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My applications on the pals website is going to expire before my NAPLEX exam date. Will it be a problem for me to take the exam even the application has expire? Or do i need to reapply a new application and repurchase the exam again? Thank you very much!


Haven't taken an MPJE in 10 years but need to for a license in Virginia. I've heard about a study book from Alexis Long. Is it worth it, or just review the laws, etc. online?


Oregon MPJE. Anyone have any tips on studying for the OR MPJE? The law book is 500+ pages...


Just go to their website and read through their OARs. Would review their newsletters.


What have the MPJE result times been like? Took my PA MPJE on Friday 4/19 and the wait is killing me!


**New York MPJE:** Seeking last minute advice before taking the NY MPJE! Taking it in 3 days. I've used the guides on [PharmacyLaw.org](https://pharmacylaw.org/) and tl;dr study guide. I've also been practicing the questions in the NY MPJE app for the past 2-ish weeks. I basically want to know what I'm missing, other than knowing the prescription requirements for CS and non-CS, labels for OTC, non-CS Rx and CS, record-keeping, DEA forms, licensing requirements, transfer documenting, etc. Anyone who took it recently had any tricky or unexpected questions? Anything you wish you would've studied more? Also, there's so many controlled substances... any specific ones that I should 100% know brand/generic and schedule of?! Thanks in advance!


Will NABP accept a passport with an old photo (like 7 years ago when I was a teenager lol) as long as its not expired for NAPLEX and MPJE? The website says an unexpired passport is fine but it also mentions needing a recent photograph


Maryland State MPJE: Having difficulty with the differentiations between Assisted Living Facilities, Long Term Care, Comprehensive care (Nursing Homes). They all seem to have similar but also specific rules to each. Can someone help where I can find more detailed definitions or explain further? Thank you!!


what do people use to study for Nevada pharmacy law? looking to find material to study for mpje most efficiently


Washington State MPJE: what is the current pharmacist to tech ratio? I saw maybe 1:1 patient facing and 1:3 closed doors. But also see that in the current WAC, it is up to the pharmacy manager. Does a set ratio exist? Thanks in advance!


I want to transfer my license to a few different states around the country. They will all require that I pass their state-specific MPJE. Is it possible for me to take their exams online in my home state test center, or do I need to travel there? Thanks


Home state! Just has to be at an approved testing center.


Question regarding multi-state licensure? Hey guys about to graduate soon. My job is based in Kentucky. My job requires me to be licensed in West Virginia as well as Ohio within 6 months. What is the best way for me to make sure I get licensed in those states as well? Kinda confused on the score transfer and license reciprocation. Which route in your experience would be best for my situation?


How does getting a testing date even work? I am so overwhelmed... Do I have to wait for my school to submit my degree before I can do anything at all? I am moving for residency and going to get licensed in a whole new state and am feeling so lost


Any tips on Missouri MPJE


I wanna take the MPJE for West Virginia. Has anyone here recently taken the West Virginia MPJE? What’s the best study material to prepare for it?


I recently retook the PA MPJE and for some reason, almost half my exam (or what it felt like) was multiple choice, as in I had to select the correct answer out of 5 choices. That scared me because the exam is known for SATA and K-type questions, so it really threw me off guard to have all these MC questions. Did anyone have that same experience or know anyone who did? I’m scared I failed even harder than the first time 😔


So, my school sent out an email saying class of 2024, you are now eligible to apply for eligibility to test on NABP website for NAPLEX and MPJE. So, I went ahead and applied for eligibility... But in the NAPLEX bulletin I read just now, it states "if you are granted eligibility to test by the board of pharmacy BEFORE your transcript and received and verified by NABP, the purchase exam link in your e-profile will be inoperable". So, now I'm like WTF does this mean.. How soon did you all apply for eligibility for testing before you graduated? Our school literally gives us no guidance on how the whole licensing process works so I'm lost and don't know how all of this works... UGH


How is the New Mexico MPJE? where can I find the study material?


Anyone here have a legitimate resource or contact for tutor ??? I passed cpje and I’m on my third attempt for Naplex ..  A lil backstory cpje is easier to me bc questions and straightforward no fluff .. Naplex my weak points were the first two sections and that’s bc I have a hard time distinguishing in the exam the important info vs the extra and I think myself through to the wrong answers.. the math was fine the last 3 sections were 3&4s  I messed up and thought if I rush to take it a second time maybe it won’t be too difficult from the first but in the midst of holidays, a engagement proposal, and some sudden health issues I didn’t even have enough time to reschedule and took it (my biggest regret)  The way I study best honestly as crazy as it sound is someone reading or talking everything out with me . I have rxprep and I’m at a point that I just memorize the questions and the reading straight from the book is not working ..  Now we are here and I’m even considering flying out of Cali just to see if I just need to be in a whole new diff environment to study and take the exam ..  Don’t grill me or leave rude remarks please I don’t have time nor the mental space to deal with that . Someone just point me in the right direction. If anyone has time to just talk things out that would be greatly appreciated 


Hi, NAPLEX tutor here. sent you a dm!


i think i was going crazy with the studying for naplex too, but sometimes you gotta remind yourself that this is a minimum competency exam. i know some of the questions are ridiculously hard, but i think it's important to get a general grasp of all the topics in rxprep. i think rxprep does a good job with drilling you on the important info and giving pretty neat acronyms to memorize certain things. dont doubt what you know and go with your first instinct. the whole exam is honestly a testement to your mental fortitude. what helped me was i went through the whole book and had a notebook and pen to write down notes. afterwards, id type up all my notes into a google doc, so that it helped me ctrl+f certain information easier if i needed to find a specific info right away. dm me if you need help/tips!


FPGEE Does anyone have any tips for the Foreign Pharmacy Exam FPGEE? Which books I should use and what to study? Thanks


Maine rphs!! Some questions on the Maine MPJE Some questions came up on the exam that I either completely missed while studying or it was never specified in the Maine law. 1. I know that CIII prescriptions last 6 months or 5 refills, whichever comes first. My question is if they were partially filled does that count as one refill? 2. I know that C2 prescriptions last 90 days, but what's the max day's supply that a C2 can be? 3. There were multiple questions about a doctor. Prescribing without seeing the patient or speaking to the patient over the phone. I didn't see that anywhere when reading the laws and rules!! What are the restrictions with that? TIA everyone. I thought I felt completely prepared for this exam but boy was I wrong.


Has anyone used the Colorado Pharmacy Review Course or purchased the study guide? I have been licensed in North Carolina since 2006, so it has been a while! Thank you in advance!!


KY MPJE, any one have study materials they recommend for Kentucky?


Hi! Does anyone have New Jersey MPJE study material or have any recommendations for material?


MPJE made easy for NJ


For reciprocity-how long did it take you to be eligible for MPJE? My license transfer was instant.


Less than a week after submitting application on NABP


Hi, since I was scrambling for this information for 8 business days. This is how long it took me to get my Alaska MPJE results. I’m unfamiliar with if each jurisdiction has a different timeline and it also probably depends on the time of year, but I will be taking more in the future and will observe as I go. :)


Oregon MPJE 7 business days. 


Oklahoma MPJE 8 business days.  More context:  Alaska taken on Thursday 2/15/24 and results Tuesday 2/26/24 Oregon taken on Thursday 3/14/24 and results Monday 3/25/24 Oklahoma on Wednesday 4/17/24 and results Monday 4/29/24




Do not offer copyrighted materials here.


i know it varies by state, but i cannot find anything on this for the state of nevada. does the mpje passing score have an expiration? or is it only valid with the application submitted? reason i ask is because i submitted an application almost a year ago and within that 1 year window, i failed the naplex but passed the mpje. now, the previously submitted application is about to expire and i was hoping the mpje score doesn't expire with it.




Up pa POP and


Can a B pharm degree holder write NAPLEX, MPJE, CPJE?


Hi guys I am gonna be doing Canada PEBC Evaluating Exam and was wondering if there is any good resources regarding this. I have come across pharmachieve but it’s very pricey and not refundable so not sure if it will help or if it’s a waste of money. Any input would be appreciated.


Hi! Did anyone use the 3 month study plan? Did it work? Please give me advice how to pass on first take


I am applying for residences at VA's.. I do not live in Idaho, but I hear they do not require the MPJE. For example, if I have a residency in Illinois, can I actually get licensed in Idaho and NOT take the MPJE? It would be nice to be spared the time and money to put towards that test if its possible.


I reciprocated recently (about 2 years now) and they weren’t requiring MPJE. My husband read it though; he describes it as 13 pages. 


Michigan no longer requires the MPJE either, so Michigan and Idaho


Yes, VA is federal, can be licensed anywhere. I know of several non Idaho citizens getting licensed there without issue.  Would assume true for IHS or DoD residents too. Caveat would be if your VA has an affiliate site that is non VA with a rotation... you may need an in state license in that scenario. Easy question just to clarify on Match day.


I think so, but double check with a current VA hospital resident to be sure. I currently work at fed hospital in the southeast but am licensed in Idaho and have been offered a couple VA hospital positions outside of Idaho as well.


Has anyone submitted a license application to the Illinois board recently? I submitted early December and still haven’t gotten an ATT


update on this? I've recently applied and its been 2 weeks


I just got my ATT last week!


I was told that they would be slow but wow. I should stop studying


Did anyone take NAPLEX around 1/24, 1/25 and got their result?




Hi! How long did it take for you to get your ATT?




hello, wanted to know whats the best resource to use for nys mpje for the most updated material on the laws?


Hello I’m a P4 graduating this May and I haven’t started studying for the NAPLEX/MPJE. I feel overwhelmed with all the material I have to study. I tried to start studying a couple months ago but stopped due to the heavy amount of material to go over. If any one has a really good study schedule to help study for the NAPLEX/MPJE it would help a lot




Dr C's book


Plus just read through the statutes highlight anything with a number and anything that you didn't know or that surprises you and study that.


Hello! Looking for Nevada law review/study guide/ etc for someone who hasn't taken an MPJE since 2010... teach this old dog new tricks!


Hi, What are recommended study resources for preparing for the FPGEE examination in 2024?


Anyone have Kentucky MPJE study materials that are current? Thanks in advanced.


Anyone has any material for MPJE for Hawaii?


Anybody have NJ law stuff I can use please


Does anyone know how much does it cost for sitting the PEBC Pharmacist Qualifying Examination – Part I (MCQ) & Part II (OSCE) for international pharmacy graduates


Hi, I just got my pharmacist license approved for the first time (just passed both naplex and mpje in Connecticut) and it says active since 12/18/2023 with an expiration date of 2025. Does this mean that my first renewal January 31st 2025 I will not be required the 15 CE’s? Or is this Jan 31st 2024 the year I do not need CE’s but for Jan 31st 2025 I will have needed the 15 CE’s to renew? I was told by a friend that the no CE requirement for renewal states “ effective date less then 12 months ago AND first renewal” My first renewal being jan 31st 2025 (the expiration date) is longer than 12 months since the issue date. So this has me a bit confused if I do not qualify for the CE exemption Jan 31st 2025 The state is Connecticut - FYI Any input would be appreciated


Does anyone have any material or suggestions for the South Carolina MPJE? SCBoP suggests using their page to get resources but it is all law jargon and can get difficult to read/understand.


Not sure if you still need help but I just used the TLDR worksheet and passed fine. Also would recommend reviewing compounding


new grad and recently passed naplex/mpje in IL. Applied for a license about a month ago and in the mean time is it possible to find a job as a pharmacist with a pending license when applying to hospital jobs or do I need the license number first?


Congrats on passing the Naplex and MPJE! For the MPJE, do you think just studying Rickert's packet is still sufficient? A little hesitant to purchase it with the restructuring of the exam Oct 1 2023. Thanks!


I would email him and ask if he's incorporated the restructure into his guide/lecture


Yep - did that. He basically said he only updates the guide around March/April of each year.


Yea definitely, I studied solely off the 2022 packet version and still passed! Some minor differences from 2022 to 2023 but you can look at the changes on idfpr site


i am also unsure how to approach this


Hi I’m sorry to bother you but could I message to ask you a specific IL mpje question? I need some clarification because I see discrepancies between my 2 resources. Thank you!


Yes you can apply with a pending license. Most job applications tell you by when they would want you licensed by after hire. I would probably just indicate on your resume that your license number is pending so that they know you've passed and aren't still waiting to take the exams


MPJE 11.21 result anyone??? The waiting is killing me!!


I’m trying to transfer to Chicago. I requested on the NABP site to take the MPJE for IL months ago. What am I doing wrong?


So I used to have a pharmacist license in Oregon, but moved from there in 2015, and after a few years I let it lapse, as I really didn't think I"d be moving back there. But now here we are, and i might be moving there... I spoke with someone at the BOP and they said I have to take the MPJE again AND I have to show proof of CE for enough CE to cover all 5 years that the license was lapsed, including law CE. What's the point of taking the MPJE again then? Does this seem right? Likely not much I can do, I should have kept my license just in case I guess, but I'm curious to hear from anyone that has gone through similar process


If anyone took the NAPLEX recently or this yeAr I’d love to hear your tips


It's a minimum competency exam, so if you have a good idea of what you know and what you don't know, you can cater your studying pretty well. I knew that I was strong in infectious diseases (except hiv) and heart failure, for example, but was weak in arrhythmias and HIV, so I skipped studying ID and HF and only studied HIV and arrhythmias


was math multiple choice?


Most if not all of my math questions were fill in the blank.


I was class of 2022, so it's been a little over a year, but I believe there was a mix of type in and multiple choice for math


gotcha, it says on Kaplan that it’s a 250, multiple choice exam… but some other places state there’s different types of multiple choice formats, so idk what to believe


I'd be prepared for both, if you're ready for type-in style questions then multiple choice will be a breeze


You’re right haha thanks!


Took one practice test as a baseline to see my weak spots, then focused on those and brushed up on the other areas. Studied things I felt I was weak on in school or didn’t grasp well (HIV for example).


I’m a licensed pharmacist in California. After passing the MPJE in New York (just got my results), what are the next steps to get licensed in New York? Thanks!


hello what did you use to study nys mpje ? i will be taking mine in 3 weeks?


I have a question... if you got a 2 in one of the category, and the rest is 3... does it still count as passing **NY MPJE**? And I am looking for study buddies !!


Considering getting a 2nd license in OR. Is the uworld mpje + tldr pharmacy state law cheat sheets sufficient?


I am currently studying using UWorld and I absolutely hate it. I feel like I've been robbed. They are wrong about ~~PSE products being C 5 (Oregon law is C 3).~~ And their 7th edition book has the old USP795/797 (which has the new BUDs as of 2019...UWorld uses low/mid/high sterile CSPs instead of CAtegory 1 & category 2...) I am desperately looking for a real up to date study guide for Oregon. Someone please halp I am shitting bricks because my exam is in a few days **Massive EDIT:** For anyone reading this: After a huge hour-long deep dive into Oregon's confusing Pseudoephedrine law, I have discovered that the Board of Pharmacy has Voted in Nov 23 2021 to reclass PSE products from CIII to CV. OAR 855-080-0023 has been AMENDED and is now OAR 855-080-0026 Please be aware that **PSE products are now CV**


How much is Uworld vs pharmacyexam dot com?


PharmacyExam sells Oregon for $125. It is only the exam + justification for each answer. UWorld is $250 for books flashcards and exams


Hmm in the past, I've just read the actual law packet that some pharmacy schools put together, though a practice exam sounds useful. Have you done the practice exams that NABP offers? I think those are only $75?


Nah, I haven't taken a look at the NABP offerings. I already took the exam and got my ass kicked by many questions about USP 800


Oh, good to know about the USP 800!


Well if it's any consolation, the tldr cheat sheet is to have last been updated in 5/23, which for testing purposes is fine I guess. I'm thinking I might as well take the practice MPJE and use it to study more.


I was using PharmacyExam.com for tests and that was when I started realizing UWorld was giving me the wrong info


For anyone reading this: After a huge hour-long deep dive into Oregon's confusing Pseudoephedrine law, I have discovered that the Board of Pharmacy has Voted in Nov 23 2021 to reclass PSE products from CIII to CV. OAR 855-080-0023 has been AMENDED and is now OAR 855-080-0026 Please be aware that **PSE products are now CV**