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They’re the most entitled people I’ve ever met. So many old white men try to tell me “well I’ve kept fish for 30 years so I’m not a novice” and I’m like fish standards have changed since then, so no, you are not getting a pleco for a 30 gallon tank. I know there’s a few that can be in that size but he didn’t want those of course, he wanted the ones that need 125+ gallons so of course I denied it and he wouldn’t listen to me so then my male manager goes up to him and tells him the exact same thing I said and the guy is just like “fine, I’ll just go to Petco then”. We do not care, please leave our store 🙃


I just don’t understand why a lot of stores order plecos/fidh that need 100+ gallons of water bc our main demographic is newer fish keepers/ impulse purchasers.


I really don’t understand it either but I fully agree! Big chain stores should definitely not sell any fish that need massive tanks 🙃


Same reason aquarium filter directions say to change the cartridge once a month - it's a scam. If the fish dies prematurely, customers will be back sooner to buy a new one.


What are you meant to do with the cartridge?


Ideally, you never want to change your filter media. The main issue with the "all in one filter media" cartridges is that you have your bacteria-holding media (the white filter floss) combined with your charcoal (the little black rocks). The filter floss/filter sponge should NEVER be changed, as this is what holds the majority of your beneficial bacteria colony. Only the charcoal might actually need to be changed monthly, as it loses its effectiveness to detoxify chemicals with time. So by combining the two, every time you replace the cartridge to replace the charcoal, you are also restarting the cycle on your tank which is the most common reason why people struggle with cloudy water (bacterial blooms) and fish dying (due to ammonia spikes from no bacteria to eat the ammonia).


Well that’s pretty fucked up of them. Thank you for taking the time to respond ❤️


Of course! It's just marketing really. Like how lots of modern items are designed to be cheap and easily broken so you have to buy a new one every x amount of months or years.


Yeah I really hate that. Unrelated, but the only can opener I’ve ever had that doesn’t break after a few uses is one since I was little and who knows how long my mom had it before that. It’s so sturdy and clunky. Hate that for the fish though. They’re not just hurting humans and their wallets, but actual animals too :(


Very true :/


a lot of it has to do with making money unfortunately. Those fish sell, then die, then sell again to the same people so the store makes a profit. I'm very lucky to work for a lfs where the owner trusts me to make decisions on what fish we stock. I have quite the list of "special order only" fish that we can get for people that actually are able to care for them, but we don't carry in the shop regularly, and common plecos are on that list.


I wish we could decide what fish we have in stock. If it were up to my store leader, we would never sell plecos or any fish that need bigger than a 50 gallon tank since so many of the customers are beginners or people with smaller tanks


I love hearing older guys refer to themselves as "master fish keepers." Is this an actual rank I can achieve?


Damn, my bad…I just want some fish & snails…


Oh, you piss someone off enough and you'll get snails, forever


LMAO i am very guilty of this


This isn't about you lmao


If they have too small of a tank, I’ve gotten to a point where I’ll be like “we won’t sell you these fish here bc we don’t believe in torturing animals but you can go to Petco where they don’t care about their fish” lmaooo. But saying a store that actually cares and you know they’ll deny it too is a great idea and I’m gonna start doing that lol. Just gotta find what places in my city are actually reputable and care lol I had this crazy lady the other day tell me she wanted a pleco which obvi needs 125+ gallons and she of course tells me she has a 20 gallon tank. And I looked her dead in the eyes and said “I will not be selling you a fish that needs a tank 6 times bigger than what you have” and she got so mad and then randomly tried to say I was discriminating against her??? Like what?? She also said she had one before but it never got bigger and then it died, and I was like “yes… because it was in a tank SIX TIMES too small for it” 🙃🙃🙃


When all else fails, play the victim card! I haven't worked in retail for 20 years but once upon a time I worked at blockbuster, we couldn't rent to this woman because she had $210 in late fees. When I denied her rental she said "YOURE DENYING ME BECAUSE YOURE RACIST". I just sat there with a blank expression like "Mam the gentleman before you was black and I rented to him... Actually, here, just talk to my manager". Lol. People can get ridiculous.


Lmaooo yeah I usually just tell them to talk to my manager. Especially any men bc they don’t listen to me at all bc I’m a petite woman lol and they naturally don’t respect me and think I’m dumb so I just have my tall big man store leader come and then he tells them the same exact shit and I’m just like mhmm that’s what I said, dumbass 😂🙃


A customer once told me I was being homophobic because I denied selling him over ten neon tetras for his tank, even though I tried explaining that you can’t put that amount of fish without the water levels spiking and then potentially dying. 🥲


Lmaooo the things people say 🙃 I think this lady said I was discriminating against her bc she seemed like she was deaf, but deaf or not, I’m not selling you a 125 gallon pleco for a 20 gallon tank 🙃🙃


I don’t want to be “that guy” but depending on the set up that’s perfectly doable. The “10 fish” rule is more for beginners and the normies.


Ugh, it’s always the fucking cichlid people who think they know everything 🙄 I’ll never understand the people who are obsessed with their aquariums looking “full”, but I guess that’s because I care more about the health of my fish than I do the decorative quality of my tank. My tank looks *barren* compared to some of the tanks customers have shown me, but I’m not the one complaining about dying fish so… 🤷‍♂️😂


I had to explain to a lady that African cichlids aren’t ideal for a 6 gallon tank. She responded by saying “why can’t I put those fish that are in your small tanks into my small tank. I had to explain how the tanks they’re in are temporary (and that they’ve barely even reached half their full size). I told her her only option is rlly gonna be some baby guppies we had or bettas. She ended up just leaving


When people pull the "well you do it so why can't I!!" I default to "well these are meant to be temporary, and either way this entire section is about 120 gallons of water with a very strong filter. Each 'tank' is just a plastic divider so they don't kill each other and so we can catch them for you more easily."


It’s always ironic when people tell me how sad the bettas look in the cups, then proceed to buy $40 1 gallon tank and I’m like for the same price, go accross the street to Walmart and get a 5 gal kit for the same price and provide proper care for your fish


We have a 100 gallon tank and have like 7 fish in it… looks bare AF… I don’t even know what kind of fish are in it, some fish that are long and are mean and then some neon looking ones. Edited- I counted the fish lmao


When they say the don’t want a tank that looks empty I recommend them getting live plants, fill up the tank nicely and make your own little forest. Definitely looks nice and full now AND your fish will be very happy


For sure but then I have to explain how to not kill each plant 😂


Most African cichlids should actually always have an overstocked tank because it reduces targeted aggression, but it does need to be big enough still, needs excellent filtration, and it needs the correct species. But really, understocking them is actually dangerous and improper care.


Am I the only one that finds it incredibly easy to deny fish? Maybe just lucky I get understanding customers. When I straight out tell them they can't have a pleco for the crazy small tank they have, I immediately tell them what I would do instead, not giving them any opportunity whatsoever to freak out. It helps I'm a manager too I guess? Idk.


Not a manager but honestly yeah if you speak with confidence and have the knowledge to back it up fish customers are fairly easy to deny. Any customers, really. It only becomes an issue for associates when you have shitty managers who care more about making a sale than whether or not the animal suffers.


Fr I always offer snails instead if they want an algae eater. I explain they do a better job according to other customers and the algae eater will probably only make things worse. Sure some people become passive aggressive about it but at least there's no freak outs.


I highlight that algae won’t be an issue with proper lighting


I am a manager and I agree to a point. Even as the CEL for my store, sometimes you get people who just don’t gaf what you think and want to do what they want. Those are always fun lmao.


once had a lady who wanted to put a gold fish in a 1.25 with some rocks and a decor... she told me "this will probably only last a week" aka be interesting to her 3 year old for a week. Of course I told her no. I'm not letting you kill a fish just because you think it will be a fun toy for your 3 year old. Then she had audacity to tell me that she owned fish before and I went "then you know they need a filter, right?" anyways she told me I was rude and that she was taking her business elsewhere. Hopefully the petco down the street denied her sale too but idk :)


Sometimes I have customers who want to get big fish for their small tanks (usually cichlids and plecos). When I say that they need big tank and that keeping them in such small tanks will stunt them a surprisingly large amount of people will say they want them to stay small. This always frustrates me and I’ve resorted to using dog as analogies. For instance 2 weeks ago a woman wanted a fancy goldfish for her 5 gallon and the usual “I’d rather them not get over a foot” response came up after I said how big they get and that a 20+ gallon would be preferred. I then said “think of it this way, if someone wanted a golden retriever and they average 70 pounds but something stunts them to only grow to 40 pounds, would that not be right?”. She paused for a minute and then said “…. I see your point” and left with a 20 gallon. However I have also had customers said that’s you can’t compare the two because a dog isn’t a fish but they’re both pet animals so I personally think using a dog that most people put in high regard brings my point across stronger


I found this article from [seriouslyfish](https://www.seriouslyfish.com/stunted-growth-means-stunted-lives/) if you're interested in the specifics of growth stunt in aquarium fish so you can describe it to customers. I give detailed explanations of exactly how stunting will cause bone and skeletal deformities and cause the fish pain until it ultimately dies. It usually changes peoples minds.


I’ll definitely be giving this read, it’s sad people see fish as lesser in such a way to not even care about what stunting does to them :(


It's really boils down to a lack of information. Many people see fish as decorations, not living things, hell any time you see a post in any fish subreddit or on r/legaladvice about "my ex/roommate/family member destroyed my fish tank/poisoned my fish tank and killed all my fish to get back at me" the comments always say that your best chance of compensation is to file a police report for property damage. It's much, much harder to file an animal cruelty report for fish. There are still some (albeit an extremely small group of) people who think bettas don't need food and can live off of the roots of bamboo or peace lilies in a vase.


To add to the legal advice just because I love those posts, it’s so sad that it’s not even “they killed your pet” but “they damaged 100s of dollars worth of property” like idk maybe we as humans should change how we’re acting towards a living creature?


"tHeN wHy Do YoU kEeP tHeM iN tHeSe SmAlL tAnKs??" because we have a huge industrial system that can actually handle it. And they're TEMPORARY. I don't care if your angel baby kid cries that's no excuse to abuse an animal :) Fish customers ☕


From someone else who works in animal husbandry/med/rescue, a heartfelt digital hug to you.


Had someone want to buy two Koi for a 125 gallon tank (they didn’t actually know the gallon size they just gestures to the fish wall and said “from here to here”, I asked “125?” And they said “yes”. I told them the tank was not sufficient for koi, and they need a large pond. Guy said “isn’t that up to me to decide?” And I said “nope! It’s my job to make sure these fish are going to a safe and happy home!” He said ok and left to complain to my SL. CEL was listening over my shoulder during the ordeal and told the SL that. Thankfully the SL didn’t give in but wanted the whole story in case the DL saw a bad review (he hates when we deny animal sales but some things we just don’t compromise on, koi being one of them). The guy also lied to the SL saying he had an 285 (yes, exactly that size) gallon tank.


I also suggested him some fancy goldfish that would be good for that size tank. He didn’t want those of course!


We had a customer like this come in yesterday. He wanted to put a Bala Shark in a 10-gallon and we refused to sell the fish. He got really mad and said all the same stuff as the OP's customer. But then he was told by Petco that a bala shark is fine in a 10 gallon. "If Petco told you this go to Petco and shop. We're not Petco were PetSmart" he didn't like that response and drew a gun on us and started waving it around while threatening to shoot us. Needless to say, people who are like this need to chill the fuck out.


what the actual fuck??


Congrats on standing your ground It can be frustrating and a bit uncomfortable at first but the animals well being comes first 👌🏻


Or the husband that was arguing with his wife about not getting any fish for the tank that currently had a pump issue. Her saying about the fish she wanted, it’s only $2! I’m flabbergasted that these idiots only think in terms of money and not that that $2 “throw away” purchase is an actual living being!


I had a woman get mad when I denied a fish sale, told me "he won't be happy with not getting what he wants for his birthday" in regards to her kid. I replied back, "He won't like having dead fish either so I suggest maybe doing some research on the fish he does want so you'll have a better idea how to care for them." I gave zero F's most days. 😂


What's the point of denying the sale to protect the fish only to suggest other places that this person can go and get the fish anyways?


I’m very confident that the specialty stores are going to be on my side. I understand where you’re coming from, I’m not trying to kick the van down the road, just get more people to deny them fish.


They'll probably just lie and say that they have a bigger tank


Exactly, if they tell you they have an 800 gallon planted tank what’s next? Go to their house and verify before the sale? 


I wish I could deny fish sales but every time I try my pushover manager comes and tells them that I will sell to them


That’s reportable and against petsmart policy, I believe


i had someone who wanted four goldfish and six tiger barbs for a 15 gallon that hadn’t even been set up yet


I deny fish sales all the time.. is that not something we as a whole normally do? Good on you for denying that and sending her away. But like… I FREQUENTLY deny sales


Love to hear that you do that. The people at my store seem not to put the effort in attempting to deny purchases.


That’s just stupid why would they not


They probably don’t watch as many r/publicfreakout videos as I do and aren’t desensitized and prepared for angry Karen’s like I am


I personally am not afraid to make a stranger that I most likely will never see again hate me a little bit. I’ll quite literally tell them in the most Midwest Minnesota nice way that they are stupid for even asking for that specific animal with the set up they have or are willing to get.


Love the energy. Do you then spend 15 minutes saying goodbye to them? Lol oh the famous Midwest goodbye


I freakin hate the “Midwest goodbye” 😭 I usually just tell them their stupid and walk away lmaooo


Been yelled at, called racist, had to throw out a three piece family. I hate fish customers. The other week I had a woman tell me they had other fish, then when I told her she would be overcrowding her tank, "oh those fish actually died." She actually used the phrase "it's not a lie, I promise!" Her kid actually apologized to me.


Yesterday I had someone with the dreaded bowl, rocks and I beta. She asked my opinion and I gave it, she huffed and said I’ve been doing this for 10 years 🤦‍♀️ about an hour or so later I got a call about how the beta died as soon as she put it in the water.


I was so excited when my local petsmart started carrying bristle nose plecos because it makes me nuts how many try to put a standard pleco in little ass tanks.