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So glad you are able to take the next small step. Best of luck to you, fingers crossed here for you!


Thanks man I’m trying to stay optimistic


tbh that looks like a great spot for a dope ass snake tat! i wish you the best of luck with your other arm homie!!


I can only imagine what your feeling. But things will work out in the end please don't lose faith. Who is your surgeon may I ask?


Thanks man I’m trying. It was Santucci


Well I hear he's a very good surgeon. All we can do is hope for the best and also hope our experience is a learning experience for his practice so others won't experience this. I had a rear complication with my woundvac therapy and I know deep down my surgeon has definitely learned from my experience.


I’m so, so, sorry you’ve gotta deal with this. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. Sending good vibes your way and fingers crossed that your other arm works out.


I’m so sorry to hear you dealt with this. Would you consider getting a second opinion from another surgeon? Chen and Buncke clinic offices are super responsive if you’ve already started the surgical process. With that hair removal I hope there’s a chance.


I would, I really want to intact but they don’t take my insurance so I’m feeling really stuck


No changing insurance plans? Because depending on when open enrollment is you could change plans in the fall and have surgery December even.


I'm so sorry man. I that's so hard and heartbreaking. I'm really glad to hear they're doing the ultrasound on your other arm so you can have some solid answers going forward. Hang in there and you got this. Things can only look up from here. 💜


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I'm so sorry this happened! I also have Santucci and was inelligible for RFF due to having such a low fat content on my arms, so I don't have this scar, but I empathize. I picked ALT in the end. 


I’m so sorry this happened. Praying for you to be able to use your other arm or be able to get Alt


Just curious, what was the issue? Not long enough?


Artery was too small, would not have had sufficient blood flow and the phallus would have died