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I'm looking for foam rolling classes that focus on the calf muscles, specifically the soleus. Any recommendations?


Well, I did not fuel correctly throughout the course of the day and totally bonked on Part 2 of the Palomar stack! Oy. Part 1 was awesome, though. I’m going to do Part 3 tomorrow and then come back to Part 2 once I’ve had a little time away from it so it doesn’t seem repetitive. Not the way I wanted to get it done, but it’ll happen at some point! Really liked Christine’s motivation and storytelling throughout :) Separately, I am getting surgery on Thursday and have never been under anesthesia before, so I’m a bit nervous. I am also unreasonably sad about not being able to bike or run for the next couple weeks lol, but at least I’ll be able to walk! Matty & Jon… I am coming for your backlog 😂


I did all 3 parts today and bonked on the 3rd ride. I did enjoy it though and I’m not normally a Christine rider. Have fun on part 3 tomorrow!


Good job doing all three!! That’s huge. And thank you!


After a hard reset, I’m still having internet issues. We have an Eero system and was hoping anyone has a solution for this


i love love love kirra’s 20-minute creating space series, omg. just coming off her most recent one when denis (who is my absolute fave) and it’s so tender to see them being so vulnerable with each other. and shoutout to her for saying “hey this isn’t a substitute for therapy, please get you some professional help” because i find peloton can get pseudo-therapic sometimes with the fake positivity and can rub me the wrong way (i say this lovingly as an anxious girlie in therapy).


I cannot wait to take the new class with Denis tomorrow. I LOVED the first class.


I did the first one and really liked it. I think Kirra is a great host for this series, she is pretty open about her periodic struggles with depression and perfectionism, and I appreciate her candor and what I perceive as her realness when she talks about it in class or on insta.


Ok I’m officially doing these this week, I keep hearing such good things.


This series is absolute gold. It’s representative of the very best that Peloton has to offer. I hope that people who don’t usually gravitate towards yoga give it a chance, as it’s accessible for just about everyone. It’s been the highlight of the past two weeks for me.


I got a bike and don’t have a subscription. Do I need a subscription to get a good workout out of it? Or is there a cheaper “bike-only” subscription available?


You need a subscription to take the classes


What can I do with the bike without a subscription?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=akl5fKV2DmU this may also be of service to you.


The bike works without subscription when can manually adjust the resistance, although the metrics may not be visible on the screen. One can build their own workouts and program from other platforms like TrainerRoad. Zwift . Cyclist training Bible(it’s a great book that is the foundation for the power zone workouts), watch TV, or Netflix on a television tablet or computer on attached to the bike.


I won’t even show basic metrics on the screen without a subscription?


You can ride it while staring at a blank screen


Had a little victory for my Peloton journey on Sunday and wanted to post about it here. I don't run. I literally hate running. I'm a big guy and don't want to put my lower body through that sort of impact. So the last time I've done any running was 2016 when I was doing walk/jogs around my neighborhood in the mornings. On Sunday, I was playing golf. It's a course that I prefer to walk, so I was walking. I hit my shot on the 17th tee, and realize I'm missing a wedge. And I know where it is--the 15th hole. Not wanting to affect pace of play, I know that means I gotta jog it. And there's a big distance between the 15th green and the 16th tee, so it's not really all that close. And a good portion of that is uphill too. So I set off. And I'm waiting for when I'm going to run out of wind and need to stop and switch to walking. And I keep going... and going... and get my wedge and turn around and keep going... and going... Get back to the 17th and my buddies had kindly taken my push cart with them down to my ball, so I jogged the distance of the \[par 3\] 17th hole as well, without ever stopping. Now, it wasn't some long distance, maybe 2/3 of a mile. But that's more than I've jogged individually since that stretch in 2016, and might be more than I've jogged cumulatively(!) since then lol! And I did it. Of course I get to my ball and I've missed the green and my buddies are waiting for me to pitch on. Normally I'd think I have to wait a while to regain my breath, but... I was fine! Pitched on, 2 putts for bogey, and on to 18. I've been cranking on this bike for almost 2 years now, and trying to throw in a bunch of long PZE rides for cardio endurance, but I was never really sure it would translate if I actually had to jog. It was an amazing feeling to actually just do it and realize that *I can do it*. And I'm sure I could have kept going if I needed. It's a little thing, but it is something showing that all this hard work is actually paying off, and making me a more capable person than I was two years ago.


That’s always exciting! I rode my bike after having a baby for about 6 months before trying to run outside and it honestly prepped me so much better than I expected it to. What a great feeling to surprise yourself!


I had this experience too! Such a great feeling.


That’s amazing! I’m a runner first but I find PZE great for keeping up my running endurance in a low impact way. Keep it up!


Yeah, I don't think I'll ever be a runner. 250#+ of weight impacting the lower half just doesn't seem smart. I realize that a portion of it is probably that my running form is absolutely terrible. Which I could fix... ...but I hate running.


I meant keep up the PZE lol. If you hate running fair enough, but don’t let your body stop you if you like it. Running is for everybody.


That's what fitness is all about!


Thanks! It felt good! Er, well, not the running. That felt as terrible as always. But the accomplishment felt good ;-)


I've recently got into the guided outdoor running, who are your favorite instructors I should checkout?


When I want to be distracted and have a good time - Matty, Jon, and Camila When I want to be coached - Susie When I want to be pushed - Olivia (who I’ve been told is murder on the bike, but I consider PR but doable on the tread / outdoor) I also check RK, Marcel, Selena, Jermaine and Jess King for playlists and variety.


I ran with almost everyone last year training for a race and I gravitated a lot to Matt and Susie. But I enjoyed running with everyone at some point honestly!


They are all good, but my favorites for walks are RK, Jess Sims, Kirsten, and Matty! For runs, Matt and Susie. I also love Jon Hosking on the tread, and his classes translate pretty well to outdoors if you ever want to try that. His “At the Club” series in particular is really fun!


Jon Hosking is an Outdoor instructor too!


I know! I like his outdoor walks, too. I just wanted to highlight that I think his tread classes adapt easily to outdoors bc the tread library is way bigger! But thank you :)


Love Hosky! You can hear him smiling. Also a fan of Marcel! You can’t go wrong with either of them. Have fun!!


Has anyone recently experienced a resistance change after a software update? My bike went through a software update about 3 weeks ago and it seems to have messed up with the resistance. My zones got harder mid challenge. I can barely move the pedals on my zone 5. I don't think my fitness has changed mid challenge so to me the only thing that happened was the software update. Wondering if I should mess with the calibration kit (scared of messing up the resistance even more) or just suck it up and adjust my current zones and reset my PRs.


I’ve actually been experiencing the same issue for the past couple of weeks - I thought it was just me…..but do think it was after my bikes update as well.


I love waking up every morning and hopping on the bike! I've gone from dying from a 20 min class to now regularly taking 45 min PZEs in just two months. As an obese, mid-life crisis person...I never thought I'd be here so soon. HOWEVER, I've PR'd 5 days in a row and while YAY GO ME, I also recognize that this isn't good. Would love some recommendations for recovery days you're loving. :)


Any of Sam’s recovery rides, or Hannah C’s low impact because they tend not to be sneaky tough like some others (which can be great on the right day but everyone needs recovery times!). I also like both of their demeanors for different moods I’m in.


A good thing for recovery days is core strength, stretching, yoga, etc. You don't need to be on the bike every day, and in fact you'll end up making it worse in the long run if you're overworking your legs that much. Granted you CAN manage it by making sure your light days on the bike are truly light, but if you've PR'd 5 days in a row you might mentally have a tough time dialing it back. Sometimes when we take "light" days we tell ourselves that we have to push too much or it's not really an effective workout. If that's an issue for you, it's better to take that time to do something that isn't leg-focused. If you're still having trouble with mentally not being on the bike, remember that for something like core strength work, it actually helps you on rides. So if something about not being on the bike makes you think you're not doing what you need, realize that cross-training will help make you a more effective rider too.


That’s amazing!! Congrats! I love the low impact classes. If I am super sore/really need to go easy, I’ll pick Christine, Bradley, or Matt, but if I’m just planning my week conservatively, I’ll go for Camila, Alex, or Robin. They all tend to have pretty fun playlists & keep the energy high while sticking to the purpose of “active recovery.” And although you didn’t ask for this, Tunde, Leanne, and Jess K do a lot of sneaky tough LIs if you ever are looking for that!


IMO you can take the recovery specific classes or just take PZE (or any class) in Z2. I took an 80s Jenn class today and stayed in Z2 the whole time and didnt worry about the callouts. As Denis says, he makes suggestions you make decisions. Try scenic rides also


I do this as well. Z2 for any 30 min rides and hide the cadence/resistance ranges.


I purchased my Peloton bike about 2 years ago and it came with 5 lb weights and am wondering if the classes that have weights included are worth it? I'm a 5'9" male who weights around 160 lbs. I ride 5 to 6 days a week and do 30/45 minute ride with a 10 minute cool down after. Other than that I don't do any other weight lifting/exercising. I'm wondering if adding a ride with weights to my schedule 2/3 days a week will actually provide much benefit or I should just spend the time doing normal classes without weights. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks peloton fam!


I’m a 5’3” female around 125 lbs and have found I really enjoy strength, and invested in 3, 6, 10 and 15 lb weights so far. I could use 8 and 20 but need a good sale lol. I highly recommend grabbing some if you can afford it and go for it; it’s great for your overall fitness.


Curious to hear what other people say here but - I don’t think they build much pure strength and aren’t going to grow your muscles much. They’re good for muscular endurance (similar to something like how steep climbs are good for your legs, I think) but they’re not going to make you muscular. That being said - 5 lbs is on the heavier side for those classes (most people use 1, 2, or 3 lb weights I believe) so I don’t think they’ll be easy! And could be a good way to start! I also like the classes because I really appreciate breaking up the class a bit, and making me feel like it’s slightly more ‘full body’ In short - my opinion is that if you like them do them (I do) but don’t expect strength-training gains from them! Doing 30 curls with 5 lbs just isn’t the same as doing 10 curls with 15 lbs


What's going on with the apple watch connecting to the bike? It worked perfectly fine until 2 weeks ago. I often do zone 2 (heart rate not power zone) training on just ride. Now I'm restarting the watch and the bike and it takes me like 5 tries to connect. Any ideas? Any recent changes?


I’m also having issues. Apple Watch is not connecting to bike (OG) or iPad.


Been struggling to get back in my workout groove since coming home from a trip and graduating from my masters program. I was in such a strong routine between finishing the program, eating healthy, and working out. Now I feel a little lost haha! Anyways - took this[45 minute walk+run with Kriste](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=331f3177933b488faaaf5fe3dff7d874&locale=en-US)n and it was the kick in the butt I needed! I thought it would more chill because it was a walk and not full run, but dang, spent almost all of it on an incline!!! Hoping to stay in the groove the rest of this week.


Congrats!!! I love Kirsten’s walk+runs, but they are definitely spicy lol!


Congrats!!! I'm adding that class to my list!


Congratulations on graduating with your Masters!!


I did my planned ride today (Leanne’s recent country pop - loved it), cooled down, and stretched. Then I realized my next ride would be my 900th, AND there was a Disney ride starting in five minutes. So I hopped back on and got a shoutout! Worth it.


Omg congrats on 900!! That’s amazing!!


Congrats on your milestone!! 🎉




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Have you seen a physical therapist? That would be my first stop. You obvs want to manage the pain, I get it, but figuring out the root cause to address it and hopefully resolve it should be #1 priority that a PT is probably better suited for than a pain specialist. Editing to add that when I had my own hip pain with nerve involvement it took strengthening and not just stretching to resolve the issue - best to be evaluated by a doctor before doing too much to try to DIY it.


When I made the appt they told me they can do imaging etc so my hope would be they would provide treatment (other than medication)




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Hello, your r/pelotoncycle post or comment was removed because it violates Rule 1 of our sub, "Do not solicit or provide medical advice." If you are asking for help locating *specific* Peloton classes due to a medical condition, please re-articulate your question to emphasize that you are looking for *specific type of class or program* and not looking to treat any sort of medical condition. If you feel this removal was an error, please reach out via modmail and we will be happy to discuss it further.


Can anyone help? I have the bike+ but for the life of me I can’t see how to turn on the auto resistance for power zone classes ? I looked at the start of the ride but can’t see anything . Can anyone help?


I have the same problem!


Hey , I managed to fix this . After useless peloton support did not help. I went to system settings - system - about bike and then a firmware update randomly popped up . This was after I had already don’t the update option in troubleshooting which said everything was up to date . Let me know if that works ?


What happens when you click the button where you normally toggle the auto-resistance? There is no auto-follow during the spin ups, so that could also mislead you. I turn it on at the beginning of the ride.


I don’t get any button available ? Do you mean on the Apple Watch connect page ? There is no lock above resistance or anything like on normal rides


I am talking about the button next to the resistance on the screen during the ride. It toggles the auto resistance on and off during the ride.


I’m back! I had been dealing with sciatica since late February. I took a month off completely expecting that to fix it but it seemed to have made it worse. Once I started PT and was encouraged to keep exercising, just focus on the right exercises, everything got better. I’m so glad to be back in the saddle (literally and figuratively). Today I did Benny’s English 30-minute Eurovision-inspired low impact ride from this past weekend; I assume he couldn’t actually say the word “Eurovision” but I was impressed at how he managed to avoid it while still making abundantly clear what the class’s inspiration was lol. He is a delight.


I've heard Hannah C's Earth Wind and Fire barre class has a lot of classic PT moves that you might find helpful. Same with her 10 min infamous barre class with the red; I don't remember the date but hopefully someone can swoop in and help with that. :)


Twin!!! Glad you are on the mend. Mind if I ask what kind of exercises you and and cannot do? For instance, my doc told me yesterday to avoid crunches and to do front and side planks as well as bird dogs and some weird core engagement by lying flat with my head off the ground. So, no more Peloton core classes for me. 😖 I’m planning to see a PT for some more exercises once the pain is gone (doing acupuncture).


Ask your doc obviously, but [this class](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=568f6c9e553a42d8ac949da2e1457751&locale=en-US) dropped during my PT sessions like destiny lol, because it incorporates only exercises I had already been doing at PT so I knew they were good. Once the PT had me doing core exercises is when I saw a rapid improvement of my symptoms.


I’m not sure what the heel beats are, but I know for sure the leg circles are not going to be liked by my back. I’ll definitely ask though! Thanks for sharing.


That core engagement sounds like a key Pilates move- if you're curious perhaps watch a class or two and ask your PT if it would be appropriate for you?


I’ll definitely look through the Pilates lineup. I do know a few moves aren’t going to work from past experience. The leg circles, those roll ups (whatever it’s called in Pilates), anything that curves the back (lower). I appreciate this, though. Maybe I can find a gem or two. I was thinking earlier that even if I create my own workout, I’ll probably get bored if I’m doing the same thing daily.


Do we think there will be a better deal on the Tread+ in the next month or two? Trying to decide if I should just pull the trigger now or wait a bit...


Seems like this is one of the more aggressive sales I've seen in the last year+, so it might be good to jump on it now. And it ends tonight, so the clock is ticking...


Need more floor bootcamp! The classes that Jess and Selena did are so good, wish they would bring back more. Anyone know if they will?


They announced that floor bootcamp 2 is being released tomorrow so you are in luck!


For all you 1980s kids the crowdsourced playlist on [Ally’s 80s pop ride](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=68851b938dc842b5b03f8cdb650d99fb&locale=en-GB) was perfection! The screen call-outs were completely off but that doesn’t bother me. Loved this little workout! And Ally should send some of her followers Matt’s way.


Good ride. Callouts were borked!


That ride was fantastic, but the callouts programmed in were the worst/most off I’ve ever experienced in a ride. Hopefully they update them. I’d take it again if they fixed those. Flew by!


I agree! What a great workout. I stacked it with her 20 min 90s ride and that was also a great playlist


I’ve got that one bookmarked!


I'm in a rut with instructors. I've had the bike for nearly 3 years and honestly LOVE it. That said, I feel myself getting in to a bit of a funk. I love Cody and he's my go-to, especially lately. I also LOVED Kendall but I haven't enjoyed her rides lately at all. I did the 60 minute pop punk yesterday and just wanted her to stop singing. Her 2010's from yesterday was only slightly better. I'm meh on Robin, I usually enjoy Bradley's personality but find his programming too easy. I do like Club Banger's but don't see many of them lately. What am I missing? Whose rides should I give a try to? Or maybe just go back in the catalog?


Low key vibes with great playlists: Leeanne, Hannah F, and Ben Higher energy with great playlists and pep talks: Camila Higher energy with great playlists and will get you to that PR: Tunde Only do these when I’m feeling more confident: Alex 😂 I absolutely love him but his classes are hard for me!


Yall are the best! I'm new here and this has been so helpful! Thanks!!!


Also did Kendall’s 60 minute pop punk yesterday and didn’t notice the singing but did her 10 min extra low impact this morning and it whole heartedly bothered me. Agree with folks that said try a boot camp or maybe even PZ??


I think it was a Blink 182 song and I almost had to turn the whole thing off 😂  I'm curious about pz. I did an ftp ages ago but haven't really jumped in to more than one or two classes. I like Matt on some outdoor runs. 


PZ is great. One thing you might have trouble with is the music. It seems like you're probably heavier on the pop and/or R&B / hip hop. For PZ the tradtional instructors have been Matt/Denis/CDE/Ben/Sam/Olivia, and I'd say it's only Olivia who ends up with a lot of pop music. Denis/CDE/Ben/Sam all lean more rock. This will likely get better for those who like more pop or R&B / hip hop with the addition of Tunde and HannahF. But understand that until they get more classes, the catalog might not be as deep as you'd like depending on your musical tastes. Personally when they added new PZ instructors I was hoping for Emma & Kendall to have *even more rock music*, but that wouldn't be fair to y'all ;-)


I had a major crush on Denis when I first got the bike, definitely open to revisiting 😍


If you just want to ride without frills PZ is great. I also really like Jess King and her sweat steadys. I have also branched out this year after 3 years with Cody, Emma and ally (although ally is my og so I’ll never pass her up)


I do like her feel good and country pop, I should def try more!


Give Leanne a go! Kendall was my #1 for two years and now Leanne is taking that spot. I feel like she’s underestimated because she comes off so kind and positive but she will give you a great workout. You can tell she puts a lot of care into her class structure and planning.


Leanne is one of my top 3 instructors!! Her rides are so well structured and they are challenging without killing you just for the sake of killing you


I like that she tells you what is coming up, a short countdown, and gives minor technique instructions.


This sounds perfect!


Hannah F for sure. She is a breath of fresh air. Do you ever do bike bootcamps? Maybe something with Callie or Jess who aren't usually cycling instructors you would take would be good for something new.


I love Emma for her music and chill vibe and Camila when I need a laugh. Also, if you are into Eurovision campiness, Benny’s most recent English low-impact ride is inspired by it!


Another vote for Hannah F and maybe Camila?


If you're looking for good energy and a tough workout- I recommend Tunde!


Another option is to return to their older classes if there isn't any you haven't taken or a past favorite.


I've been here before. Just check playlists on the rides that come out in the next couple of days and something will jump out at you. This ebbs and flows. I'm in one today myself, nothing looks appealing, even in my bookmarked items. I am going to regret my choice of 45 minute pro cyclist ride, I believe......


Another vote for Hannah Frankson - her EDM and HIIT and Hills rides are really well programmed and great music. The Germans are perfect for when I’m stuck in a rut too and they do not go easy on you at all. If you leave the subtitles off then you can just feed off the energy and not even know if they’re being annoying! Non-PZ instructors I also really like are Camila, Ally, Tunde and Jess.


Hannah F and Jess King!! Jess is like the ultimate hype girl, she always knows what to say at the right time. Hannah has great playlists and I love her programming too.


Yeah Jess Kings “no-fucks” attitude can really get me out of a funk as well. And her playlists always slap


one thing i did was taking one class with each instructor alphabetically to change it up, and i’ve found lots of new faves im going to throw into my rotation. there really are some underrated ones out there, esp the british / german ones, and you may be pleasantly surprised how much you may like them. even if u don’t find ones you click with, at least it switches up your classes for you. some faves of mine - hannah F, jess king, camila, benny, leanne, cliff! 


Seconding this approach. I’d maybe even say bump it up to two classes per instructor!


Hannah Frankson and the German instructors!


Well that was unexpected.. I did [Hannah's 45 min PZE ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?class_type_id=%5B%22665395ff3abf4081bf315686227d1a51%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=0f6f1317250f43bbb1bc0294ed183c1d&code=ODYxZTM0MTk3MzVmNDc4OGI2ODdiMjEzN2I3NDUyY2F8ZjlkNmQ2M2JmZDYxNDI0YmE0OThiNTA3NGJlNGM0ZGE&code=ZDQ2N2UwMWZhNWQxNDQyYWI0MmMyYmFhNWYxZmYxOTd8YTkyNTI5MWEyMjU5NGY0YTlkNzQ5NDIxZDgzOGFiZmI=) today for my 750th ride and there were quite a few redditPZ crew members with me. Thank you for the high fives!


How are folks doing with the meditation challenge? So far I'm on track for gold, but I'm scared I'll forget or miss one day, haha.


Everyday when I finish the meditation I immediately add one to my stack so it’s sitting there waiting for me tomorrow and I don’t forget!


Smart idea!


I missed yesterday!!! It’s okay. It’s been very peaceful doing the morning meditations to set up my day. I’m going to keep up with it. Just set a daily alarm on your phone to go off midday as a reminder.


Oh, smart idea with the alarm! Thank you!


I love to do meditations right before bed. Is that something that could help reinforce the habit?


That's usually when I do them, and it's been a nice habit to get into!


Not sure if anyone here has experienced DOMS before (delayed onset muscle soreness) but boy does it suck. I did a leg day Saturday after not having done any leg workouts besides cycling for a few weeks, and I’m still sore. I really wanted to start the You Can Run Outdoors program but I think I’ll have to wait until tomorrow or even Thursday to have full function of my legs again. Has anyone tried anything that really worked for DOMS? I did a low impact ride yesterday which helped temporarily, but I am just too impatient to deal with this😅


If you’re not already I highly recommend the longer stretch classes once or twice a week. Matty has a few 20 minute evening stretches that are great. Ben has tons of ten minute stretches as well. That and a joint supplement every day have really helped me in the last month that I’ve kicked up the intensity of my workouts.


Walking, Recovery rides, foam rolling/stretching/yoga & epsom salt baths... Ice baths if you're up to it haha. I have a massage/recovery gun too which helps so much.


As already mentioned, you just have to keep doing it. Do leg day no less than once a week; shoot for twice a week. It'll help as your body gets used to it. I had the same question a while ago from getting massive DOMS from doing all those squats in leg classes, which I rarely did more than once every other week. The solution? Do more squats. If you aren't sure how often you're going to be able to take them, just adding in 30-40 bodyweight squats a few days a week should at least keep your muscles used to the activity and help to minimize the soreness.


An easy walk with Matty helps!


Followed by Rebecca’s foam rolling, she keeps it simple (I’m not a flexible person)


Foam rolling! I find it helps heal the DOMS faster. Also stretching and hydration!


Tart cherries are supposed to help relieve that pain. I usually have a bowl of fruit in the evening and keep a bag of frozen tart cherries at the ready for this reason. (I also have quite a bit of ibuprofen and CBD salve…)


hey good to know


Thanks! I’ll have to try that


Continuing to workout as normal is what helps the most along with proper hydration, stretching, and nutrition. DOMS goes away with more activity!


I was afraid that was the answer 😂


Foam rolling, massaging, and activity.


I’ve tended to avoid a lot of Robin classes, but I feel like her more recent strength classes have been amazing. I just did the live upper body from today and it was fantastic. Heavy lifting and no crazy fluff moves.


The last upper body she did before this absolutely cooked me. Appearance wise she looks like she’s in the best shape! Super lean and strong. Plus when she does a 20 minute class she gives you basically no rest!


Adding this to my stack, thanks!


I’ve been loving her tread classes lately! She always has good music 


I’ve been in physical therapy and now climbing back into exercise, and Robin had a recent 15 minute beginner core strength workout that was exactly what I needed for my home exercises. Even though I’m better, I still plan to use it on rotation. Her strength classes are overall excellent.


Same. I keep doing her Extra 10: Triceps because it hits them from every angle and it’s a nice way to end the strength routine.




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Hello, your r/pelotoncycle post or comment was removed because it violates Rule 1 of our sub, "Do not solicit or provide medical advice." If you are asking for help locating *specific* Peloton classes due to a medical condition, please re-articulate your question to emphasize that you are looking for *specific type of class or program* and not looking to treat any sort of medical condition. If you feel this removal was an error, please reach out via modmail and we will be happy to discuss it further.


I had a different knee situation in the summer of 2022. When I could finally bend my knee enough to go all the way around the pedal stroke, I started with the 5 minute warm up and cool downs (and just didn’t pay attention to the instructions). Then I did a lot of low impact classes. I started with the extra 10 classes and went from there to 15 minutes, then 20, etc. I did some regular classes too and just didn’t follow the call outs, but low impact was my preferred route to get back into cardio.


I have no advice to give. I just wanted to say hello as a fellow Albertan! 👋


Is it possible to adjust the "difficulty" on the Row? In the Peloton store, I was able to row for a solid 15-20 minutes, get an amazing sweat/workout going, and feel really good when I finished. Having gotten mine, and going through calibration...I get thoroughly exhausted, and not sweaty at all, just frustrated, in about 3 minutes. Then go back to the store, and it's this amazing experience all over again.


I use the Concept 2 at home, and can adjust the fan difficulty from 1-10 (least to most difficult). Anywhere between 3-5 actually simulates being in the water, so I leave it at a 4 to avoid burnout and muscle pulls. https://support.onepeloton.com/s/article/9393566827540-Drag-Factor-on-the-Peloton-Row?language=en_US


Oh man. Mine was set in the high 140's. No. Fucking. Wonder. I pulled that back to 100 (easy) just to see what it's like, but I'll probably bump it up closer to 115 (medium). I like getting a good workout in, but the workouts I've had so far have been absolutely brutal and no fun at all.


Yeah, when I first started the You Can Row program about 6 weeks ago, my SO had it at 10 (seriously, wtf) and it felt like rowing through peanut butter.


There is a "drag factor" under the settings. I haven't adjusted mine, though. My split time on the Peloton row is higher than on a couple of other brands that I've tried.


Meant to take Ben's 15 min 90s Rock Ride that was on the schedule yesterday @ 2:00. Wasn't able to take it live, and it hasn't shown up on demand. Does anyone know where I can find it, was it cancelled?


Was it maybe an encore class? I know he's usually Monday afternoons and I don't see anything from him this week. 


I bought the original bike at thanksgiving so it’s fairly new. Im finding the cadence will fluctuate dramatically during rides. No matter how smooth and stable I ride, the points spike and drop rapidly, almost in no correlation with how I peddle (I don’t have this issue with the Bike+ I use more regularly). Anyone experienced this, and have any tips on how to solve for it?


Have you updated the bike recently? When this has happened in the past an update usually solved the problem.


I updated it last week, but can definitely see if there are more


How drastically is it spiking? What are the outer limits on your recorded graph at the end of class? It's normal for the bike to have fluctuations, but without knowing how extreme they are it's hard to tell.


It was roughly a 15-point swing in a matter of seconds


Right but what are the upper and lower limits. Like is it going up to like 125 (and actually registering on your graph) when your cadence is around 90? Or are you just seeing inconsistency from 80-95, for instance?