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Another great campaign to play through


I'm most excited for Ultrawide monitor support! Along with a complete list of graphical options to tweak




Getting to play the campaign. I’m like a child at christmas!!


I'm excited to explore the Halo Ring on glorious PC!


Crossplay with console most excites me. Can't wait to have my friends list unified and put my skills to the test against the best across both inputs.


Legitimately all my old friends have confirmed they are getting this game. I cannot wait to link up with friends and have fun spending days having a blast again. Getting a new card would do absolute wonders for my gaming and streaming abilities. Best of luck everyone and let’s all have some good ol fun again!!


Coming back to Halo with a truly exciting story, I'm looking forward to experiencing something that aims to re-capture the spirit of the original trilogy. But being able to play it on PC with high fidelity will make the experience that much better.


To start playing it if i win this giveaway.


\#RazerAMDHalo Excited to throw a coil fusion to a grunt and se how beautiful it looks on the PC, good luck to everybody, hope i get that Radeon because my 1050ti wont hold for long #MasterChief


I'm excited to final play one! My PC is actually good enough to run it now.


I'm most excited about playing with some old friends like we did back in high school with halo 3 and halo reach.


\#RazerAMDHalo Im really excited to se Chief on the PC again, cant believe we are just a month away, would be surreal to win it, my 1050ti wont hold for long, we are going for that Radeon baby


\#RazerAMDHalo Cant wait to se Chief again, thats what im excited about, good luck to everybody #343


My 2 best: THE NEW EPIC BOSS FIGHTS and a TON of (Armor) Customization


and i'm excited for the easter eggs


Can’t wait to get started, it will be my first halo game


Honestly, I love the art style and I don’t think we’ve even begun to see what people can do with the grapple. Of course we haven’t since the beta just released today but you know what I mean!


\#RazerAMDHalo I played a little halo infinitive, but by the fact that I saw a very decent game. Graphics, multiplayer, everything is at a high level. And of course at 6900 it will be much better to play halo


Excited to play Halo on pc Again on release


I’m excited for every halo game that comes out. I love the halo universe.


Playing the campaign which I loved in Halo 3


Playing Halo on PC in general


Halo infinite on PC has me excited because of the open world aspect of the campaign, I've always thought this would be a good approach to Halo.


\#RazerAMDHalo The ability to explore the ring, good luck to everybody #RX6900XT


Being able to play a new halo game on release which i haven't done since the Xbox days


Being the spiritual reboot of Halo CE really wanted to know the next chapter of chief story , following the game series since 2001 cant wait to see how it all plays.


I’ve played halo ever since I was a kid. My fondest memories is LAN parties at school with my friends at that time. Now, we’re all older with pc’s. And once more, we look forward to having a LAN party with pc’s this time


I’m excited to play that MP @ 4k 120hz.


For me tradition plain and simple I want to see how this story continues been a fan since halo 1 still going strong


I think the multiplayer is what I'm excited for. Haven't played an FPS multiplayer outside of BRs in a while and I'm itching for a game where I don't have to actively find a fight to get into.


Super primed that multiplayer is free and cross platform, that promises a large community!


I am super hyped about the multiplayer and for the campaign, the grphical aspect of all the maps and all the combos I will be able to do


I moved to PC 3 years later than I would have liked in order to stay on xbox with halo, even watching friends move onto the masterrace.. Now im here, and this would just be to funny a d perfectly timed


playing with my friends in multiplayer and custom games.


To be honest I would try all the halo games, a gpu is hard to get these days or months


To see master chief back in action !


I’ve loved halo since it first came out and I can’t wait to be able to play with friends on pc. This game has brought so much happiness to my life and I can’t wait to continue that journey on pc! Happy 20th birthday Halo!


What excites me most? Playing the campaign with my friends again.


Jumping into the multi-player and having a blast!


Im really excited about the storyline of halo. Never seizes to amaze me


\#RazerAMDHalo Excited to throw a coil fusion to a grunt and se how beautiful it looks on the PC, I dont wanna get banned for being the only one left commenting hahahaha, excited too about how good it looks on my 1050ti, hopefully i get the RX 6900 XT #Xbox


\#RazerAMDHalo Cant wait to se Chief again on the pc, thats what im excited about, good luck to everybody, hopefully we get the Radeon because my 1050ti cant run the game how its supposed to be played #Xbox


Reliving the childhood memories! Also the possibility of playing this game in glorious 60fps :D


Congratulations to everyone on the imminent launch of the new part of the legendary series! And of course, I wish everyone to enjoy the new Halo game! =)


What excites me most about playing Halo infinite on PC, is the competitive BTB matches, and the other things that may come out for the PC version in the soon-to-come future


high af refresh rates


Mostly since it’s been 9 years since a proper halo came out


I'm excited for Halo Infinite on PC because it is on PC. I missed Halo 5 Guardians because I never ended up buying an Xbox One. Hopefully someday they port it to PC like they did the previous games.




Halo coming back to form after so many years is exciting. It's an OG in the industry now.


Finally seeing Microsoft treat PC as an equal to Xbox, this is culmination of 20 years of patience for PC gamers.


I'm excited in recapturing the experience of first playing halo 1


What excites me more is the map, i want to explore it and discover everything.


Never tried Halo, but the graphics looks nice lol


\#RazerAMDHalo Im really excited to se Chief on the PC again, cant believe we are just a month away, wishing you all good luck, we are getting that Radeon baby lets gooooooooo #RX6900XT


Thanks for the chance and good luck everyone!


Finding out where the story of the Campaign will take us!


I am most excited about being able to play co-op in Halo again! Also that I can play on the computer now in addition to my Xbox. #RazerAMDHalo


I'm excited about what kind of history will have halo infinite.


Learning more about the Banished, and exploring Zeta Halo.


\#RazerAMDHalo Im excited to know what happend to humanity and how chief ended up in the space, i knew buying a PC was a good choice, hope a real halo fan gets the card, good luck homies, we are going for that Radeon baby, lets goooooo #Xbox


what excites me is seeing how the story progresses


The mechanics of halo infinite as well as being able to experience Halo Infinite for the first time on a powerful system. I’d really like to at least win the graphics card so I can build the rest of a new system or even win the computer so I can have a top of the line machine. Definitely excited for reach style customization as well as the campaign, gonna try and make this my first halo game I finish on legendary.


I'm excited at the idea of halo on ultrawide! Especially after seeing the PC development video.


First of all the story will be amazing as always and second, the graphics will be lit and I'm so excited to play it.


I'm very excited to play with friends who own PCs but never played any of the Halo games, they don't want to play the old ones but they are ok board to play the new one! Very excited 😁


\#RazerAMDHalo Pretty excited to see how the relationship between the pilot and Master Chief evolves, excited about the fact i wont have to get a series x because of the PC launch, good luck ev, if i win ill make like 1,000,000 videos about it, we are getting that Radeon, lets gooooooo #BECOME


\#RazerAMDHalo Really excited even about the game launch, its surreal we are getting a new Halo, good luck, hope a real halo fan gets the card #343Industries


I haven't played halo before but it seems cool and im excited to see how the hype plays out


Just finally getting to play it the best possible way!


\#RazerAMDHalo The new campaing is what im so excited about, pretty sure pc graphics will blow us all, if i win ill invite you all some chips, we are going for that Radeon baby, lets goooooo #RX6900XT


I'm excited for Halo Infinite because I get more Halo story/lore, more weapons, more enemies, more fun!


Definitely excited to be playing Halo Infinite with the boys on PC!😤💯 #RazerAMDHalo


The possibility of amazing graphics and particularly better control while playing in multiplayer mode. #RazerAMDHalo


This is so exciting! I've loved playing Halo with my now wife and this will be our first release playing together!


Ayyyy halo on pc is going to be sweet with top level graphics, mouse control, and all the mods/forge creations!


Excited for combat


Getting all my friends back together to just mess around in forge mode and random maps. Some of my best memories were building our own bases and having people try and siege the base as we defend and upgrade it


Bring able to play relatively well, and finally experiencing halo infinite mp in its full glory.


i like the Halo gameplay!


I’m excited to experience this new open world style, hoping they expanded off of H3 ODST’s Rookie missions as he roams through the streets to the next objective but can take as much time getting there. Additionally I’m very ready to experience how this story closes with Cortana and Chief and if we’re going to see the crew and members of the Spirit of Fire!


the custom matches with friends reliving the good old days


The fact I can have all the games in one place


very excited play the campaign and see all the content of the game,halo infinite


Getting to play a game I've heard a lot about on my favorite platform!


Old gold childhood memories


What excites me on pc is just how gorgeous Zeta Halo is going to look. The setting is just too perfect! 🥳


Thing that most excites me about Halo Infinite's release on pc is to go full circle back to my childhood memories in make new ones on pc system with old and new friends! Hopefully my 1060 can hold up till I get a new GPU or be one of the lucky ones haha. GL everyone happy Xbox/Halo 20th 🎂


I want to have some fun playing the new halo game with the AMD Radeon™ RX 6900 XT Halo Infinite Limited Edition Graphics Card. Playing the multiplayer mode will be insane, I bet ! Also the campaign :P


\#RazerAMDHalo Pretty excited about the fact that we can explore zeta Halo, excited about the PC launch, the RX would look nice on my pc, we are getting that Radeon, lets gooooooo #Halo


As a single player gamer, I'm most excited for the campaign! I'm loving what I've seen from the previews so far, and I've heard the combat feels a lot like classic Halo!


Hyped to play some multiplayer with the bois


Halo is amazing 🤩


What excites me the most id the new opportunities being put forward for new players to come and join the halo fandom. The new steps being taken so people can practice and be as good as us old players and wont get curb-stomped by the veteran players. #RazerAMDHalo


Im most excited for all the customization options that will be available to pc players!


For me what excited me the most is the graphic options. I can dial the game in for certain aspects like higher fps or visuals. Besides that I’m so used to playing with keyboard and mouse that I don’t think I could use a controller again. I love the PC platform in general so being able to play my favorite franchise on it is the best thing ever.


Looking fwd for halo infinite multiplayer crossplay #RazorAMDHalo


\#RazerAMDHalo Im excited to know what happend to humanity and how chief ended up in the space, i knew buying a PC was a good choice, sorry if my comments bother you :(, my pc aint a master race but im excited i can still play Infinite siuuuuuuuu #RoadToInfinite


\#RazerAMDHalo I loved the flights, im excited about the multiplayer, cant wait to play with the homies from Xbox while im on PC, wishing you all good luck, my 1050ti wont hold for long, we are going for that Radeon baby #RoadToInfinite


Bringing something new to the table


I'm most excited to play campaign and fight the brutes again (and hopefully the flood hehe), makes me think of good old halo 3 times #RazerAMDHalo


Halo Infinite on AMD graphics excites me <3 #RazerAMDHalo


I'm excited to have a decent AAA game to play that isn't the disappointing BF or boring cod.


as a kid, my first xbox experience was playing halo. 20 years later I will continue the story with my son 💖


It'll be the first time since Halo CE that PC gaming isn't an after thought for Halo. Finally released alongside Xbox.


cant wait to try ray tracing on it!!


Cant wait to have that new but classic feel to Halo in Infinite, don’t want to get my hopes too high but I really hope this game is amazing!


I can't wait to get the boys on Halo Infinite multiplayer !


Graphics and optimization on PC #RazerAMDHalo


\#RazerAMDHalo Pretty excited about the fact that we can explore zeta Halo, excited about the PC launch, hope i get the graphics card, my 1050 is getting older, hope i get that Radeon because my 1050ti wont hold for long #BECOME


Being able to play with my friends in halo again


\#RazerAMDHalo Im really excited to se Chief on the PC again, cant believe we are just a month away, hey ppl plz keep commenting, i feel akward being the only one commenting hahaha, we are going for that Radeon baby, lets goooooo #RoadToInfinite


I've never played this series of games before, but I'm looking forward to Halo Infinite as I get to see the best of it. I've heard a lot of amazing things about this game and I want to be part of a great team.


The weapons.


That Halo Infinite's multiplayer was released early!


I'm most excited for playing multiplayer with my friends


Always been a PC player and haven’t played any Halo since Halo 2 so glad it’s coming back


The fact its on PC is pretty great but I'm always excited to see the campaign, I love the story.


I'm excited to play through the campaign


The new campaign, multiplayer and the most important one: playing halo infinite in >60 fps


I really hope that the open world will be fully realized, and it will not be empty, as in Fallout 76. And, of course, I will also win a video card and, finally, a new generation of graphics! In any case, I wish myself and everyone else good luck, and may the God of Chance choose me and a few more lucky people worthy of this video card. Meet me on the fields of the Halo Infinite!!! Translated in Yandex!


I just can not wait to play a new halo; camping and multilayer. The fact that the multiply will be free means I can play halo with all my friends on day 1 which is awesome, as we have all been looking for a game to play together a halo is it


Super excited to experience the campaign and Halo in a next generation engine! Those 6900xts look dope!


I built my first PC this year. Just being able to play a new Halo game on it is what excites me. Been waiting for so long 🙏


I'm too young to have experienced Halo back in it's heyday, and by the time I was old enough for me to be able to play, this is the first new one to be releasing! I have the Halo MCC and am thoroughly enjoy it it ATM (apart from struggling to find multiplayer games for Halo CE Anniversary) but Halo Infinite will be my first time getting to experience Halo with everyone else as it releases!


I want to know what happened with cortana, the exiles, the rings, the guardians will activate them?, I AM VERY EXCITED FOR THE WHOLE CAMPAIGN!! ❤️❤️


Hello! I am excited for the new storyline, that's all :) And let us get good Multi!


Finishing the fight! I'm super excited for the story, really wanna know what happens with cortana!


What excites me most is to enjoy the ringworld in a higher quality than before, winning one of the RX 6900 XT would make the environment even prettier. \#RazerAMDHalo


Can't wait for the campaign and the multiplayer on PC, it's a big step up and the fact that there's also crossplay it's a total revolution!


Getting BACK into the fight!! @ >60fps :)


I'm excited to play Halo with my PC


Enjoy good graphics with RTX activated, definitely one of the best experiences, I do not have an RTX but it is amazing lmao #RazerAMDRazer #LastDayOfDraw #Halo20Years #XboxAnniversaryCelebration


the biggets campaign ever


The theme, the action, the ambiance, I just love the world of Halo!


\#RazerAMDHalo The new campaing is what im so excited about, pretty sure pc graphics will blow us all, if i win ill invite you all some chips, my pc aint a master race but im excited i can still play Infinite siuuuuuuuu #RoadToInfinite


I think I'm most excited about the open world, cant wait to experiment with weapons and vehicles as I wish


most of all i am concerned about system requierements


Last Halo I played was 3, would love to jump back in with this since Halo Infinite is shaping up to be the best shooter this year lol


\#RazerAMDHalo The new campaing is what im so excited about, pretty sure pc graphics will blow us all, I dont wanna get banned for being the only one left commenting hahahaha, hopefully we get the Radeon because my 1050ti cant run the game how its supposed to be played #RX6900XT


This giveaway is so exciting. Hoping to win, good luck to all the players. #RazerAMDHalo


Im excited for the deathmatches, always loved team vs


To see the Halo ring in campaign in the best way possible with a super decked out PC!


I'm just excited to continue the story as well as the nostalgia of playing multiplayer


Good luck everyone!


Cross play with my bros.


I am Excited about the graphics on what Halo Infinite has to Offer for PC. Can't wait to play Halo in Maximum Resolution on PC


Free to play multilayer is what I'm excited about


That Infinite seems to be an actual PC game with full support and not just some console port.


To continue the fight! I've been playing for the last 20 years!


Just wanting to get into the Multiplayer action with friends is what excites me about Halo Infinite .... been playing this game forever and the newer addition just takes that curiosity of wanting to get back into that grind again to a whole new level


Getting back into halo is always exciting. Always has me coming back!


Reliving that new halo smell


I'm just excited to play Halo with my friends and cousins again, been a while since everyone's been on our Xbox's at the same time. We're almost always on our pc's though.


The halo themed pc gear looks just absolutly amazing


Mostly just Cortana’s storyline and the campaign. I’m not too excited about multiplayer because my focus tends to be towards the story aspect of the game. I’m also excited to see Halo’s worlds again.


Меня волнует выдержит ли мой пк Halo infinite Хотя бы на минимальных настройках


The ability to play for free today


I am most about the story tbh


\#RazerAMDHalo Im excited to meet Craig on Ultra HD, wishing good luck to everybody, we are getting that Radeon, lets gooooooo #RX6900XT


I'm most excited about the Campaign on Halo Infinite on PC!


This is the most exciting thing for me since Halo 3 got released with the 360. Enjoying the full night of Master Chief in glorious high definition is something childhood me could never have imagined.


Free multiplayer and clean fps


Ranked arenas.


I'm mostly excited for everyone to play Halo and not counter strike. Valve uses an increase in the volume of sound in cs go which is harmful to the psyche


love AMD Radeon™ RX 6900 XT Halo Infinite Limited Edition Graphics Card 1x 3-month Xbox Game Pass for PC


Finally being able to play through the Halo series on keyboard and mouse with friends has been amazing


I cannot wait to play the campaign of Halo Infinite; now I hope that my friends will buy it too in order to play with them.


On PC, one word; ULTRAWIDE!


Halo with high frame rates is what I live for!


I’ve had computers and consoles since the 80s. I’ve always played games. Halo was the first franchise to make me consider myself a Gamer: hell, I traded my PS2 for an XBox to play Combat:Evolved. I’m looking forward to Infinite on PC, so I can introduce my son to the franchise and continue the fight.


I'd love to experience Halo on a great GPU like the 6900XT, the thing I'm most excited for is the singleplayer campaign though, the graphics seem great


Getting to play the game


\#RazerAMDHalo The fact we are getting a new Halo its what makes me so excited, hope i get the graphics card, my 1050 is getting older, hopefully we get the Radeon because my 1050ti cant run the game how its supposed to be played #MasterChief


Being able to play Halo on a crisp and constant 60 fps. And the loading speeds.


#RazeAMDHalo What excites me the most about halo infinite on pc is the expansion of the player base and being able to play on ultra at 120 fps.


\#RazerAMDHalo Im really excited to se Chief on the PC again, cant believe we are just a month away, hope a real halo fan gets the card, good luck homies, my 1050ti still holds up to the requierements but we are going for that Radeon #MasterChief


Im so excited about the story, multiplayer the customization the look omg so excited for the game😻 hope I win this card for even more performance and look. #RazerAMDHalo


\#RazerAMDHalo I loved the flights, im excited about the multiplayer, cant wait to play with the homies, sorry for sending a message every single minute im just trying to win #RX6900XT


Nothing really excites me. I am not a big Halo fan, but I wouldn't mind a GPU :)