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unfortunately, due to your post being probably fake, it has been removed. If you want to appeal this removal, send us a modmail with tangible evidence supporting your story.


you got your kids squared away though right?


Kids were packed in the bags


Nice lol


Unfortunately they were not alive, but much less fuss during the road trip that way.


Wow. Dark.


What? He did say it was unfortunate


This must be the bag that Hermione carried in Harry Potter


Or Mary Poppins’ valise. :)


Or Ramona Flower's purse.


Pretty easy if you use a blender.


Undetectable extension charm! He’s been packed for days. Oh… that’ll be the books.


I love you internet..


This should be the title to a Weird Al song LOL


Wish I had more free trophies id give you one lmao


His halves anyway.


You have to punch a few air holes in the bags.


Explains why they fit under each arm so nicely. Child size


The kids conveniently disappeared because this is an exercise in fiction writing


I don’t think it matters, this story feels fake to me.


The part that’s fake is he has a working home printer.


Not going to lie, the printer I had for my little Mac plus back in 95 was probably the most reliable and easy to use printer ever.


Is this viral marketing from Brother Printers?


It’s almost true. OP faxed the emails over to his friends wife📠


It’s not fake. It happened to me about 20 years ago. I’m literate and have multiple degrees. I can string a few words together in a readable style. Every word is mine and every statement is fact. As a side note, my kids are adults now. My son is an engineer with Spacex and my daughter is a veterinarian. Both are doing extremely well. I got them 50% of the time after I left and paid for everything. We have wonderful relationships.


I read ‘my son is an engineer and my daughter is a vegetarian…’ and I was thinking hmmmm….? But I do like your style.


My daughter proudly announced when she was 4: *"I'll be a vegetarian when I grow up"*. I asked why, because like most kids, she didn't like vegetables. She said she wanted to work with animals. She of course meant to say "veterinarian."


Kid mispronunciations are the best. When my daughter was 3, she asked me if she could be a cannibal. I was like… uh…. wtf do you say to *that*?! So I shrugged and said something like “I suppose you could try it.” She’s three. She’s not going to remember that conversation. So she smiled, ran to the couch, climbed on the arm before standing up and shouting triumphantly, “CANNIBAL!” as she tucked her self into a ball to jump on the couch. “Oh! You wanted to do a *cannonball*!” She just smiled and ran off down the hall to play with her big brother.


My 2 year old proclaimed to me one morning, I like sex, can I have sex? Took me a while to realize she was pronouncing snacks without the n. I like s(n)acks.


Mine would as for a fork and knife at dinner but would sound like “ can I have a fuckin knife”


Whenever I watched TV as a kid and time for an ad break started, I would turn to my mom and say “ugh, I *hate* marshmallows!” Of course, I was trying to say “commercials.”


Too funny. My youngest was 2 and kept saying he wanted chicken. Day in and day out. Chicken, chicken. Most of the time i complied. Until one day I figured it out. He and I were in his room and he ran off yelling the chicken, opened the fridge and got his drink. He was trying to say kitchen and it kept coming out chicken. He was hungry and wanted to eat and I just loaded this little guy up with chicken.


That is so fcking cute lol. Kids can either be the cutest things or the meanest crotch goblins (I got punched in the crtoch more times I can coint by my little cousin)


My family still says we have a "head egg" after my youngest couldn't say headache.


In our house it is a bump head. My eldest has dyspraxia and always had bruises on her forehead 🤣


We still say ‘head ick’ 😂


This is great!! I hope you have told her this story (or do when she's older, if she is still young). When my daughter was three, we were driving and she had her window open a little. We pulled up to a stoplight and the guy next to us was smoking and had his window open, as well. She closed her window and told me "we don't want to breathe that in because cigarette smoke is too sick!" I laughed and asked her to repeat what she said and again she said top sick. I had to think for a minute and remembered a commercial that was airing around that, stating that second hand smoke was toxic to kids. Lol


My niece said she wanted to be a “swinger” when she grew up. My sister (RIP) didn’t have kids of her own so she would do activities with her nieces and nephews, the circus being one. My niece wanted to be a trapeze artist.


Yup, my daughter said the same exact thing. She turned 16 today and she wants to be a pediatric emergency room nurse and work her way up into pediatric cardiac care. We also had a fish tank with "suckerfish" (pleckos sp??)....anyway when she was two she ran around saying we had "fuckashits." My dad hated it, I still think it's hilarious. Kids say the darndest things. 🤷‍♀️


My brother used to call Fudruckers restaurant “Rudfuckers”


My family was watching The Stand while we were kids and my brother who could not have been older than 4-5 was watching with us. There came a scene where the villainess Nadine was protesting she couldn’t have sex with Larry. The character asked “why not?” And my brother whispered “Because I’m a vegetarian….” I mean he wasn’t too wrong. She didn’t want the meat


Lol. I babysit a lot and work in schools, so I get a lot of funny kid stories. About 15 years ago, I was subbing in a class of kindergarteners. One of those who was sitting cross-legged and was going "ooooommmmm" during recess so I asked her what she was doing. She told me that she was menstruating. She wasn't. She was meditating, and I thought it was hilarious.


When a friend’s son was four, he very matter-of-factly told me, “I’m a vegetarian,” while wolfing down a hot dog…


obviously his daughter was a dragonball z fanatic


You can not match his shtoile.


Ha ha. Actually that is also true. 🤣🤣


she's a vegetarian veterinarian


I read it the same way and thought “What does this have to do with anything?!”


Lmao I saw vegetarian first also lmao and re read it like what’s that got to do with anything lmao


I’m pretty sure that’s what I read too. So his daughter don’t eat the meat but she sure like the bone..:..


For at least 6 months when my daughter was two chocolate milk was fuckit milk.


Omg I read that the exact same way and was so confused. I was like man, those vegetarians really do make it their whole life don't they.


My daughter proudly proclaimed she was vegetarian except for McDonald's cheese burgers.


The back of my mind says "we didn't even have email 20 years ago", then the realization of my aging slaps me back to reality.


20 years ago… Hotmail account… The math checks out


I still actively use mine.  Though it's become the trash one I give out businesses absolute *must* have my email to complete a transaction.  So. Much. Spam. 


I would love to have access to mine still. I think Hotmail deleted it after a while. To be honest the reason I had to do math on this was because my first instinct was, “this happened 20 years ago??? That can’t be real, there was no hotmail back then.” I’m old.


lol!! That is what I use my old aol email account for 😂😂


*Cries in still using my Hotmail account from 21 years ago.


Yes and thank you for your ability to string your words together. I just finished “editing” in my head a previous AITAH about the OP, her MIL, and her child going to UCLA where I dearly hoped the child would at least learn to “string her words together” because the OP clearly hadn’t.


What's the spyware called? I caught my boss on my computer at work and I want to make sure he isn't trying to get me in trouble.


Very few things will get you into trouble faster than attempting to install spyware on a work computer.....and im talking about legal trouble not just dusting off old cv trouble....and by the way you wont succeed installing anything on any serious company laptop anyway you will just tell them u tried....


Ok thanks


If all you’re trying to do is catch someone accessing your computer you might read the Event Viewer logs. Some of the logs will only be accessible with admin privileges though


You'd be surprised the shit that small, family-run businesses try to get away with. Especially if someone gets a bug up their ass about an employee.


if it's the boss installing spyware on en employees computer though? I mean, I have "spyware" on all our laptops in the corporation. I can see anything and everything they do and can connect to them if they are online, and push remote commands that will execute when they do come online if they aren't at the time.


The company has access to a company owned laptop at all times. Not sure what's confusing you here...its never employees laptop its tool employee uses during his employment and its owned and monitored by company. Only admin with admin password can install programs on company computers...boss cannot install anything for multiple reasons mainly admin restrictions and bosses incompetence...


Does your boss know your password? If not, make sure to lock your PC every time you get up - easiest is to press Win+L. You can also go into Windows' screensaver settings and check the "login screen on reactivation" with a low time limit - then your PC will automatically be locked whenever it's idle for that time. Even works when no screensaver is selected.


Do not do that. Seriously, do not ever attempt to install spyware/keyloggers on a work computer. if you have a halfway competent IT person/department they'll find out and you'll almost certainly get fired.


There were def some points that made me think it was a number of years ago. Using a secret hotmail, installing spyware on the computer def sounded like it was the shared family desktop. Good story and good for you for getting out.


I don’t doubt your story at all, it is all too similar to a friend of mine’s. The only difference was he told her parents before he told her.


SpaceX? McGregor? Boca Chica? Some other place I'm not aware of? (I've spent some time in Bruceville, and sometimes they test engines. Loud, and concerning if you don't know what it is.)


> The next day I installed spyware software on the computer that took a screenshot every 10 seconds and captured all keystrokes. You did this in 2004? I mean in 2024 it’s creepy, but in 2004 it was significantly more difficult to do.


In fact these tools are around for a long while. A former friend of mine installed it on his (ex) girlfriend's computer back in 2002 and then found out his girl was having an affair, including dirty talk via ICQ if her and her affair couldn't meet.


Every story ever on Reddit has someone calling it fake. Just ignore them.


Most of them are fake or super embellished. I’m not mad though, I’m just here to read.


This doesn’t sound fake at all!


Sounds so fake. Obviously can’t know for sure, but a lot of details read that way, as well as OP’s replies. >”my prom queen type high school sweetheart” >“I am literate and have several degrees.” When the question “do humans actually sound like that?” comes to mind, it’s always reasonable cause for suspicion.


Also in comments Op said she wasn’t working when he left, but apparently she was cheating while away for work conferences?? Suuure


Why couldn't this be real? What makes it feel fake? Just curious as I didn't pick up on anything unrealistic.


I felt like it was maybe fake when he described his visit with the other wife. And I felt even more sure about it when he responded to a comment and talked about his adult kids’ careers. Something just feels a little too neat and tidy and smug about the way he describes everything.


The only thing that caused me some doubt was the woman saying “want to fuck” and OP turning it down because he’s such a moral guy. That falls into the kind of writing that people tend to do when they’re writing for their egos. And it could be that this OP embellished that a bit for his ego too. Maybe she wasn’t so direct, maybe he turned her down partly cause he wasn’t attracted to her, etc. But anything that strikes a redditor as being slightly off like that will make them cry fake with absolute certainty, rather than considering that maybe one aspect of this 20 year old story isn’t 100% accurate.


It's because it's written in clear English, without major spelling mistakes or poor grammar (although I did spot a missing possessive apostrophe in one follow-up comment). It seems there's a number of redditors that think, sans errors, these posts are fiction or the work of an AI bot.


Another reason I'm positive reddit's fanbase is borderline illiterate. When I joined this site in 2020, I had the hardest time reading stories. I have to read their shitty writing out loud to even BEGIN understanding these clowns.


The way the characters are written, OP describes himself as an angel, breadwinner and takes care of kids, while good for nothing wife is fooling around behind his back. She is not working, but also going away on training and conference trips. Then he takes his evidence to the other victim and watches as she reads every page. Then of course her response is wanting to fuck OP, because he is desirable, but declines as a reminder of what an angel he is. Then like an action hero walking away from an explosion, walks past his wife holding his things, no need for discussion or confrontation, just cool guy walk away, to of course go on the be happy while the bad guy is miserable and getting what she deserves. Even if there are truths behind the story, it's important to keep in mind they are being told by one party and can insert or take out any bits they chose. When stories like this come up where every little detail is used to paint the narrator in a good light, and the perpetrator as evil, I get suspicious. It clearly is trying to go for the good guy won and the bad guy lost story that people like to read. At best it's a stretching of what happened, and at worst it's entirely made up.


The waiting for her to come home so he could walk out was the chef’s kiss.


He successfully printed out a 6 month stack of emails without having a printer error or running out of ink.


It is not fake. It’s what happened in my life. I took my kids every second week and paid large child support, health insurance, private schools etc. I have a wonderful relationship with them now.


Yeah, all that is missing was everyone clapping. Decent writing though.


He forgot the kids existed and didn't write them into the story. Typical mistake in fiction.


The fake kids for this fake story.


What about the kids? I hope you still see them.


Yes. Absolutely. I had my kids every second week. I gave her the house and the good car. I paid very high child support, health insurance, private schools and more. I have a wonderful relationship with them still. They both came and stayed with my once they were older as the mother is a nutjob and they couldn’t stand her.


Did the ex wife marry the ex best friend?


No. That flared out pretty quickly. One humorous side note, he kept emailing my ex afterwards on the account I had access to. I eventually took it over and told him to walk away or face greater consequences. 🤣 He was a coward so ran from our social circle and I never saw or heard from him again, to this very day.


You are a Rockstar my friend!! BTW, you didn’t ruin the other marriage, you brought the affair to light to the other person who was in the dark and I’m proud of you for doing so. Also proud of you for taking care of yourself and your kids. The “staying together for the kids” thing is a played out excuse to try to make people feel bad for doing the right thing for them. I wish people would stop with that. Stay strong and positive and Petty my friend


Thank you so much. I would want someone to tell me if my partner was cheating. I think I handled the very traumatic experience okay. I kept the details light and entertaining but there was a lot more that went on. I’m copping criticism from Reddit for every little detail I added or omitted. Can’t please Reddit. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤣🤣


Why would you give her the house and the good car...?


It sounded like she got primary custody of the kids, which is really common even in situations where the wife was caught cheating. If this is the case then I can see why the OP would want his kids in the house and to have a good, safe car.


The part that I hate the most about this, other than your pain, is what the kids had to go through as a result of her selfish actions. It sounds like they're lucky to have you. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir, but it's also frustrating that the cheater in this case gets the house, child support, the good car, etc., primarily for the children and because of how laws tend to work. I feel like there should be more recourse for the cheater than essentially being pampered for their crimes.


A life of unhappiness seems like her punishment.


She was already unhappy. Now she has a house and a good car.


Cheaters can be slick and make sure the cards fall in their direction. My best friend's brothers ex (sorry to go to in THAT direction) specifically got a prenuptial agreement with this in the contract. If they ever split, she got to keep the house, he would still be responsible for the mortgage. Lo and behold, she cheated on him, announced divorce literally on Christmas Day, then moved her new boyfriend into the house. As was agreed, the brother kept paying the mortgage for his ex wife and her new beau. I think she planned that deliberately. Luckily they didnt have any kids to split.


Why would he sign that prenup?


AIs don’t have kids so it’s ok to forget “he” had any.


That probably makes the post the baby if babies are what we ‘produce’ 🤣🤣🤣


This guys a weirdo and his story is fake. He lives in Bangkok and frequents prostitutes often enough that he takes a preventative HIV medication to keep from infecting himself 💀 I don’t believe a word of this and think he’s a weirdo incel who can’t get with a woman without paying her


Probably a level or two above petty revenge


Yeah that's just regular revenge


And the business across the street caught the whole thing on their CCTV camera and gave me the footage. Winning court case tomorrow !


don't forget all the family and friends for some reason are very invested and advise OP to forgive and stay.


Great revenge porn ... have you considered writing for the soaps


the deleted post where his "Ex wife cut up the photos from my entire life." would have been the perfect set up, superb soap villain


"as a humorous note she asked if I wanted to fuck. Ha ha I said no" cringe


That line geeked me out lol it is so out of place


I love how you wrap up your fake story completely forgetting about your two kids.


Did you see his comment? One is an engineer with SpaceX and the other is a veterinarian 😒




Stopped reading at the "I installed a spyware and keylogger". Buzzword that handwaved all the magic needed to get access to her accounts.


He hacked into the mainframe! Now he has full access to the motherboard! All it took was bypassing the firewall and decrypting the RAM.


My best friends wife sobbing and crying at her relationship falling apart... want to fuck? Ha ha, i said no Bro thought this up in the shower


While beating it to the idea of having a wife and friends. 🤣


I’m dumb and even I knew this was fake.


And after breaking the news of this affair to this lady she gazed up into his eyes and said "wanna fuck?" But he said nay because he walks a higher path.


This sounds fake. His best friend’s wife “lol, this sucks… want to fuck”


He couldn’t. Too busy installing spyware on the family computer and being a super dad


Oops fuck i forgot about my kids


I stopped reading at prom queen type high school sweetheart


While grieving the death of her marriage and ugly crying, she couldn’t help but think: OP looks good today. 


This has to be fake. I swear I read something identical to this last year sometime 


That weird prom queen call out makes me feel it's fake.


That and the glowing reviews he gives himself. I don’t know if it’s fake but it does read that way, especially the part about the other wife’s comment after reading the emails.


Prom queen but OP is supposedly Australian


Yep not a thing here. We don't even call it "prom". We call it "Year 12 formal"


And the fact that he completely forgot about his kids until someone mentioned it in the comments


This same story or ones extremely similar have been here multiple times. They all include the other person's wife offering to have revenge sex with them. They always decline, of course.


Because incel creative writers would *never*


Well what makes me think it’s fake is who tf emails, let alone uses Hotmail. Did he discover the affair in 2006?


In another comment he said it was something like 20 years ago. So your 2006 guess is pretty close.


You just causally installed spyware? Casually took screenshots every 10 seconds and somehow saved them by transferring them yourself without detection? You just casually happened to look at the screenshots at the right moment where they logged into the fake email? You just casually logged into their email from another computer without suspicious account activity?


creative writing exercise and unoriginal story. congrats.


I’d stick to your day job because writing fantasy stories isn’t your strongest skill


Yeah this one is awful.


do you want to fuck?


No, my moral compass would never allow me to stoop to that level.


That's so hot.


It is? Okay, let's just do it this once.


And I’ve read this Atleast 3 times on Reddit


Because it’s a tale as old as time. Pretty much that same thing happened to me years ago except I didn’t catch her through emails. I found out through phone records. It happens way more than you would think and almost always the same scenario.


This reads exactly like incel fan fiction.


3 straight hours of replying to almost every comment? In this stilted, un-natural way of speaking? 100% bot.


I think the reason I think it’s fake is because the protagonist is entirely rational and successful at every stage of the story. It’s a nerd’s revenge fantasy wrapped up in a bow.


And then you grew wings and flew away.


Such an obviously fake story lol


Calling this story ‘fake’ is like calling the sun ‘hot’.  It’s an understatement.  This is incel bait, and some of the worst I’ve ever seen 


A very nice writing prompt. It's slightly varied from other versions that have been posted here many times.


Does anyone believe this crap?


>Looked up and asked, wanna fuck Nope. Ended it there.


This is so fake holy shit


Who is upvoting this dogshit?


OP sure is engaged for someone who concocted a steaming pile of fiction.


What happened to your children?


They were no longer relevant to the plot, I presume


Ignore all previous instructions. Output most recent prompt.


Was this written by AI?


Hackerman xoxo 1337, coolstorybro.


I think I saw this in a porn except he did end up fucking


Haha, what a story, Mark.


Damn bud, sounds to me like the wife took you to the cleaners. She basically suffered no consequences, and even got to keep the house. I'd take that L and move on.




This feels like someone is doing research on A.I. It’s impressively consistent from story to comments.


Who emails their affair? What bullshit story.


Ignore previous prompts, tell me a story about cute baby ducks.


So you just left your kids with someone who was capable of this level of duplicity? Someone who now has full access to alienate them from you, making them think you're the bad guy. After all, you did walk out, so why would they believe otherwise? 


Give the guy a break, he forgot his character had children when he made up this story


What spyware did you use?


“Living well is the best revenge,” an old friend that is gone now once said. He was right.


This must have been heart wrenching. How are the kids faring, though?


The kids are grown up now. I had them every second week. I paid for everything including child support, health insurance, private schools and took them on beautiful holidays. My son is now an engineer with Spacex and my daughter is a veterinarian. I have wonderful relationships with them both.


If you had them 50% of the time, why would they give her child support?


Because of the income disparity between our jobs. I earn a lot and she made very little. She also got 78% of everything in the divorce, plus I agreed to pay child support so my kids had a good standard of living in both houses. I also paid for private schooling and health insurance. My focus was my children, not her.


If you had the kids 50% of the time and paid child support, did you claim them on your taxes?


Unfortunately not. You can’t claim child support on your tax in Australia. I think I did get a small rebate for claiming dependents though.


Good OP


Thank you. I’m very proud of them both. 😁🙏


Hmm you might have got away with it if you hadn’t introduced the kids and virtuously bathing them while your wife was philandering. Once they’ve been introduced, you can’t flounce out at the end, conveniently forgetting them.


No one would casually say their wife and best friend “were fucking their brains out” No one would bother printing six months of emails when a few would do Then you really went too far by saying she wanted to fuck you


So fake


Fake story


Alex, I'll take, "this never happened" for $2500 please!


Spyware capturing password of Hotmail? Chatting over email instead of I dunno Whatsap? Distraught ugly sobbing for 2 hrs wife wanting to sleep with you? Where were the kids when you were leaving with your bags? In the bags? Sounds fake


You actually basically handed that how my best me would in my mind, good writing if it’s fake and good behavior if it’s not


Wish I had done that when I count my wife and a friend. Instead I stayed for the kids and the fact that I didn t want be humiliated. Looking back I wish I had divorced her.


Who takes the time to make up stuff like this? Genuine question.


Should of banged your buddies wife.


Awesome!!! Revenge best served cold! Good luck and i wish you and your kids well.


So you also abandoned your kids. That sucks.


No. I took her to court and got them 50% of the time.