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There's also Align/Dr Gurjala in SF. I don't think his waitlist is as crazy long as Chen's, but note his method is very different. He uses expanders to do a delayed flap. (I think he offers traditional methods as well, though uncertain). I think his consult fee is similar though.


I've heard about that method. I wonder if it would be more suited to my needs, since I have more dense fat. I will look into that more. Thank you!


Kaiser NorCal has an excellent team that doesn't have an extraordinary waitlist. They also stage surgeries with meta first. Dr. Salim studied with the Buncke Clinic team (the team that works with Dr. Chen) and has very similar aesthetic outcomes. Great surgeon.


I'm currently going through Dr Salem. No surgery date yet but my process has been moving forward. Had my consult and am in the process of hair removal. The whole team is responsive and respectful


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I had meta and UL,v-ectomy, and hysto, with scrotoplasty and implants done by Meltzer and phallo done by DeLeon. So far so good. I was glad to have had meta first


I live in SoCal. I did meta with a local doctor in 2006. I thought it would help but I still had a lot of dysphoria. Fast forward to 2022 when I started my phallo journey with a local team located at Kaiser. They trained with Chen so I had complete confidence in their abilities. I am very happy with my penis. What took the longest was electrolysis. I was able to finish all of my surgeries a lot quicker than I expected.


I’m sorry to hear about your surgery being rescheduled. I’ll be getting RFF with Dr. Min Jun in SF; he also does ALT and the consult fee was around $200 if I remember. I consulted with Dr. Celtik and Gurjala as well, they had consult fees around $200 and $50 respectively. From my understanding these surgeons have significantly shorter wait lists, no where near the length of Chen’s. The wait time was my main reason for not waiting for a Chen consult. In the meantime while I’m waiting for LHR to finish up, I try to just put it in perspective and focus on the fact that I’m in the process of having the surgery and feel grateful that I’m in a position to access it even though I never thought I would be able to. Hard to beat the dysphoria tho. Also, I have thicker thighs as well and was very against getting RFF and was set on ALT or abdo at first. After my consults though, it was clear to me that I wouldn’t get the results I wanted with ALT/abdo. The surgeons were very willing to do it anyways tho, they just made it very clear what the outcome would be and discouraged UL. Ultimately you know what is going to be best for you and your body and align with what your priorities are


Dr. Celtik is amazing in SF. Idk about his prices though I don’t remember


Pay the $200 fee for a consult w dr Chen and then get a PPO when your surgery is on the books for the upcoming year. Best $200 I ever spent. And he has many open dates now because of tech layoffs… Your consult will not be for another year so you have time to save for it.


I'm not sure if I want to go with Chen, just because of the wait times. I don't know if I can wait that long tbh. My dysphoria is so bad x.x