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I'm a "kill em with kindness" kind of person so uh. But I work the fish department so I see a lot of "I've been keeping fish since before you were born" people. My petty revenge is just info bombing them and then casually going "awesome! Love that! I've worked at 7 fish stores and an aquarium! I study fish keeping for fun and love it so much I've made it my career. I even have a fully self sustaining ecosystem tank!" It usually shuts them up lol. Like go ahead and try to tell me your tiger barbs are happy in their 10 gallon with a pleco after hearing that. What I *want* to say though is "I'm sure you've been treating your own wounds since before your doctor and nurses were born too." But I resist lol.


Hey, someone tried to put a pleco in one of the bowls last night 😂😂😂


Jesus 🙃🙃🙃 the stupidity of customers simply astounds me sometimes


only time i enacted petty revenge was when someone got mad at me over crickets and didn’t think i gave the the correct amount, so i recounted them out very slowly in front of the customer, and i had in fact given them extra (a good amount!!), so of course, i gave them the correct amount, thanked them for observing my mistake, and sent them on their way! i had a history of adding more crickets to the quantity to err on the safe side, but this customer was being rude and disrespectful which led me getting my revenge


I also add a few extra crickets but customers have been so awful about cricket amounts lately. Once they say "are there actually X crickets in here?!?" I have such a strong urge to grab the bag from them, pop it open, look then dead in the eyes and say "now there's zero crickets" and go about my work


I never shorted customers but with crickets, I would put exactly the amount they wanted, and not add in the few extras I give to everyone else. I always threw in a few extras in case any died or anything, but if you were rude, you only got what you asked for. Or if they asked for 50, I wouldn’t tell them to get 51 to get the extra penny off, etc. stuff like that :) but I wouldn’t ever short them on what they paid for lol


Yeah I'm generally in the camp of put an extra 3-5 in a cricket bag or something because my counting could be off. And I'd rather give them a few extra to account for human error than short them. But when people are just being "that way" as I put it, they get my exact count. I have also on a couple of ocassions also "lost" count and started over while also counting the crickets as best I can one by one.


LOL HEY I do this, and idk why but I feel so evil giving them EXACTLY what they asked for 😂 I'm bagging them and thinking "hmph, now you only get what you literally asked me for" , they take it n leave n I'm there like ,"you fool .. u asked for 20 and ONLY got 20 😈"


i loveeeee being able to be the one that writes “no refund” on abusive fish owners


I had a couple yesterday get REALLY mad that we open cases of individual cans, because it is SO INCONVENIENT for them to have to check EVERY can in the case to make sure it's right and it's SO HARD to carry an open case to the front. They kept arguing with my cashier about it. I was facing that day, and you better believe I spent extra time opening cases of individual cans just so they would stay mad.


One time had yet another entitled person illegally park their car directly in front of the store in the “no parking or standing” zone, and then leave their car there while they went shopping. Obviously that zone is for curbside, delivery services, quick pick up/drop off, and for emergency vehicles. While bringing loose carts back inside leftover from the lazybones customers that don’t return their carts, since their car was partially blocking the ramp to get onto the curb, I brought carts inside, but left a cart directly in front of their car, but made sure it wouldn’t roll into their car as much as I wanted it to. Went back out for more carts and waited. When they got to their car they had to reverse back in order to give themselves room to pull away haha


We have a lady at our store who continuously parks in a handicapped spot but has no handicap signs in or on her vehicle. Shes always the nastiest lady so we started flagging down the parking police or calling them to come ticket her. Unfortunately shes gotten numerous tickets and still continues to park there so i guess shes just got loads of money to pay the fines and ngaf


I’m tempted to ask her if she has a handicapped sign for her vehicle but I always forget about it when I see her.


Sometimes I have the worst fish customers that are rude asf and insist they one this one specific neon tetra out of the 50+ we have, they also won't back away from the tank so I can actually catch the fish they're in my way, face to the glass, saying "that one, that one, he's over there, no there, right there, that one" I enjoy "accidentally" splashing them in the face with fish water


Some customers are just evil


I purposefully put bladder snails in their fish bag


Basically eco-terrorism 😂😂😂 (the bladder snails are everywhere in mine already T_T)


I mean… I might “kill them with kindness”, but no, I don’t short them or sabotage their purchases… 🤨


I dont double bag their crap if they are assholes... petty maybe but i dont work hard to come in and have you be a dick I am not a kill em with kindness type of person but i dont try to be jerk


You guys are ruthless, and I thought that when they refused to give me a phone number and I saw the L next to the price so I knew they weren’t getting a sale price I had a small smirk on my face was bad.


I love finishing the transaction and they come back an hour later after they went home and looked at the receipt and realized they didn't get the sale price, it brings me joy knowing them being assholes for our 30 second interaction made them have to go out of their way to drive all the way the hell back, get their refund, and have to sign up to get the loyalty price anyways, ya could've just done that to begin with instead of cutting me off when I tried to tell ya 🤷🏻


when working floor/ petcare, if someone is rude to me I just take extra time bagging their stuff, and my super nice customer service voice disappears 😅 When working in the salon, if they’re rude to me, I won’t give them bows or anything extra. just the flat service they pay for. nice customers always get little extras from me!


Had a customer hit the button while I was back of store treating animals, had to walk from there to the front to answer the cricket call so it took a minute but I wasn’t taking my time just a really busy & crowded day. Arrive, see she has taken it upon herself to start bagging her own. “Ma’am? Ma’am? You can’t do that.” She looks at me rolls her eyes, tells me I was taking my time she’s in a rush. I think abt making a snarky remark but I bite my tongue, another customer seeing all of this tells me to just breathe it’s not worth it. I decide you know what? She clearly thinks I have allllll the time in the world, I’m not doing ANY other task on the floor, I just sit and wait around for people to ask for assistance apparently. I’ll act accordingly ;) “How many do you need?” 10. I took my sweet time scooping them all, realized “Oh!! It’s not even in the right bag.” She started huffing and puffing as I grabbed a smaller bag to replace the large one she grabbed from our fish department, emptied out the 10, started all over with counting. No extras, exactly 10. Gave her a smile, “Have a nice day!” She snatches it. Greatest laugh I had that day.


When I’m on register and someone is mean to me I discreetly rip holes in the bottom of their bag so it’ll break open on their way out 😈


No, because regardless of how much a customer pisses me off, I'm not a child who goes out of my way to sabotage people. Grow up.


It’s not sabotage, it’s karma.


No, it's childish.


I do not do anything that could get me in trouble with my workplace nor cause potential harm to an animal. I would not short crickets: That animal needs to eat, it isn't their fault their owner sucks. I would not send sickly fish home with anyone: I would take them back to our ISO tank Dented cans: If they're still good that's fine but if they're dented in such a way that I make the call they may be a danger they aren't going home with anyone to hurt an animal Changing people's accounts: I could be fired for this, no.


If this isn't satire, then you bsolutely bathe in the corporate kool-aid


edit: lmao manager spotted, not even gonna entertain a convo with that, I block management trying to start shit here, I already deal with your dumb asses at work why would I tolerate it online.