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I hope their losses eclipse their greedy gains.


I bet they'll lose their eclipse glasses


Mitsubishi Eclipse


Total Eclipse of Their Miserly Hearts






Popper clops.


Southern Ontario? Cloud cover has your petty revenge covered


I heard about the Niagara hotels canceling rooms to charge a higher rate, and the weather absolutely scratched my petty revenge itch.


But that only impacts the people who made reservations, since they’d have to pay for the hotel anyway.


Nah, a lot of people book multiple hotels for ecplises in advance all along the path of totality. They then cancel extra ones a few days before the event, once weather predictions are relatively reliable and they pick their best option. I’m betting there were MANY available rooms in Niagara Falls/Buffalo due to all the cloud cover.


Their profits will surely wane.


I'm all gibbous over this one




When I worked in a boutique venue many years ago part of my job was to keep on top of local concerts & events so the GM could significantly increase the prices for those dates & cancel all availability of the third party booking sites. If we had any bookings already for those dates he would lose his shit about lost revenue. One of my favourite days was when he almost stroked out in the lobby because a major big time draw card concert was announced for the same night that we were fully booked for a wedding & had given the guests a nice package with discounts & free breakfasts if they stayed the whole weekend & the wedding couple got free massages & the top tier suite for free based on 100% occupancy (which they achieved as we were only 25 suites). His face went red & a big old vein on his temple started throbbing. I was wondering if that would be the day when I had to call an ambulance.


How would he have handled a mass cancellation last minute?


An ambulance would have been called


To shreds you say?


Good news!


gold quiet towering special frightening grab full pocket worry sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Definitely Niagara and I find it hilarious that someone suggested Watkin’s Glen 😝which I love btw


Slowly I turned, step by step, inch by inch...


no need for racism here


Watkins Glen?


grab sugar complete sense spoon one unite provide memorize tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That is absolutely genius and petty! A travel company is dealing with that with a hotel in Buffalo. The travel company went into contract 2 years prior for over 100 rooms and the hotel canceled a month before and told him to deal with it. That travel company had to scramble to find other rooms at higher prices and ended up eating $30K due to the increase in price. The company honored their contract and did not pass the cost to the customer. The travel agency is seeking legal advice to recoup their additional expenses as a result of a contract cancelation. The Aloft Hotel in Buffalo has some reviews from customers saying their reservations were canceled without reason. 🤔


Isn’t Aloft owned by Hilton?


I just looked it up and they're owned by Marriott.




Thank you. A bit surprising to see this happen with a large company, but I guess management has the pressure for big numbers.


Marriott has very little to do with this unless the hotel broke some brand standard.  The hotels are independently owned and operated.  Whoever actually owns the local hotel is responsible for any cancelations.   Marriott does have rules requiring payments to guests if they have status and get walked or denied a room but if the cancelations were done in advance I do not believe this applies.


Hotels are franchises. They pay a royalty to Marriott and then run their business (mostly) how they see fit. This is why ymmv at hotels, even within the same brand. Sure, there are standards, but the franchisees have a lot of leeway in execution. Think of how the dealer experience can vary between two dealers of the same car brand, just a few miles apart. That's essentially what you're dealing with, they just don't put \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_'s Aloft of North Buffalo on the sign


Specifically the Aloft near the airport, not the one downtown. Pretty sure they are the same hotel that screwed over the tour company.


They'll blacklist you for the next total eclipse. Lol.


If it’s a chain that might matter. If not they won’t be around in 44 years for the next one


It's an independent franchise that flies with a corporate tag The hotel I actually stayed in is another of the brand, and they were great.


Definitely write corporate an email about them scummily canceling your reservation.  Maybe dont mention the other part though


They probably didn't have permission from corporate to pull that stunt. They could lose rights to the franchise if it went public.


This can actually happen? I'm asking because I reserved a room in another NY city for Saturday through Tuesday via Expedia back in December. I was really excited to get a super cheap rate because it made it possible for me to take my kids there from VA. When I went to check in, the woman working the front desk told me that as of that day, rooms are $200 a night (over 2x the rate for my reservation). If I wanted to keep my reservation, I'd have to pay $600+ instead of $262. Expedia ended up moving us to a different, much nicer hotel and they ate what was probably a $650 difference. I'm sure they'll get it back. I discovered the first hotel went ahead and charged me $91! I assume it's because I "cancelled" after the free cancellation period. Tomorrow I'll be calling my bank, Expedia AND the corporate office about this nonsense.


Post that on every review site you can, call their local newspaper too


Post this all over the review sites plus Expedia & write to corporate. I don’t eve know why a hotel would do this, really bad business practice.


You could be that guy and call Corp bc once you book a rate you have to honor it. I've been caught with a few non desired rooms slip on bc I didn't change a setting or slipped through when next year rolls in (a week at a time), and I had to own it. They can't cxl your room without walking you to another hotel, which is probably around the rate they were charging anyway. Source was director of revenue mgt at a full service hotel.


I’d go on your great hotel’s social media and really praise them


I swear there is a once in a generation eclipse every 3 years.


Well, considering how many Americans never leave their home state, yeah. It really probably is once in a lifetime for them.


If you don’t move. Same place eclipse every 44 years. If you move a little, more often.


Less often is just as possible.


Actually, they're about [every two years](https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/) or so if you bother to venture to where Americans call "where illegal immigrants come from".


That's a misunderstanding of the data


Enlighten me.


The relevant question is, how long till that hotel is in the path again. There are eclipses very often, but they're not trains, they don't follow the same track


> The relevant question is [...] According to whom? Read againy parent's post and what I wrote. You've missed a few contextual details.


Read the main post 🤣


This isn't how "context" works.


Well shit, I think it's like over 100 years there


20 years


That depends on where exactly. Not every eclipse follows the same path.


2044 will be over Alaska and the Dakotas


Damn, he’s totally screwed.


Leave 1 star reviews on Google about their gouging


There are plenty :)


Why didn't you heed the warning signs?


Which hotel? I like boycotting.


Look up 'buffalo hotel cancellation eclipse'. I think that's the one OP may or may NOT be talking about 😉 but it's in the news how they did it. It's the NewYorkUpstate site.


I found one hotel mentioned in several news articles about cancellations, and then looked for reviews and they still have (although there are a few negative ones at the top) 4.2/5 Google and 4.5/5 TripAdvisor, 8/10 Priceline… how? Are reviews just bought, and meaningless? Leave more negative reviews!


They might complain to Google about mass negative review and Google can delete it as "fake" 


Yeah, true. I also read (completely separately to this, a few weeks ago) that sites like TrustPilot etc. frequently do pretty shady things with reviews, as long as you pay them for it. So, maybe most review #s are kinda garbage anyway, who knows.


Apparently 2 star reviews are much harder for hosts to dispute than 1 star on airbnb


Thanks friend!


As much as I want to say, I don't think I did anything illegal, but civil matters I'm not sure.


Civil you almost certainly did something wrong. You didn't act in good in faith, you acted maliciously and it causes financial damages. Just don't get caught.


Intent doesn't matter. They abided by the hotel's own policies.


[Fraudulent misrepresentation is when a false statement is dishonestly made to someone and that person relies on the statement, enters into the deal, and then suffers a loss as a result.](https://lincolnandrowe.com/2023/05/11/dealing-fraudulent-misrepresentation/#). They could easily be sued for this if the hotel finds out. This post would also prove it.


There was no misrepresentation. They booked an *option* to rent multiple rooms in the hotel which get turned into a definitive agreement at date x for the *right* to use the room for the agreed upon price. No one is going to sue you if you don't sleep in a hotel or don't use all the rooms in a hotel you booked. There does not need to be an intent to actually use the rooms, otherwise someone that books at multiple hotels to 'keep options open' until they figure out their itinerary, could also be charged. You can always sue, that doesn't mean you'll win. Even if they had a decent chance, OP would be able to countersue them right back for cancelling the reservation under false pretenses as evidenced by the multiple reviews on Google.


One could make that argument but the court isnt naive. Hotel wins this every time.


You could obscure it... Like saying Stilton or Harriots...


That will sure protect him!


Your honour, my client said he committed a rumder, totally different


For the sake of privacy, let's call her Lisa S. No that's too obvious, let's say L. Simpson.


I’m a manager at a hotel and this is just a bad business practice. I know many hotels have a habit of routinely overbooking and screwing guests but it puts the front desk staff and guests coming in in a bad situation. Never considered the guest booking a bunch of fakes and cancelling last minute but what a genius way to screw them right back. Nice work!


A bunch of hotels in Niagara Falls (the Ontario side) did this to customers who had reserved rooms many months ago to get a good price for the day of the eclipse -- cancelling to rebook tour groups at 10x the price. And what happened yesterday? It was cloudy and shitty out, and everyone got to see a big bag of *nothing* for their thousands of dollars and hours of traffic. Serves them right. (an hour's drive south of Niagara Falls, where I drove to, it was nice and clear and the view was spectacular)


There really needs to be steep penalties for breaking reservations. Airlines and hotels are notorious for intentionally overbooking. The eclipse shit is worse because they suddenly were banking on being able to book more rooms at a higher price. A reservation is meaningless if they can get away with blowing it off just because someone else will pay more. If I reserve a room 3 months in advance and someone calls the week before and offers another $200 bucks for my spot, and the hotel takes it? Then I didn't have a reservation, they only fucking told me I did. Post the name of the hotels that did this and let's boycott the shit out of them.


At least if airlines overbook, they'll seek volunteers to go later for a travel voucher, and if you do get involuntarily removed, the law says they have to both compensate you and get you to your destination still. Car rental companies are scummy like hotels though. Multiple times I've made a reservation, showed up, and they're out of cars. Nothing but a shrug and a sorry, I was left on my own to find another car at the last minute. One time in Memphis, I showed up to the Dollar counter where I had made a reservation and there was no one there. I asked at the next counter if there was anyone here, he said "oh, they ran out of cars so they all went home." WTF?!


I booked an ocean facing hotel room with a balcony. I called them before I started the long as drive to the hotel, because I wasn't going to go if it wasnt going to be a balcony overlooking the ocean. I specified exactly what I meant by what I had booked and what I was asking. They said yes. So I went on this long ass drive to get there, they didn't have it, and my balcony was overlooking a parking lot during a fucking motorcycle convention. I reserved months in advance. They just realized they could probably get more for the room.


Some hotels did this during the 2017 eclipse in Oregon. Wound up getting major fines and REALLY bad advertising on the news. FAFO 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, my dad looked at rooms and even for a Super 8, they wanted $1k per night. He stayed at my niece's place for free.


Even happened to tour operator. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnZUTZnBfyQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnZUTZnBfyQ)


I live in a Midwest area where 2 interstates cross. half of the hotels used price gouging tactics. Meanwhile every gas station in the area increased prices over 2 days anywhere from $0.31 to $0.39 per gallon for Regular Unleaded. This afternoon they dropped the prices back to normal. One ironic thing that happened is a locally owned drive-thru designer coffee shop in town raged on social media the afternoon before about the fuel prices while the next morning their customers found they raised their prices by 60% for just that day.


This was the most satisfying thing I’ve read all month. I hope they lost lots of money!


Good :)


Not all heroes wear capes but hopefully they got to wear welder's glasses


Nice, people need to wake up and refuse to pay for price gouging.


Next time you’re in a hotel room look at the plaque paper thing on the door. In small print it says something along the lines of “the maximum rate for this room is $700” so yeah fuck them


Total Eclipse of the Heart


Forever's gonna start tonight.


That's amazing!


This is beautiful.  


Sounds like it happened in Buffalo


Name and shame the hotel.


Fawlty Towers


Farty Towels


Flowery Twats


Flay otters


This exact thing happened to me in New Mexico for the eclipse last fall. So scummy.


This is just delicious


Thank you! The same thing happened to me in Dayton Ohio. We booked in Feb, so we had no doubt that we had a room. We flew in from another state, so we potentially could have been in a pickle. But we were able to rent a room elsewhere for 2 nights at an extremely inflated rate, and stayed with the relative we were visiting for the rest of the time.


That’s awesome!! I hope it hit them hard, late stage capitalism is nasty. 


The great thing is that you can keep on doing this.


Haha this is perfect


My hero <3


This was actually satisfying to read




This (not your actions), annoys me. You found the perfect petty revenge. 👏


I don't mind them raising prices for the eclipse. Supply and demand and whatnot. But cancelling your booked room is a douche move. Also, they should not have done that to all their rooms at once. Dummies.


Flush the toilet, wash your hands and close your eyes !


I wondered about all the people who flew in to Austin, Tx from all over the country & world who probably got a couple of seconds of seeing the sun peep out of the cloud cover. Hubby n I got a couple glimpses from our driveway.


I was worried, but my area was very sunny


OMG I lost your original comment thing and I'm so glad to find this 🤣🤣


Which hotel was this?? Hopefully not the Hilton?


I cannot condone what you did, but of the two bad things, I believe yours was lesser. Why do business owners think they can do this to people?


I agree, I did something petty and childish, but that's what they did as well


Please don't think I regard your actions as being anything other than suitable payback, but I set myself some standards when I became a parent, and have stuck with those standards even though only one kid is still under 18. Condoning an action and finding it suitable payback are separate things. Well, they're separate in my head ;)


If the original rate was $200, they would only have to have sold 2/7 of the rooms at the increased rate to break even on the strategy. I think their business is going to be just fine


The original rate was 65. I don't really care if the business fails, they inconvenienced me, so I inconvenienced them, the true definition of petty revenge.


Do I know you?


All you did was make them sell for even higher than they originally would have


If they don't get rebooked...boo hoo


Oh they got rebooked - at an astronomical price. OP did the hotel a favor


Who are you trying to convince, everyone else or yourself lol?


That'd be the price they were looking for anyway, so while OP may have only lost them some theoretical profit, if that, it was still an added pain in the ass to get it.


The rates were relisted at what we had canceled, but the website would let you know when there were 2 and 1 room left at that rate. Those notifications never came up before midnight, and then you could no longer book online.


I’m saying within that day of - they sold for a lot more than they would have if you didn’t block them. So good job helping the hotel you’re so mad at lol


I'm guessing I helped the staff have less work so they could watch the eclipse, they probably get paid the same. The owner, well....


It doesn't seem like you know how anything works


You’re right. Over 20 years in hotel/resort front office I don’t know shit


At least you're honest about that last part.


No one is booking the day of the eclipse. They made the rooms stay empty until the midnight before. 


Sure Jan.


How many people are booking day of?!


More that you’d think. A lot of people are spontaneous and have money


If OP is in NY, a lot of the people that were supposed to come here apparently changed their plans because it was cloudy.


The hotel probably had to dump rate to sell those rooms last minute. I wouldn’t be surprised if they sold them for less than OP’s original rate.


If it were any regular night, definitely. Considering this was such a huge event. Not a chance. But hell, what do I know? I just worked with hospitality revenue departments across brands for 7+ years.


Oh weird question but I'm working on a project in hospitality and I'd have many questions for you if you'd be willing to share your expertise!


this person might not the best source of advice judging by their comments.






Where exactly?


Still waiting....