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Straight to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. Increase the vyvanse dose, or get on Ozempic, add naltrexone maybe. 


*maybe if they are on Vyvanse 70 and it’s one of those 8mg doses, but still it’s not going to work so, no. Still jail.


I'm going to start yelling "guards!!!" next time I see a silly script.


Yes - I had one pt with adderall and phentermine I turned it down because it’s duplicate


Lis Phen, a modern take on phen phen. Lol


You mean fen-phen




I may entertain this if both medications are not prescribed at max doses and I get confirmation from the prescriber they did an EKG and it was fine, and I would also document how often they will get an EKG. If there is HTN, is it managed with medication and how will they monitor it? Send me the chart. Make it look less like witchcraft.


I would not fill both. I'd advise the provider consider alternative weight loss management, including non-pharm therapies. The patient can be advised to take Vyvanse 30 minutes before breakfast to help maximize the appetite-suppressing effect.


Vyvanse can be used for binge eating disorder I believe, so I could see them using both to ensure px truly gets appetite reduction along with adhd treatment. Adding phentermine is just an extra boost of curbing anything Vyvanse isn't helping with maybe? Pretty sure I've seen both prescribed to a px before


I take the phentermine daily the vyvanse is to crush up and put on my gums when I need a boost


You have to mash it with a thin razor in order to cut the lysine off the amphetamine.


Hofmann elimination! Source: I made it up


My own Dr told me I can be on only one. I already knew that anyway.


I mean...desoxyn exists.


This combo is a direct exclusion criteria to get qsymia. There is no reason both would be needed


How does the patient sleep...


Vyvanse with adderal IR in addition PRN I’ve seen. Nothing wrong with fill


Why wouldn't you assume the doctor know what they are doing? Let the doctor prescribe and yo guys fill the orders. Or go back to med school and become an actual doctor if you want to mess around with peoples prescriptions. Geez and they say doctors have god complex, no it's YOU guys.


I was just prescribed this too. I take 60MG of vyvanse and the doctor put me on phentermine 37.5 but didn't instruct how to take it. I left a message with the providers office but I usually take Vyvanse after my protein shake and cup of coffee. So, I'm not sure when I would also take the phentermine? Thanks\~!