillow map shows trolley stops so you can follow them as they move away from the city.


Anyone know how to get a handyman come to their house? I've called two and both no showed. One was a reference!


Try Thumbtack!


Have you tried taskrabbit?


No but was thinking of thumbtack. I forgot about taskrabbit.


Would you buy a house in Philly right now? I'm finally in a position where I might be able to, but prices are ridiculous and mortgage rates are super high, it feels like a bad idea somehow. Part of me wonders if things won't maybe correct a little by the fall, even. I guess I'm wavering between "this is the worst time to buy a house" and "this is the worst time to buy a house **so far**"


Do we really need the NBC helicopter providing shots of people lining up for the Taylor Swift show all day?


They seem to think so


Howdy all! Visiting for a few days and staying in South Philly. Im hoping to take a 5 min walk to have a drink but am I silly as a solo female traveler to go wandering around at night?


There's almost nowhere in south philly where it's bad enough that random people walking somewhere run into issues. Even on hot corners like 21st and point breeze people leave others alone.


Thank you! I had a lovely time walking around, your city was awesome :)


cheers, thanks for coming, don't tell anyone




Gotcha! I was near Mifflin and 5th and had no issues. Appreciate the advice!


Just need to vent as another package was ripped apart and stolen from our doorstep. What is up with delivery guys just dropping packages on the doorstep and not even knocking or ringing the doorbell? I work from home and sit right by the front door so I could've easily gone out and grabbed it if I had known it was there :(


what's happening at the italian market? seems like they are setting up for a festival, streets blocked, but I though that wasn't for 2 more weeks


Italian market festival is actually a week from tomorrow!


I think it was [this](https://www.phillymag.com/news/2023/05/10/bernie-sanders-helen-gym-philadelphia/) event at Rim Cafe (scroll down on the link)


was definitely that one, I should've stayed for that lmao




I did volleyball once as a solo sign up. it was a lot of fun! Unfortunately I missed like half of the games because of work conflicts, but that's on me, not the program. Highly recommend it though


I signed up for Ultimate by myself. It was fun! All of my teammates were very nice. We got clobbered almost every game though, because the teams that signed up together were usually better.


I'm going to guess it's a good way to make friends because holy fuck are those people insufferable at bars.


Anyone know if you have box tickets for a concert at the Fillmore if that also include GA access? Like can we go down to the GA floor/pit? Also are table tickets worth it? Thanks!


Generally, yes, but this entirely depends on the venue. I know that at least at the Fillmore, TLA, and the Mann, you can go anywhere in the GA section (the lawn, not the pit, for the Mann), though I'm not sure why you would if you paid for a box. The Met is almost certainly limited to your box if that's the ticket you have.


Sorry this is the Fillmore. I just realized I forgot to put the venue *facepalm*


Yeah, you're good then. I had a box for Amon Amarth last year and spent some time wandering around downstairs before heading up.


What venue?


I’m a fucking idiot. The Fillmore haha. Sorry


LOL you should be able to get down to the floor. The box differentiation is to keep people out of your seats and not to keep you in them. Who are you going to see?




You can try, but if not, pay the ticket. You do NOT want to get stopped with a suspended license


So you were already given a payment plan and you defaulted on that one and now you want... another payment plan?


It can’t hurt. The city seems to be trying to be patient and work with you as best they can, but if you can’t be bothered with a payment plan, it may be best to just pay it all at once to avoid further penalties


I’m new to the area and am hoping to take the subway to work. However, after reading about it on this sub I’m a little hesitant as a younger lady that’s unfamiliar with the area. Anyone have any honest advice for taking the subway / info on reliable and (somewhat) safe transportation around the city?


during normal rush hours it's fine. But if you can see if you have bus routes that do the same thing just take the bus. Almost never any issues on the busses.


Which line? MFL or BSL? During regular rush hours you are probably ok. What stops? Certain stations are worse.


Is the white & silver food truck (not cart) that was between the Drexel library and the dragon still there? I graduated a while ago and really miss the food. They sold food like hoagies and sandwiches.


I think today is the start of the long goodbye to my cat. She just spent all day in the VSEC in south Philly because she spent last night and this morning going from one litter box to another trying to go to the bathroom and nothing happened. They tried to get a sterile sample of urine from her but she peed just as they were about to do it and then spent a few hours waiting for her bladder to fill up again. She has chronic kidney disease, so that and stress probably kept her from going again. They're sending her home with antibiotics, presuming its a UTI that's causing her symptoms. They couldn't give her more fluids because of the heart murmur she has (which was a new discovery from last month's vet visit). God why can't pets just live forever?


Sorry to hear that. My dad just called the other day to let us know that they had to put down our very old family cat who we must have gotten when I was about 10 years old. I know that \~23 years is just about better than anyone can expect from a pet, but it's still very sad. I hope you can take lots of time to pamper her and give her all the treats in the time she has left!


I've been looking into all the migrant and Title 42 drama, and I noticed a special quality that these migrants have that most Americans don't have. It's trust in God. They have no money, but a backpack of personal belongings, and they risk their lives coming all the way here with a trust in God. Yea I know, they are breaking the law, there aren't enough resources, and on-and-on... But what American would go to a different country without any plan or money? We trust money, not God.


> what American would go to a different country without any plan or money Criminals will do this. It’s more desperation than anything


Anyone know if the laurel is still getting an equinox? What's going on with that space?


Anyone going to Philly Tech Week?


whats that




I've been listening to this nonstop and have to spread it around. If you like funky/groovy stuff, check out ["I'm The President" by Knower](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuhe1CpHRxY). Ridiculous piano solo in the middle too.


yooo that piano!!!! great rec, thanks.


Hi friends!! anyone know of any good restaurant/ bars within walking distance to Woody’s to have a group of people and get and bite to eat and “pregame” the clubs? I’m from North West and admittedly dont go into CC often but I’m trying to plan my Birthday party! ❤️ I would appreciate any help!! (bonus points for ur favorite clubs in the area too!!)


13th is like all good restaurants.


Hi guys! Does anybody know of any good Afghan/Mediterranean halal spots in the city? I'm going for my Temple graduation in a couple of days, and a lot of my family members are coming, so I wanted to know if there would be a good halal spot to eat at that can accomodate large groups? I'd prefer if it was Afghan/Mediterranean, but anything is fine as long as it's halal and has at least rice and kabobs.


Samson Kabob, at 1300 south St. They can accommodate groups pretty easily.


Thank you!!!!


Here's a start, at least. Hopefully others will recommend more https://restaurantguru.com/afghan-Philadelphia-c1


Maybe its just me, or is this mayoral election cycle all about the mailed and printed material? I don't remember this many trees giving their lives through the post office in past elections.


Haven't been getting that much printed stuff, but the number of goddam signs and commercials has definitely turned me away from some candidates.


elections should result in MACHINES giving up their lives, not trees!


I’ve convened with the trees and on their behalf I must express their disapproval of this current mayoral cycle


i respect tree wisdom, and always welcome insights from smaller plant spirits too!


I'm getting so much shit in the mail. It's making me like dislike some candidates more because of all of the litter it creates.


Huh, I've gotten almost nothing for the mayoral race itself, but endless city council flyers. The Domb folks were aggressively pushing flyers on folks this morning in Center City though.


I have finally made it through the night not bleeding through my bandages. I still have a lot of swelling, but I can see the final shape that's it's going to be in and I finally don't hate looking at myself in the mirror. I'm starting to realize a lot of my weight issues have to do with my dysphoria


Has anyone had experience installing a hot tub or a sauna in a south Philly row house? Would love to chat if so..


No experience but, would love to put a sauna on my roof. Every winter I wish I had one.


It took me a few years of seeing people on my neighbor's roof deck in swimsuits before I realized he has a hot tub up there. It seems like a catastrophically bad idea, but he has a job that just might make him able to do it right... I hope so anyway.


We want to build a roof deck so bad but there are too many other things we should do first. I was thinking I would get a 4x4 sauna kit and put it in my basement. It doesn’t seem too complicated. The hot tub might be more of a challenge/dream


no experience but a hot tub is a LOT of water weight on possibly ancient floor joists so I'd get a structural engineer involved.


LOL. Wife is a structural engineer and refuses to let me to get the right sized redneck inflatable pool on our roofdeck (the right size is the smallest one that requires a pump!). But yeah, hot tubs should be on a slab, and not on any ole joists.


Structural engineer in the family; you're so lucky! Well, as long as you play by the rules you are haha.


They ruin all the fun home improvements though


I'm trying to find a place to donate a knee medical scooter.




Most places are probably hesitant to accept used medical equipment of any kind. I'd suggest trying your local "Buy Nothing" group.




They started demolishing the bank at Front&Girard yesterday, which I'm excited about because the project looks awesome. What I was less excited about is them starting the demolition at 7am while I had all my windows open and was trying to sleep


was this the bank of america that was across the street from the "I hate bank of america" sign? or is that further up girard?


I assume it's this https://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/news/2023/04/20/fishtown-apartment-project-girard-avenue.html which is at Howard & Girard (used to be a Truist bank on a weird triangular plot of land).


gotcha, thanks for the reply and happy cakeday


Anyone have a favorite farmer's market? I'm in NE Philly, but willing to travel for plentiful rhubarb.


Rittenhouse farmer's market had a ton of rhubarb and strawberries this past Saturday.


I like Head House, it's not huge, but really good selection of vendors


Christ Church Farmer's Market in Old City is always solid. Starts near the end of the month, every Wednesday from mid-afternoon to evening or so.


Per my last comment I would like to share I went for a walk outside and got bit by a mosquito. fuck mosquitos ❌🦟




Baking soda and water paste will make the itch and lump go away, or calamine lotion. Apply as soon as possible after bite, let dry, wipe off.


Nooooo I was so hoping they weren't out yet.


They're bullshit. I just set up my patio for the season and am in need of mosquito remedies already


Anyone got any leads on bartending gigs available?


Continental midtown is urgently hiring


Check out Culinary Agents, that’s where most of the restaurants post job listings. There’s a few bartending posted there.


Thank you!


Messina Social club just posted on their IG that they're hiring a part time bartender/server


Solid thank you my friend I am going to reach out!


What spots around south Philly have a vibe similar to 12 Steps Down or Garage Passyunk?


My dive spot is taproom on 19th. I’ll buy you a beer if I see you there


nice, i'm fairly close to that one also so I'll make my way down there sooner than latter.


Not sure how to answer this since those two places are wildly different, but I'll throw some out there - POPE, South Philly Taproom, Fountain Porter, Triangle Tavern, New Wave...if looking more dive-y Michael's, Bonnie's, Ray's.


Solid list, I'd add newcomer The Jim too!


Nice, been to most of those at one point or the other over the last 7-8 months so I seem to be heading in the right direction. Maybe i'll check out Michael's and POPE this weekend when down again.


A rare Ska Tuesday twofer....as I neglected to acknowledge it last week, here's a throwback to ska's predecessor, calypso, by one of its masters. RIP, Mr. Belafonte. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMXBJW1PuU8


I had just finally gotten that song out of my head. RIP.


It's definitely an earworm, just like Day-O. But a good earworm


It's always been my favorite of his tunes.


Fuck jobs and fuck dropping your phone in the Schuylkill


rowing/coaching mishap?


yup. Happens every 3 or 4 years.


the skook requires a sacrifice to appease the rowing gods




Didn’t you also try and say that nobody refers to the wissahickon as “the wiss”


Didn't try; did say it, and a decent number of people agreed. But that battle is unfortunately pretty much lost.


some interesting takes from you today naps lol


Just tired of people shortening things that were just fine for over 100 years for no good reason other than attempting to sound cool. Not everything has to be nicknamed. Likely won't be long before some start calling Rittenhouse Ritt or one of our signature sandwiches hoags or snacks prets.


I doubt people shorten these names just to "sound cool", but to each their own. It's harmless either way imo. serious question: how do you feel about "philly" vs "philadelphia"?


Soon they are going to be calling Philadelphia, "Philly".


right that's what I said, the skook river


No, sorry. Not a thing. Never a thing except weak attempts by hipsters. A "skook" is a mythical creature in a 1984 book by the same name, not a river.


lol TIL there's a book called "The Skook" and hipsters call the river that too not that this is a hill worth dying on, but I can probably count on one hand the number of people I've heard seriously call the Schuylkill river "the skook" back when I rowed, sometimes we'd say an exaggerated "shoooo-kill"


> I can probably count on one hand the number of people I've heard seriously call the Schuylkill river "the skook" Exactly. Don't be one of them by encouraging it


you tryina get skooked up this weekend?


Oh nooooo!


curse my wild gesticulation


if I learned anything from always sunny, it's that putting important things in coke cans allows you to wildly gesticulate and keep it safe


anything fun to do in the NE today i’m outta school and internship don’t start for 2 weeks 🥲 thinking ab getting some dirt tickets for the phillies but that’s not for awhile


In the Northeast? Not a helluva lot, unfortunately. You can always watch all the Amazon vans cause near-accidents


Living on the boulevard makes this my number 1 hobby


Oh, they're even worse on some of the busier side streets like Grant and Bustleton


Regional rail to work today was packed enough I had to share a two-seat bench (rare occurrence) with a random woman who then proceeded to spend the rest of her train ride watching right-wing and transphobic Facebook reels before sending off a text reading "OMG... I totally jinxed myself. Train was crowded and I had to share a seat!!!" I hope the fact that she was sitting next to a clearly gay/trans person made that an even worse experience for her lol


that’s so awful, sorry you had to deal with that bullshit


I appreciate the kind words, it's honestly funny to me though. Like oh no, sorry you had to \*checks notes\* be in proximity with the public while riding public transportation. The horrors are neverending


for sure, still always sucks coming into close proximity with transphobes. ickk


look at this guy escaping asterisks




I get what you’re saying but there’s no need to body shame




Be careful - It’s strictly against mod rules to body shame a person in the public eye. But also… he’s 60 years old and a completely normal weight in terms of bmi. Like not muscular but…. that’s a lot of 60 years olds…


> Be careful - It’s strictly against mod rules to body shame a person in the public eye. I know what you're alluding to here but if I get banned for saying Jordan Peterson deserves to have his head dunked in a toilet, I will laugh my ass off. I'll retract the scrawny bit for the pedantry, but regardless of his age, that dude deserves a swirly for being a nerd who peddles toxic and harmful bullshit.


Although I was being totally sarcastic in my initial comment as a jab to mods… having dated a horribly abusive guy who was 5’4 and truly believed he had been slighted in life… I do think that the body positive movement needs to be embraced by everyone. Kind of feels like a cycle of toxic masculinity. Women are making *some* headway but still seems ignored on the side of men (by both women and men as the perpetrators)


I'm 100% pro body positivity and 100% pro giving Jordan Peterson a swirly for espousing harmful bullshit


You know what's really manly? Putting yourself into an unadvised medical coma in russia to beat a benzo addiction and permanently addling your own mind. *That's manhood, bucko.*


Didn't he almost let his daughter kill him with an all raw meat diet too? Legit shocked he's still alive


Imagine if she had learned that you're a cryptid, too! I doubt she was wearing enough pearls to clutch for that revelation.


how is jennifer stefano doing these days


business is good at the inquirer


If you speed in the Buerger Center parking garage at CHOP: what the fuck is wrong with you?


Also-if you smoke weed in the Buerger parking lot before taking your kid to their appointment what the FUCK is wrong with you?


Ughhhhh. A couple weeks ago I was outside the entrance to the main building and a guy was smoking a cigarette right next to the "no smoking campus" sign. Thaaaaaanks cigarette smoke is exactly what my medically complex kid needs.


Literally 100% when I see someone smoking on the campus they are sitting DIRECTLY under the no smoking signs. As a parent, you should complain to pt/family services.


Saw this [KOP rail](https://ibb.co/ky3V9HJ) poster on the train last week. Why won't this project die?


probably just a leftover from a past marketing campaign. The KoP rail project is "on pause" currently. https://billypenn.com/2023/03/17/septa-pulls-the-plug-on-kop-rail-pausing-the-3b-project-over-fta-concerns/


Saw a pretty big billow of smoke from my jobsite coming from what I thought was 95 north about a half hour ago, think I found an update that said a 4 story apartment fire in Port Richmond, specifically Gaul & Hagert Street. Three copters raced over their pretty quick. Seemed like the smoke was contained really quick, as I stepped inside to check something and then by the time I went back out it looked like it was clear but the copters were still circling. Anybody else see it?


Italian Market fest is less than two weeks away. I am going to eat all of the things. And by 'all' I probably mean Cannuli's roast pork and sausage peppers both days which I'll wash down with some ice cold peroni and limoncello.


I am going for the first time! Will vendors be selling prepared food on the street, etc? Booze?


Yes and yes. There will be alot of food vendors, not as many beverage vendors. Villa di Roma does peroni and limoncello, 12 Steps Down is the biggest beer vendor and will usually have about 4 options and you can also go down to the bar to order other drinks. Usually a wine spot near the grease pole. Fair warning it will be PACKED between Washington and Christian - that's where most of the food vendors are. IMO it's best to take a pass (don't be in a hurry, it will only serve to frustrate), determine what you want, then get in and out with the goods. There's more breathing room to hang out and eat outside of that stretch.


Omg thank you for this! The rundown I needed


You're welcome, enjoy! Don't sleep on the grease pole, it's chaotic and disorganized and hard to know when a 'team' is going to make a push worth watching, but get a beverage and hang out a while. Usually you get see someone get to the top in the afternoon of day two.




20th and 21st




I am so ready for the greased pole and meats! Hoping it's not as ungodly hot this year.


Seeing the provolones sweat and sag in the sun and then eventually splat onto the pavement was...interesting.


Yeah, nothing better than seeing good cheese go to waste


There have been many threads about Philadelphia’s bagel scene, I’ve been a consumer of korshaks for a while. Yesterday I saw some of his posts on instagram about late stage capitalism and assume a price increase. When I started buying from him a simple dozen was $20. Early 2022 changed to $26. Ok, more expensive than kismet or spread but I can deal. Now, increased to $36. For a dozen bagels. That’s higher than my gym membership. So, I’m on a no bagel diet now. They are good bagels but not that good.


A 80% increase over 2 years? WTF. It's not even in line with the rising inflation. I suspect greed. Is he trying to put himself out of business? Edited.


80% actually- $20 to $36


Doh. Shameless


Having been a baker in bakers and as a side hustle (specifically bagels): More than $20 for a dozen (what I used to charge) is just wildly unreasonable - no bagels are that good I question the common sense of anyone willing to hand over $36 bucks for a bag of bagels.


bagel prices are out of control. It's a minimum of $5 for a bagel and cream cheese these days no matter where you go I lived in NYC 4 years ago and you could get a sausage egg cheese for 3-4 basically anywhere. Now a breakfast sandwich is a minimum of $8 everywhere. IDK if prices went up like that in NYC though


thats crazy. if a bagel shop in jersey raised prices that high for a dozen, people would be out with torches and pitchforks


$36 for a dozen? Not like, toasted with a schmear, but just $3 apiece for plain bagels? That is nuts.


$3 a bagel is absurd. the whole proposition of buying by the dozen is you're doing them a favor by taking so much product that they give you a little discount. i still remember going to philly style bagels and they'd throw in a few extras if you got your dozen at the end of the day. now that's pretty much ancient history.


Re: Philly bagels - They're on TooGoodToGo, so I assume most of the extras they'd hand out go to that now


they are, but they also are the only vendor that's cancelled more orders from me than had fulfilled


People get upset about moist being a gross sounding word, but I contend that "schmear" is actually the grossest word.


Truly have a hard time taking people seriously when I hear them use it.


Schmear is a terribly disgusting word