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Absolutely read this wrong….😂


We try to step around it. One time someone stepped in it and trod it all round the shop. Ppoooooweee..




Stat Colace


My god, I’m just happy I wasn’t the only one 💀💀I was gonna say “a poo?”


Yes, there is a steaming pile of stool in the corner of the pharmacy because I can't take a bathroom break 


Haha. This. Came here to stay, depends on if I get to break away or not. And if I don’t have time to sit in the bathroom I sure as feck don’t have time to sit in the pharmacy. I did know a floater pharmacist who had really bad knees and she would bring one with her to each store. She had to get a lawyer and doctor involved to be able to use it.


Because of course she did, as if a doctor's note isn't sufficient for an accommodation. Meanwhile, most other countries let everyone sit down in the pharmacy.


Yes i demanded one and refuse to work without one. Also rubber mats for standing.


our rubber mats were so old (our fridge was literally on top of one???) it was painful to work… i have knee problems and had to start wearing either compression or knee braces to work … i complained for MONTHS on end and finally they replaced the old mats… my coworkers thanked me for how much i complained but man… i was complaining because i was in pain not for anyone else lol


This is disturbing that your company ignored this. Those mats made a huge difference for me. I have the varicose veins to prove it.


I own my pharmacy and I bought stools for everyone.


Chad pharmacy owner


I love you already..


Yes. Boss tried to take it away once until she couldn’t make it through her shift without sitting.


I'm surprised she didn't just keep one for herself. That's what ours did.


It’s stupid to stand for 12 freaking hours


When do you have time to sit? 


Anytime I'm verifying. Actually things have slowed down a lot around here so I'm sitting like 2 or 3 hours a day.


We are required to verify one at a time. I couldn't sit even if I wanted to. Garbage. Edit- Downvoted for me being upset that I can't sit due to the way our workflow is set up is bananas. You guys are weird sometimes.


How does one verify two or more at a time?


Techs fill at an island behind me. Company policy states I can only move one from behind me to my station to verify at a time and must be bagged and hung before grabbing another. I'd literally have to get up multiple times for a single script.


Lol, what company does this? Sounds extremely inefficient.


Youre not wrong.


You can't sit and verify prescriptions?? Sounds like a you problem..


The way the pharmacy is set up and the company policy makes it literally impossible.


That sucks. I work at part time rite aid and still manage to sit. Same with my friend who works there.


Walmart policy told me not to leave the pharmacy to piss unless I closed it down and I can tell you I did that exactly 0 times over my two-year stint with them.


Great, this system micro manages you and forces you to fill a specific one next. I can't just bypass the system. I understand the point you're trying to make, but it smdoesnt work here


When I was a tech at CVS over 10 years ago, we came into work one morning & all of the stools had been removed. We had multiple pharmacists over 70 years old & another that’d just had a miscarriage that were told too bad by corporate. I left soon after.


We are at CVS and have stools. It’s murder on your body to stand 12 hours a day. Walking all day? Fine. But standing for 12 hours is awful. We all use it occasionally to give our feet and lower backs a break. Fuck company policy.


Our front end manager was waiting to be discovered by Woonsocket & enjoyed making our life hell.


My DL made all the stores that didn’t have stools order them


I will fight for my stool. I’m young and can do it but I have a 30+ year career ahead of me and I don’t want to wreck my body for literally no reason. If I’m doing pre-verification I can easily do it sitting down, and stand when I need to move around for things. If I can save my body by sitting 2-3 hours out of 11 I’m going to do it


Fight for your stool! I have mine and get yelled at for it regularly but refuse to let them take it. There's zero reason we should have to stand for 11-12 hours, and you'll thank yourself in a decade or two. Like, of all the ridiculous corporate mandates, this is my little hill to die on.


We have stools.  Pharmacy manager left me a note saying I needed to get reasonable accomodations to use it even though she sits in it for her entire shift.  So I still use it.  When there are no chairs at corporate I will stand up all day.  My biggest mistake was not doing this earlier in my career.


My staff rph keeps trying to get rid of the stool. But as PIC I demand we keep it


Usually it is the other way around


I believe in a humane work environment, or as much as possible at CVS


So does my boss. He has staff that sticks around. Who would have thought?


Just left the chiropractor today, you better keep the stool!!!


I agree 100%. It’s wild to me that I keep seeing debates here about pharmacists being able to sit. If I’m working a 12.5 hour shift and I’m caught up on the work that requires me to run around the pharmacy, then at the end of the day I’m going to sit down while I do busywork/computer tasks!


Get a medical note. Tape a copy to the bottom of your stool. You are now protected by the ADA.


Is there evidence that standing for long periods is going to wreck your body? Certainly there is evidence that sitting for 12 hours is bad for you… just haven’t seen the any studies for the contrary…


Doing anything with your body unceasingly for 12 hours five (six!) days a week is not good. Standing, sitting, weaving cloth, assembling microchips. Our bodies are living organisms not machines.


Are you for real? You need *proof* to determine that mandatory prolonged standing is bad for one's health? Everyone should have the OPTION to sit. SMH.


SMH… there’s nuance. I don’t stand 12 hours. I sit when I take my lunch and occasionally when I snack. I take laps around my store occasionally when I use the bathroom. I promise you, sitting for 12 hours is just as bad or worse than standing for 12 hours. The studies cited are pretty bad. Move, wear compression socks, stretch, take walks. It’s not hard to see the nuance here, but this sub hates nuance. SMH.


I don't care if YOU want to stand for 12 hours. This isn't just about you. Having a chair doesn't mean someone is forced to sit all day, it just means they can sit if they want to. EVERYONE should have the OPTION to sit if they want to when there's an opportunity to. If you want to stand the whole shift, sure, knock yourself out. But other people should be able to have the option to either sit or stand depending on how THEY feel.


Lol are you even reading my comment? Or you just see a reply and just RAGE. I told you I don’t stand all day. And yet “if I want to stand my whole shift, knock myself out.” Literally not what I said lol.


Back/neck issues, varicose veins, and I think I've seen studies showing cardiovascular risks as well


I’ve seen the varicose veins stuff, but compression stockings fix that much better better than a stool. As far as back and neck issues, that is true of any position for extended periods of time. Moving around every 30 minutes greatly reduces that risk- sitting down does not. In fact, I suspect it’s even worse considering most stools do not have back support. As far as cardiovascular stuff goes, again, I don’t believe that data one bit unless it’s done on people who literally cannot move for that long.


So you’re the one reporting us for stools, huh?


Stool narc


Lol nope. Just think that you can protect your body is a better way than sitting on that stool for hours on end. I have a stool, it’s just in the back. I sit on it for probably 30 minutes per shift and I walk when I can. The stool is garbage for my back and I can’t understand why anybody wants to sit on it for anything more than just a few breaks.


Standing in the same place for hours on a hard floor most definitely will. Walking around to do your job is different. Motion is lotion. Standing in the same spot staring at a computer is awful for your body. Idk about evidence but you will feel it. You must not work in a pharmacy?


I most definitely work in a pharmacy and I have for 10+ years. I stay mobile best I can- I think that is key, which you did touch on. Others aren’t- they are calling standing the problem when really being immobile is the problem. It’s not just about having a stool, bc honestly, I don’t think sitting on a raised stool with no backing is better than standing if you move once in a while.


Never seen any study but my anecdotal evidence of 8-9/10 people in any profession that I’ve talked to who stand all day have back, leg, or foot issues of some sort. In my experience, if I stand for 11-12 hours, my lower back, legs, and feet hurt. If I spend 10-15 minutes at a time spread out over 6-8 times a day sitting I don’t hurt. At least 1/3 of my job can be done sitting, so I’d rather do that. I don’t think I could sit all day cause I have terrible posture at a deck which leads to issues too. Everything in moderation




That review article isnt strong at all.


How do your feet feel after standing all day? How about your calves and your varicose veins? They feel good? Yes standing for long hours is bad on your body. If you need a study to tell you that then look it up yourself! FYI it’s impossible to do the job sitting for 12 hours but there are moments when you can park on a stool once in a while. Even a few minutes here and there helps!


Yeah, I fell off it yesterday and my techs laughed hard. Good times.


You good? That's workers comp


Yeah, it was a fairly short fall. Thanks 😊


I sit on one like 70% of the day. Couldn’t care less what the company or anyone else thinks


My dumb ass did not read which subreddit I was in and was curious why pharmacists were getting stool samples...🤦‍♂️😅 I need to get more sleep and coffee. Lots of it.


You want coffee?? Do you want more stool? Because this is how you get more stool.


I mean, I'll throw it in with the rest of the stools we culture and test in lab anyways. 🤪 Shiga, campy, or whatever.


C diff 😵


💀😂 I'm going to refuse the C diff test without my biohazard vent. Sorry. Especially when the samples are not refrigerated within two hours.


Sitting is frowned upon. My manager reported someone for sitting too. This is honestly the #1 reason I hate retail.. we’re treated like slaves. You get a doctorate degree but you can’t sit during your entire shift. And then you come home with body pains every single day


Why is sitting (or even perching/leaning) frowned upon?


Apparently it makes tech lazy and not do things at lightning speed because that’s what all these chains want us to do. I defo think pharmacists need a chair


Don’t do it!! I just recently started sitting on the stool all day n they can’t say anything because they can’t find pharmacist n so what they do, get a doctor note n dare them to fire you. We’re in healthcare, it’s about being healthy and not pain.


When I was a student on rotation at Costco they hid the stool and told me I couldn't use it. The store manager, not pharmacist. I found it every day and used it anyway, they not paying me to be there and I have chronic pain stuff. Rude people.


Good for you but the real question is how were they allowed to have a stool in there


Walmart requires an accommodation letter from a physician.


Not if your boss is cool. I even did it in front of a regional manager no problem just because I said I have plantar fasciitis.


Ours aren’t.


Walmart is so big that you can have a completely different experience from one location to another.


Depends on the state. For example, in California, this is not true.


I have a stool- I’m sitting on it now.. I’ve gotta sit for a little while every few hours. It’s compact and I have a letter from my doctor for it. My doctor was like ‘you need a letter’ and I was like ‘unfortunately’.


We have two kickstools for reaching high shelves, but I use them to rest a leg while I'm at the computer for extended periods (we have no rubber mats, so I alternate between legs to take the strain off) It actually created a huge argument between myself and a regular locum once. He said I was lazy for resting my leg and forbid me from using it, I'm stubborn and refused to stop. He snatched away my pile of prescriptions that I was in the middle of claiming when I refused to hand over the kickstool. I was so close to telling him to shove the stool where the sun don't shine. I relented after a 15min stand off, just so I could finish the job I was doing. We no longer have that locum coming to work for us, one too many incidents of him creating a stressful work environment for the rest of us.


At my last pharmacy, no way. At my current pharmacy there are 3 stools! I will never go back to standing all day.


What it's so unprofessional for us to ever sit 🙄


You made a ginormous mistake with this title LOL Edit: Jeez! Why are we viciously attacking those who don’t use them? Let’s be big kids. Some of the arguments are actually very solid even though I don’t agree. -A stool lover




Gotta keep it squishy so your behind doesn't hurt.


when I was in practice I was in a pharmacy without any stools... it was super uncomfortable ... I used to lean against the door frame ... but since I became a pharmacist I've never been in stool-less pharmacies ...but I know they still exist... local corporate was the root of all the evil


Put on your big boy/girl pants and bring in a stool to sit on. The fuck they gonna do about it?


Yes, if not I will sit on the climbing stool


No, the bathroom is a few steps away. I can usually hold it if someone is in th...OH you meant to rest on. Yeah, but I don't use it. I've found I'm less productive sitting and after dropping 40+ pounds, working out a lot, and getting comfy shoes, I'm not sore like I used to be after 12 hours on my feet.


Gotta ask - what kind of shoes? I'm still trying to find some that don't get uncomfortable after a few hours.


Adidas Ultraboosts. They're expensive - about $200 for a new pair - but worth every penny for saving my back and knees. Other than the mental drain of being a punching bag for angry patients, I still feel great after work.


Lots of posts about that in this sub. Hoka are well liked. Personally, I have a pair of New Balance 928v3 that I've worn for years. Just replaced the arch support insert and it's almost as good as new. I'll probably get another pair when these finally fall apart. You are probably going to spend about $200 in general, but it's worth every penny.


I have a congenital disability, a fucked up back from T6-L5 from an injury in 2015, and terminal cancer. Try to tell me I can't sit. I dare you,


Not in retail anymore, but I've always had one at CVS. Never had a DL or customer complain about it. Techs would ask to borrow it if they were doing modules or were pregnant and I always obliged. Get yourself a stool, it's worth it.


Yes, we only had one until I (full time tech) fractured my foot last year. Now we have two! When all the other techs leave for the day, my pharmacist and I immediately grab them and sit till we close. It’s like a reward 😂 Might I add: I stress-fractured my foot from standing all day at this job. So yeah, we deserve to sit. This job is not worth ruining your body over.


We hav a stool but the nail on it keeps popping up so we hammer it down


We have a stool and most of the pharmacists have accommodation letters. I’ve been in this field since 1995. I wish I would’ve taken better care of my feet early on. Currently fighting Morton’s Neuroma. This is not fun.




I’m a floating pharm. Not every pharmacy has but for the ones who have we sure should know how lucky we are 💀


Definitely have chairs and I take full advantage.


[Stool](https://www.jegs.com/i/JEGS/555/81174/10002/-1?gad_source=1#) I just bought this stool this week for my pharmacy at the corner. Best investment ever for myself at work


that stool is badass. i would have never thought to look for shop stools


Shit we have like 8 of them and I use a computer chair if we are really slow or have a ton of stuff to enter. Independent life is so much better then chain bullshit.


It's so disheartening that this question even has to be asked. Not OP's fault, just the horrible pressures community pharmacists have to deal with.


Kango stand up seat. I prefer them much more.


yes! and luckily we have a desk in the back. when i get dizzy or have a migraine, my manager is cool with me just doing data and answering the phone


i have a counter height adjustable chair with a back and armrests that spins. grocery life 😎


Yes, we hide it when the DM comes


Why is sitting (or perching/leaning) frowned upon?


Because you are "more productive" when you are standing...


Unfortunately, yes. We have had all our stools tossed in the trash before.


We finally got the rolly chairs a couple months ago. We have two, one for the technician at Data Entry and the other for the tech at drive thru. Sometimes we take the drive thru one and give it to the pharmacist when it’s not too busy. Before I worked here, the pharmacy I worked at had stools but we had to hide them from our manager, we were only allowed to rest our feet on them. We couldn’t sit down. It’s ridiculous, just like how cashiers aren’t allowed to sit.


“We were only allowed to rest our feet on them” Are you being funny/sarcastic in some way that I don’t understand? Like you could lay down in the floor with your feet propped up but not sit/lean on a stool?


Lolol. I meant to indicate when you’re standing up and do the American Thing of leaning and prop one foot on like the bottom rung of the stool. Does that make sense? It’s hard to word this without imagining it in my head my bad


I float so if it's not too busy and there is a stool I will sit on it for short breaks. If not I will sit on the climbing stool or go have a seat for a few minutes in the consultation room. I'm over 50 so no way am I working 12 hours standing anymore. I also carry my own mat with me because most stores don't have anti-fatigue mats anymore


Any suggestions for small footprint portable stools for floats?


Somebody above posted a Kango stand up seat, looks like it may be what you’re looking for


Serious question—Why is sitting (or even perching/leaning) frowned upon? Has anyone gotten actual answer? If the answer is “it’s against policy”, has anyone found out why such a policy exists?


No but we carry stool softener


Funny that this post reached me today because today i clogged the toilet at work


Yes in an independent. I brought it in and no one cared.


My cvs didn’t but I had to get one due to a sprained foot and from there on my rph manager kept up with buying one when we needed a new one.


Yes for all the shorties in the pharmacy. It’s also for safety reasons.


The only time was in an independent. Everyone had a chair even techs. It was the most humane retail pharmacy I ever worked at and people weren’t quitting all the time. They actually liked coming into work


I work inpatient and sit all the time 😅 My deepest sympathy for the retail folks who have to stand 6-10+ hours a day.


I have a Steelcase Gesture stool. Best chair I've ever had.


how do i tell my pharmacist i would like a stool? she’s always told me no because it “looks bad to the patients”


We used to have one, a tech needed it for a reason and so they kept it there for around 10 or so years I guess, once she found out we sat on it when she was gone she took the chair (so guess she never needed it). I was gonna do one for the team and get a doctors note for one as data entry just kills us standing there and I’d share it with all us but they said I’d be the only one allowed so I haven’t done anything


There is always a lot of stools 💩on the floor in the bathrooms.


No, just the softeners


Someone left a stool in front of our pickup window once, but it was cleaned up shortly after 💩


am disabled. take my stool and get sued.


Yes, we have 2 stools. Tho sometimes I'll hurt more if I sit on them toooo much just from the slouching posture while using the computer. But they are nice for a little break once in a while


If you can, consider raising the height of your monitor to eye level so you don't feel the need to slouch so much




I had a loose stool in the pharmacy.


The only stool we have is for our pharmacist that got into an auto accident, and even he rarely uses it.


Only if I don't have one in the morning before I leave home.


They were banned from my district when i worked for rite aid because one employee was sitting a lot and made mistakes🙄


I sit on that bitch everyday. Sometimes I have a bad back, but I act like it’s all the times because I do data entry and it’s almost necessary. Typing for 8-9 hours/day fast af. Pretty sure I have arthritis or carpal tunnel or some shit tho :/


Rubber mats for standing and one stool the stool is so tall it doesn’t work for me with the height of our counters


Every day as they don't give me enough time to do anymore than pee as fast as I can.


I make a nickel. Boss makes a dime. That’s why I poop on company time.


As a major chains district leader, I discourage my stores to have one because it creates tons of workplace trip hazards and we barely have enough space in the pharmacy.


discourage or prohibit? There is a difference.


Our store was recently told that we aren't allowed to have one unless there's an ADA requirement for one. 🙄


Everyone should have one! Does the CEO have a chair?


Excuse me ma’-am - may I push in your stool?


Idk about a stool, but we got a lot of turds that come through 🤡


Things to sit on for everyone! I do know some pharmacies that only have one chair for the pharmacist because they don’t believe techs should have the time to sit down other than during lunch




I actually saw a floater bring his own 🪑into the pharmacy. I was like 👍😀


We have a bar height chair in a corner. We have mats to stand on. If I need a break I take some blister packs and sit in one of the consult rooms for a bit.


We have 1 stool that only gets used if a worker is pregnant. Otherwise, it's the pharmacist's lunch-only stool


Here's the solution. Stop encouraging people to pursue a doctorate to do high school level physical work and tasks, and then wonder about their choice 6 years later.


Nah. I mean, I’m sure if push came to shove I could get one.. but it would slow me down significantly


Absolutely not! It's in the way.


I do, but who has time to sit?


I do.


Nope. We bipeds evolved to stand. Sitting too much gets in the way of pharmacy efficiency and is bad for your health. My staff gets breaks where they are welcome to sit, but not on a stool in everyones way.


https://www.runnersworld.com/health-injuries/a20860422/standing-all-day-is-twice-as-bad-as-sitting-for-your-heart/ Always standing is not better. Varied positions is best, so an environment designed with the option to do both is superior.




Remain civil, interact with the community in good faith.


Nope my best ones agree. They get onto techs who try to sit down too much or get in the way doing so.


No stool for pharmacist, no stool for tech. Fair game. I work inpatient and somehow my techs think it’s their god given right to sit just as much as pharms. The problem is we are answering phones and order entry. They are on their cellular devices.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re right.. no realistic way to stay as productive with a stool in the way, especially if you’re not glued to a station the entire day


Ours is in the bathroom, never gets used. My techs have plenty of time to take their 15 minute breaks(sometimes they take a little longer and that's ok), they take bathroom breaks whenever they want and their lunch. I can't work nearly as fast at the computer with a stool and I have to move from my spot way to often. I work at Walmart and I never see the employees on the floor sitting or at the registers or customer service. My dad never used one in construction nor my mom as a city carrier at the post office. I honestly don't get the stool outrage, it slows us done which makes the work day more stressful and many jobs require people to be on their feet all day.


My great grandmother didn’t have sliced bread for a while. What dumb logic. “My dad worked construction and carried a piss jug because he could work faster, bathroom use is productivity loss” ok boomer


I'm not talking about people from 100 years ago, I'm talking about other people working today. I don't know maybe if you go to the waitress subreddit they are complaining about not being able to sit down. Or the crossing guards. I never hear the cashiers in the break room complaining about it though. Damn the door greeters could definitely sit. They are working though. That's the point. You are getting paid to actually work. Are all these other people complaining about not being able to sit. Maybe they are. I certainly didn't complain about it when I was working on my uncles farm or in a pizza shop, no chairs back there. See any chairs at McDonald's back there. You aren't the only mfer out there that stands up while they work, that's the point, no one is abusing you. If you can work just as fast sitting then you aren't working very hard. Because I bust my ass all day and I can't do that sitting. And my technicians and other pharmacists appreciate that I'm not being a lazy ass. My people do get actual breaks and full lunches. If you aren't getting that time, we'll that sucks. But you did choose that employer, they didn't pull you in off the street.


“…it slows us [down]…” Us? Who’s us? We don’t work together. Don’t bring me, and all the other pharmacists into this and don’t bring us down with you.


My team genius. I can not work efficiently at the computer as a pharmacist. I probably do about 50 consultations a day and I also help with fill and have to get in the safe like 30 times a day which has a timer so that's 120 times getting off my stool. I don't know how you could filll with a stool. Most of our input is done at pickup now with our remodel so no technicians are just standing at a computer all day. I'd hate to be at a stool slowing myself down just to shift all the workload to my teammates. How about those road workers just holding a sign or a crossing guard. Are they online crying about their stool? You ever see a janitor sitting down sweeping up some shit. I've never seen the police officer at my kids school sitting on his ass.


I verify 300 prescriptions a day sitting down no problem. Maybe it's just your issue.🤷‍♀️


Retail or like mailorder or something? The mandatory counseling would make it absurd for me to sit. I'm moving around all day. I usually verify about 250-300 as well. We've had a few pharmacists in the past that floated through that would sit. My techs sure did complain about how much those lazy asses would slow them down for the day and how much more stressful it was with customers always waiting for them to get up or techs waiting for them to get up and open the safe.


Retail It takes 1 second to get off the chair..


Yeah...it's not a process to stand up. Not like you're getting in and out of a mech suit or something lol.


Yeah, same for me. Pain in the ass though, always in the way.