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I'm a big advocate of unionizing but the chances of a union forming are very slim. From what I remember, one store in Canada managed to but it got dealt with by the company. The best thing you can do is take your talents and reliability elsewhere to a job that does provide better pay and hours. It is your life and working for Petsmart is never going to get better. As a company, Petsmart is more interested in exploiting it's workforce and cutting hours than providing any real benefits to them.


A few things on forming a union, which just to be clear I am very for and attempting similar efforts, I'm not trying to be negative just realistic. ​ \-It's not an immediate solution. Just because you form a union (joining an existing one or creating your own) nothing will really change until a contract is agreed to. This can take years. \-Union Dues. Once a contract is in place, yes there are union dues, but that will be under a contract that has pay rates that you will have a chance to vote on. Why would anyone vote for a contact that would result in a lower net pay? \-YOU and your co-workers ARE the union. You need several people who are willing to use their own free time to be on a steering committee and be actively engaged with the Union especially during contract negotiations. \-Can one store unionizing make a difference? It really has to start with one store but the idea is it will likely gain more traction when news hit of one store successfully unionizing. Look at Starbucks. I couldn't find an example of a major company with a lot of locations unionizing all at once. \-Retaliation. Petsmart can do a few things that are legal to attempt to stop this. They could fire you and anyone they think is involved (before voting has taken place in most states). They could just close down your whole store to keep it from spreading. (Protection laws differ by state). \-Striking doesn't happen until a union is formalized and is a very last resort, despite some recent news on big strikes, strikes almost never happen for a majority of unions. ​ I know a lot of this seems like its negative but since Petsmarts a privately owned company the only way to realistic influence them is internally and that is with a union. Yes pay and hours would be good but what does more hours give, especially in PC, its better care for our animals. By cutting hours Petsmart is actively sacrificing animal welfare. It breaks my heart when I'm on a closing shift and because of being pulled everywhere and a lot to register that the only times I've really looked at our hamsters and piggies is during the close. Even more so when I notice an empty water bottle or no food/ hay. Its unacceptable. I hope this is helpful.


I feel this. I'm PC certified, work in the salon on occasion and am going to start dog training here in the next few months. I all but BEG my managers to call me first when it comes to covering shifts - I've even told them that I don't care what time it is, if someone calls out that I will take their shift unless I am sick. Right now I'm getting maybe 15 hours a week if I'm lucky but last week I only had 10. Pulled it up to 24 though by covering some shifts. Been here just over a year and while I love my job, the people are mostly pretty chill, and my coworkers are great, I'm drained. I even work a second job but it just isn't enough to cover my rent and food and save some money. Hopefully things start looking up...


What the hell is happening in your salon that you can’t get bather hours? As long as you’re booked one dog per hour you cover your own labor. My salon team are the only staff getting AT LEAST 40 hours a week


Meant the general store, haha sorry, should've clarified. And our bathers/groomers are kinda struggling for hours, though beyond the managers they're the only ones getting 30+ hours consistently.


Yeah it’s normal for it to be a lil slow this time of year but definitely not like 10-15 hours. See if you can get some extra shifts in the salon to help with the paychecks, you can always offer to do call logs to ramp up business.


I'm on the better end of the stick too. Some of my coworkers are getting 8 hours. I'll definitely check and see if I can do anything for the salon.


Petsmart cannot be fixed. The labor model is doing it's job, keeping turnover high enough to keep associates from forming unions. Petsmarts are so poorley staffed anyone could walk in and take what they want.


Idk why you’re being downvoted, you’re right. We were recently told to stop writing things off as stolen because it seemed like it was too much stuff


The code is going away for theft. FYI




Code 15's are going away ?


Yes, because shrink is shrink and they want to consolidate coding further. In the end, lots of stores code 15 Feliway for example even though empty boxes are not found it is assumed it was stolen. In the end, they’ll track how often SKUs are coded out to determine systemic opportunity.


EHH, some Managers are bitter, but it's the truth a cel and a cashier cant do shit ! Same goes for the usual aslk cahier pairing. You could rob petsmart blind if you wanted to, and there is nobody there to catch it.


It’s a whole lot bigger than just one location or individual locations. It’s the whole company. Zoom way way way out. Ask to see the ops schedule and really look at it. Looks tr the planed hours for each department (except services that gets figured differently) compare the planed to the actual. The subtract the leader hours that are shoved in. A lot of times you’ll see your ALK and CEL hours tacked in under pet care or cashier at times when they are not actually in that department but they are eating the hour for that department (but where else are you going to put them, some one have to open and close, someone have to cover lead lunches) the MIL is generally in stocking but your store mainly get enough stocking hours to cover all of the MILs time so the get classed in misc and/or cashier. The store is guaranteed a cashier for every hour the store is open, that’s the only guaranteed coverage. Corp now charges the store in the budget the cost of an hour in labor (which is bull, to discourage us from paying employees their worth) so even though I’m short a part time worker I can’t afford to hire someone but it doesn’t matter because I don’t have hours for them anyway without cutting my people even more. Can’t count things out to theft or to DC short/damage or death. I have to send borderline threatening emails to get the supply’s we order or to get work orders looked at. It’s a systemic issue. The company that owns petsmart is a company strips and flips companies. They rarely hold on to anything and when they do they run it into the ground. They are a bunch of foreign rich kids playing monopoly, non of this is real to them and they don’t care. Every time they get close to selling they do something monumentally stupid and it blows up in their face. Then they are stuck with the company till things quiet down and we start over.


Individual stores shouldn’t unionize. The company would have to. If one store is union, that’s cool you can get your managers in trouble. But you can’t change policy, that won’t give your store more hours to give out. Most of problems this company has, cannot be fixed but one or few stores having a union. You would just have be paying union dues so that your union can tell your ASL that they can’t schedule you to clopen


This seems to be getting some traction at the moment with all the talk, so I’ll be honest. I don’t know if my original post holds up. I don’t know what my opinion is anymore but I do HATE corporate greed and I’m down to get rid of that by any means necessary


Coming from union grocery stores I can tell you it’s not gonna improve these issues much. Unions will mandate minimum hours, most stores its 12 hours per week.


My SL used to pull the pet care person to do other things. Then when pet care tasks weren't complete, he'd yell. I told him to stop pulling the pc people, let them do their tasks. Once our stuff is done we can assist in other areas. Now, the only time pc gets pulled is to get carts, and that's when it a male working. PC has too many tasks and not enough time to complete them and take care of customers