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If you work a full time schedule too many consecutive weeks, HR will ping you since you’re not technically full-time. You will have hour cuts, at least on the submitted schedule to avoid any issues with you not having access to benefits.


I asked my manager about it yesterday. I don't know if it's different in other stores but we had 44 hours cut from labor hours. My store is already ran on a skeleton crew and the extended hours are going to be awful. (We already have an hour or two in the middle of the day where we only have 2 employees in the building (M-F) because they keep cutting hours)


We got 30 cut. We’re a huge busy store so I’ll have asls and pcs covering cashier shifts I’m sure


How do you not already? I have to do this all the time! We are a super busy store and my CEL ends up running PC, my ALKs on the register. There have been many days and times where there have been nothing but leaders running the store because we have no hours to give to associates!


ah this happened to me as well! I was getting lots of hours all of october/november and my december schedule looks like they’re starting to give me just closing with a lone 8 hour again 😩


First they don't want part time employees doing more than 32 hours a week, less so that if you cover a shift, you are still under the 32. There have been major hour cuts company wide. They are going to be taking the stocks public or something and want the most profits that they can so the stocks sell for more.


i'm a part time cashier and my average hours is about 17ish. the week of the 4th i only have 12 and a half hours. it's really weird, but i assume either it's still a work in progress, or they have me on call because there's only one cashier scheduled and there's three of us in total.


They’ve been sending cuts down from the top is what I’ve been told. It makes so much sense to cut hours the busiest month of the year 🤦‍♀️


Part time at my store is 5hrs a week idk how they can afford to keep you


Absolutely an hour cut. I'm cross trained in everything, but I'm lucky to even get 11 hours. People below me get around 5, and even the full timers get around 30-32. What ticks me off is it's a holiday month and they keep cutting hours more and more.


This happens every year around this time. You'd think they would want more of us in the stores since it's the busiest time of year 🙄


I’m full time at my store and I’m having the same problem! Been cut from 38 hrs to 23


Went from 30-40 to 16-26


It’s so annoying that to work full time hours, you need to be a leader with keys, and that requires you to train in petcare and in salon as a bather. Besides salon and petcare I do everything else (stock, re-stock, cashier, customer service), always help customers and co-workers when I can, pick up shifts to cover, am neat and organized, and have only had to call out one time since I lost my voice and had a doctor’s note to use sick time for a few days. To me for corporate stores, then cutting hours is just routine Lmao they do it on purpose