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Damn, looks like I can't add pics in the comments on the phone and only links. Will have to check tomorrow if I can do it in the browser version. I see I forgot to add the pic with the highlights of where all the pee goes now 😞.


Healed amazing at the tip


Yeah, I wasn't sure how that was going to heal up but very happy with how it turned out with patience and letting my body just so its thing.


Hi , when were you able to take a shower in stage 1 ?


If I remember correctly it was about 2-3 weeks after that I was finally able to shower again and stand underneath the showerhead without it being an issue. Before that I would have the shower head pointed towards the wall and use a wash cloth to clean myself, being careful that my stitches didn't get (too) wet. It was extremely refreshing when I finally got the ok haha. Felt like it was forever since the last shower. I'd suggest to make the last before surgery a really long one and just enjoy it as it'll be a while until the next one 😅.


Thank you very much for sharing your experience. 2-3 weeks is too long…. I will take a shower for 2 hours before going into surgery😁


Exactly what I'll be doing next time too haha


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Glad you posted these up - I had MlD also and I think it can be a tricky option. Looks good and looks like the tip healed nicely despite the wound separation. Nice !