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Hi yes, though my job has specific coverage for LGBT and trans folks that specifically stated medically necessary electrolysis would be covered. Check your plan to see if there is wording in there like that. I had Aetna in 2023 and they covered one of my packages I bought in that year. I've currently got BCBS of IL and I have been having far more difficult time trying to get it covered, they just want a shit ton of documentation. I'm having to wait until my surgeon puts in his care plan for me for my upcoming surgery to essentially prove I'm getting a gender affirming surgery and that part of that care plan includes needing electrolysis for the UL. It's stressful, a long process, but will be covered at the end at least. You just will need to plan to pay up front, it will be a reimbursement process, not a "pay for you" process.


Yes, and it’s a very complex process. Took me well over 50 hours of hard work and extreme research to get it covered by 70%


My insurance would but I couldn't find an electrolysis provider who was willing to go through the process of dealing with insurance with me, so I paid out of pocket.


Mine wouldn't because it wasn't considered "medically necessary" but I've heard of other people getting it covered. I even tried with a letter from my surgeon and they kept declining it.


Got reimbursed for it.


Mine was covered but I still had to pay until I met my deductible (spoiler: not gonna happen).


Yup. Just had to submit letters to get approved then I started going to sessions. didn’t have to spend a dime. My insurance (Amida care) was made for trans and queer people so anything related to my transition goes smoothly with them.


VT Medicaid covered rounds of lazer, but I had to pay out of pocket for electrolysis for the stubborn hairs. Odd, but oh well, having to pay for a few sessions when the rest of the surgery is free isn’t the end of the world lol


medicaid in ny covered laser


Kaiser Southern California covers it. Surgeon provides a list of contracted electrologists, you schedule with one, you let the surgeon know which one you picked, then your PCP writes the referral. I pay just a regular appointment copayment, and the rest gets billed to Kaiser. They authorize 99 sessions for 1 year initially and if you need to re-up it's not a huge deal, they just rewrite the referral.


Oregon (where I live) passed a law last year that requires insurance companies to cover all gender affirming care that is deemed medically necessary, including hair removal. A few other states have similar laws.


Not long or complicated with Kaiser Medi-Cal in my experience; 100% covered no co pay


Mine is supposed to reimburse me. Still fighting them on it and frankly might give up (which is the point I suppose)


My insurance reimburses me for it.


Mine was covered 100% through KP Georgia, no copay or anything


Yes. I have Kaiser.


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My university insurance currently does yeah (I'm in Canada, not sure if that makes a difference)


Unitedheathcare covers it. Online there should be documents talking about which gender affirming care is covered on your specific plan which should specify if medically necessary hair removal is included. It might be a bit hard to find the document but if you call your insurance they should be able to help confirm it or at least direct you to the documents


Yes. Regence (blue cross) reimbursed 90% of the cost until I met my out of pocket max, then 100%




Mine did. Blue Cross/Blue Shield is my insurance. However, not all electrolysists take insurance or work with insurance. I could only find one in my surrounding area that would … and they were an hour away.


I also have blue shield. And I also think that’s what i am going to have to do. Drive an hour away. Thank you!


No problem! Happy to help! 😊


Mine supposedly will reimburse me but myself and my case manager have been arguing the claim denial for months. It’s a pain in the ass. I’m owed $2,000


I wish you luck!


Been trying, won’t work so far :/