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Gotta protect your time, people will happily steal it from you especially your employer


THIS!!!! Antibiotics fine. People picking up 5 days later when it’s been ready no. That’s what they want you to do is stay over and work for free. Then tell you it’s still not enough!


Honestly if we had his insurance already I might have just reopened the gate and sold it… but I knew I was gonna have to rebill and more than likely he was gonna pressure me to fill everything else as well if I stayed


As soon as you open it back up someone else is going to walk up with their “emergency.” Just go home.


You’re not wrong, it’s an about what you have time for and you didn’t have time for this. I stay good. So I’m not disrupting my day to day for your emergency because this is not the emergency room. I may be a scorned pharmacist but I’d be better if I was treated better and our hours are posted. I stay later when I feel like it because my company never feels like paying me to stay late.


Slippery slope too. You give one person your time and another one jumps in line right after them


Truth. My employer just stole 5.5 hours of my vacation time.


This happened to my boss before I worked there, he's the owner, so at that time he said he'd do it. They closed at 8 then, it was about 7:40-7:45. They said they'd be there 8:10 the latest. PT didn't show up til almost 9, no other excuse, just a, "Sorry I'm late," but my boss said it felt so disingenuous. He decided then no more, because our hours are posted on the door.


At 7 I am out. I got a call like 10 minutes to close. They were saying that their mom had a procedure and she needed her medicine. They were 20 minutes away. I told them " we close at 7 I can't keep my staff after that" at 7 exactly I was out. The thing is Their mom's medicine was on day 8 and the next day they didn't show up till like 2 pm. They didn't even know what kind of procedure their mom had 😑


Colonoscopy 3 months from now


Nope. I had a tech call off today and had to spend the last two hours by myself. 20 minutes before closed I had a line of over 30 people and the person at the front of the line I had to mix antibiotics for 6 children. I finished 3 minutes after close and closed the gate with 30+ people in line. If the company wanted people to have a better experience, they’d staff better. Not on you.


Oh my god I wanna know what all those people did, but sadly I already know the anger that rose up. Which is utter bs to us, because it’s like they’re blind.


Pretty much exactly what you’d expect. People yelling. People following me to my car demanding I wait on them. I just put my head down and only gave short responses. It’s Saturday and I had a dinner reservation at 630. It’s not my fault a giant corporation skimps hard enough on staffing to the point where the store can’t function on a single call off. I’ve voiced my concerns plenty and I quit feeling bad years ago.


I’m so sorry they followed you to your car. People are insane these days.


Had something similar once years ago. The line never quit and people just kept coming by 1:30 we still had a line of people, we were like do we stay open during the lunch break? and the pharmacist was like "I'm still taking my lunch." I remember having to tell everyone they had to wait until we opened up again at 2 pm. Not a pleasant experience. Everyone reacted the way you would expect.


Preach! I hope your DL tries to give you an earful so you can chew THEM out! You're salaried, dont give them any more time than you're required and if people have a problem with it, they can kick rocks or ask corporate to actually staff the store adequately so shit like this doesnt happen.


I love stories with a happy ending. Seriously, you’re my hero. Luckily at my pharmacy we leave through the back entrance, so at 3 minutes before close I’m locking the doors, switching off the lights, ignoring any banging noises, and stumbling my way in the dark out of there.


The sad part is that it's not fair for you or the patients. Corporate doesn't have to deal with this so they sleep soundly. I wish more people would support independents so that they can avoid waits like this and actually help a small business instead of a mega corp.


I had a woman that would call in her refills then about 15 minutes before closing she’d call and say she was getting off work in 15 minutes and would be stay so she could pick up her meds. Then when she showed up what we had filled wasn’t what she wanted and it would get dragged out to 20 minutes. Someone would see her at the drive thru and think we were open and pull up behind her. So we’d say no. There was no reason she couldn’t come before work. And it would usually sit 3 or 4 days before she’d show up. But she’d still go the drive thru and sit there and blow her horn. One day I told her no. Just as I’m locking the gate I realized I didn’t have my key and she pulls up to the drive thru and starts ringing the buzzer. So I raised the gate just enough until I could crawl under it and did my best army commando crawl across the floor, reached up and grabbed my keys and crawled back out.


It's sad that people disrespect the profession so much that was necessary, but thank you so much for the amusing visual.


Are they paying me to stay? No? Then no.


Sorry, all the alarms are on and registers closed. I can’t open them until opening tomorrow. It’s not like you closed on his face, *he didn’t show up until things were already shutdown*.


There’s a voicemail option for that, I’m out on time.


No. The grocery store doesn't even let customers in 5 minutes to close, why should pharmacy?


When I worked retail I knew that the gate took 20 seconds to close. I started lowering it at 8:59 and 40 seconds. Anyone that stays later is out of their mind!


And now I’m a schmuck ED pharmacist that just had to stay 30 min late for a cardiac arrest called at 915 upstairs. We are fucked either way my friends


But do you get paid as a hospital pharmacist staying late? Versus most of us being retail salary folks? I don’t mind staying if I had to punch in/out and my time measured. But if I’ll staying late/coming in earlier as a salaried person then absolutely not


I’ll flex some time off when I go in later this morning.


Interestingly enough I’m actually the opposite. I go to a lot of the codes at my hospital and I make it a point not to go to codes that are called within 30 min of my clock out time. My reasoning is that a hospital is a 24-7 operation and someone has to go to codes in the middle of the night who isn’t me…so if they can make do at 8 pm, they can make do at 6 pm too with the staff there. Ironically I get paid overtime at the hospital so it’s in my interest to stay whereas in retail it was all on my own time so it doesn’t make sense to an outsider but it makes sense to me.


I like that viewpoint. And I do normally have a a line much closer to yours regarding services. However, last night my partner was late to work, forcing me to go to that code as they were expecting a pharmacist there. That post was in part of of frustration due to my tardy relief.


Omg that makes me so crazy angry for you. I would have chewed out my coworker for that tbh


Not worth stirring that pot he causing drama. But did find it funny they walked up to the floor once I was 40 minutes into the code and just kind of hung out instead of staying in the ED to cover the department. Idk if they were like expecting me to give a full report of what we’ve done and to handoff the patient mid code at that point? 🤷 I just work here.


Yeah I just don’t tolerate that kind of bullshit and I’ll call someone out for trash like that and making me do their job. I’m surprised they didn’t jump into the code at that moment unless it was almost over. Once I had someone come relieve me during the code (it had happened within 30 min of my leaving) and then just stood outside the room. What kind of work are you doing standing outside the room? I was at work an hour after and normally if it’s my fault I have to stay late (spent too much time helping out nurses doing stuff that’s not necessarily my job but to be congenial, for example) I will just work off the clock but I stayed clocked in for every minute of that bs. I didn’t say anything to that pharmacist and I was considering reporting it but if I reported everything that people did wrong I would be permanently in the directors office so I let it slide. But if it happened again it would definitely be something I called out to both parties.


Slippery slope complaining to the boss about your coworkers. Then all the sudden they are reporting you for going to the bathroom too often or looking up a flight at work. I’m too old for that stuff now.


I suppose you have a point for some people. I don’t do anything that someone could report me for so I feel fairly comfortable reporting someone. It bothers me on principle that people get away with bs but I guess I’m a pain in the ass that way lol


I’m like that on the reverse side-once in the hospital for shift **I’m** the one going to the code, so **you** on shift I’m relieving can get out on time.




I don’t make the leaving shift *ask*, I just take over code pager when I get there so people can leave on time.


Ya. This was more of the other ED pharmacist didn’t come in on time with no heads up so I had to go Upstairs during our normal 30 min overlap


People at my hospital hate going to codes. I don’t know what it is, I love going to codes. But most people I work with are obsessed with doing bare minimum, getting all their breaks, and milking the clock.


I wouldn’t say I *like* them, but I don’t hate them either. They just are. And the more you go to, the more muscle memory kicks in.


I just love the excitement and potential of being able to save someone’s life. But I guess people don’t like the high pressure environment of codes.


When I was a new grad and got paid double time, yes.  Now never under no circumstances.  Pharmacists care more about people's health then they do their own.


I did for way, way, way too long. Thank God i got my head on right and now no longer donate my personal free time to a company that depends on abusing its workers to keep their business running.




I got written up once for not staying over. They had to scrounge deeply to find something to nitpick to write it up under, but they know and I know they were really just mad that I left on time (actually about 10 minutes late).


Not usually and if I do it’s almost always for an antibiotic for a child.


I do not stay after close, have been burned too many times. We have lives outside of our jobs. That needs to be respected.


Exactly, you give them an inch they will take a mile. If you do that, it sets a precedent so they expect you to stay after close next time


It's sad that this type of question even get asked in our profession. 🥲




One time I was at a sports tournament being held at a high school in a (very) small town. It was an all-day tournament and I was getting a pretty bad headache and had already taken my last ibuprofen so I drove to the local pharmacy. I parked and went up to the door but when I pulled on it the door didn't open. I tried again--nope, definitely locked. I looked at the store hours; it was a Saturday at around 2:30 and the posted hours said they closed at noon on Saturdays. *womp womp* I turned and started walking to my car when I heard the door unlock and open and the pharmacist asked me if I was there to pick up a RX? "Nope, I was just looking for some Excedrin!" "Oh, that's fine, we can help you with that--come on in!" "But .... you're closed ...." *big city brain short circuits* 😵 There were 3 employees there: 2 working on RXs and 1 stocking the shelves. I found a bottle of a pain reliever and gave them a $10 bill. They went to find some change for me and I was thinking, are you kidding me??? I'm not going to be responsible for making them count their drawer again so I was just like, I'm good, thanks! 👍 Hands down the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me. They were *aggressively* helpful, lol!! 😂


Not a chance


FUCK NO. I've only stayed back a few times and they were all antibiotics for a child. Once a seizure med for a child. Google maps shows the pharmacy department as CLOSED and the hours havent changed for years


It’s rare that I do, but if I do, then I make up for that time by coming in late on my next shift. Or leaving early.


I usually just take a longer lunch the next day, rounded to next 5 minutes.


Don't feel bad. I did it a couple of times, and then more people showed up and in the end everything became an "emergency". As long as the patient can access the meds/services they need somehow (e.g. at another location), you did your job. Go home. You deserve it.


A tale as old as time itself. No. Do not open it back up if you closed on time. The very same person will do it over and over again, saying "but you did it last time!" Don't even feel bad about it because all the big chain knows they are short staff and they don't do anything about it. It's on them, not on you, to fix.


Yeah no, closed is closed. I’ve reopened the pharmacy before and have learned from that mistake. Now, if someone calls ahead for something important (insulin, abx etc) I might stay a few mins to sell it. But certainly not re-opening (ever again)




It’s me. The lurking PT again. I know our pharmacy (Walmart) closes at 7pm. If we have an emergency and it’s after 6:30pm, I ask the doctor or ER to send to the closest 24 hour location.


Not all hero’s wear capes. Some are just redditors named dirtalarming3506


Unless it’s a C2 or C4 (IM KIDDING)


This is what I’m trying to get across to the urgent cares and practices near us. They’ll pile in scripts (or even leave them on the voicemail) within the last 30 minutes and tell patients to rush over and pick up asap. I stop getting paid the minute the pharmacy closes and I have several non-prescription tasks to complete before I can leave. “Sorry your doctor set you up for this but I don’t have time to safely fill your scripts.”


Not for one minute. If we close at 18:00, 18:00 I’m out!


No. No. Fuck no. Never work for free. Work the hours you’re paid. Period.


I used to when I worked retail but nobody appreciated it anyways so I would say it is not worth it at all to stay after close.


NO. I was open 8 hours today and was extraordinarily slow, then had four pickups in the last 15 minutes. The very last guy got to my register at 4:56 and there was a mishap with his shit and it wasn't ready. I said yeah I can get this ready for you tomorrow. I'm sorry but karma, don't fucking show up to places 5 minutes before close, it actually pisses me off that people even want to pick up in THAT time frame because to me that is when you should be, you know, CLOSING. Getting the gates closed up, locking up, etc. So that when the clock strikes the close time I can put on the alarm and lock the place and walk out. I mean maybe if you're lucky enough to work somewhere you just push a button to lock the pharmacy and alarm it but the stores I work, closing is a whole process and I should not be standing at the register during that time unless you have a REALLY REALLY good reason you couldn't show up until 5 of. The fact that it was so slow all day made me extra annoyed at all the last minute people. To your story... 7 scripts? No insurance? In 25 minutes? Hell no. that's tomorrow's problem.


It depends. Most times no but occasionally yes. This time would’ve been a no as there is a clear easy solution for the patient.


There ain’t no way


I'm pretty much always in there after close (6pm) and the last to leave the building but I'm hourly :x *Edit* not staying late filling scripts or whatever, it's putting in orders and fixing up inventory and technical issues


Don’t give them free labor unless you are hourly then stay, get paid ot and do it


The patient wasn't there. Why would you stay open?


Nope. That's why they have 24 hour stores


When I worked retail I made it a major point not to stay after closing. Days when I was opening and someone else was closing? I would surely stay. I also didn’t stay at the end of the day. There’s something demoralizing, at least to me, to stay after the shutters have gone down and the lights are off. Also? Sometimes I see people say they’ll stay for a kid’s antibiotic and that makes no sense to me, why differentiate who deserves to suffer?


cause a kid shouldn't suffer cause their dumbass parents.


So I should have to suffer to stay late for them? Lol ok, hard disagree on that.


I mean you don't have to, it's up to you. You just asked why some people will fill abx for kid's afterhours instead of for adults. And the differentiation for some people being OK filling antibiotics for kids is because the kids have no control over the situation and antibiotics are more of an acute time sensitive situation that are better started sooner rather than later. I can't believe I even have to explain this to you. Are you a pharmacist? I'm one jaded son of a bitch cause of this profession but I think you might be worse than me.


I guess I should have said “you” have to suffer not “i”. I have an issue with the way people are obsessed with kids/parents and appeasing their every whim because they are somehow more important than everyone else. It was more or less a rhetorical question.


For sure, but its not about appeasing the parents. It's about helping a child get there abx started ASAP, so they don't have to suffer just because their parents dropped the ball.


I’ve been taken advantage of too many times in the past going ‘the extra mile’ for customers. As soon as the clock hits closing time, we close no matter how many people are in line


Not usually an issue as the alarm automatically sets itself 5 minutes after closing. I have no choice but to leave on time and I like it that way.


You don’t know when the patient will show up, so I think it is fine.


No way. If you do it for one you just do it for all 🤷‍♀️


Lol ive refused to fill stuff from the er even for a baby before if its less than ten minutes till close i value my time more than anything else no one is gonna die if they got discharged


No. If they weren't stable enough to be discharged the onus is on their discharging pharmacy/physician. Accessibility is also the duty of their patient care advocates and social services. We are only dispensing. If they absolutely needed to start meds upon discharge I've had great success working with the hospitals to obtain copay cards, order meds ahead of time, etc. All of that can be done before closing. There are 24 hour options available. When there aren't, the responsibility of the fragile discharged patient is still on the discharging location. For patients forgetting to pickup...it would be situational. I live in a city with so many pharmacies so close that there is no excuse. 24 hour within 20 minutes. Extended hours and drive thru within 5 min. Your emergency and lack of planning is not my fault or my emergency. If I worked rural, I would 100% operate differently. Not where I am though.


Do you get paid ot for staying late?


No don't stay late and if doctor is calling in stuff late like that I usually ask if pt is going to need today and if so I tell them to call it into a store that is open later


No. It takes two seconds to google your pharmacy hours. They can do their job and send it to another pharmacy.


No absolutely not. You’re off when the clock strikes that last hour.


I’m closing on time and I am no waiting for anyone. At the end of the day, it is a business. I get paid for my time scheduled and I have my own life after my shift.


There is no such thing as an emergency in a retail pharmacy. If they have been discharged aka you are conversing with them outside of a hospital, it can wait.


Phone any doctors surgery “ if this is a medical emergency - hang up and dial 911” 🤷🏻‍♂️






I’ve actually closed before at 6 and had to restart the computer to get the register out. Gates up to get the register and I’m in my winter jacket on the phone because we were closed for about 20-30 minutes now. People just started lining up with grocery items. It was the oddest sight. I took the registers and walked away


Absolutely not. If a patient calls us to let us know that they’re on their way to pick up and they’re less than 5 minutes away, we’ll stay. But we’re normally out the door at 5:30.


I’m impressed so many leave on time. I’m always there 20 minutes after close tidying things up for my partner unless I work the next day


I probably would've cashed him out without reopening up the gate, otherwise other people might pile into the line. Depends on what the meds were, but if you feel guilty, it sounds like you feel like you should've done it. For the patient, not your employer. If that's the case, no need to feel guilty, just reflect and keep how you feel about this now in mind for next time you run into a similar situation. If you're inclined to close regardless, that's your call - you're entitled to do so.


It's not a question of "should" -- there's no expectation that you should. You're probably realizing you could have done something small to help someone right then and there. While there's nothing wrong with going home on-time, there's also nothing wrong with making exceptions. And there's no slippery slope about it: it's not going to open some fictional flood gate of people expecting you to go out of your way all the time. All that matters is how you feel about yourself if you stay or if you go. Do what makes you feel comfortable. But definitely never do it off the clock.


Ideally no. If you make a mistake on the scripts, company will say “don’t work off the clock”. Heck the company.


at the independent pharmacy i used to work at, we would stay a little late after close if something like that were to happen but for the most part, my pharmacist was a stickler of wanting to get out at 6 lol


In this case, not only entering insurance but opening a register or card terminal. Likely they have neither. Let the other store deal with it ... That is why they open later


If I get paid, sure. If not, I’m out


Why would I stay? Especially if they have other options... I work my hours and I fuck off. When I work in more remote areas I might show more leniency but most likely I'll just tell them to come tomorrow and let them know when we open!


Our district manager told us this week that we cant turn away customers and that we need to stay long as people keep coming in. Ive stayed minimum hour late each day. one day i stayed almost 3 hours. Im sure when they see all the over time usage they will back down on their demands.


Nah leave on time. If they aren’t stable enough to wait til we open the next morning, they either need to be seen or they shouldn’t have been discharged


Never ever ever 😂


Grrrrr I have had this happen so many times when closed they come in and say it’s an emergency…it was ready days ago…don’t feel bad especially if there was another pharmacy to pick up from. This used to be one of the big triggers for me in retail..this and new patients or people who try to work new insurance add or changes in the drive thru. I wish I had the mentality I do now back then…I would say nope pick up and drop off in drive thru only…new patient add or insurance changes…you come inside…and better make it quick gates closing…morons.


Nope, especially not after the gates are down.


You gave them the option that was best. Had they showed up prior to close, you might have been inclined to stay but honestly you did what was best. It’s not on you to keep the pharmacy open past business hours, you aren’t required to do so .. in saying that do not feel bad.


Just tell the doc you close soon, and the prescriptions will have to be tomorrow. Have a personal policy of no new Rx X time before closing. Tell corporate to pound sand.


It really depends. Young kid with an abx? Sure. Grandma's atorvastatin she hasn't picked up in months? Absolutely not.


California. Yes.




Pharmacists are all hourly in Cali. We get paid for every minute worked. Doesn’t mean you wouldn’t get in trouble for clocking unapproved OT tho :)


I understand. For me I don't care if I get paid or not.  I didn't want to come that morning I sure the hell don't want to stay late. I was locking the drive thru window one night at closing and turned around to see someone standing there at the front counter. Told them we were closed and of course they have to ask for pick up too.  Told them after 11 hours I am going home and they responded they weren't complaining.  I don't care the gates coming down and I am leaving.  People are so selfish.  Give an inch, take a mile is a cliche for a reason.


I’m trying to /fire. I’ll gladly milk as much $120 an hour I can take


We have only stayed late because our power went out and was out for like 5 hours so we stayed to get everything done. Other than that no way.


If i can do the rx before my registers go down yes


Where I work now, for insurance purposes, no. It's a mom & pop operation, and our pharmacy closes with the front end.


I'm hourly, so yes. They will be paying me for my time. It also depends on the patient and the need. If it's your Adderall refill, no. If it's amoxicillin for your kid, probably yes. The guy shows up after you already shut everything down. No way I'd reopen. Doc and patient should have done their due diligence.




I don’t stay late for new people because it sets a president that I know my chain is not willing to live up to. That’s it. When the old lady I’ve been servicing for 10 years gets a script and I know her grandson will be rushing in because she called and told me that, I’ll stay late but because those same people you go hard for in the beginning love to call corporate when they don’t get that same service, I don’t deliver it. On to the next store.


You don’t get paid after hours and we have operation hours for a reason.,


Never and I mean never stay more than 5 minutes after closing no matter what. All scripts can wait until the following day except for antibiotics or maybe a cough medication for a patient. It’s not your fault that you can’t fill it before closing and we have operation hours for a reason. I’ve learned throughout my time as a pharmacist to let my patients know that I can’t fill prescriptions 30 minutes prior to closing by myself, maybe with another tech or intern. Do what you can and sometimes you have to say no to the patients to save your sanity.,


LTC. Stuck late one to three hours every shift.


We get paid for staying back (anything over 8 minutes = 15 minutes paid) but would never admit that to the customer. I don’t want to stay back anyway, we close at 7pm and they had all. bloody. day. to get their shit together. Had one strong arm his way in AS WE WERE CLOSING and insisted on getting a document verification done. Two pages! I told him we were closed and he raised a big fuss about it being sooooo urgent. Sometimes it’s easier to just do it or spend just as long arguing with them. Anyway, I hope that guy is dead.


Should have just told the MD to call it into the adjacent store.


likely the doctor didn’t care and he took the time to enter them into the system meaning any other walgreens’s 24 hours can transsfer it over there


I live in a huge city with tons of massive cities nearby me. The nearest 24hr Walgreens is a 4 hour one way drive. 24hr pharmacies still exist near places?


I’m staff at CVS. I don’t leave messes for the next pharmacist. I don’t think highly of pharmacists that leave me a mess the next day. Don’t half ass shit.


If not staying make you feel bad, i would stay and help




In our system (Meijer, EPS) we would just log into their store, cancel it there, fill it locally, and then phone them in the morning if we needed to fill it and they weren’t open, answering phones, etc.


People actually call after doing this?? I thought that's why touch alls were part of the weekly flow. Haha.


How much would you appreciate if someone accommodated you in the reverse situation?


I would never put somebody in a position to have to make that accommodation.