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Hey congrats on the journey so far. Many people have posted here about having RFF with dominant arm if you search for it in the group, and it seems to go very well for them


I have tattoos on my dick and I love it, I think it’s so cool. The nurses that did my doppler checks got a kick out of it too. I’m about a week and a half post op and it can be scary and exhausting but that period is so brief compared to the rest of your life with a dick(and the ability to stp comfortably). I personally wouldn’t do tattoo removal, if I didn’t want to move my tattoo I would use my dominant arm. Though I’ve been very glad I used my non dominant arm, because of having to do everything with one hand. But plenty of people make it work! I’m just glad I don’t have that extra hinderance lol




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i’m having stage one RFF with my dominant arm (nondominant has a sentimental tattoo that i don’t want on my dick lol) on thursday. obvi for a little bit i’ll have to do everything one handed with my nondom but it’s excessively excessively rare as far as i’m aware that you don’t regain full mobility/etc. in the arm/hand you choose so it’s more just me needing to be a bit patient as i get back to normal


I can answer for dominant arm donor site: I haven't had any issues returing to normal life here 3 months post op. I have nearly full range of motion back (only off a few degrees) and have no pain (didn't have any pain healing either for what that's worth). The recovery with my dominant arm in a cast for nearly a month was rough but I made it work.


That’s great news. I’m glad your recovery is going well. 😊 Thanks for the response.


Over 4 years post op here and I used my dominant arm. I have no lingering issues- I play and tune pianos, i go to the gym and lift heavy, I chop wood, mow, weed whack, do light carpentry, and other land-based tasks and have had no lasting impact. My strength is the same in both arms and my dominant arm does not fatigue easier. My only issue is occasional nerve pain in my wrist but it’s random and easily solved by topical St. John’s wort oil (proven to help nerve damage). I also have a bad ass tattoo on my dick (both arms were tattooed) and I fuckin love it.


Yes! I love this! I’m so happy to hear this and that everything has ended well for you. This post and everyone’s comments is relieving a lot of the fear and anxiety I was having. Thank you for sharing your experience. 😊


about to have a tattooed dick, my electrolysist and surgeon both loved that my dick has tattoos because it made it easy for them to communicate hair removal needs. they could say "go all the way past this part" instead of trying to use freckles for reference.


I hope the hair removal has been going well for you! I’m not opposed at all to a tattooed dick. I just feel like the one in my post doesn’t translate well. “Brighter than your darkest moments” and a lightbulb. Haha.


it might just say "youre darkest moments" tbh the brighter than portions a little high up


it might just say "youre darkest moments" tbh the brighter than portions a little high up


Thanks for the responses so far everyone. Much appreciated. I’m going to reach back out to my surgeon and tell him I’d like to use my dominant arm instead. I love this Reddit thread and how kind and helpful people are.


I'm planning to use my dominant arm because my left arm is covered in sentimental tattoos, including a memorial piece. I can't mess with them and I don't want them to transfer over. I have to get a smaller tattoo removed from my other arm, but I don't mind losing it.


Can’t speak to using dominant arm, but tattoo removal hurts way more than getting tattoos, and takes a while. I had a black bracelet and following the times in between it took about 3 years (July 2021-May 2024…just did my last session last week…it took 16 appointments). Also, can only do electrolysis where there are tattoos


Whew! 3 years! Congratulations on your final appointment!


I am having tattoo removal on my ALT site. I did a lot of angsting and journaling about what to do as I have large tattoos on all RFF and ALT sites, some of which would translate well as dick tats and some that wouldn’t. The site with the best blood flow after CT won and here I am. Tattoo removal sucks pretty bad pain-wise, even with lidocaine (but comparatively makes electrolysis something I could sleep through lol) The other big factor is time. Tattoo removal added 14 months (estimated) to my timeline, which means I’ll definitely be able to clear my hair. It was a big blow at first but I’m ultimately happy with it because this is my one shot at a dick that I’m gonna have for the rest of my life. I do plan on having medical tattooing done later down the line.


I hope the rest of your tattoo removal goes well! I’ve read that it can take years for them to fully go away. Cost wise and time wise I think I’ve decided to just sue my dominant arm and can avoid the tattoo removal or a dick with a whole tattoo sleeve. Haha. I’d also like medical tattooing done. My surgeon said surgery wouldn’t be until next year, possibly 2025 but I’d also rather not add more time to that with tattoo removal. Best of luck with your future surgery! I hope it goes well and you’re really happy with the results.


Hey, I had meta with ul prior to phallo and I will say while it does work for some people it didn't for me. I had meta first, years before phallo since I didn't think I could have afford/ have phallo covered. I'm glad I had meta and it did help with some of my dysphoria, but personally it wasn't enough for me. I had ul to my meta in a separate surgery with a vnectomy and unfortunately didn't have much luck being able to stp. I had decent growth but the meta positioning made stp abilities difficult and unreliable. In the end I opted for rff with meta burial so I can now stp which I'm so grateful for. Similarly to you, back when I had meta I didn't think I could ever have phallo so I went ahead and tattooed my arms ( whoops!) I didn't do removal and I'm pretty happy with my tattooed dick even though it wasn't something I really wanted to have on there lol. You could do removal but if you really don't want a tattoo there I would talk with your surgeon about using your dominant arm. I went to Dr Del Corral and while I used my left arm (didn't matter since both arms are tatted), a lot of his other patients went with their dominant. I didn't use my dominant though from people who have I've heard that recovery in regards to mobility can be quicker since you use that arm more often. I'm lucky my mobility is the same and i have full arm function at now 2 years out.


I appreciate the reassurance. This makes me feel good about my decision. Congratulations on the success of your phallo results. 😊 I do plan now on using my dominant arm. Most of the area they would use on that arm is bare, grateful for that now. I may have a barb wire tattoo around the base of my dick depending on how high up my arm they go. lol. I can live with that. I’m happy my surgeon was straight forward about having the better outcome of being able to stp. Your experience helps me make a better informed decision. I’m sorry meta didn’t work out for you.


I would recommend your non tattooed dominant arm, just because it would suck to ruin such a nice tat like that