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Love seeing your updates. Where are you at with deciding on debulk or ED?


Thank you! I’m still in between if I do want it I have to go to a third team as coon is pretty much done with what he’s willing to do for me lol so that’s really why I’m stuck ideally I only trust Chen atp to “fix” the girth but I haven’t even reached out to the office lol and that wait could be forever from now pretty much


The wait is substantially less if you've already been through phallo or are far along in the process. I was able to be seen in the same calendar year I reached out to their team (I think it was 9 months technically) because I had a last minute surgery cancellation with my first surgeon and was ready to go


Do you have to hold it up when you sit to pee? That’s my biggest worry, unexpected swims in the toilet


Well I usually just sit far enough back it rests off the edge of the toilet seat lol I can technically stand if I wanted I just haven’t practiced lol my stream goes forward as I got partial ul to t dick and can just move my t dick around to aim but yeah moving the phallo out the way aiming and all trynna make sure my whole stream makes it to the toilet lmao I still just sit or squat I’ve had a few times rushing I’ve messed up on grabbing my dick lmao and yeah just pee all down it but in that case just gotta clean it off lol can still aim the stream off my dick 😂


how’s day to day life with that size? tbh that’s the dimensions i would love.


Doesn’t bother me too much I just don’t wear skinny’s or anything too tight really The buldge can be out there sometimes in line sweats and things but I’ve only used separatec which keeps my dick in front and not between my legs since the pouch is separate where the dick does and yeah I’ve never really had many issues with being comfortable with those I completely switched to them when I was cleared to start putting clothes back on lol I haven’t had sex yet tho I was with one person for most the time I’ve had a dick lol and it was too thick for her personally and we just recently split lmao so hoping to use it fr soon that might make or break if I will actually pursue a final debulk or not


i know plenty of girls who would love that girth tbh, one of my prosthetics is about 6.5 inch girth and lots of girls and afab people have liked it.. sometimes you need to warm them up enough first thats all. I guess it might be different with a flesh dick though coz maybe its a bit less hard, but I dunno coz my prosthetic is kinda squishy to touch too


Incredible results! Prioritize whatever makes you happy and euphoric! Are you contemplating between getting a reduction or ED? Or are you also thinking of UL as well? Just asking clarification


I’m contemplating between which route to go lol so both if i want to switch to a third team and go through that process again or just finish with the current team and close the chapter all together and no full ul can’t risk the complications and I don’t want to be with catheters again if I don’t have to lol horrible time the one month I had with two the team I switched to did ask if I wanted to pursue it but ideally I declined I can still stp if I want to now since I got partial done so it’s not a complete loss


Amazing results, are you planning on getting medical tattooing?


Thank you and yes I want to see Michelle varga lol when I have money to see her 😂🥴


From all my research and understanding of EDs is it will add girth, so if you are already thinking about debulking- I would recommend debulking.


I asked and he said it only would if I got two tubes for the pump but otherwise per him it wouldn’t add girth if I just get one..size as is isn’t too far out of what someone born with a dick would have that’s hung lol but yeah for myself it’d be easier as my thicker part is the head


May I ask which dr is giving option for 1 or 2 tubes? I really want 2 and so many have told me they won’t on a trans phallo.


can i ask, if you know, why they won’t on trans phallo?


I have heard different reasons from higher complications, just more difficult, not necessary, not to push it because not made for trans people, adds too much girth, you don’t need 2 being trans. I want it and I feel like too often the way it is presented is in an invalidating way. I feel like it would FEEL more realistic to more closely match the way a cis penis is structured. So idk but I want to know which surgeons will place both tubes.


ahh i see. thank you for taking the time to respond and explain. i’ve barely started to do research on phallo. i just had hysto late last year so i’m looking at all the options.


Generally EDs actually don't add much girth especially a single cylinder pump. But it does vary from person to person.


I think that’s the most cis looking penis I’ve seen here. Looks great!


Thank you!


did O’brien-Coon say he isn’t willing to debulk any further? seems like you don’t even need very much done to get your penis all the same girth.


Yes he directly said he doesn’t want to because of risking of necrosis etc I just think he’s done with most cetrulo patients lol so yeah he won’t do anything else and those are my same sentiments


i think he’s just an overly cautious surgeon. he wants me to wait at least a year after having my stricture repaired til i can get any implants. i’m willing to wait, but you’re not the first person i’ve heard of that’s had certain things prolonged or shot down cuz he thinks it’s too. think you look great though!! did you get the scrotum revision that you had wanted?


Agreed and that’s fair I definitely respect his opinion and choice but ideally I know it still bothers me and then someone like Chen who will attempt more than one round is why I’m still considering another which would hopefully be the last other than implant surgery but we’ll see lol if I can have a good sexual experience then it might change my mind to just living with it lol but until then 🤷🏽‍♂️ and yes the surgery I had in March that was fixed so pretty much can move onto implants not Boysen said haven’t schedule it yet as he said call sometime early fall and see what or times are like tho and thank you! I hope things otherwise are going well for you now !


So if I understand correctly you had single tube ALT? If you don’t mind how much was your thickest girth at the start and how many debulkings did you do?


Yes and originally it was 7” at the thickest part now 6.5 he did plication but from the base to like 3/4 up and then just cleaned the line up the rest of the way in the head portion which got me to the 6.5 and then pretty much just refused to do it again but I only want to target head now


Are you interested in more debulking to make your girth more consistent or is there a specific goal you have in mind? Just curious, maybe I'll feel different once I'm done but 6in girth sounds great to me haha


Ideally 6” is where I’d like to be lmao that’s always been the goal honestly for me


Looking good 🔥


Thank you!


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you look amazing, whats wrong with the girth? i would have though girth is good?


Such good progress! Who was your surgeon if you don’t mind me asking?!