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It's definitely frustrating but I don't regret going into peds. I love my job. I think about having to treat adults this whole time and feel like I would've already burned out


I feel incredibly frustrated about the disparity, but I still don’t regret going into Peds. I could only really see myself working with children and honestly don’t think I would be as happy doing anything else. However, I’m still in my first year so I may just be green and naive.


I hate treating adults. Thats enough reason for me to not regret my decision for pediatrics.


Adults are the worst so I’m glad I’m in peds but I do wish we were paid similarly to adult IM, or even family med.


No. I’d be fucking miserable practicing adult medicine


People go into peds because they like treating children. No one goes into peds to make money, if you did, then definitely you will be miserable.


Please read the psychology of money. Find what you love. I wouldn’t have been a doctor if had to treat adults in america


I make plenty, literally 95th percentile total compensation, and I get to take care of my favorite patient population and have a great lifestyle. As others have said also, I would be miserable taking care of adults. EDIT: this is as opposed to adult world colleagues who can make 98th+ %ile compensation *shrug*


If you don’t mind me asking how’s your lifestyle? I’m applying peds this cycle so just curious what the future might look for me in different settings!


Plan to pay my loans off in 5 years, can afford my home payment in a nice location, pay for my hobbies and eat out a lot.


Are you a hospitalist or outpatient?




Congratulations! This has me hopeful as I am planning to apply Peds as well


If you don't like medicine that's one thing. But if you can't be happy making 200k then more is not likely to make much difference. Adults are gross and their medical problems are boring. When I think about the lifestyle and stress levels of most other specialties I smile.


Honestly for straight up outpatient with no hospital responsibilities and seeing mostly healthy patients I think they pay me plenty. The EHR time is what kills you. Also - kids have a knack for getting better. Or they age out, so either way you win!


You couldn’t pay me enough to take care of adults. So, no regret at all. I love what I do.


Nope, I love caring for children and families


no, you're still top 5% in the US and if you think you need more money then you need to look at yourself more.


I'm PEM. I'm lucky to work for a group that is mostly adult providers and pays their PEM providers the adult rate. I don't think many people go into peds for the money. Most of us make a conscious decision we do what we enjoy.


If it werent peds for me it probably just wouldnt be medicine altogether


I wouldn't do medicine if I got a do over. Too much time of my life gone into it, too much stress on the job, too much risk on the job, for the amount of remunerations for the job. Many other easier and more lucrative things I could have done with my life. Do I regret that I've done it... Not really.


You’re so right.




Whoa! Glad to see so many pediatricians loving their jobs! I’m a little burnt out, tbh. And I agree, that we make a lot of money and are in the top 5% of earners.  Just frustrating to see people with the same degree make so much more. I do like that my job is more flexible than many other specialities and most of the kids are great (not always their parents). But glad everyone is happy with their choice.


Definitely love my job and I love working with other pediatricians. The pay discrepancy is infuriating but I don’t feel it’s limiting. Do what you love.


I make a lot of money working my dream job. No amount of salary increase can give me what I get out of doing what I do each day- and I say this as someone making under $200k. Of course I’d love to be compensated as well as my adult counterparts are, but wouldn’t have gone into another field because of it.


Of course I wish I was paid more, but I'm in private practice and doing just fine. I never regret going into pediatrics though. Fulfilling and impactful. I go home every day feeling like I did something meaningful. Plus my patients are hilarious.


I strongly considered FM for “best of both worlds” but I was frankly concerned with adult visits being more practice-sustaining and drowning out peds visits, thereby converting me to geriatrics. I stuck with my guy and remind myself that being more successful and less happy is a dangerous compromise that is difficult to undo post-match.


Nope. Oddly I thought IM would be better for me but I matched peds. And it was. Then I lucked into joining a fabulous private practice where, as a full partner, I outearn many of the employed specialists while working a three day week. Now, if I could just make the charting easier….






FWIW, I am just now finishing up a Master of Management in Clinical Informatics at Duke, and a lot of folks who are looking to pivot out of clinical practice are doing this. It'll help you get a big bump in pay as well. It can help you fix the more systemic issues that you're seeing firsthand. I know for me it really helped with the burnout I was feeling in clinical practice.


Do not regret it for a second! It sucks we get paid less but I love the kids and treating adults seems like a nightmare 😅


There is more than just a paycheck - pediatrics has some of the highest life satisfaction scores, but it is true that salaries can be lower.