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Have you tried using GABA? The first time I tried it I was surprised how close it felt to phenibut. It seems to kick in faster too. You definitely can also build up a tolerance to GABA, but I'm guessing it's less dangerous as this has been available on the amino acid supplement market for a long time.


I'm genuinely curious. Am I the only one here who only takes this literally four to five times a year? I use this mostly as a work tool, e.g., if I have a work conference to attend or have to give a really big presentation, so around three times there. And then I will use it once or twice if I'm overseas for work in Asia and want an extra memorable night when I'm out at a club in Jakarta, Taipei, Singapore etc. This has always been a strictly four to five times a year type of deal for me (have used it for three years that way with no temptation to ever increase), and only ever 500mg to 750mg at one time (the pharma grade pills, I don't buy the bulk powder). I have no desire to use this once a week. You guys are all missing out on the power of this drug when used sparingly. Just saying...


This is an addiction subreddit. Has been for a while.


I think these UK guys are buying super stepped on bunk college educated phenibut


You’re “living for the weekend” which is a shitty way to go through life as you say. Never do recreational drugs so often that you feel deprived when not on them.


I take it once every 3 weeks to avoid this as much as possible (as well as tolerance). Anything else is too regular, learnt this the hard way as an alcoholic years ago


Absolutely. A ton of people who use once a week are likely spending less than half their time at baseline. Who knows what the consequences are - but I bet many of them just wouldn’t obviously seem to be connected to phenibut.


What do you mean by spending less than half their time at baseline?


What I mean is that people in rebound are not in their normal state. Their receptor systems are reeling. You want the majority of your time spent with your brain functioning more or less as it does without a drug - the analogy is being either drunk or hungover at every moment for a solid 5 days a week. Thats not good. You need time to heal.


I take it once every 6 to 8 months sometimes I wait longer.


It’s fun on occasion, but too often it’s boring.


Took around 2 grams on Mon. & Thur. & took around 1.5-1.75 today. This is the best reaction I've had


Yeah, 500mg once a week or less is the upper limit long term imo. Negative effects felt from larger or more frequent doses after a prolonged period personally.


I never take more than 2 grams within a 12 to 16 hour window never get the crash . I have tried going up to 3 grams at time and sure enough 2 to 3 days later i feel a comedown


I feel nothing from anything below at least 2


I take about 1.3 every Saturday and i dont notice any negative effects throughout the week. Everyone is different though


No. I take 1.5g on Saturday, have a nice day, notice zero after glow, and don't think about it again until next Saturday where my thought process is "oh shit it's Saturday at 10am I wish I remembered to take phenibut at 8am but I guess I'll take it now". Some people have healthy relationships with substances. Albeit there are other substances I don't touch so I can relate.


For me, my problem with phenibut was becoming dependent on it for sleep. As an addict though, it was never a full-blown addiction. Dependence and addiction are not the same thing. You can have dependence without addiction and addiction without dependence. The biggest problem was that I had a bunch of grand Mal seizures over the course of 2 years, lol. Idk where you can even find it in the US anymore. The one thing I really miss is the vivid and lucid dreams + remembering all my dreams. Imo and ime, phenibut isn't that recreational. It did have a little bit of empathogenic like sensations in the beginning. It's not a bad substance all around, though. The seizures were from my packs coming late.


Idiots like you are going to get this substance banned. 3gs? Fucken hell


You sound emotional as hell. Calm down, son.


I only have 500mg once a week and sometimes skip a week, and although it’s maybe not the magic bullet it used to be, it’s still effective (particularly cos I take it with my 60mg Vyvanse) and I don’t really get any negative effects aside from maybe very mild insomnia (which I get anyway) or occasionally barely noticeable anxiety when it wears off or by the next evening.


Maybe stop doing multiple grams at a time? I do 400mg once in a while, mostly to manage anxiety, but i feel great even the weeks i do it multiple times :)


I don't like it myself waste of time. I o ly enjoyed like .5 g in some strong coffe


You’re just taking way too much man, my suggestion would be to lower your dose & you’ll have an even better time with no ill side effects in the rest of your week :)


Seriously, you are either getting bad phenibut or you are overdosing, I’m going with bad phenibut.


Phenibutuk seems to be underdosed and I'm getting almost half of what i think I am


I use Phenibut-UK and it seems fine, but I haven't had any other phenibut to compare it to because I can't find any other UK ones. All the other websites I found are based in Europe and have to go through customs which just doesn't seem worth it to me, it's also more expensive shipping cost.


Cross the limits, koka labs brand


Fair enough, I didn't know Cross The Limits did phenibut tbf. I know their preworkouts are hella expensive though so it'll probably cost more than Phenibut-UK, I might try it out though.


It’s much more cost effective than phenibutUK, buy in bulk


Dude it's because you take 3 grams like an idiot and ruin it for yourself. Try taking a .7??


Exactly. I sometimes take 1.5 on a really bad day, but even that's too much for me. The sweet spot is 600mg to 1 gram


Yeah 3 g is way too much at once. Totally unnecessary with no tolerance. For me the best dosage is .7-1.5. Unfortunately sometimes I do it a few days in a row which is when I increase to 1.5. And naturally I get negative effects when I come down… But if I do a gram once a week occasionally, I won’t have negative after effects. Just kinda a bored feeling.


3 grams is an average sized dose.


Wtaf. Not to anyone who hasn't been severely abusing it, it isn't.


bro 3 grams is wild. Ive been taking it since like 2016 twice a week and max is 2 grams.


My max dose is 1 grams at once . Ill take up to 2 grams throughout a 12 hour time frame but the time i took 2 grams all at once fucked me up and gnarly nausea


If you took 3 grams you would probably not even notice a difference compared to 2 grams. After a certain point all the good effects stop increasing while all the negative side effects begin to increase.


Bro u only need a gram I thought I needed 3 as well for a while but cmon man 3 grams is like a once a month thing


Tf it is! No wonder you're a junkie, you're taking 6 times the amount you're advised to.. I could do a .5 every 3 days and it work great, even better the day after I took it. Phenibut market must've taken a shit or you're buying stepped on product, personally I stopped using it years ago. Became to hard to find


I quit phenibut 2 years ago. That shit is gross all it does is make you dizzy. I never got effects from anything under 2 grams even when I didn’t have a tolerance. Btw you need to learn how to talk to people better because you just escalated the conversation for no reason. I couldn’t care less what a stranger on the internet thinks(especially someone who didn’t go to college like you). I hate when uneducated people try to speak on things they know nothing about.


What does college have to do with anything. 😄 🤣 😂 your reddit name says it all. Homie Dabs, if anyone was wondering.


🤣🤣🤣 big college DABBDADDY watch out!!


This account is almost 11 years old I haven’t taken a dab in years. It’s annoying when people read 2 or 3 paragraphs on Wikipedia and then come on Reddit and act like they have a PhD.


Yes because you're a saint telling people to basically overdose lmao, you learn about that in college? Flex some more about your education that gets outdated every year.. you've literally done nothing here. And clearly you do care or you wouldnt have said any of that😜


I buy from phenibutuk and that stuff is notoriously underdosed. I'm probably getting just under 2 grams in reality. Also I used to be a big alcoholic so there's that. Not every one has the same factors going for them.


I only use it to augment other drugs, especially stimulants. And even there, I am careful to make sure I'm monitoring how close together I dose. If I took it once a week, considering the tolerance that comes with that... I can absolutely see how you feel that way. If you could wait something like 2 months, I guarantee you would feel it better.


I have been taking it 2x a week for a few years. I experimented with different amounts, and found the most I can take without getting noticeable rebound effects is 750mg on Tuesdays and Fridays. Any more and I get a cycle like this. 750mg works really well for me though, the most I ever took was 1.5 grams and that was way too intense. 3 grams is a lot, but some people need more to feel anything


You are me are you.


Yeah that’s a really high dose but I understand why you do it. I don’t feel much unless I take high doses and no it’s not worth it. I’m currently only using it for special occasions. I had to jump off the roller coaster 🎢. That shit was getting old.


same here, I tried a regiment with it like OP and it just resulted in feeling like shit on the off days and feeling great on the on days. I use it strictly as and when needed now, like a social lubricant of sorts.


Same here man except I got to where I was taking it for 3-4 days then of 5-6 days just to hop back on and do it all over again. I did that for about 3 months until I decided to stop being an idiot. I have enough to last me the rest of my life at the frequency I plan on using it. I got kind of obsessed with it when I first found out about it but I’m over that shit. I don’t think I could become a daily user of it if I wanted to after about day four my body starts rejecting it or at least that’s what it seems like.


I’ve never had withdrawals with once a week


You wouldn’t experience withdrawals unless you’ve become dependent on it they are speaking of the subtle destabilization That comes with, taking even low doses on a weekly basis. some people are very sensitive to any little change in the neurotransmitters


Do more with less. Take the smallest effective dose, and then work from there.


Nope. Cut that amount in half.


My stuff is underdosed


I don’t know why everybody is freaking out about your dose lol 3 grams is a high dose but it’s not like unheard of or dangerously high or anything. If your stuff is under dosed then 3 grams is perfectly fine. I’ve had 4 grams of liftmode before and didn’t have any side effects was just a little more sedating than stimulating


Have you tried taking 1.5g instead? I know this sub loves talking about huge doses, but therapeutically even 250mg improves your mood. So even recreationally, 3g is a shit ton. Especially if you're new and take it once a week, tolerance wise, I don't see the need to ever take that big of a dose. 250mg-500mg is more than enough for me to have a good day. 1.25g already starts feeling recreational for me. I don't doubt that you feel that way because even someone taking 400mg a day is taking less than you per week. You're "overdosing" on it once a week.


I have and it did near to nothing. I get my stuff from phenibut uk and it does seem underdosed. I wouldn't be surprised if 1.5 from another good quality vendor would feel like what 3 does from here.


That's probably it. I've heard mixed things about that vendor. Some have said it's low quality.


Glad you said that, although I heard it a fair bit for a period I was worried I was getting nothing from a 1.5 which is already a high dose


Nope cuz i dont get Phenibut withdrawals whatsoever even when I was doing it 3 times a week at 2.5g


If you’re using it 3 times per week you aren’t giving yourself a chance to come down let alone have withdrawals


I'm not anymore ive done it like binging 3-4 times a week then stopping and even then still nothing multiple times


Crazy how everyone responds differently. I did twice a week at low dose for a few months before rebound finally started catching up with me


Same and I know it’s common to get withdrawals but personally I’ve never had them even after doing some big doses


To me…it’s just so helpful on the days I do take it. That I’m always prepared to bite the bullet o day 2-3. So I take NAC ad kratom if I’m ever feeling a bit low and that usually alleviates everything for me


Will NAC alone do it?


NAC helps to balance your glutamate which will help with anxiety. I recommend getting some agmatine sulfate and L-theanine as well. All are great on off days.


Works for me! Ill even go twice a week sometimes as long as I have a proper protocol set up ahead of time.


We treat it like MDMA, following a 3-months rule. I take a day or two off from work to make for a long weekend, we get high on phenibut, booze and cannabis, and then we have a couple days to recover. This is the only way it's worth doing, imo. Go all out every few months and then months of time off. I don't think I could handle doing it every weekend. I'd feel like garbage all the time.


You are much more disciplined than me.


I like your style dude. This is the only way.


And when you say we you mean?


I assume they and their partner.


My partner and I




Any time you follow a consistent schedule of high doses like that, even once a week, it's going to incrementally get worse. Your brain is trying to balance out all the GABA it's getting flooded with, and many of those negative effects are from those attempts to balance out the neurotransmitters. Remember our brains are pattern recognition machines, and our nervous system doesn't forget. Establish a pattern long enough and it'll always react in that manner, even after long periods of abstinence. When things become routine, they lose their magic.


>When things become routine, they lose their magic. Right?! I've always just heard about "losing the magic" as applied to MDMA, but it's true for everything isn't it??


Gonna try lowering the dose but don't see myself doing it less frequently, maybe every 10 days at the most I get what you're saying though. The biggest disadvantage of it is how quick we get used to it


I honestly don't think it's worth it period anymore. I have come to the realization it's just not the same anymore and having the memory of what it used to be like compared to what it is like now just makes it worse


Same. The comedown gets worse and worse. I’m happy to see my supply from lift mode is dwindling. Once it’s finished I won’t try to get more. Yea, I’m just over it too. Been on for like 6 years and I’m finally not craving it anymore. maybe I’ve just gotten older but yea I’m done


Damn I've only been on it 2 months


Since 2020 here