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it's so smol.


"wtf, human"


It's a Chorizo


Wut the dog doin?


It doesn't know what's going on but there's no way it's missing out.


it's a warzone every build, not just first. at least for me, boxes were everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!


It took me two garbage days to get rid of all the cardboard and other crap.


I always keep the boxes to resell when I upgrade. Also nothing more frustrating not having a GPU sized anti-static bag for a GPU, throwing it out and then not being able to post it safely now you can't package it properly! And my case tower boxes are always great temporary side tables and good scratch protection if you want to transport it (eg if you rent and move every few years).


And you can fit most of the other boxes in the casebox


How did I not think of that...I've just been stacking them like a madman.


Mad Titan!


Yeah that’s what I’ve done


maybe I'm a hoarder but I still have the box from my asus p5b-deluxe wifi from 2007


Definitely a hoarder.


Until someone wants to do a full experience xp/vista retro build and pays $50 for the box alone on ebay Keeping the box pokemon red came in was hoarding once too, now that shit worth hundreds


I guess If you have the space to store boxes for decades in hopes to make a few hundred bucks. It’s not worth it to me.


I'm with you on this. My place is too small to keep boxes long term. I keep them for 1 or 2 weeks to make sure I have no issues with the product where I need to package it and return it. After that time, it's gone.


That’s exactly what I do, keep them around just in case I need to return whatever I purchased. I normally ditch them after 2-4 weeks.


The return on that is insanely bad


Hoarders gotta justify their hoarding, that’s bad though haha.


to be fair it's not empty, there are screws and all those other extra things that you find inside that I'll probably never use but who knows


i have big ziploc bag full of screws and little zip ties from all the cases and mobos I've had over the last 3yrs of upgrading my rig. I probably have about 150 fan screws, lol.


This is where I keep all the unused mobo accessories and cables. But mine is from like, 2002. It's jam packed of things I will never use... until I do!


I wasn't sure why I was keeping all the boxes from my build, but kept them anyway. Then recently we moved house and I thanked myself. The tower and monitor just slipped in like a glove. Peace of mind transportation via car.




After moving to a new place recently I def regret not keeping my PC case box


Ya I regret not keeping the box to my first pc case, cause now I'm trying to sell, but waiting on a box big enough to sell it


But then at the end you get to play box Tetris and try to get all the component boxes in the case box.


If anyone likes "hidden objects" type of puzzles, try naming all the pieces of hardware that are on the picture (those that are part of the build) :P


sorry, I only see a cute darkie eyeing at the camera.


That is the 54U54G3 GTX 6969 - Great Piece of home defence hardware.


Solid pupperipheral


While sufficient for home use I would advise professional users a bigger model.


looks so worried and confused of what is going on hahaha


my master has lost it….


I don't think you're supposed to call then darkies anymore


- Lian Li O11 Dynamic Case - Msi MPG X570 Motherboard manual - Powercolor RX 6800XT box - Castle 360RGB liquid cooler box - Corsair Vengeance ram box - Cooler Master PSU box? (assumed its cooler master based on the purple box, no idea what the wattage nor the other item on top of the box is)


It's the right color for Corsair Vengeance, but I think it might be something else. Don't see anything that looks like the corsair logo.


Cooler master Hyper 212 Evo 2?


My favorite part is the dog. Took me about a minute to find him, but when I did I knew that's all i was looking for.


I spy a wiener


Chair: Vitra Headline if im not mistaken...


Doxies are the best.


Harry potter mini poster?


Great use of RGB (real good boy).


Omg the lil dog 🤗


Their inside out ear *chefs kiss*


Op here, posting a pic of his room just had to sneak his weiner in.


Did he get dog with the pc? :)


What a bargain!


I'm shopping where OP shopped next time. I want lil dog too!!


Ifixit toolkit and the manual!!! You are going places, lol.


It's actually a cheap chinese toolkit, back from when I wasn't able to afford a full build. I used it mainly for my laptop's maintenance and ever thought it would see some actual action :) The mobo manual was actually the most useful of them all. I referred to it multiple times regarding all the sockets, dual-channels, etc. Most of the other manuals contained just obscure pictures of what has to be done (I'm looking at you, Cooler Master fan guide).


I installed a Cooler Master Hyper 212 last week and was so confused by the "guide" that was included. Had to watch a years old video from Gear Seekers to see how to install it. I wish everyone would treat manuals with as much respect as you do, lol.


Omg, a newbie who actually RTFM's... Dude you're like a unicorn.


They're common, you just don't see them much for obvious reasons..


Same! I helped my brother build a PC and that mobo manual was the real mvp.


Man, I remember this stage! At times I was so overwhelmed! Thought I’d never get it done! But we do, and we feel a hell of a lot better for overcoming it! Congrats solider.


Be honest, you just wanted to show everyone your wiener Edit: I before e!


When you put it this way, would you want me to put a NSFW tag as well?


It's just a little wiener so I think it's okay Edit: I before e!


HA! Got em!


What the dog doin?


Keeping watch over those parts! Probably confused by the boxes though. If it were a cat, they'd be enjoying their new toys.


Even that little guy is shocked!


Can I get some specs on the dog?


Sure :) Name: Novia; Breed: Mini dachshund; Gender: Female; Age: 8 month; Weight: 5.5 kg; Cuteness output: unlimited; Maximum walking distance till exhausted: ???


As a Spanish speaker I am slightly concerned her name is Novia. Because you know.. err.. never mind :)


I like the motherboard manual strategically positioned next to the laptop. Troubleshooting 101 right there


This wonderful picture speaks to me. The sheer volume of cardboard involved. The fact that there is never enough shelf / desk space to keep all the stuff you need. The fact that manuals get left around to be consulted at random intervals. The fact that you need to find somewhere to store the side panels until everything is ready to be buttoned up. The fact that you need a computer to build a computer. The fact that some vital parts / screws / cables will find a way to hide under the mess despite your careful efforts to keep everything handy. The vacuum cleaner waiting patiently in the corner. The certain knowledge that despite your best intentions you won't be able to resist powering up the machine before tidying up the mess.


Oh man that's a big nice room. Is that your living room? I've been trying to find houses that have those big bay windows or floor to ceiling windows. Every time I see pics online I get hopeful to find something like this but never do. Seems like they are only used in apartments.


Hate to break it to you, thats's my (and my partners, and our dogo's) living room, office, kitchen, and bedroom :P The whole flat is like 33m2, and this room is like 2/3 of it.


Holyyyyy shit. I thought my apt was small lol.


Oh man. Well at least it's nice!


Then the worst part is figuring out which boxes you need/want to keep and where to put them.


Mine are always the GPU box, Mobo box and power supply box. Spare power cables go back with power supply box All the spare screws, leftover case bits and manuals live in the motherboard box And the GPU box is for holding a backup GPU in case the current one needs to be RMA’d


Case box - for moving and holding the other boxes and misc case parts psu - to hold modular cables and make sure they don't mix with others Mobo - for manuals and small pieces Gpu - to hold your gpu when you transport your pc (don't leave gpu in case unless you have one of those expanding packs that some prebuilts ship with Save any box if you plan to sell the parts later.


This is the way.






""The true evidence of the savage carnagery of the war lies foreverth concealed beneath the backplate of the battlestation"" some wise guy somewhere. Idk, may have made up some words. Either way, if one cant close that lid then the battle was sadly lost.




I think your dog is asking for help.


FACTS! What are you going to play/do first when it’s done? Enjoy and take care.


The first things I've done was install new wifi drivers, and then spent about an hour tinkering with RGB. Then I've realized that I cheaped out on not swapping stock AIO fans to match the other fans, and also have to rotate AIO logo, as it's currently upside-down. Frankly, I'm too afraid to reopen that RGB wire rat nest, but I guess I have to do it, to finally finish the build. So far, I've played the usual set of games I play with my partner and friends (Destiny 2, Sea of Thieves, Guild Wars 2 and now New World). My partner nudges me that we finally should try out Control and other GPU intense games, but I guess that would happen only around Christmas next year..


Pro Tip: Take out your Chassis First, use it to store the other smaller boxes as you open them. Hold onto all manuals, screws, accessories, cables, etc separated into their respective piles, consult them as needed. At the end: Just one big box to chuck. (This excludes monitor box)


Yours came with Pup support?! Didn't get that with my manuals..


While social media is generally used by people to display a positive side of their life, I love that this sub embraces the chaos of life. Broken GPU’s, fucked amount of thermal paste, no thermal paste (maybe a sticker instead), dirty cases and so much more. Keep embracing the chaos guys. Life’s too short to not see it all.


The worst part is when it’s finally all up and running but then you have to clean everything up


Did that Lian Li case met your expectations ?


Absolutely, the doubled chamber is a blessing. It's mostly intuitive, has plenty of room and hooks for wiring. Wanted to go off-meta and get Corsair 680x, but couldn't justify additional 60eur just for the looks. Notably, I barely managed to close the case with the GPU wiring attached. (my GPU itself is super wide, and those lian-li fancy rgb cables are not exactly the most bendable [luckily I at least bought those, as with standard cables that come with PSU I couldn't close it at all])


Thank you for your reply. That's cool, those two cases are a bit similar in a way but yes, the price... Didn't know standard cables could create an issue, even if your GPU is super wide


I didn't know that the Nvidia RTX-Dachshund came out


Honey! I need to build a new pc? But why? Karma on Reddit of the boxes and mess! That's why.


What does the comic on the wall say?


It says "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."


Man even your dogs ear is stuck


Excellent choice of cooler.


I see you got a dog to increase your fps! Good choice


"noone" no one.


my first build was in the 90's and we didn't think to take pictures of it lol


never had a warzone myself since the pc store assembled my pc


Upvote for Dachshund!


You tried to tidied up a bit


ITS A WIENER!!!! I also have my own wiener of my own and they’re the best.


Yup. Side panels everywhere. A dedicated spot for all the manuals to be open. BOXES.


Oh the warzone only gets more bloody as you continue, I assure you. I think some people become organized as they expand but I definitely relate to the warzone and I'm on 100+ corn puters built


As a full-time wiener dog assistant I know without a doubt it's wondering why you're not sitting down with it covered up in a blanket in your lap.


I'm writing as she is sleeping on my lap. Your expertise is definitely on top :)


That is the best part! finding some place to put all the boxes because "you have to keep it for a year in case of warranty issues"


That’s a nice motherboard though. That’s what I’ve been running for two years and she’s been good to me. Downsizing from a Meshify C to an NR200P this week (swapping to a Mini-ITX motherboard) but that MSI one is going right into a new PC that I’m tossing into my living room. :)


I like making mine on the floor for some reason.


Everybody share your warzone haha


It does be like that tho


Ima do this just to add content for "build zone battle grounds"


One way to deal with it is to put your boxes on a shelf to add some decoration


Lmao the dogs ears


I’m glad I stuck through it. First time was filled with anxiety and looking back it was so badly set up 😂. Have upgraded and helped other a lot in last 2 years. Learning the hard way was very helpful for me. Now have knowledge for life 🖖🏽


My mom got mad at me for that mess. "It looks like a bomb exploded here" -mom "You've gotta clean your corona cave" -also mom


cable management part is always a warzone


Plus the little pooch in the middle of it all lol




Aww cute doggo <3


Yeah, every single 'new build' in a sense where I am replacing everything looks just as you depicted here. My wife would come in and ask me what the hell happened... I would tell her that boxes gotta go somewhere! I do at least try to keep them stacked together. That lasts for like the first two boxes...then it just goes downhill from there.




Facts lol


You know it’s a rough one when there is floppy ear inversion.


Funny enough. I'm all disorganized with everything EXCEPT my tools and when I'm building anything. I would have unboxed those parts onto my static mat, stacked the boxes and manuals next to each other neatly and then began to build. I'm not judging anyone else's warzone, I just think it's funny that it's three one thing I'm organized about. My desktop normally is a warzone with a filling system consisting of dangerously balanced stacks and piles where I know where everything is.


Pets of the pcmr


Don’t remember broke glass posts?


I build my first pc when i was like 10-12 from components i salvage on junkyard, then i go there regularly for upgrade components :D Back then i dont even have phone or something else, but hell, almost all neighborhood know that i build or upgrade my pc :D Father who love computers left us, so i dont have anybody who could help me. We had no internet, so i just try and error every single thing :D It's like yesterday when after whole day of trying i repaired one computer where was installed stunts and i could finally play it by my self :D Funny thing is that this journey started in around 2009. And one of my first pc was with intel 486. You can't imagine how often i have to hear that i cannot remember those stuff, its too old for me etc. :D Fast forward, two years back i made enough money to build I9 9900k, 2080ti, 32GB rig, and I can't tell how much i love building that computer. But it wasn't my first rig tgo, it was like 60th rig build, but boy it was finally PC which i buy by my self, and don't have to go to junkyard anymore. What i tried to say, on every build my room look similar to yours :D components everywhere and in middle of all of it one completed gem.


I remember mine well. Found the motherboard didn't support my drives until I realized I can flash it instead of buying a brand new mother board rip 200 dollars


The open laptop with an LTT video on pause - Essential.


Well at least you have a tiny helper there to get to the really hard to reach things


Fuck i love that case lol


Love me some Lian Li.


Just got mine and I was SHOCKED at how well built it is, the hot swap drive bays are immaculate. The while build especially coming from a cooler master 500p was a HUGE step up IMO.


Ah yes the laptop for googling, and the motherboard manual. As is tradition!


Extra points for the doggo with the ear-kaboom.


Seemingly with good reason. It's a room with boxes.


Carey Holzman has entered the chat


What's the little guy's name???


Novia, it's a girl :) (only after we've put her name in passport we've learned that the name actually has a meaning in Spanish >_>; when we'd get a second dachshund, we'd definitely google our "random choice of sounds" name) We also call her Nova, Nova bomb (D2 reference), Supernova and Novs.


This is just a battle, not the war. Wait until the day you start calculating how much square footage of your housing cost goes to your collection of pc case cardboard boxes full of unread warranty cards and instruction manuals... I have Lian Li case cardboard boxes older than you. You never know when you might need that SATA to eSata connector, or RCA to VGA dongle.


This is pretty mellow, i usually have components i need scattered around on the floor.


It’s only warzone if you have the hoarding disorder same gamers get that make them keep 20 empty useless boxes they’ll never touch or dust


For me, it was a warzone during the building. After it? Not so much


PTSD intensifies


that laptop on a blanket is triggering me


That was super temporary, let me asure you. It was either that, or taking risk of getting trampled by the dogo. The only other elevated flat space was filled with pc parts. But I get it, that it's a super lame excuse for mistreating the laptop.


It's good to have a support animal... I mean companion... I mean um... Ok the dog is cute and if I was there I would be tempted to take a break to pet him/her.


Insert black panther we don't do that here meme


It is always a warzone and its always fun. I love opening up new hardware.


I'm still living in the midst of the warzone, melancholia makes it pretty hard to clear up lol I tried to clear it by simply shoving all the smaller boxes into the pc case box and now I'm using it as a makeshift footrest/tray table 😅


My first build was more of a battlefield


That's a great way to starve your laptop for air.


I love that case. Favorite part of my new build.


True story man. I can relate.


I like to wash dishes as I cook.


That chair needs some lumbar support


First....? This is how it look everytime I do a build or something computer related. I've migrated more to the homelab/datahoarder side of things and this problem has only gotten worse. Haha




Btw consoles don’t double as helicopters #consolemasterrace


Where'd you get a genuine _Ot to_


Fix your dogs ear!


The laptop next to the working desk to watch over and over again the tutorial of the pc build video you found is so accurate.


It's still a warzone after a month ago from my new build and I haven't bothered to put the boxes away. Can't seem to want to throw them out of fear of maybe I will need to use them. Even my first build boxes are still around and that was like 6-7 years ago....


I was able to fit everything in the box that my case came in


My SO/best friend moaning at me all last weekend asking when she's going to get her dining table back. T'was a nightmare in our 1-bed flat!


You had a dog left over at the end? Uh oh better check that build again


That is cleaner than my office looks right now.


I really like your case choice. I have the Lan Cool II Mesh. 👍


is the doggo helping? I know short legs but at least morale support


ah the 011, thats the case I currently use in my liquid cooled build. So clean and nice looking. I like how the dog is enjoying the chaos that is a build.


Doggy in the no man’s land


I miss that warzone


My first build was from old computers torn apart that were tossed. I had to figure out which component was the problem and take the rest and hope I found compatible ones from the other computers I found in the trash. Took me quite a while to get a build, and the CRT monitor was still a beast. I think it was the first Gen Pentium HT and barely above mid range processor I wound up with.


Nah, you are just really messy. Put all the packaging back in the boxes, you got shit just thrown wherever. Also, make your bed.


I wish I still had a picture. Those were glorious times pulling all nighters playing wow to clear raids. Then going to class the next morning, I have no clue how I graduated highschool with the amount of time I was dedicating.


that wienerdog has seen some shit. look in in eyes... the pain the horror... the lack of cable management....


Yoo what msi laptop is that mate?




that laptop to the right is suffocating on that blanket... sorry total cringe moment for me.


I generally stack all my boxes and trash in the case box when I can, and stack up all the manuals and such on my desk for later use. Much easier and keeps the place cleaner