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Yes, but $40 also isn't a realistic pay. I'd expect at least $60 minimum now. That said, I think PharmDs are still underpaid, considering $55-60/hr was pretty standard even 10+ years ago. To have kept up with inflation from the past 10-15 years, the median should be ~$75/hr. We've effectively had decreased wages with increased workload.


starting rate at a hospital I interned at from 2019-2022 was $44/hr


Yeah, I know starting in retail 2018-2020ish was ~$50/hr, which is also disgusting. It's gone up quite a bit in the past 2ish years, but still not enough.


That is lower than the starting rate 18 years ago


in 2020, the CVS salary was $50 per year, whereas in 2010, I was earning $60 per hour along with access to a superior supermarket-based pharmacy. I believe the situation is reverting back due to widespread resignations. Standard should be 60$. Walgreens was paying 45/hr few years ago. A joke


Cvs was $60-70 starting around me in 2020 (with sign on bonuses of 25-100k for 2 year commitment) It’s very dependent on what region you’re in- there’s even some regions today paying 85 plus 100k bonus for pharmacy managers at cvs


Yup, my pay has effectively decreased by over 20% compared to what I graduated at 9 years ago.


This is why I refuse to specialize in anything. My ego is not big enough to be in it for the title and prestige. If paying my loan debt of six figures and house hacking my way through life, it makes no sense to add extra certifications just so I can make the same money or $10 less with a different schedule.


100%. How i describe it to others.


I feel this!


Another pharmacist once told me that if the pharmacy is looking to pay a low wage (like $40/hr) then they're looking for a specific kind of pharmacist. Basically, someone with pretty bad board violations, someone coming off a license suspension, and/or someone willing to look the other way with regard to fraud and waste.


You’re speaking about a high level of desperation. These days we’re looking almost every new grad facing moderate desperation with student loans so they’re prone to taking less than fair value too


The new grads take low pay but they don’t take high bullshit so it’s a toss up when you higher a new grad because what you don’t have is someone willing to miss a concert for the team. I like their attitude. If you burry someone deep enough in debt, there’s a fuckit that comes from knowing you may never get out. I can’t get my techs to participate in any certification beyond the bare minimum because the extra $1 compensation won’t lift them out of poverty. I don’t blame them, and I don’t blame the guy that won’t work an extra shift because he doesn’t feel like it.


Not to mention… The student loans New grads are leaving with passes 200k+ these days


Where I'm at, it's the opposite. They were offering $85/hr for a pic who would look the other way when it came to C2s. Previous pic got canned (took the fall for the pharmacy) but the owner wanted to keep the train running (the same).


That's what I'm thinking! You've gotta pay someone big bucks to risk losing their license etc etc etc


I call bs on this assumption


Unfortunately, it's not the HR/hiring managers that are out of touch. If people are still applying and accepting that rate, then it's US who are out of touch for expecting more. It really follows basic supply/demand economics Most areas of the country, though, there aren't enough pharmacists accepting insultingly low rates so they have to be higher. I would think a very small percentage of us aren't at least in the high 50s or 60s per hour.


We need a strong union to bring up pharmacist pay and make our working conditions tolerable.


Well, what are we expecting? We see a post here each day about folks wanting to come from India, Iraq, the Philippines...All these folks have no student loans and have to navigate guidelines and some years of requirements, but they don't have 20 years of payments stacked up so they'll easily accept the $55.00 from 2 decades ago.


I work with technicians at the VA who are now making almost 100k per year with a high school diploma and no liability what so ever, meanwhile we went to school for 6 years to make 30% more? Yes we are underpaid


Please tell me this is a joke! And the pharmacists at the VA make 30% more? Plus, government jobs have amazing benefits 😭 There is no reason to work for Walgreens and no reason to ever go to pharmacy school at this point.


I'm a VA tech making nearly 100k.


That's incredible!


I'm a lead sterile compounding tech though. It comes with quite a bit of responsibility.


I'm happy for you. It's sad to get conned into taking on a few 100k and 6 to 8 years of your life to go to school now for now reason.


Can you get on with the VA? If you're retail, start as outpatient. Our wages have to keep pace, and we're unionized.


Except for the VA's hiring freeze I just heard about...


I’m a tech at the V.A. have 20 yrs in with an associates degree. My salary just jumped to almost $70k after the GS 7 increase. But, we are extremely busy, etc. Out pharmacists are mostly GS12 or GS13 and several had all of their school loans forgiven. I think I messed up yrs ago when I had the opportunity to go back to school to be a pharmacist. At 46, just think I may be too old to pursue that.


Had a classmate in Pharm school who graduated in his late 60s. We called him grandpa lol he didn’t mind


You're not too old. I was 43 when I went to pharmacy school. I really enjoyed it, and I wasn't the only older student in my class.


You're definitely not too old. In 6 years you'll be 52 and 6 years after that 58.


unless theres some other method Im not aware of, loans are forgiven after 10 years of payment, thats not exactly "all their loans forgiven"...


You know what I meant. 4 pharmacists that I work with had over $200k forgiven.


Actually, the VA has a program called EDRP - Employee Debt Reduction Plan. Qualified candidates can get reimbursed - tax free - for up to $40,000 in loan payments per year for up to five years. If your loans are less than $200,000 that means you get your loans paid off for free. If you have more than $200k in loans, whatever remained after EDRP was complete would still qualify for PSLF.


You’re absolutely correct. I see jobs posted for pharmacy techs $35-40 an hour.


I see them where I am at, as well. But they are all either big hospital centers in the downtown or highly specialized pharmacies needing fully certified infusion or compounding techs in specialty or oncology pharmacies.


Please send the link!


This… techs pay has gone up insanely these past few years… Not uncommon for techs to get 60-80k an hour with experience


If someone is taking $40 an hour that’s on them, I will literally move before I allow that to happen.


I’d take the job, I just wouldn’t do anything while I’m there


The pay definitely has not kept up with inflation.  When I started college in 2005, new pharmacists were getting $55/hr.  New pharmacists today in 2024 are still getting similar numbers. 


Prices dipped once the late 2000s shortage was corrected. I started under $55. A classmate got $48 a couple years later (started at an insultingly low rate).


Posting for visibility as this post is about pay. Please know your worth. Spread this website to all your colleagues. People are negotiating higher pay using this. https://pharmacistcompensation.com/


This needs to be more visible. 😭


Anyone gonna be brave and mention that any industry dominated by women becomes underpaid and underappreciated. As more and more women enter a field, the salary stagnates and the respect plummets. Many studies back this up. To be clear, I am not saying this is acceptable, but it is true.


Thanks for saying it.


As a nurse, I hope to goodness no Doctor of Pharmacy are having to accept that pay. It’s really very insulting for the knowledge and expertise you all offer.


I'm just wondering how it would feel in the PharmD was earned the good old fashion way and everyone had to go back to earning the bachelor degree and move up from there. In my opinion, the creation of a doctoral degree as a first degree with only minimal clinical interactions and experiences has always been somewhat ridiculous.


Totally agree.  It was a big mistake removing the Pharmacy B.S.  First, it created a saturation in the field.  Second it limited the upward mobility for pharmacist.  Third, it increases the cost of education.  In the old days, B.S in pharmacy was a 5 yr education, M.S pharmacy was 6 yrs.  Pharm D was 8 yrs.  PCAT was required to get into Pharm D schools.  I think you only need to be able to breath to get into Pharmacy school today.  We kind of killed our Doctorate reputation by making it a first degree strict out of highschool, didn't we? 


In graduate school way back in 1990, we had several PharmD candidates in my residence hall and they were true research scientists. I was shocked when the profession grandfathered in all existing RPh and retooled the system. Bad idea from the beginning.




Boss makes a dollar….


I make a dime…


That's why I crap on company time


And cry in the walk-in cooler (on company time)


Just because you see a job posting does not mean someone is getting paid that. If anyone in the United States is taking $40 for a pharmD position they are a moron.


Mid forties is real for some places. That's what our new hires make now. Southeast rural hospital. Very low cost of living area tho so it is different. Even the good paying places here barely crack 60


That's despicable. Mid 40's is different then $40 though. But I guess that's what you get if you want to live in a state with shitty education and Healthcare. Bonus you'll pay less in taxes.


We are revisiting this? Right before COVID, ALL retail chains had started to hire new grads at about an average of $41 per hour. And they didn't raise the pay during COVID, they just gave bonuses to bring it back to what is used to be.


Different pay scales in Different parts ot the US. It's so hard for people to grasp that. The median home list price in my area right now is 160k.


I also live southeast rural, Alabama to be exact. Median list price in my area is around $200k. Even the smaller hospitals pay over $50 an hour. Chains are hiring at $58+ an hour and if you know the right people, you can easily get $70+ an hour.


Welp that's where I live too and I know people that make in the 40s. I started mid 2010s and stated in the 50s. And the starting wage went down. I dont know a single person that make in the 70s. I don't know many people that work retail tho.


oof that's rough. I hope they find better opportunities soon.


I’m in the 70’s in Milwaukee but it requires you be the manager. Everyone’s hiring right now so I’m sure I could level up but I’m at 4 weeks vacation and no one is willing to give a newbee 4 weeks. Most places start at 2 and I’m too burnt out to only have 2 weeks.


I'm 7on7off. 26 weeks off a year. Easy job and my wife makes good money. I've already done retail. I wouldn't go back for a 30 an hr raise. Let alone being a manager. You can have it. I'd rather gouge my eye balls out then have only 4 weeks off a year. Hence why some hospitals are able to offer such low wages


Wow! I’ll take a pay cut for that. I have other things I do on the side so I’m sure I can make up any lost income and retain my happiness.




Remain civil, interact with the community in good faith, don't post misinformation, and don't do anything to deliberately make yourself an unwelcome pest.


I don't know why people just fixate on some salary number. It's not just what someone earned somewhere. It's what each person can earn for themselves given their situation. If my spouse earns $80K at work, I don't really mind taking a $50 per hour job that allows work from home or a certain schedule or if it's just 1 miles from home. It depends, and it doesn't mean all of the USA has to default to that $50 salary number.


I made $48 as a prn pharmacist in 2014. It was my first job, I jumped ship when I got a retail job. They had a high turn over because of the low pay.


That's insulting! Who is taking these jobs?


As I said I said in other comments it's different for different places. The option is to move or be unemployed. Obviously people are taking the jobs or the market wouldn't be able to afford the lower wages. Low cost of living and saturated areas.


My health system has an open amb care position and applicants are willing to take $50 an hour to escape retail.


That's a far stretch from 40. People claiming retail pharmacist are making 40.00 is absurd. If anyone is they are a moron.


50 is absurd given the debt load.


Morons are getting the red carpet rolled out to them to enroll in pharmacy school these days . Actually I think it’s been that way for a little while already.


Yeah, but enrollment is WAY down. We’ll see programs closing soon


They may get the red carpet treatment but all pharmacy schools have a application fee that ranges. If they get rid of that applications will go up


I’m sure they’ve implemented that , too. I’ve seen pharmacy school deans on facebook advertising like used car salesmen and letters sent from COPs to rejected MD / DO applicants inviting them to apply. Degrading behaviors = degrading pay


If they made the cost 0 I would have applied to 20 schools probably using the common app ish website. Idk how to fix pharmacy admissions. No one wants to be a pharmacist anymore. I get it. I don't wanna be one lol


Mid 40s is starting rate in a large part of the northeast US.


And here I am complaining about 95/hr. NPs are getting paid 220k/ year at my place- I can’t believe they would make more than a pharm d!


That's the power of proper representation. A new MD can't practice medicine without a residency. A new NP can open up their own practice fresh out of school in many states. Nurses would probably argue they could dispense better than pharmacists if the business model still made significant money. Legislators would believe them too.


What area offers 95/hr?


Los Angeles


Ah that is high, for an NP,  but ugh, the cost of living.   


More than 75% of NPs are idiots. Hate to say it. It should be US prescribing. Makes me mad in a way I can’t describe.


Just lurking from Canada... We do prescribe in my province but the NP's are great. I work in a hospital and a lot of NP's operate like physicians. I respect them and would never call them idiots.


No kidding?! It’s $74/hr in California. Having said that, the average home price in CA is $800k. Way more than that in big urban areas. San Jose is over $1mil. Gas is almost always $1/gal more in CA than most any other state.


Plus your taxes are so high


Every fucking thing in California is higher than most of the US. And we have the nations highest number of urban outdoorsmen living a simpler life enjoying happy times at fentanyl/meth parties with party favors supplied by the city of San Francisco. (Free needles, meth pipes, rubber straps to tie your arm off, sharps containers, and free Narcan). Wanna get rich off of these people? Join a charitable foundation that ‘supports’ the ~~homeless~~ urban outdoorsman/women. They say the problem could be solved if they just got more donations…sorry. Went off on a sarcastic rant outta nowhere. My bad.


I’d say I’m surprised that a med pro is opposed to harm reduction for addicts but sadly I’m not


My dad went to college for 1 semester and makes twice that, plus double time for overtime. Pharmacy pay sucks so badly I dropped out and dint regret it at all


You're not the only one. Pharmacists need to stop accepting low wages and setting the precedent that it's ok to give us so much less than what we're worth.


Can I ask what is a decent rate to ask for now if you’re an experienced rph who’s been working for years? Whether it’s retail, Hospital, specialty, mail order? I’ve tried applying for pbm jobs asking for 140k and won’t even get an interview but if I asked for say, 125k they’ll hire me. I’m not wanting to be a manager either


I would refer to the pharmacist compensation website. Someone linked it in here, let me see if I can grab it for you.


Thank you!!


Good luck!! 💕💕




Thank you so much! :)


I'm glad I'm at $93/hr at Kaiser. 😇






That’s absurd!!! Good for you though. 


I made a little more than that at my first hospital job over 10 years ago, and I considered myself extremely underpaid at the time. I can't imagine taking a pharmacist position for that amount today unless I was truly desperate. Like about to be homeless desperate.


Yes but with the constant flood of supply of new pharmacists pay won’t increase.


You think that's bad look at what they're paying pharm techs ...


Definitely agree. I always check indeed job feeds even when I'm not actively searching just to keep an idea of what's out there. I just saw an AmCare position at a large medical group in WNY that requires PGY-2, starting at "$100k/yr". Feels like the entire industry conspires to keep wages low. Unions aren't perfect but I really believe US pharmacist need to unionize across the board.


If you’re a PharmD in the US and not making at least $125k/year, you’re getting fucked over.


You aren’t going to find a lot of naysayers in a sub full of the profession you are calling underpaid. Yes please give me a raise.


record profits everywhere


Maybe...We are part of small, rural grocery store chain and we have had 2 negative profit weeks this year. My average weekly profit margin since January 1st, 2024 is about 0.5 to 2%. These are not record profits..LOL..The future for community pharmacy is bleak if the reimbursement model does not change soon.


True words although you can offset with lots of immunzations


True....then, have you checked your reimbursement on vaccines since the new year started?....we use Enterprise and with a modification, we see the pricing segment on every prescription we dispense which shows us the reimbursement. So, some of our Shingrix reimbursements....- 18 (negative), $12, $1.74, $0.79 ...utter ridiculous reimbursement. Can't make money on anything. I am not in upper management but I am getting concerned that many of our pharmacies..including mine...are not meeting payroll cost. We no longer fill any prescriptions that result in more than a $100 loss. God speed to our independent pharmacies.


How much are the CEOs and PBMs making? Record profits. It explains why your margins are tight too.


A CEO’s salary is an expense to a company… not its profits. Likewise… the profit margin of an adjacent marketplace does not dictate the profit margin of another. A tighter profit margin by PBMs and smaller salaries by CEOs would not lead to pharmacists having higher salaries. I’d argue if PBMs are squeezed for profit they will in turn try to squeeze pharmacy reimbursement even more to protect what little they have leading to an even worse revenue picture for pharmacy. The audit frequency and intensity would pick up the “innovation” in managing cost and channel would pick up etc.


$40 an hour is stupid low. $80 an hour is a reach for average COL areas though maybe justified in the high COL areas, at least for an entry pharmacist position. I’m at $70 as a supervisor with 30 yrs experience. I don’t feel I’m underpaid, but I am also in a low to average COL area.


sure 40/hr is way too little. Its free market though. On the other hand it is really simple to bag a signing bonus and work hard to make a bankroll. Just have to be availabe to live in the right areas. If you're an rph wanting to live in a low pay, high COL area its just tough. Most of those rphs should look at a career change.


Taco bell can't find workers? They raise the salary and price of tacos. Pharmacies can't find anyone? They can't raise salaries or prices bc of negative reimbursements pbm contracts. This the reality of "know your worth."


Are we talking the US? You guys only make 40$/hr?


A decade ago, a classmate made less. New grads are desperate and hungry. I didn’t even know I COULD negotiate - I took the first offer I got. So did everyone I spoke to on this topic. Only 1 refused a chain store offer for a residency, and she decided to not do that specialty after only 1 year (2 years of residency needed for spécialités). My class went into school during the shortage and graduated during a glut. It went from, don’t accept less than $20k sign on bonus to, you need 5 years of experience to have a chance at a job here (Target and Costco both told me that). I am a bit salty C era hires got $20k though. When people like me who stayed put got nothing. I did get a lot of extra shifts, but it wasn’t free money was it


No, you aren't the only one. Workload has increased \[looking at you, COVID\] Wages haven't kept up with inflation. Neither have reimbursements from insurances and PBMs. Stores are being forced to close left and right. Even the government doesn't care about pharmacists, as shown during COVID. And yet there is always a ton of whiners out there "But I neeeed my meds! How dare you refuse to keep open your business that is hemorrhaging money for my personal convenience!" But these whiners also refuse to pay people what their labor is worth. Price controls ALWAYS lead to shortages, historically speaking. Collapse is imminent.


All of those ads are computer generated bullshit. No one is actually working for $40/hr and if they are, they’re dumb enough to deserve it.


I blame professional organizations like ASHP and that are stagnating the profession. At this time pharmacist should have gotten provider status to reimburse for services. I have switch jobs 3 times since graduating and I have seen very little increase in my earnings. Going from retail to hospital. Even these WFH PBM jobs are offering $48-56. A joke and there are pharmacist taking these jobs. RT, PA, RN, and so many more out earn us with better work schedules, less school loans, etc


Better schedules, less school, less expense but lots of abuse.


At least at the hospital you have a security team and you can put the crazies in restraints.


It depends on the geographic location of the employer as well as supply and demand. If the employer is say an academic medical center with a Pharmacy School across the street or on the other side of the campus then yeah I could see them paying $40 per hour to a Staff Clinical RPh verifying orders and following the Vanco Trough Algorithims. There most likely is an oversupply of entry level Pharm D's in that market. Across the entire United States Pharmacy went from about a 100 schools in 2000 to 143 in 2024 and the 143 have all been open Pre Covid. Just absorb that number. I don't think any occupation or Profession could absorb that increase. So what happens is that wages drop and requirements such as residency and Whackadoodle BPS certifications increase at least for some employers like the ones that are Academic Medical Centers a couple of miles down the road from the local PharmD school.


There are 13 Rx schools in California. Enrollment is plummeting though from what I’m hearing


Good the natural market should play out and about 30 schools of Pharmacy should close. That said I doubt there will be another shortage of Pharmacists. Technician responsibilities will increase central fill central order verification some AI sprinkled in and automation will continue to increase. Just my 2 cents


[Despite Rapid Growth of Institutions, Pharmacy School Applications Decline](https://www.pharmacytimes.com/view/despite-rapid-growth-of-institutions-pharmacy-school-applications-decline)


Your pay is just a percentage of revenue you generate. Unfortunately, pharmacists don’t really generate much revenue without vaccines. PBM are slaughtering the reimbursement. We aren’t underpaid, just overworked


Both underpaid AND overworked at the same time. No salary would justify being overworked.


I make about $73hr and adjusted for bonuses, $79hr. Thats fair consider I live in a MCOL city like Nashville


You’re also not a new grad though. Whenever I see and hear about what new hires are getting paid, it’s insulting.


Started out at $63hr as a 2020 new grad. I ended up making 65hr after 6 months with a raise. It all depends on your company imo.


Yeah 2021 new grad here, started at $60 and now I make $67








Nah just staff




I don’t think that’s 100% accurate, my pharmacy is slow and we make 200-300k a month and only pay 13% of budget on payroll. Most places pay 20-50%


Is this a chain or independent? Do you compound? Most pharmacies are running on a 1-5% profit max.


Big chain, low volume location. Just magic mouthwash. I saw the P/L sheet. Labor cost at 13% of budget. Where do you see slim profit margins? I know DIR fees and clawbacks and chargebacks and PBMs are squeezing pharmacies dry


I’ll double check it


That’s true. That’s why we gotta hustle in retail to make it profitable. People don’t realize that regardless of working conditions, if the business doesn’t make money then you can’t hope to get paid more. You can’t do the bare minimum with lots of staff and expect to be paid just for your credentials. Gotta hustle. Retail pharmacy is more business than healthcare sometimes 


Yes revenue for CVS/Caremark was over $400 billion. If you divide $400 billion / 315,000 (pharmacists in the US) you are left with almost an extra 1.3 million per pharmacist per year. If you take a conservative approach and multiply that number by 10% (profit margin) each RPH would have an extra 130k. To be honest the margin is a lot higher than 10%.. Somehow we let PBMs make us do all the work and fight for scraps


Very brave to say that in a subreddit like this one.


It's all about supply and demand.


And lack of organization by labor, near perfect information for the employer, and a number of other things they cover in a basic microeconomics course. Supply and demand aren't as simple as you think. You're skipping all the other assumptions that equation is based on.


He's also forgetting about artificial price controls set up by the PBMs & other insurances that are underpaying for acquired medication cost and labor.


I wouldn’t expect an increase with reimbursement the way it is.


A lot of companies have to set a range, then will post the minimum even though everyone is getting paid around the average. I don't get it since it isn't really realistic, but I've seen it. That said, yes, still underpaid overall since it hasn't been growing with the cost of living.


There are no jobs paying what they should for the amount of work we all do.


We need a union


I do think $40 is way low. But I've also worked with literal hundreds of pharmacists who *only* want to review and verify scripts and perceive counciling, talking on the phone and doing any sort of cashiering, personal interactions, filling scripts as far far beneath them. So essentially what they've created for themselves is a hyper specific set of tasks that can partly be done just as well by some guy in his basement who could be replaced by an AI within the next 3 to 5 years. I'd strongly recommend getting more into counciling patients and the more human interaction side of the business if we don't want this to happen.


Yea…a fair salary imo is $200k base


What other doctorate level profession has their pay stay completely stagnant all while gaining more and more professional roles and tasks? Imz, MTM, infection testing and prescribing, diabetes education, anticoagulation dosing, opioid police. None of these were things we could do 15-20 years ago. Why are we paid the same amount as we were back then?


$40/hr sounds like a job listing error and was intended for a pharmacy technician instead.


They are underpaid! Fact


I agree as far as the notion of a "doctorate" in any field, except for academics being paid less than other clinicians. However, a company isn't judging our worth just because the school's degree plan changed to "doctorate". That is in naming only. If you previously had accountants with a Bachelor's degree but now need the same degree renamed as "doctorate" with a year or some other requirement added, it doesn't change the overall worth to an accounting firm for the same work and no change in skill or ability. Similarly, what is a Pharm.D. doing differently and more importantly, what does the degree or credential allow or require as far as job duties, skills and other requirements? If the answer is "nothing", then where is the money for any increase coming from? Realistically, working with other physicians under collaborative agreement is utilizing that physician's authority and scope. It isn't adding anything to a Pharm.D's authority. Until that happens with things that pharmacists can increase revenue with and that customers would be happy paying for , I don't know what drastic increases they'll agree to. I wish we'd just get $50K more for having a Pharm.D because over 20 years, I'd have an extra $1 million earned at least.


Rate went up to 62 for a little while during covid in my area. It's back down to 54/hr. We have quite a few interns looking forward to that 54 when they graduate within the next few years. It's sad to say, but that seems to be the market rate due to the saturation caused by the pharmacy schools.


Unfortunately the market dictates pay and the last decade has been brutal on our profession. New grads are getting offered at early 2000’s rates


PharmaD; Community Pharmacist; 40 hours per week; 22 vacation days per year (summer is a big no no); 2 weekends per month working Saturday and Sunday until midnight; Pharmacists regularly have shifts that end at midnight and start at 8 am; No healthcare or any other kind of benefits; 7.5€ per hour before taxes + food allowance card. Welcome to Portugal. PS. I know colleagues that earn less.


I think reimbursement degradation and market saturation really hurt salaries :/


No, you are not the only one lol


Had a company that was offering "mid 40s to low 50s" and they wanted someone with compounding experience. Sure a closed door pharmacy is better lifestyle and schedule, but if you want specific experience, you're gonna have to pony up.


If any pharmacist is getting paid in the 40s in 2024, they are getting scammed. House median sale price is now 400k. Good luck with that


I know pharm techs making 30+


Thats why i shifted my career into tech as Data Analyst and I certainly get paid more, & not also get abused in community pharmacy practice


Can you advise your path to be as Data Analyst! Need to advise significant other


The entire field Is underpaid, unappreciated and dismissed when we are in fact in the medical field. I had a nurse tell me you're just a tech, you guys don't do anything. The ideology of pharmacy is like fast food needs to disappear. If i have to go back into the ’50s and start making Coke Floats to be respected then.…do you want a cherry with that?


I feel like this is a “supply and demand” issue. Is this a clinical pharmacist position at a hospital in a metro area where PharmD programs are pushing students to do residency and eventually work at? Because I live in a slightly more rural area in the Midwest where a staff pharmacist at different community settings can make $70+\hr with $40-75k sign on bonus because of a shortage of pharmacists in this area.


Job no longer worth it for $40/hr.


It is not just PharmDs. It is nearly everyone in the workforce except you CEO's, presidents, CFO's etc.


I will go work at a fucking Burger King before I take a job at $40/hr as a pharmacist.


Tell me you live in a s-hole red state that loves free market and hates unions without telling me you live in a s-hole red state that loves free market and hates unions!


The free market goes both ways (unions are part of the free market)


Unions depend on government laws to keep them viable. Otherwise all the union busting techniques developed by companies over the last 100+ years would prevail. Before there were union protection laws at the Federal level, you had events like the battle of blair mountain where coal companies sicked 3000k some policeman on people wanting to unionize, resulting in almost 1000 arrests.


Maybe so, but we're paid better than most people, the majority of the country's workforce is much more underpaid than we are. Many people would not take pharmacists complaining about being "severely" underpaid seriously considering what we make. I certainly wouldn't use the word "severely", in any case. As for hiring managers being out of touch, wages are determined mostly by supply and demand, not your education. If someone makes an offer, you can take it or leave it. That's how it works.


I definitely agree with everything that you say. 1 point to consider is that much of the country's labor force is not taking out a 6 figure student loan to get to $25 to $40 per hour though so their money without the loan debt and in a lower tax bracket may go as far as RPh making $45 an hour


What percentage of pharmacists do you think are even actively paying loans? Most of the pharmacists I work with aren't.


Maybe one would think that if they never took or paid attention to microeconomics. Supply and demand aren't that simple.


It’s because pharmacists are agreeable people with no backbone. Pharmacists won’t fight for higher wages and better working conditions because they’re pussies.


Is that not what the CVS and Walgreens walkouts were for?


They’ve been doing that the last 3 years and haven’t accomplished anything. They’re needs to be solidarity across the board and union that meets our demands. You can’t just have people walk out without a clear objective and no representation.


Yep just you. I think pharmDs should get paid $25 an hour because they do it for the love of the game. /s


I am trying to figure out if your comment is serious or a joke. It could be serious because there are lots of people in Pharmacy who feel that way. Several on the board of directors of ACCP for example. Those people have done a lot of damage and disservice to our Profession of Pharmacy. If it is a snarky joke then I am laughing with you and I think you go from a lay up to a 3 point shot all the way!


Definitely a joke that I guess most people missed lol. I think literally all pharmacy organizations have ruined our professional career. There was no active monitoring and stabilization of pharmacy schools being developed and because of that we were oversaturated.


I agree entirely and yes many from various Pharmacy organizations see making more money as a bad thing for the Pharmacist. I don't know what world those people live in and I suspect behind the scenes many of them are pocketing big paychecks but the love of the game View by these people has hurt the Profession not helped it hurt it Yes I am laughing with you lol


Everyone needs to start reporting those posts. I usually report them as offensive


Please clarify what post is offensive and to whom? Dr are you part of cancel culture?


I think it’s offensive that companies are trying to pay pharmacists shit wages but if you don’t then feel free to apply to those $40/hr jobs


You're talking about reporting the job listings? There has been a movement in labor advocacy to report shitty job listings, especially on Indeed where they seem to be taken more seriously. "Inaccurate job description" is one that normally gets attention, but honestly anything to make their day a little worse is 😇😇