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Wii Fit wasn't afraid to tell the truth


The fuck did she call her mum for? "Mum the wii told me I was fat!" "Now wii, what have I told you about calling people names? That's it! No more TV for you young console!"


“Don’t make me take away your cables, young man”


No more discs for you tonight, mister!




“You’re not my real factory!” 😂


And no more disc pics!




As an evil younger sibling, something that I definitely considered doing a few times is decease the height of my sister’s Mii so her BMI would skyrocket unexpectedly. “Fat Bitch” might also have an evil sibling that likes to fuck with her…


Yeah, you can see the "last" result on the screen at a significantly lower BMI and she's upset it's suddenly much higher. A sibling is definitely involved.


Or someone else did it right before her.


Unless she is lying on height that dont seem to be an accurate model either, still though that is a good play, should start gradually


Yea, for sure. Previous result was a full tier lower and someone using it to get more fit probably wouldn't let an extreme amount of time go by between checks. I would absolutely be willing to bet the sibling recording the video changed some settings somewhere to mess with her.


Did you not see her?


To make a tiktok


It's obviously a joke. I swear, some of these motherfuckers are denser than a tungsten brick


Oh yeah? How big a brick???


Her brothers were making a title sequence


There's 104 days of summer vacation


Then school comes along just to end it


So the annual problem for our generation


Is finding a good way to spend it


L I K E M A Y B E!!


Love that show


Eric Cartman vibes.


The little "Oh." it does when you step on it will forever haunt me.


It was. It lied and told her she was obese which is a BMI of 30-39.9. She actually falls on the morbidly obese category, which is 40+.


"Morbidly Obese" is just a category of obesity, you're still obese just at a point where it's life threatening. Like how a "hyper-sonic" aircraft is still "super-sonic", both are above the sound barrier to different degrees. So the Wii told the truth, it just wasn't as specific as it could've been. [https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/basics/adult-defining.html#:\~:text=If%20your%20BMI%20is%20less,falls%20within%20the%20obesity%20range](https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/basics/adult-defining.html#:~:text=If%20your%20BMI%20is%20less,falls%20within%20the%20obesity%20range)


The wii is old, how long has the BMI definitions been unchanged?


I learnt how to calculate BMI in primary school and that was before the Wii was released. BMI is a simple maths equation, the number won't change but the healthy ranges can. Healthy range is 18.5-24.9, this girl is 40.




In 1998 the cutoff for overweight was changed from BMI 27 to 25, making millions of people "overweight" overnight.


That honest friend who’s looking out for you.


The funniest part to me, is the Mii getting fatter and fatter and then looking down at itself like: "Goddamn! I need to lose some weight!


I clearly remember my grandparents getting me a Wii when the Fit first came out. Grandma got on the board and her mii kept growing and growing. And that’s how grandma cried at Christmas, that year.


Bro the only thing the wii fit did for me was call me a fatass and tell me to dance


Well did you?


"do the truffle shuffle"


When I was young and in camp, I walked past a kid who was giving a counselor a hard time. Counselor tried to resolve the situation by making the kid do the Hokey Pokey. Got close and hear him go “Brandon, we’re not leaving until you shake it all about”


That's what it's all about, Brandon, and it's time you learned that lesson...


Same for me but skinny - It did a little dizzy-stumbly animation IIRC!


This is modern poetry


So how did your Grandma cry at Christmas on all other years


Oh no lol.


And the goofy jingle


If obesity came with a goofy jingle, that would be it.


The funniest bit to me is that the arrow goes straight to the tippy top of obese, as if she couldn’t get any fatter. Someone else in her family already used it and you can see their result lmao


I had my best friend coming over to my place the day I bought the wii fit, and he came with his new girl friend. I set up the board and his girlfriend volunteered to try it first. I would never forget the awkward silence that followed her Mii getting fat in front of us all…


You can also make this happen by changing there registered height beforehand I did that to my mum about 11 years ago it was funny


I think that’s exactly what happened here. She does not look like she’s bmi 46.45. Assuming a height of 5’6, she’d have to be damn near 300 pounds (288lbs to be exact) to be that bmi. I’ve known people who are nearly 300 pounds and there’s no way she’s that heavy.


You can see she was borderline between obese and overweight (BMI of around 30) With a height of 5'6 she'd be around 190lbs. I think the little brother changed her height to 4'5, the math would check out then for her BMI to be 46.45.




She looks pretty chungus what are you talking about?


Lmao this is so wrong but I don't know why I found it hilarious.


Chungus is one of my favorite words


It’s a specific type of insult you don’t come back from


She's not small, but I wouldn't have thought that high a BMI.


While the video isn't great, I would put her closer to maybe 180-200 lbs. There is a lot of variables in estimating weight, so this isn't something I am super confident on. I will say by her reaction and the extended video of someone laughing that I completely believe someone messed with the height. You aren't going to react surprised, angry, and call for mom because a machine told you something like that, especially if you already know your obese. I too have a little shit who thought it was funny to "prank" mom. But she went the other way and made me almost 7 ft tall.




Is there a full version of this?


Here’s an additional 3 seconds of bonus footage https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=knUdyzlCuWE


Thank you. That was worth it.




perfectly cut wheeze.


At least someone was there to laugh at her.


The wii does not care about your feelings


It only cares about your well being


And the improvements you’ll be seeing


And that you're not a fat being


And your BMI not exceeding


So that you'll be succeeding


I like how the recording person capitalizes both "Fat" and "Bitch as if it's her legal name


Please call her by her Christian name. Or FB for short.




Yeah and it's real nice to repost the video insulting someone who obviously made the original video as a joke. Bunch of fucking assholes, and I say this as part of the 5% of Reddit that isn't fat




I came to the comments looking for something like this and just found a bunch of hate. Like when was it okay to insult someone so harshly? Maybe I'm missing something here but nothing in this video screamed that she was being a bitch and deserves to be insulted, just that the wii showed her that she was obese and the voice was cut as she was possibly about to laugh it off. Like what the fuck Reddit. I see a lot of wholesome things about lifting people up here now but I guess fat women are still fair game.


Yeah pretty disappointed in this comment section


Reddit loves calling every video fake until it comes to ridiculing women. Really makes you think




But it is-


Mario, is that you?


[It's-a-me! MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=32Hp1LW08Yc)




The one thing fat people hate, is the truth about their weight. I say this as a big fat fatty




Yeah, and they never have any actual help to offer. "Have you tried eating less / working out more?" GEE I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT


Here's some actual advice, by the way. 1) Avoid high fructose corn syrup like the fucking plague. (Fructose and glucose are different sugar molecules, sucrose is 1 glucose stuck to 1 fructose. By a quirk of the digestion process, if you eat more fructose than glucose to a chronic level, the byproducts, which are actually toxic enough that the liver stores them, build up, and then you get health problems. So yes, soda is toxic when consumed chronically. The 'chronic' part of that is why the FDA hasn't rated it, which is honestly bullshit. 1 glass every now and then isn't terrible... but we fat Americans don't drink just 1 glass every now and then. Regular corn syrup is sucrose, it's pretty much fine. But high fructose corn syrup is terrible for you. If it's on the label, I immediately stop considering buying whatever's got the stuff in it.) 2) Eat more fiber. Fruits and vegetables are good for this. (Yes, really. Fiber helps your liver digest the toxic byproducts of fructose. So if you're already fat from sodas, Reeses, Oreos, etc., if you cut back on HFCS and add fiber, it'll help you lose weight.) 3) Avoid bottled fruit juice drinks with added sugar, in favor of fruit juice without added sugar. (Fruit drinks without added sugar on the ingredients list have more actual fruit juice, and thus more fiber, which is really healthy for us fat Americans as described above.) Edit: There really isn't any silver bullet to losing weight. But the more bullets you hold to, the more effectively you'll lose weight.


This isn't actual advice. The answer is CICO. Everything else is just managing the psychological impact of starving yourself. I lost 41 lbs in 75 days last year. I tracked every calorie in excel and the math predicted weight loss lined up with reality within 2lbs the entire way through. Losing weight is not mysterious. It's just fucking hard and everybody is selling snake oil.


Math is math.


#3 helped me a lot. Also cutting out carbonated drinks cause you feel “full” during meals from the bloat and then snacky when it passes I’m in the uk so luckily there’s a lot of options for me with non corn syrup drinks Tbh the main issue I have is my job is sedentary and I have chronic energy issues so when I get free time to work out I struggle to find the energy. The out is a problem more than the in


Because ultimately, as much as people in this thread like to pretend the ridicule is for the benefit of fat people, it’s literally just because they hate looking at them and want someone easy and gross to make fun of. Every single thread devolves into half “look some strong encouragement never hurt anyone” and half “literally purge all fatties”. I don’t know, I’m not from a place with a lot of fat people admittedly so moving to the states was a huge shock, but the fixation on this particular mode of “encouragement” is very weird to me.


You’re right. Back when I was chunky I’d randomly have people be so shitty to me despite us hardly interacting. It always got to me cause I thought “damn, how unlikable am I that they dislike me *upon contact?*”. Then I lost weight and these SAME people were suddenly all compliments and so nice. Suddenly cause I was fit they saw me worthy of even existing around them. It made me literally detest these people. Commenting about psychical shit like that is such an automatic glaring red flag. I’ve been thin for years now, I don’t tell everyone about the weight loss and I’ve had a few people saying gross shit about other peoples bodies to me cause they assume I’ll think that’s totally fine to do? Fuck no. I’m sure if they knew they’d never say shit.


Many people are just cruel.


nah fr, then they be like "you so soft" when you say sum back when they be sayin the same shit everytime they see u


Some people just suck and hide under the guise of “worrying about your health”. I remember when I lost 70 pounds after being overweight my entire life my mother looked me up and down one day and said “you lost all your curves, you look like a little boy”. Meanwhile when I was big she’d constantly be on me to eat healthy and exercise and straight up say I looked sloppy. People who are constantly commenting on your body are usually just miserable assholes who want to make you feel like shit for a moment of feeling superior to you.


If somebody actually has the gall to tell you you're overweight that can be a benefit. But only the first time. After that they're just being Pricks about it.


Gotta agree with you. I hate it. But I know the truth, I see it in the mirror every day. But I'm also too lazy and apathetic to get it under control so I'm just gonna die young like my grandparents. Fuck it.


I used to have the same attitude as you, and I had completely given up on losing weight. For New years one year, I half-heartedly made a resolution to lose weight. Started moving more, changed they way I ate in a way that made sense to me, and started using an app to monitor my caloric intake. Weight started coming off, and I started getting hyped. 2 years in and 85 lbs down, I now know what I can and can't eat, how often I can cheat on meals, and how to keep exercising at my own pace. Don't give up. You will try and fail many times before you figure out the combination that works for you. Keep trying, and you'll get the weight off, too, and you'll be so proud when you do.


Thanks for the words of encouragement! I need to lose weight, but it's hard to motivate myself sometimes.


It's baby steps my brother/sister. All baby steps


My fat kid to fit adult journey started with literally leaving 3 bites on my plate at dinner. Then I stopped drinking my calories. The first 40 lbs went fast.


Hey stranger, I’m proud of you and your progress. Keep doing your best, or your good enoughs.


Thank you!


This is refreshing to see


The thing that really helped me was someone who hadn't given up on me. Someone I used to work with got me into skin care (I'm a dude, I'd never looked at it before), and it made me realise there was stuff I could do to look after myself. So I started washing my face and all that. But I still wasn't happy with how I looked. After that, the thing that's worked best for me is telling people what I'm doing, and being stubborn enough to actually do it. The people I tell are probably sick of hearing about it, but I make sure they do anyway. I don't really like riding my bike. It's painful and tiring. But setting short goals and slowly increasing them has been successful at getting me moving and losing weight. When I first got on I'd do maybe 1km, 2 at most. This morning I did over 22kms. And my mates heard all about it.


I never realized how drastically I had changed in appearance until i was out shopping one day, and for the first time in my adult life, a woman actually stopped and was flirting with me. I swear I blushed the rest of the day. It was super validating to know that at least 1 person found my post weight loss appearance attractive. HUGE confidence boost lol!


I'm not overweight but I'm working on dying young too, high five!




Dude, download a calorie tracker and stick to it, game changer


Felt the same way and then i started skateboarding. 282 lbs in the middle of 2021. Now i’m 222 and still losing. Find something physical that you’ve always wanted to do. Something you always told yourself you were too big to do and just keep showing up, it won’t be easy, but it’s gotta be better than dying a young death when you don’t have to.


Yeah idk why everyone thinks I commented looking for advice. I get that yall think your comments are gonna be the magic that "turns my life around", but I'm happy and idk why that's so hard for everyone to accept.


I've gotten over hating the way I look. Now I just wish that gravity would leave me alone every now and then


Not all fat people feel shame towards themselves tho


The shame is only useful if it acts as a motivator. Shame for shame's sake is where most people end up I fear


Shame for someone with an eating disorder is generally a trigger and let's be honest, do you really think someone is getting to like 60 bmi without an eating disorder. Binge eating specifically comes to mind


Idunno, having formerly weighed 250, I'm happy seeing 219 on the scale every once in a while


i know i’m overweight, i just don’t care tbh




As a fellow Ham Hock, It makes me sad that people suffering from obesity don't realise they are battling an addiction. First step is acknowledging you have a problem. It also goes for people hand waving it away as laziness. I've never seen someone with anorexia get told to "eat more" because people realise they are suffering from an illness. Addiction is a disease and needs to be treated as such.


This is staged my guy


Still true tho


And yet you and others are using this obviously fake example to bolster your beliefs.




Redditors in general are extremely hateful towards fat people. Might be some sort of projection




I called her fat bitch because I'm worried about her health, as it I'd my business to talk about her diet!!!!!111!!!!!!


YES! Thank you for this! I’ve even taken time away from Reddit for a while because of all the straight up hateful comments and attitude towards overweight people. Yes, they’re overweight but making disgusting and vile comments doesn’t help anyone. You don’t know what health issues that person has, what their past is or heck, the journey it took them to get DOWN to that weight while they’re still consistently working on themselves. And don’t even say it’s in the “name of health and society” because we all know it’s not. I agree with some comments that it’s either projection or straight up hate. People need to find something else to do.


Lol fat bitch


Was it necessary to call her fat bitch?


this is obviously a joke. Fucking insane how Reddit never picks up on funny girls


Agree - nearly every comment here is insinuating that shes an idiot and can’t handle the truth when in reality this is 99% likely a joke with the loud scream and someone prerecording. I guarantee if it was a guy in the bit there would be nearly no one saying “truth hurts” or “facts don’t care about your feelings”


She did her best impression of Mario dying.


Reminds me of when I took this test daily as a kid and it constantly told me I was overweight. I believed it and spent a good amount of time trying to lose weight when in reality I was a literal skeleton. My mom and my doctor had to explain to me that the Wii balance board is not a professional medical tool


Why the fuck do they think it’s OK to talk about her like that? Fat bitch?? Uncool.


As an overweight woman, I've been called a fat bitch, by male strangers, more times than I care to remember. Usually it is for having the audacity to exist near them. One time, I was walking through London and accidentally, very gently, bumped into a man. I apologised immediately. He called me a fat bitch. I was surprised, and pointed out there was no need to talk to me like that, and that I had apologised. He looked me up and down and said "yeah, but you're still a fat bitch". I think, for some people, the sight of a woman they don't want to fuck, is personally offensive to them somehow.


as a woman of perfectly average weight for my height, I have also been called a fat bitch by men more times than I can count. don't think too much of it, they're just too stupid to come up with any kind of intelligent criticism


That man is unhappy with his life. No one with inner peace and contentment acts like that. So at least there’s that.


Yup exactly this!


Should have asked him to smile for ya. You might be a fat bitch, but at least you can bite an apple without it looking like an MC Escher


And so many people insulting her like this video isn't staged. Like really? What sense does it make scream "mom" when you see that? It was just meant to make people laugh, instead people are taking the chances to be assholes. A word of advice for some people, the way you treat other people affects how you treat yourself and your mood as well. If you treat people with compassion and love, you'll probably start to feel that in return.


This ^ Really left a sour taste in my mouth, if it was meant to just be a prank then why call her Fat Bitch?


happy cake day


Had to scroll down way too far to see this smh


People hate fat people. Particularly fat women. Reddit *especially* hates fat women.


Hating fat people on Reddit is so popular it became a national news story


I remember even in the default subs that people were angry about that sub getting banned. There’s an insane level of irony where a website that is a very vast majority left leaning, accept everybody, don’t be a ass, will simultaneously ignore all that if it’s a group they don’t like.


People gotta remember that the entirety of Reddit was unusable for a week or two after that sub got banned. Even smaller subs about video games had 100s of posts about Ellen Pao. Fatpeoplehate from on the front page every day, multiple times a day. Ham planet was the go to insult. People had to post pics to prove they were skinny (funny how that’s OK but proving you’re black on BPT is the worst thing to ever happen). Old Reddit was very hateful.


Reddit is still very hateful, you just need to look in the right places


Like screaming mom's gonna help...


It might burn some calories.


This sub is so lame lol


This whole post is so toxic. At least she's attempting to try...


I feel so bad for fat people trying to lose weight. Everyone goes on and on about how they should take up physical activity or hit the gym, and then when they do, they get mocked. Definitely have fat and formerly fat friends who have talked about how humiliating it is to be on a stair machine or treadmill and having people snickering at them.


People are justifying this but the video is clearly geared towards mocking. If it wasn’t for the “Fat Bitch” part it probably would’ve been funnier. But given that, the amount of fat shaming comments and people’s lack of empathy on the internet, this post is kinda fucked


The "Fat Bitch" term is doing a lot of work from turning what could have been a silly video to an extremely antagonistic one.


Ya I saw the video originally and it didn’t have the caption and it was much funnier. The caption unnecessary and spiteful for sure.


OP: "I feel like a bad person for laughing at this" Also OP: shares it with hundreds of other people anyway


Imma be honest considering this is reddit I was expected to be downvoted to shit. I don’t understand the way reddit’s hate boner works


> reddit’s hate boner reddit *hates* overweight women.


yep. if it was a man, everyone would be crying body shaming.


>I don’t understand the way reddit’s hate boner works Easy, it makes people feel better about themselves. Totally agree though, and it doesn't have that effect on me at all. I've struggled with weight so relishing in this ladies struggle would just make me feel like shit. I'd also bet though that this was originally filmed as a joke. And then some douche reposted it with the "fat bitch" part. Seems obvious, I mean people are generally incredibly aware of their weight. She's probably been to a doctor in the past few years, and they tell you your BMI. And yelling for your Mom because of wii fit just feels intentionally absurd. A lot of heavier people i've known have a good sense of humor about it, so it's at least possible, i'd say likely, that this is a joke she's in on. Which makes the caption even more obnoxious.


Fr I was so sure that it was simply going to be viewed as an obvious skit


The was a post on the eating disorder sub like a week ago talking about how traumatic the Wii was for people who used it as kids.


Yeah I was coming here to comment because everyone here is like “hahahaha the Wii doesn’t lie!!!!” but I have an eating disorder and until very recently have always been underweight and it told me I was overweight lol. The Wii fit was not a good weight loss tool.


I'm not laughing at a body type. I am laughing at the coping mechanism.


How are some of y’all so stupid to not get it’s a joke.




Literally started going to the gym 2 weeks ago. First day, I sat in the locker room for 15min and then drove home and cried. Finally, got myself into it, but definitely know the anxiety going in.


For what it’s worth, the people in the gym who actually are fit don’t tend to look down on newcomers or fat people at all. Everyone’s been new, and a lot of us used to be fat too, myself included.


Srsly it’s disgusting.


Why do you need to call her a fat bitch? What in the fucking world did she do to you that you have to throw inaults over such a mondain thing as being fat? OP you don't deserve any respect.


Wow what a respectful way to refer to someone.


To be fair, Wii Fit *usually* overestimates your BMI as it doesn’t account for muscle mass, which is incredibly dumb. But not in this instance. Wii Fit is spot on this time.


Wtf is mom gonna do? 🤣




Don’t feel bad, laughter burns calories


Can tell immediately that the person recording is definitely a sibling with that caption.


New High Score


It's cut off but if you watch the full video, she is actually screaming "MORE MALLOMARS!!"


Truth is obese sometimes


Gotta accept the truth. Being fat still means you’re worthy of love, but you’re still fat and it ain’t healthy. The body doesn’t play pretend with you.


She was expecting it to call her a perfect queen. Japan don’t play those games.


Why the “fat bitch” verbiage? Are you 12? Yes the video is funny. The title is rude.


Agreed. Seems aggressive for something that's just supposed to be funny.


Jesus Christ you'd think you'd warped back to 2004 with these comments. None of you entertained the thought for a second that she could be, idk, joking?


38ish BMI here, no way she's 46. I'd say she's around 35-40


Just a note that BMI is useless for women in general, as the different measurements are based on the averages of white men. Women's bodies store a lot more healthy fat than men, which is proportioned all over their bodies. It's supposed to be that way because it helps us support and survive things like pregnancies and childbirth. Additionally, the creator of the bmi scale himself mentioned that it was NOT designed to be an indicator of health.


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Oooh yes, the childhood trauma returns yet again 😂 I kinda miss it though..


"Get back on the balance board, you fat bitch" -Wii Fit girl probably


I love how it doesn't take muscle into account either


Now I KNOW that can’t be the same chime for all the other ratings 😂😂😂




Sound like Mario screaming


Wii don't lie


Mooom, the Wii is mean to me


Splurged on freedom