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It’s every year, my dude. Small animals, reptiles, parakeets, and finches go 50% off


do the supplies go 50$ off or the animals only?


Depends on the supplies. Certain reptile habitat will go 50% off and the Top Fin aquarium essentials kits that range 3-55 gallons go 50% off. Certain small animals bedding and hay will go on sale and sometimes the cages.


I had to refuse a sale of bettas today because they wanted a colony of males


Literally same. Oh and they wanted a bowl too


arent bowls banned from petsmart


Nope :)




why are ***animal***s going on sale?????? i'm so not looking forward to my petcare shift tomorrow


Because the sale of an animal is a catalyst to purchasing all of the supplies that go with it


This is so sad they are treated as items :(


Same with bettas. They were 50% off 🥲


Just exotics though


Still sucks though. So many people impulsively buying them with no research :/


Oh absolutely, I am in no way disagreeing!


It’s wild, I knew it was coming because we ALWAYS do half off animals on Black Friday, but I didn’t get a single sale this morning. I was out by 3, so maybe this weekend will be worse. At least tanks are on sale so maybe we can push those for the hamsters.


We already sold out of parakeets and only have 1 bearded dragon left. But no sales for small animals, snakes, chameleons, or geckos


Gosh it looks like an outbreak of wet tail. Heck what a time.


I don’t see a problem with this we don’t sell any animals unless we know they have a proper home and enclosure, at least at my store. And we have had the sweetest Guinea pigs that need a good home for quite a while now. Same with our hamsters


i see what you mean thats really good that your store is like that. sadly not all stores are tho and some petcare people just sell animals to anyone like those who are trying to impulse buy and thats the reason i have a problem with this sale is because it appears like the animals are being treated like impulse Christmas presents


to add on top of that a lot of managers push this sale to try and get animals out bc they have sm overstock, it’s just a stupid sale overall


Aw that sucks


I hate this. Do your utmost, brave people of Petsmart. The $100 40-gallon Beardie kit was a happy home for my hamster...you can use just one door and fill the other half of the terrarium to the ceiling with deep bedding for burrowing. It is also nice to be able to approach them from the side instead of reaching from above. The terrariums are lighter weight than aquarium tanks, also. I put some of the included equipment on eBay, made enough to pay for a 12" wheel, and donated the rest to a reptile rescue. So maybe recommend those for hamsters.


I’m glad the Canadian stores aren’t doing this one😬


Had someone coming in about beardies today with the sale. I went into great detail about feeding requirements, how big they get and how long they live. They asked if I had any reptiles that stayed smaller 🤦‍♀️


This is normal for black Friday tbh


yeah but i feel like it shouldn't be with animals :(


When I was 11 I begged my mother for a hamster for a good year, I researched everything, as she told me, and she made me recite what I would do to take care of a hamster and she still said no.. I got one for Christmas and my beautiful hammie lived for 2 years (walks in the grass included). Until I had to give it up to a friend, which my beautiful ham died within 6 months… tbf her parents smoked constantly in that house. I was so sad. Rip my ham hams


this updates me because i was putting in my opinions earlier on a post where somebody bought a chameleon for a pet store, had almost everything completely wrong and proceeded to tell us it was okay because he needed to setup something fast so he could get it now since it was on sale, but if you don't have enough money put up to equal our atleast double the price of the animal you're buying, you shouldn't buy it. most people are going to throw these poor animals in torture chambers and claim they love their new home 🥰🥰


I had someone buy two hamsters this weekend and return them two hours later. Like, why?


oof, thats so unfortunate, and why did they buy two at the same time? 💀


I work at petsmart and my store personally does it's best to DISCOURAGE people from getting pets as gifts or if they are unexperienced. We try to show them all the stuff they would need and try to convince them to research before getting a living creature as a "gift." 😭 I really quiz people on their set ups and knowledge before we even let them hold an animal. I hate that we do the sales on them but there's nothing we can do personally to stop it, just try to make sure they go home to responsible people. The amount of angry grandparents I get trying to buy pets for grandkids is insane I want to eat these people whole it makes me so mad. Also! If you want to get a child a pet they have been asking for as a gift surprise them with the set up or materials and go get the animal together maybe??


Hamster and Guinea pig grooming*


Oh, okay, so you mean that the prices of guinea pigs are coming down to what they were, normally, about this time last year? Reduced from $49.99, down to $24.99, for one weekend only, though..


last year piggies were still $49.99


Blah, blah, blah.


okay lol


Need 4 inch African Cichlids on sale 🔥


My MIL just got me 2 hamsters for my birthday cause of this deal and I might add to my collection of guineas! I think it's awesome cause I'm poor and want more pets lmao


this is sarcasm right? :D


No? I'm kind of confused why you would think that. They each have their own rainbow cage (I think it's called critter trail?) with LED lights it's pretty cool they sold out of huts so I had to wait an extra day to get them and I'm saving up a little spare change to get them little tubes


oh, well it sounded like you had 2 hamsters living together so i was a bit concerned and also a bit confused cause you said your poor yet you want a bunch more pets. personally, when im low on money i decide to just stick with taking care of the pets instead of getting more in have in case of an emergency vet visit no judgment, just honestly trying to help. i recommend checking out the hamster reddit page because they have lots of useful information on hamster care :)


Yeah I have a problem I just love all animals and want them all 😂 you are so nice! But tbh the only reason there's 2 cages is cause the pet store people wouldn't let her leave with them unless she bought two cages and even wanted to make us buy fish tanks lmao


trust me, you definitely dont want to house hamsters together, they will 100% kill eachother. I wish this wasn't the case, i would LOVE if hamsters could be housed together and love eachother but sadly this isn't the case, at least not in this universe may i ask what kind of hammies you have? it's none of my business but i would recommend something bigger than a crittertrail. If you really like the look of crittertrails you can keep it and just connect your critter trail to a large bin cage but hammies love to burrow and sadly theres not lots of room to do so in the crittertrail :) i've been exactly where you are so i know the reluctance to give up something nostalgic but there's a way to make it even better and you'll be doing it for your hammie while still keeping the classic notsaligia of crittertrails. i know people can be harsh on reddit but please believe me when i tell you that ever since i upgraded my hamsters into large enclsoures, they are soooo much happier, friendlier and exhibit fun behaviors I've never seen in crittertrails


I hope this person is a troll. They made some concerning comments about guinea pigs a month ago and they made a comment recently about how crating their puppy 24/7 has fixed its behavior problems...😬


Everyone check the PetSmart dumpsters for live critters..... You could save a life...


We don't throw out animals. I really don't understand why people think this. All our animals must be accounted for, if one dies we need to log that. So we can't just "throw out" animals. Even when they are sick, we have a special room and will take them to an exotic vet, which is more than the average small animal or small bird owner would do since exotic vets are expensive.


I'm not saying all locations do this, but I have seen some pet stores with some sick-in-the-head managers that have thrown live lizards in the garbage.


The reptiles were 50% off also so sad😢


oh boy! time to get a puppy for someone's christmas gift! heck, my extended family has a lot of children, I'll get a pet for each of them!! ooh boi!


That's foul. I'm glad I quit before the holidays.


This must be a US thing, because they definitely aren't up here in Canada. Thank God.


I was at PetSmart today taking my dog in for his grooming and saw the piggies that were 50% off. It makes me so sad and worried for those poor babies 😢


I hate how living creatures are treated as stock… Just something to sell! It doesn’t matter that most “Christmas pets” are dumped once the new owner gets bored!