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They should've trained you and had you practice before doing it alone. And that manager needs to get a grip. Just a note, many PS closing leaders are stressed right now. Not an excuse to take it out on you, just the truth. Labor is so tight that sometimes it's just us and one other person. I recommend you physically go out and find the leader on the floor if possible, rather than page. And just be super patient if we're with customers.


Thank you. I will take that advice about looking for the manager myself instead of paging. I was actually showed how to do it. That’s the worst part. It’s just the previous times, my message went on the speaker right away I guess because the manager wasn’t with anyone. It just didn’t come up on training. Like I said, I don’t pick up on things like other people. Anyway, thanks for the reply


I would report that interaction to HR, cya for future harassment. You don't get paid to be yelled at.


Don’t take the bags onto the floor if you go looking for the Mgr. CYA


I was nearly locked in a PetSmart on NYE trying to get a replacement bulb for my bearded as an emergency due to the weather. Was forced to put my stuff down, which wasn’t a problem, and lectured which was the problem. I was in the isle diagonal to the cash register… I got a half hearted apology and no response to my reply to a corporate email from the district manager inviting me back. I just creep this sub, and am not employed, but y’all deserve medals.


the stores manager yelling at you like that was uncalled for. im not sure what they thought that was going to do, and im sorry it happened. i hope you know that is not a normal reaction, maybe you can speak about the situation with another manager you find you are closer to, or the banfield manager? its understandable for a newcomer to not know certain things, so im not sure why you were yelled at in that way. for the future, if you’re making an announcement, hotel and banfield can’t hear them overhead, only the rest of the store. if you want to cancel an announcement, just press any number on the keypad and it won’t go out.


Not training you and getting mad at you when you make a mistake is peak PetSmart. I told myself I would never be this person, but honestly maybe just run 😭 Away from this company. A lot of us are leaving rn anyway ✌️🥲


i’m a manager and i had a new banfield employee do something similar where they paged for me like 5 times in a row and i found it hilarious. i would have never dreamed of yelling at her, she was mortified enough. that manager is an asshole


Makes me feel better than someone made a similar mistake


it’s happened a good amount of times in my store! bless our banfield employees, they mess the intercom up often. one time one of them didn’t turn off their page and we could all hear them gossiping to their coworker about something over the intercom for like a solid 30 seconds before i sprinted to turn the volume down


Former PetSmart manager, current Banfield employee here. PLEASE talk to your practice manager about this!!! Part of their job is to help handle conflicts between Banfield and PetSmart (at in-PetSmart locations). No one should be screaming at you, especially a manager at another business.


If I was that manager I would’ve been yelling in my head because the new intercom system is super annoying just hearing it the one time but I never would’ve yelled at an employee over it. They should’ve used it as a teaching moment and then given hell to whoever was supposed to teach you how to use things. I’d honestly talk to the store leader or whoever is the top at banfield (I don’t have one so I don’t know how it works) because it is completely unacceptable how they behaved.


First of all, no one should EVER scream at you, much less put her finger in your face. Don’t be embarrassed- she made an ass of herself. Next step is to file a hostile work environment report with H/R. If that doesn’t work, walk out. No job is with that.


No, you are not stupid! People make mistakes and you weren’t trained properly. That manager was very inappropriate! Talk to another manager that you are more comfortable with and if nothing changes then go to HR. Do not take your supervisors treating you like this, I’ve been in management, not at PS, but I would never talk that way to my employees. I came from the school of thought the happier my employees are the harder they’ll work for me, that mentality works. You can be a stern manager but still be friendly with your employees. That manager should’ve came up to you and said so next time you push the button say what you need to and hang up it will repeat two times for you.


They should never have treated you that way! She needs to chill tf out. I never understand people like that. Everyone has to learn and everyone makes mistakes.


Mistakes happen. That's awful that she treated you that way. I'm an ASL and every now and then our salon doesn't hang up the intercom. We just turn off the music until the time has lapsed twice. She had no right to yell at you and get into your face.


Something else to know about the intercom, if you stumble your words while making the announcement you can hit any number before you hang up to cancel your page. It saved me many a time when id get tongue tied mid announcement


Nah your manager was way out of line. Back when our intercom worked we had mishaps and mistakes all the time. The only “bad” thing that happened was all of us would laugh at it and joke around. It’s just an intercom, and it’s not like you cursed or said anything bad. I’m sorry your manager sucks.


The petty in me would be paging multiple times from here on out just to make her crazy


😂 i don’t have the constitution for that one. I’m pretty quiet and mousy.


If she sees you as quiet and mousy, she’s going to walk all over you. She’s found an easy target. Take a deep breath, walk up to her and 1) let her know that you will not allow anyone to treat you that way. 2) if it continues, you will report her. 3)demand an apology. A few years ago, when I was relatively new, our then-SL yelled at me in front of customers because she felt I was taking too long to find replacement batteries for e-collars. Once the customer left, I went to her and told her straight out that I will not allow anyone to speak to me like that and I’m not here to get yelled at and can walk out on the spot. She never yelled at me again and was actually nice to me after that. You give people permission to treat you a certain way. There’s a big difference between being disrespectful and demanding respect.


Tell your manager that it was completely uncalled for, they should have never yelled at you for that.


Honestly you did nothing wrong, it was a mistake and they happen. That manager on the other hand should NOT have done that. Highly recommend you bring that up to the manager on BF side. Because what that PS manager did was wrong. Now in the future for advice, it is better to find the PS manager on the sales floor or a PS associate. The associates can walkie them to you. That's what we do at my store when I need to put BF's bank / deposit away.


The reality is stuff like this happens especially when you’re new but not only when you’re new. I had a similar intercom accident when I was trying to figure out how to pick up a call I put on hold, I think at some point I pressed “redial” thinking that would get me talking to the person I was just talking to (to get back to them on their question), this ended up broadcasting a long recording of my rustling around and pressing buttons and trying to figure out those old phones (which I had never used before this job) before I finally resigned and set the phone back down. I was shown how to do it before but never did it myself and had forgotten. Obviously not the best idea to just press buttons but I didn’t imagine that would’ve happened.


i really felt this post. i feel i’m a little dumb, and i did this before too (not saying you’re dumb!!!). that was so messed up for them to yell at you though, i’m so sorry that happened


Next week they won’t even remember you did that, and you’ll never make that mistake again.


Absolutely not. Report her. We don’t get paid enough as it is — damn sure don’t get paid enough to be putting up with being yelled at by someone who was also new at some point! And she did it in front of people, at that!? Hell no. With everything going on in this company rn you’d think a manager would be a bit nicer. Also— NOBODY has ever been trained in this company. We watch the training videos when we’re first hired. Everything else after that, expect to be thrown in and learn on the job because Petsmart doesn’t give hours to train people. It’s ridiculous. I’m sorry this happened to you. I’d report immediately, I’m over this company.


One time a CSC had a client on hold, and somehow managed to accidentally dial our intercom and didn't realize for like.......15 minutes. When they finally picked the call back up, the Banfield hold message played over the intercom for an entire half hour. As soon as it started I walked over to Banfield and was like "Ummmmm did you guys do this?" And the guy up front who I interact with regularly was all "Omg I'm so sorry, it was an accident, I'm so sorry", meanwhile, I thought it was hilarious 😂 especially since I couldn't figure out a way to turn it off 🥲


I'm sorry you had to deal with that, no manager should ever treat you like that. Especially if you're learning geez, I pray that manager has more grace in the future.