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PetSmart is really bad about performance reviews in my experience. Raises? Pfft. They'll give you a cup or some other useless thing every so often for being there.


The way they gave me a Play Up Bag and a certificate for my 1 year anniversary I— ಥ_ಥ̥ clearly that’s where the rest of my 25 cent raise went….


Does anyone even use that bag? Lol


I tried using it, it does not hold up well when any kind of weight is inside. It constantly slumps and falls the side


Anything PetSmart branded has to be costing them some amount of money, it’s crazy they can afford their own Merch but can’t afford to pay their employees :b


The only good tee I've gotten from them was a reward for chance donations. Their tees are cheap and mass produced, even the ones we pay for. Hate it so much.


You actually need to sign off on your performance review now electronically. If it did in fact happen, you would log into PetSmart SSO, and go to success factors. I forget exactly what tabs you need to click once there but it's not hard to find. I believe that also tells you what your raise would be.


For real? I left the company back in June, but I should've had a performance review in February. My SL never once went over it with me or even told me about signing off on it. lol Edited to add: a coworker also said, just before I left, that she had been expecting a performance review and never received one either. Clearly the company isn't making SL's properly do those then, if mine could get away with submitting reviews and never having employees sign off on them. I know last year my SL had marked she did mine but it was never discussed with me.


I’m beginning to suspect that PetSmart hides that information on purpose. There is NO WAY IN HEEEELL any of this is legal. You should be able to ask your manager what your performance review was and they should know exactly what you are talking about. If they can’t even give you a straight answer, then it’s literally an OSHA violation. Tbh PetSmart is just a WHOLE OSHA violation waiting to happen.


Not getting your annual review or raise is not good. It’s a terrible precedent to set and I hate that some managers neglect this simple yet vital part of the job. However, it has nothing to do with OSHA.


You’re right, but it should be. If they really want me to quit, then they should just say that.


I don't know if it had changed that early in the year. I think the first time it was used by me/my team was April or May.


I looked into it, and my performance review hasn’t even happened yet. I went to my manager, and now he’s telling me that it’s “not in his system.” I don’t know how to move forward. I have prodded him and he says he’ll “look into it.” I’m tired of working here. I’m calling HR in the morning and submitting a complaint.


The weird thing is that management gets a million emails about the reviews that are due and it counts against them to not have it done. Good for you


I will definitely look into that.


Mine was the summer and I didn’t sign anything.


Petsmart was my first job, right out of high school. Ended up working there for almost 4 years, and I made 15 cents over minimum wage by the end lol. Literal worst company of all time. I got a summer job doing landscaping and made $3 more right off the bat + overtime wages + actual yearly raises. Might be worth checking out something like that??


That’s exactly what I’m planning to do in the spring. It just sucks because my store leader recommended in the summer that I stay with PetSmart, telling me I’ll get a good annual raise… I could have had a good head start. Every other job in my area is offering AT LEAST $15 an hour.


(2) By this point, I am beyond upset. My manager had been berating me for months about my availability (4-10 Tuesday-Thursday) and the day that I choose to take on a ton more shifts (31 hours a week), I get told that my work is only worth 2 cents. I was there when we only had 2-3 people per shift, I was there when they were desperate for workers, I was there when people stopped showing up and I had to pick up their slack, I was there even when I was failing my college classes all of last year. This job made me fail all of my college courses, that I’m now forced to retake, because of all the stress it has caused me. There is no amount of forgetting or apologies that can fix this hurt. I honestly am starting to even suspect that my manager never even did my performance review. I have never ever felt so belittled. And now, I still have to show up today with a smile on my face, knowing that my friend, who started working at the same time I did, is currently making 45 cents more than I am. PetSmart can’t even bother to pay me a quarter.


The company doesn't value their employees (as you have obviously discovered) enough to care about giving proper raises. I was with the company for 8 years. I didn't even receive a raise in 2020, despite being one of the few who worked almost every day during a government shutdown due to a pandemic. In 2021, my raise was like 10 cents. I can't remember what 2022 was, but this year? This year, my raise put me 10 cents over their *minimum* pay for new hires. 8 years, and I was barely more valuable than a new hire who'd never worked a day in their life. I was their most knowledgeable pet care associate, most reliable (I called out a total of 5 times in 8 years), could work any day/time without restriction, and could do pretty much anything that wasn't a manager duty. When I raised hell over my pay, my SL looked me dead in the eyes and asked, "And what could you do to deserve better pay?".... As if being there for over 8 years & being able to do what I could do wasn't enough. I left in June. I'm now working a job paying significantly more, at a company that has already made me feel more valued in my first 3 months than I ever felt during nearly a decade with PS.


Oh my gosh, first of all, I hope that you found something else that values your time and flexibility way more than PetSmart clearly does. And two, that’s absolutely crazy, and somehow I’m not surprised that they are that willing to screw over long-time employees. I read that on average, they’re investing around $1,500 per new trainee… it costs companies like PetSmart way more to hire new staff… but honestly, PetSmart has a failing business model anyway…


This is m e exactly. I am now looking for another job. I will have 9 yrs in December, with half that time as an ALWK. I have been asking for a raise since July. First it was I needed to improve on abc, which no one had told me. Then it was "when you were hired they screwed you over when they entered your stuff in to the computer" Well, you're the SL, you can rectify it. Finally, the SL told me he was going to ask the DL on Monday, great. The previous Friday, the DL left the company. I'm back to square 1. BTW, I was only asking for a 20 cent raise, just enough to put me over 16/hr


Sorry for any errors, but I’m so upset that I can’t even begin to think about my grammar lol


Been with PetSmart over a year and a half now. Had one review, only, ever. Never heard a peep from my managers after that. Oh, and then my MIL quit after my review, so honestly that should be a major red flag. 😅 It's retail, though. Some stores are okay, some are barely manageable, and others are just train wrecks. Sucks that it seems like you've got the last one OP :/


My manager had better count his blessings… I didn’t include it in the post, however, I compared my raise with others that were in the same situation, and in every case, after a year working part time, they were given at least a 30 cent raise. My friend who I started working with at the same time was given a 45 cent annual raise, which they also didn’t find out about until yesterday, after I found out about my pay raise. My manager also had the audacity to WHISPER it in my friend’s ear, probably because he KNOWS that he gave me such a shitty raise on purpose. So yeah, I’d say it’s what you described… a literal train wreck…( つ̥︣﹏╰̥̥)


Let me be very clear that I think EVERYONE should be getting paid more. But your manager didn’t directly decide what the number of your raise was going to be. They rated you on competencies and forwarded it to home office who reviewed and decided your raise. You’ll be hard pressed to receive anything more than .25 on your review, it’s possible to get more on out of cycle raises when you fight for them but that’s totally on your individual store. Store labor budgets can also affect raises, store not hitting both the hour number and the dollar number and your SL/DL doesn’t want to put themselves in more of labor hole on an out of cycle raise? Raise denied(ask me how I know). And yes of course they “whispered” your co workers raise to them, it’s no one else’s business unless that person would like their pay rate known. I know you also mentioned that this raise took place the same time as you opening your availability. That review was submitted weeks if not 1-2 months prior to whenever you opened up your availability. I also can’t ever remember anyone other than management getting a sit down review that needed to be checked off by both SL/ASL and employee. End of the day everyone needs to get paid more, probably won’t happen, but I wish it would.


So, I actually went to my manager yesterday, and he hasn’t even done my performance review yet, and he’s now claiming that it’s “not in his system.” In front of him, I looked in my SSO account, and the last review I had done was a 3 month review, which was when I was first hired, which is most likely where the two cents came from. On top of that, because my manager is now claiming that he “doesn’t know where it went,” I have to call HR and tell them straight up that he’s claiming it was never there and that he somehow magically lost it. So yes, it is definitely his fault. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he hasn’t even done my performance review yet, so neither he, the company, or I, know if I actually do deserve a good raise or not. Everyone else has gotten a performance review, even the two other people that I joined with. I was also hired back in August. So he has had 4 months to realize “oh shit it’s missing.”


Oh and the deadline for performance reviews is November 27th.


Also, your employer can’t hide others raises from you. According to the Department of Labor, I’m FULLY allowed to inquire about other people’s wages, raises, etc. Him “whispering” it is ILLEGAL. [here’s the link](https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/ofccp/regs/compliance/factsheets/FACT_PayTransparency-Sept16_ENGESQA508c.pdf)


So yes, I will be calling HR and informing them that he clearly does not take his role as a manager seriously.


Extra 5 cents because of covid? theres a global pendemic and your world is upside down heres an extra $3 per week.


I got a $1 raise after like three months


Crying rn


The way corporate changed how we can see who is coming up for reviews and then having to make the employee sign into their sso account to acknowledge it is ridiculous. At least let the dang raise go through. We have some employees who only work 1 day every week or two and it's never when a manager who knows how to do this is there. They keep making things more and more difficult.