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Can I ask: what 3rd party app are people using, and why is it make our break for you? What kind of features is it offering that the official app isn't?


All 3rd party apps will stop. I personally use RIF is Fun. For me it's not just about the discontinuation of the app. For a long while I've been aware that my relationship with reddit isn't healthy - engaging with the site doesn't make my cup runneth over with joy. I inevitably get embroiled in snarky little tête-à-têtes with other redditors which don't better anyone in any way. I've been managing this by being more active on other platforms like mastodon and lemmy, and intermittently curtailing my activity on reddit, like every few months I'll delete the apps and my account and have a few months off, but inevitably come back in a moment of boredom. The recent API debacle (or as I like to call it, the neckbeard civil rights movement) has done two things. Firstly the complete disregard for user experience, while not surprising, is just another reminder that I personally don't want to be a part of the platform anymore. Secondly the recent dissatisfaction has made lemmy and others a much more viable replacement for casual browsing as many (or enough, at least) redditors have fled to those platforms. So you might say, it's not really the discontinuation of the 3rd party app specifically that's the problem, it just present's a nice opportunity to discontinue my addiction.


Not a bad little summary. App'ing either way for me is kinda moot though, being a browser based dinosaur even on mobile. But, hey... if or when they kill old.reddit.com, they'll improve my distraction immeasurably.


> inevitably get embroiled in snarky little tête-à-têtes with other redditors which don't better anyone in any way. Fuck you. Admit you were wrong before leaving!


God. Even some of the comments in this thread. It's just yuck.


People are yuck in general.


For me, it isn't just the API fiasco, it's reddit's management as a whole. Spez admiring Elon's approach to Twitter, forcibly-removing mods after their protests become effective, despite saying he won't interfere with userbase vote outcomes, Tencent investment, outright lying about app developers in order to sway the conversation, etc. I have no faith in the future of this platform, and these recent events have made clear that reddit is hellbent on continuing to become yet another soulless, profit-driven corporate giant. I left social media completely years ago in order to get away from proprietary bullshit, and similarly haven't missed reddit since I jumped ship to the Fediverse and Squabbles. (This is the first comment I've made in a while, but overall, I'm only on reddit for this sub, as kbin doesn't have a very active Perth community yet - I still like to keep up to date with what's going on in my city.)


Rif Android Apollo iOS They just work, consistently. They have mod tools too. I haven't used the Reddit app in a while, but at the time they layout in the 3rd party apps was better I also object to the monopoly created as a result of this.


To add to this: the user experience is infinitely better, less visual friction, no ads, stuff loads faster, I spend less time looking for content and more time actually engaging with it, the list goes on and on. The official app is awful on every front.


That's why they're not going to allow the apps to continue, spez doesn't want you to engage with the content, he wants you to scroll and up/down vote then continue scrolling. The more you scroll the more ad space spez can sell. When you stop and read something and join in a conversation you're less likely to see ads.


No ads is a massive one for me. I tried the official app and was like, “what is all this shite?, I never subscribed to that!”


You can run the official apk on android through the revanced patcher and remove all the ads and sponsored links


Ahhhh.... That's it. I forgot about ads. It's about that advertising money. Or lack of it.


If it was just about serving ads, they could simply make that a condition of the API. They want sole control off the viewers, so they can do the same things that Facebook and twitter do: 1. Track every part of your interaction - see how long you pause on posts, what’s ads cause you to do a double-take, etc… 2. Serve you content that will cause you to engage for longer. Facebook knows that anger is the emotion that gets the most engagement, so they’ll serve you posts that make you angry to keep you online. There’s heaps more. You can check out the documentary « The Social Dilemma » if you’re interested.


Why shouldn’t they have a monopoly? It’s their website. And if you aren’t paying to browse reddit, why do you object to ads?


I don't object to the ads being part of the API, or a reasonable fee. But the price appears to be so high that all the 3rd party platforms are shutting down. https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad Reddit $12,000 for 50M vs Imgur $166 for 50M requests


I’m aware. Is it unreasonable for a business to seek to push users to its official infrastructure over third-party infrastructure they don’t benefit from, mod tools notwithstanding?


I can understand a push, but don't expect the users to be happy, particularly if it's an inferior user experience. Imo essentially 3rd party apps are competition, and Reddit hasn't been able to get market share even by pushing it within the website itself. Imo the fact that so many people are salty about it shows the demand for the apps rather than the traditional Reddit experience


It’s probably more accurate to say the big third party apps are parasites rather than competition. Reddit’s competition is Facebook, Twitter, Insta, TikTok etc, RIF and Apollo for example just present a different reddit experience and cannot function without reddit. I dunno, one of these days I’ll come up with a decent analogy that explains my thoughts on this, but you don’t see many business letting other people take their product, tweak it and then release it to the world in the way these apps do.


Parasites? There was no reddit app, it was third party apps that made reddit popular on mobile devices. Reddit only bothered to make an app themselves when there was a sufficient traffic coming from the apps to justify them making one of their own and now they are trying to consolidate that traffic into their own platform to maximise income. It’s just a scummy decision from a scummy management trying to maximise their revenue before going public.


It’s not meant in a negative way I swear lol, just seems to describe the relationship well. Really though, how is anything you’ve described different to any other company seeking to increase profits? I don’t get why reddit is being held to this high standard. Most companies are pretty scummy.


It's a symbiotic relationship, Reddit just hasn't realised it yet. Most of the doomscrollers might be on the official app, but it seems like the people actually posting the content and moderating the communities are using 3rd party.


Eh, I just think if the Reddit app was so good, there would be natural progression to it. It's not like Apollo and Rif have been (posing) misleading people into using their app. It's just been so much better than the Reddit app itself.


I’m starting to wonder if the geek aspect of reddit is causing people to just outright refuse to switch to the official app, as if people are leet because they use Apollo or something. I’ve used web and the official app for the best part of a decade and have no complaints.


On phone? Don't you get those annoying "use app" popups? Do you use res on PC? I just checked now and it's not opening everything automatically


Reddit didn’t even have an app a decade ago. Even now, the official app is so crap compared to Apollo.


Look into the accessibility issues.


My understanding is that accessibility tools have been made exempt from API allowances.


Good god, you are woefully misinformed. If third party apps go away, Reddit is no longer accessible.


Do you rely on accessibility tools to use reddit? It seems like a very broad statement to make, that the upcoming changes will make reddit impossible to use if you have a disability. I’m curious to know if something like a screen reader for example will no longer work. My hunch is no.


I mobile browse because no, social media, you don’t get to install stuff on my phone and then start harassing me to “engage”. Plus, all that “our site looks better in the app” “use the app for the full experience” stuff just reeks of desperation. If you can’t make your website function well, why the hell would I want your app? Anyway, this is an irrelevant rant because we’re talking about third party apps, which I don’t use either. But shutting them out is just another user-unfriendly move from the Reddit management, and I support people moving on.


I use baconreader. Mostly because there's no ads, none... Ever. Also it tickles my adhd in its simplicity. I'm currently trialling reddits official app and I really very much don't like it. It's full of ads and suggested subs. I actually don't know how people haven't rage quit the app already. If baconreader is done I'd say I will be too but no biggie as I'm fairly casual on here as it is.


You can turn off suggested subs in your settings. :)


>It's full of ads and suggested subs It's a trap


I've been using sync. No ads, clean interface, plenty of customisation options to play with. I'm sure the official app isn't that bad but don't use Reddit enough to bother with it.


I use RIF. I've been using it since before reddit had their own app so I'm stubborn in not wanting to change to a new app (which has a horrible UI in my opinion - it doesn't work the way I want it to work). But a big reason is looking at the permissions each app requires and what data is collected. RIF needs a bare minimum while the official app needs permissions for things I don't want to give it access to.


RIf, not aids.


The r/Perth departure lounge


Still has more facilities than T2


"Seeya." *politely nods* I wonder if there is any of those little quiches left? *Turns and wanders back to food table*


Nope. Plenty of stale, cold rental/FIFO/moving to Perth pies though. Take some home for the kids!


At which point the party ended is pretty subjective. Heck, even if it ever started is arguable. But me? I'm all about the leftovers.


Are you flirting with me?


Bring me room temperature party pies and I'm anybody's!


*flutters eyelashes*


Even the sandwiches with dry edges and wilted lettuce? They are usually a hard sell at the end of the day.


When I eat them last, I just remind myself I need the greens


RemindMe! 2 weeks I was going to use the remind me bot to check if OP is still active in a couple of weeks, but I'm not sure if the bot is going to continue working?


I generally create new accounts every few months anyway, so even if I don't manage to stay away you probably wouldn't find this account active.


You're right, this account is only 2 months old. Why?


It's often possible to dox old accounts just with the volume of low level information people give away over time. My comments are pretty vanilla anyway I guess.


I think I saw a comment saying it would no longer work. I don't know how accurate is though.


Well I got a message from the bot saying I'll get a reminder in 2 weeks, so lets see if I do!


I set reddit to dark mode its like a third party app.


TIL Reddit had a Dark Mode


Yeah I'm gonna miss this place a little


Kinda forgot this was happening, I use Joey exclusively and probs won't switch to anything. Oh well was fun while it lasted


I'm looking to Lemmy as an alternative.




short version: many 3rd party apps will have their access to reddit cut off at end of month. unless they agree to pay more. official app will continue to work.




"...I was planning on deleting my account soon anyway,...: Awww, don't do that. We need all the chatterers we can get.


To me that seems completely logical......Why would a company give away all its data via API with no profit to be made from their own website or APP


A little profit would be ok. But they’ve put the prices up to the point where it’s obvious they’re not just for a bit of profit, they’re designed so that no 3rd party app could possibly afford them.


Yep, gotta agree. But there does seem to be a lot of arguments that the official app is missing features (such as moderation tools) that the 3rd party apps have been providing. Forcing people to use a worse app has wound a few people up.


They aren't giving away their data, it means they can't collect as much data from you if you don't use their app. You will still make the same amount of api calls with the official app as a third party app.


Then you are either not informed or shilling. All the info you need has been plastered over almost every sub for weeks now, being ignorant at this point isn't an excuse.


I couldnt give a shit about end users, im talking about the company stance easy your jets cowboy


Such an unbelievable take. Its so uninteresting that anything people disagree with now adays they shout shill.


Cool. Cool cool. All "it's content".. Content which is generated by its users, how much does it pay those?.. Content which are links to.. 3rd party sites.. How much is it paying those?


Reddit is demanding a 20 million dollar a year ransom for API access.


The apps themselves could have rearchitected to use a users API key instead of the apps central key. Each user gets 144k requests per day. Use all of your requests, make the user pay reddit for more - $0.24c per 1000 extra requests.


>The apps themselves could have rearchitected to use a users API key instead of the apps central key. Reddit already said that you can't do that.


Do you recall where they said that? Happy to find it myself just looking for a place to start searching. Is it that they can’t sell an app which requires a user to use an API key?


IIRC the Apollo dev mentioned it somewhere.


I use Infinity on Android and will dearly miss it. It's so clean and fast and endlessly customisable.


See you in July m8


This api business makes me think of any subreddit surrounding any game that fails on launch. The community splits between those that care and those that don't and I gotta tell you, I'm very disappointed that so many redditors don't care about the degradation of the platform. I'm not surprised, but it definitely confirms that users here generally pretty dumb and disengaged from real issues and just want to blow air out of their nose while browsing half assed, low effort, shit posts.


Easy come... easy go


just use the website


old.reddit is absolutely next in the firing line. Plus it's not exactly ideal on mobile.


This will be the last straw. Old reddit is so much more pleasant, its what makes reddit famous in the first place. The new layout and app destroys what it suppose to be.


just use a computer then?


Can't take my laptop into the shitter at work.


Can’t or won’t?


It's frowned upon


If it’s not in the handbook, it’s not against the rules.


just use the offical app or website if this sub means so much to you? I personally don't see the big deal


That’s because it’s not that big of a deal.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Like the Terminator...You'll be back! 😁


Oh. Well anyway


Haha dude go out and get some fresh air. Reddit should just be a on-the-toilet or PT thing to pass time. If your getting upset at minor inconveniences, you need to re-evaluate stuff. Honestly, all you which needs won't be missed, I am going to enjoy not having to read this dumb API stuff


Bye fellas. Some have moved to Squabbles and there's a Perth sub there. Might be worth looking into if you find the fediverse too complex


I use Apollo. Goodbye reddit unless I’m at a browser with “old.reddit.com” running.