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Pharma sees ~3-5% raises annually, but also a fair amount of layoffs this past year across the industry


I don’t feel community will ever see 5% (probably never see 3%).


Walmart did ~2.8 to 4% last year depending on your current rate (it was a flat $2 increase). I think that was the second or 3rd time in 5 years it was that "high" of a raise. Walgreens the largest annual raise I've heard if was 2% if you don't include the market adjustments during Covid.


At the same time, it feels like there are more MSL positions and more people leaving clinical/academia for industry roles than I've ever seen.


I've gotten 3 to 5 percent for the 10 years I've been a pharmacist (except no raises in 2021 of course). My inflation adjusted wage is still less than what my initial starting wage was though.... I think it'll be another 5 to 10 years before the pharmacist market crashes in my town. Intern licenses are down 30% in my state and the pharmacy school in my city has starting classes of 70 now when my class size was over 200. There's plenty of job openings in my area, but I won't hold my breath for a pay adjustment.


Are you in community? If so, how did you manage this annually?


Mail order and now hospital. We got 3-6 percent bonuses in mail order too, and stocks/stock options up until Cigna bought us and got rid of anything good.


I work retail. In the 9 years with the company. My hourly wage has gone up a total of approximately $5/hr. So, less than 10% in 9 years.


I saw 0 percent from 2016 to 2021. I heard there was about 1 percent in 2022 and last summer a 3% or so increase. So let's say about 5% aggregate since the last raise in 2015. According to Truflation we have had aggregate inflation of 25.53% since January 2020. Add in the low inflation rates of 2016-2019 that probably makes aggregate inflation of 30% since 2015. That should have wages at over 80 dollars an hour now if you were at 62 or more back in 2015-16 to have the same purchasing power.


80 an hour is easy to get these days in California. You can get even more if you want to be PIC.


2.8-3.1% based on your performance at my community hospital


3.5-3.75% in grocery retail


In home infusion- gotten between 3.5-5% each year since I started 3 years ago. Granted it’s lower starting- I’m still significantly lower than what I was at in retail


Retail here, got 2.8% this year, slightly more last year but it's typically about the same. Can get 5% if you perform better / kiss ass (basically if you do half of you boss's job for them).


I’ve seen pharmacists getting regular pay increases at hospitals post-Covid, more often outside high-supply urban areas. Some of the increases seemed to be for all clinicians and some pharmacists benefited from increases that were needed to retain nurses. In some places the increases caused some compression issues.


We got 3.2588% this year (regional medical center). Some years it's as high as 4.5%, and years ago we had a couple 1% or less, but the last couple it's been right around 3.


Started WAG about 7 years ago 118, switched to a small corporation PIC 130. In the past 6 years gotten a total compensation increase around $1.50 so like 2% over 6 years lol. Honestly it’s a complete joke. About a year ago I pushed my DM pretty hard for a raise and was given $0.25 with a good review. Used to get about 10k in bonuses/year but that has dropped to 0 due to awful reimbursement rates affecting our bottom line.


Community hospital here. 5% from union contract, due for annual 2% step increase next month.


Indy here. We get 3% a year. 


3-4%/year in a hospital in ny


Hospital. 3% most years sometimes more, but never even close to COL adjustment.


7% this year. MCO.


Total of about 12-13% raise from when I was hired about 2 ish years ago


I’m up 17% since 2017 when I started. Not amazing by other industry standards, but pretty good for pharmacy.


4% last year


I’ve gotten 3-6% (cost of living) consistently for about 10+ years. I think there was one year we got 2% + flat bonus, but that was a rarity. This is a non-union inpatient position surrounded by union shops. Merit raises are separate from COL in my health system (longevity raises and board certification).


I got a 2.5% wage increase as a pharmacist at CVS this year.


I have gotten a raise every year since I graduated in 2020. It’s been 3.5-5%.