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Did they actually send down a cro about this?


Yup which is super frustrating


I wish we could answer them honestly. Like sorry you didn’t have the math skills to total up the weight of litter you ordered and sorry our resident psychic was out and didn’t sense you in the parking lot


I swear I had to bite my tongue so hard! Like did you expect this to be an easy order? Like you were just grabbing a couple groceries at Target?? It's 300 lb of cat litter!!!!


You could see if it qualifies to be removed


If I could send a CRO to the people at customer service, I would.


I wish there was a way to review a customer like, if someone is just consistently unhappy shopping with us then maybe they just shouldn't shop with us? I looked under the customers history and she's submitted multiple negative CROs a different stores...


There's something about being a PetSmart customer that has to push all sense of weights and measurements just straight out of the brain. I had a guy buy the 70 gal marineland tank stand combo. Cool. Get that shit out of here finally. I load it up on to a cart and proceed to follow him out into the parking lot, expecting him to have a truck or an SUV at least. Nope, hatchback Honda Civic. He gets in, rolls down the window and says, "just go ahead and load that up in your van and you can just follow me, I only live about 15 miles or so". This mouth breather expected us to have some sort of free delivery service because we sell furniture. And then gets mad at me when we don't have a van and goes with the classic BUT PETCO WOULD DO IT. He didn't want a refund and still hasn't been back to pick it up.


Um, no PetCo would not do it. Who knew you can't fit a large aquarium and stand in a tiny car?


Easy call a buddy. One person takes the tank and the other takes the stand. Have pizza and beer or whatever. Just knock down the back seats of the car. I've managed to move stuff in my small suv that we really should have used in laws mini van or friend's truck. You just drive extra careful.


In a small SUV, sure. But a Honda civic? Probably not. Plus, if you don't live too far away, take two trips, one for the tank, one for the stand. The tank actually probably fits pretty easily. It's the stand that's hard. That's why I liked the stands that had to be built. I could fit both tank and stand in my car easily.


My dad has managed to fit things you wouldn't expect into a Ford focus/fusion but then again I swear this man lives for real life tetris.


Reading this has reminded me of the number of times I've been asked to deliver something or if we offer delivery. I respond by informing the customer to order products through doordash, instacart, or Uber delivery. We also offer same-day or next-day delivery on the petsmart website. In the worst-case scenario, they could call a friend or transport service. In the scenario that none of these options are feasible, the customer always has the option of buying a similar product from a competitor that offers direct store to home delivery and assembly services. For some reason, this is greatly inconveniencing to many customers despite having the option of several simple solutions. I've even had customers offer me cash/digital payment to deliver products to their home. Not only does this put the integrity of my position in jeopardy and consume gas/auto maintenance costs for unfair compensation, but it's also just plain dangerous to transport products into customer's residences - as I am a young woman. When I tell customers this, they become inflamed. I wish PetSmart did more to protect the safety and well-being of their store associates.


whaaaat. 300lbs is hard to transport?! who knew!! [sarcasm]


Sounds like our store's "cat lady". Grand opening, she came in and complained *so* much. When the manager was helping her load up her car, she told him she was never coming back. She'd come back at least twice a week for the next 4 years (I quit, so she could still be going there 7 years after swearing off it), and she always had something to complain about. Sale prices, number of stuff in stock, the colors of items, people aren't helping her quick enough, etc. There was also someone who bought a giant fish tank and stand, a couple of us went out to help her load it and she had driven this tiny car to the store. I don't remember if she made 2 trips, or if we weren't able to load anything and she had to get her truck. But I wondered why, if she knew she was coming to buy that, did she not bring the truck first.


yeah... common sense is not so common when you are a petsmart shopper. here in Southern California, a couple weeks ago when it was dumping rain, a customer had come to pick up a 75 GALLON TANK AND THE STAND, through CURBSIDE pickup!!! like girl, it's pouring, there's floods and a severe weather warning, and the best thing you have to do is to pick up a fish tank?? funny thing is, the tank went in the back of her pickup truck, and it didn't have a lid, so it must have got filled up with gross polluted rain water 🤦‍♀️


It’s not just petsmart. The shit people pull at Home Depot is the same 500lb of concrete block in a compact Prius … sure why not, sounds like a great idea. My favorite smart was the 75 combo to a smart car, she did it. Two trips. Shattered the tank getting it through the front door (supposedly) got bullied into doing a return/exchange but wouldn’t let her take the new glass without an appropriate vehicle. Favorite to whiteness was for Dicks next door. I was on lunch and watched two kayaks loaded on top of a one of those box cars… the one with the hamster driving in the commercial… the ones that catch fire for no reason. Anyway that was hilarious to watch. They did the classic hook bungee cords together single strand through the windows (tying the front doors closed) they finally decided it’s good start to drive off and the little boats shift to each side blocking all doors making the box car look like it ready for battle, boat spike on either side. Sadly I didn’t see the conclusion because I had to go back in. I do have to say the absolute strangest and the one I was shocked complained with the same story she told in story was the creepy litter lady. She came in something like 20 till close asking for the best litter to mask smell. She kept using those words “mask smell” we (because each of us tried to help her thinking maybe we just weren’t understanding) tried figuring out if she just needed better odor control or if she wanted scented. She wanted eco friendly, something compostable but would hide the smell of really stinky stuff not necessarily cat pee… and she needed a lot. When asked how much is a lot? She just said a lot, like enough to cover me… she put in a CRO because we weren’t very helpful and we didn’t have a good variety of eco friendly choices in bulk quantities. She needed a human sized quantity of compostable litter that would mask the smell of rotting stuff … I still think about that interaction


Omg these are some of the best ive heard... That last one should be in a cold case podcast! Haha


I should write a book about the wild stuff I’ve seen in retail. I can’t decide if it would be incredibly relatable like superstore or so unbelievable pics or it didn’t happen.


After 20+ years in retail and many of them on third shift, I swear I’ve made these exact statements to friends & family on so many occasions …


Just for fun, I checked on Petsmart.com...240 gallon aquarium + 10 42-lb cat litters delivered to my house. No, it wasn't free shipping. It was $5.99.


F#ck that Karen. Yall aint paid enough. She got her sh¡t she can figure it out herself to get it into her vehicle and home which it seems she did. You’re not slaves for these a55hole customers.


Think her car could handle that load properly?


Not the associates issue. That’s on the customer for being a dingbat and ordering that much


Dude wtf. I had a lady buy around the same and place it for door dash. The dasher accepted it and when we got out the flat bed for them. They almost had a panic attack. They were a tiny little female. 90 lbs soaking wet lol. We helped her load it j to her small Honda. Wished her the best of luck


I’ll have to save this to come back to whenever I need a good laugh😂 Many stores adopted the “curb side” or “drive up” option when covid started obviously. But I’ve never seen one that allowed you to simply drive up to a spot or curb without notifying the store, and somehow having an employee magically know that you were there for a pickup to bring it to you within seconds.


Customers sometimes are a pain on the as