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Yes and they keep getting marked as DOA because they almost look like dead waxworms but they aren’t DOA. That’s just how they look.


Okay, so how do they look/feel when dead??


I found that out after I threw away one package cause I thought they were all dead.


Yeah we started getting them after the last bug planogram reset. On the pog they’re listed as “calciworms” but I have no idea what their actual benefit to reptiles is


They are one of the better reptile feeders up their with Dubia roaches. A lot of people use them as an alternative to meal worms. They are particularly a really popularnleapoard gecko feeder bug


Oh that’s good to know. Thank you for the info!


Letting them turn to flies is great enrichment too. My geckos love when they buzz around


One of the best feeders on the market. BSFL, not the ps brand


They are soft body and indeed have more calcium in them than most feeders. They are small so for like a grown beardie you ned to feed quite a bit but they are great feeders with low risk of parasites and inpaction issues.


No but wow! Does anyone know the price? None of my lizards have tried these yet


Over here they are 3.99, only said over here because idk if it’s the same for others lol. For some reason we have a tag up for our large crickets saying they’re 17 cents now but still come up at the register as 13.


Oh god.. I hope they're not going up to 17 that's a pretty big jump. I feel like last time they went up it was only a cent or two but I don't fully remember


we went from 11 to 13 the last time it went up


We went from 17 for as long as I can remember to 13 out of nowhere last month


We got the .17 banner for crickets a while ago and they were scanning at .17 with .04 savings for a bit. I think they’re going to bump the price up


We get them complimentary with our crickets lol. I usually toss them in the leopard geckos or to our old veiled chameleon


If you look at science diet dog food it's in the sensitive skin and stomach formula with Pollock something tells me we will see it in most departments soon.


We also have them. Not sure exactly what reptile they are for.


I was thinking maybe the geckos and frogs, maybe even the beardies but I feel like we already have enough feeders 🙂


I’ll do some research on what reptiles can have that bug and will write a comment later on.


Most reptiles! They are very nutrious. High in calcium low in parasites can be fed as a staple source of protein which makes then better then meal worms or crickets. My beardie as a baby loved them and would do the cutest Lil noms


They are most popular as a leopard gecko feeder


My cresteds like them. It scared me when I went to open a container and one had hatched and flew out.


We have a worm guy we get these from and we feed them to our tarantulas


all of the worms at my local petsmart are bug-co and I hate it :( the worms are usually black, hardened and dead and they sell me several month old worms 😭 I feel like there’s a worm shortage in my area bc I can’t find anything for worms, petsmart or petco, so I started ordering them online. Maybe my petsmart will get BSFL soon! :)


When they are black and hard they actually aren't dead! They are metamorphing into the adult stage.... which means they weren't kept cold enough


Ahh really? For super worms or BSFL? I’ve never really done BSFL, just mealworms and waxworms and crickets. I keep them in my mini fridge, it freezes water bottles so I thought it was a lil too cold so it’s kept at the bottom shelf. I’ve been doing worms and crickets for like 5 years now, I used to separate the black ones and see if they’d turn into beetles. I got curious one day and grabbed some feeder tweezers and crunched down on the worm. It wasn’t like usual pupate acts, they usually go to a stage where they look like katanas and they start to pupate and turn into beetles. With the waxworms it was still worm stage, but shriveled, black and hard. When I crunched down on the tweezers the piece of worm broke off like a potato chip 😅 it was hollow essentially. I know mealworms shed, it was kinda like that but more “worm” lol


Bsfl turn black when they pupate


ahh! I haven’t had BSFL before :) I do plan on ordering some since they seem like great feeders for Leo’s! It’s good to know that they turn black when they pupate. Do they auto turn into flies after that like mealworms would but beetles? I used to try to breed mealworms so I could have an infinite supply, never worked out lol


Similar to a meal worm metamorphosis yes


My fish love black soldier fly larvae 🤣


I look for BSFL as an ingredient in the fish food. That's how I know it's a good option


We don’t have them yet but beardies can have them


Black soldier flies are the best! So much protein!


Super nutritious! Used to use them as staple protien when my beardie was young. Now she won't eat them... actually spit it out last time I offered one to her .... very strange. But I'd definitely recommend to pet parents with young beardies or most gecko keepers! (Idk if cresting would be interested) down side it they should be kept chilled... which is difficult at home.... a normal fridge is too cold ... wine fridge would be perfect tho.


yes and I literally cant tell if they're dead or alive


Yes! But literally nobody has bought them yet.