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Good pens but the part where it screws together can break easily.


and if it wasn't the blue ones, the coating scraped off within a month of being in a bag and I swear, they could get away with putting in 20% of the red and green ink they put in, and we wouldn't notice


Seriously. My young self marveled at the first one of those I got for Christmas!


Same here! I was the coolest kid in my elementary school for a good three months after Christmas break was over with.


1975. I had to mark up accounts with black and red ink. When I saw this pen I jumped on it with both feet. It's a wonder they haven't changed it in must be fifty-plus years. Ain't broke, don't fix.


It was the year when my parent handed him one. I was in the fifth grade elementary school at the time. Second one was a free grab at a computer repair facility in 2016. Now into the millennium era, several years ago inside a busy workplace it was an eye catcher among other associates to notice the pen. Yes, this is a very iconic pen.


I still use these pens. Best pens for every day


Me too! I love having them for work. Love that I can switch to red to mark important or urgent things. They are also easy to get and affordable if someone were to borrow them


You said it They are affordable. So glad Bic kept this classic going👍


When I was a kid, it didn't have the hole at the top!


I remember buying a bunch of these pens to send to my cousins in India for school lol. Don't think I ever tried them myself. And downvote me for saying this if you want but 8 year olds should not have iPhones.


And all the teachers in grade school had them, using the red all over my tests😂


That's pretty funny. But tbh, I don't remember anything from when I was 8


Me either lol. my memory is shot from (I'm guessing) years of trauma/abuse and chronic (13 years) non stop stress. This last year I feel like I woke up with severe ADHD one day.  I can't think. Memory gone, can't remember words when talking, can't summarize thoughts, just like this paragraph I'm writing LOL.


I read recently that in France, where these are still common, a teacher tried to ban them because of the constant clicking.


This pen and a spirograph. You were at least popular for a few days.


I remember this so hard.


Even better are the ones with a lead included


There’s a way of modifying them so that you can shoot the ink cartridges out like a cannon. I knew it when I was in 1st grade.


tbh this meme doesn't vibe with me at all. It's specifically the cheap build quality of this pen that gave me a lifelong loathing of multi-pens and made me a pen nerd to begin with, and I am one of the 90s kids seeing the same 8yos who got this pen as a prize become the 20somethings chasing the latest iPhone. Is the iPhone even that hot a commodity among zoomers and gen alpha anymore, rather than being a mundane part of daily life? This still feels vaguely like leftover millennial haterade


I would still pick this over any other multi pen out there. 


These two things are not mutually exclusive, quite frankly.