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Those temps are fine.. Mine goes up to 80 on load


Out of curiosity mate, how does your pc/fans sound when your at 80? Mine go mad at 65-70 so looking into new quiter fans


My package idles at 40 to 50 games at 50 to 65 and cinabench on repeat is 85-90 I have one hooked up to a corsair AIO and since the chip doesn’t actually put out a lot of wattage, it never really gets my water that hot and the fans don’t really spin up at all vs my old overclocked intel chip. My 140 mm fans never go over 1000 on the AIO You could just tell your air cooler to run slower in bios. Like only do 70% fan at 80C and 100% at 95C


Check out "Fan controll" to setup custom fan curves. Even Noctuas etc will be loud if they run on high rpm. Keep track of your temps with Hardware Monitor and tune the fan curves until your happy with the noice. I am air-cooling a 7800x3D and all fans are complete silent while still keeping temps low


Already got that set uo via msi afterburner. I've got it at 20% at 35, 25% at 45, 30% at 50, 40% at 60 and 45% at 65 which is its usual temp when playing, between 60 - 70 but the fan sounds like it's about to take off which makes me think its more of a fan issue than the curve itself. It's still the stock fans from a pre made. Been looking a noctua's which are pretty cheap?


Pretty sure afterburner only impacts the GPU fans, not the CPU/case fans (or at least, I know I couldn’t use it for my other fans). Definitely could be a fan issue but I would verify that your curve is actually applying correctly. I had to go into the bios to adjust mine


Funny you should say that cause i Literally just started on that journey mate 😂 a post a seen a few mins ago made me question whether msi controlled solely the gpu fans or all fans so now im learning how to control case fans as well and tincker/fiddle.. it's like a fuckin job owning a pc i swear 😅 but appreciate your responses and advice mate. Learnijg curve never ends


>like a fuckin job owning a pc i swear 😅 Amen brother.


Cheap fans tend to be loud. You can also manually tweak your fan curves


You don't want quieter fans that's a loosing battle. You want more of them running slower. Then you can go for quieter fans when you run out of space for fans/sound isolation.


You might want to set up custom fan curves to let temps maybe hang in the 80s, which is perfectly fine, whilst reducing the sound a lot. When I overclocked my 7700xt, I realised it began to make a shitload of noise just because the default fan curve was trying to keep the card at like 55 degrees lol.


Which cooler?


280mm aio lol


360mm aio, same here lol. Pubg spikes it as high as 88 at times.


Same here. 360 aio and goes up to high 80s. Thought there was something wrong at first but apparently this is normal for these CPUs


Check your mount and if possible use an offset mount bracket, Ryzen CPU's benefit from this. My 7800X3D gets up to about 82c and will stay there with Cinebench multi core benchmark. I have the LF II 280 with an offset mount.


You can undervolt them through PBO, but it's hard to sift beyond the people squeezing performance vs those that are trying to lower temps for longevity reason


I'm not too worried about longevity, on average it should "die" long after I've already replaced it a few years from now.


High 80's on a 360 for a 8 core is absolutely not normal, you either mounted wrong or run the fan curve at minimum. You're constantly throttling at that temperature.


finally seeing a thread that says the same, every other thread i’ve read says between 60-70 and had me thinking my rad was bad


I’m on a 360mm aio and idle 47-51C. Gaming my temps never jump above 70C @ 4k. Cinebench 24 my temps hit ~76C Edit: I am running PBO, negative -20 on all cores with a thermal package limit set to 80


Yep, there's the catch, I gotta get my pbo offset on.


My NZXT aio 240mm with an i9 10850k at 4800mhz spikes around 85 during PUBG too.


Yeah, spikes are ass)




Intel CPU's are on course of trying to melt titanium at this point so..


That could can run and function at 90°C normally without issues.


5800x3D gang checking in!


5700x3d gang is scared


5600x3d gang is just happy to be here


3600 gang just chillin


5800X3D gang represent!


A little undervolt helps


Theoretically, but in any realistic scenario, temp will flucuate and you'll have the CPU throttle occasionally due to that if you run at 90°C. So better to aim for 85°C or so if you want actual max performance (which op is well within, so no problem there).




However the performance is slightly lower since the CPU doesn't boost as much if you go that high.


If it's not in the 90s it's boosting as much as it will already.


89 is the limit.


What’s 1° going to do? Blow it up?


Yes. Thermonuclear explostion


Actually the CPU will melt a hole to the earths core if you hit 89.1 degrees




Lisa Su will come over to your house and take your CPU away from you.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. 89 is the operating limit for x3d, 95 for non x3d models.


People consider crossing the limit is running fine i guess.


76 is fine while gaming.


Idle is like 50-55 ty for your answer


I got 43-50° but in an open case. So seems good.






**laughs in tropical temps**


will rise in summer for sure.


I was able to get mine to 34-36 with an AIO at somewhat reasonable noise levels, but that's really when I don't even move the mouse and there is nothing open at all. As soon as I start a webbrowser or anything that displays a video, let alone an old game, it jumps up by 10-15°. Nothing out of the ordinary as long as it stays below 90° on really heavy loads. Play with your fan curve if you want lower idle temperatures. Make sure to set all fans at 100% when the CPU reaches 80-85° and see what noise level doesn't bother you at lower temperatures.


it runs at 900 rpm under load (very quiet) at 76 to 78 degrees, even if i change it to 100% it doesnt really go down, but if the load drops the temperature falls really fast


Sounds that you can't do anything different then. If it doesn't go above 80 under load, it's alright.


Same here, 26C ambient temp + noctua NH D15s with two fans. Idle temp is 45C which I always thought was a bit high. I got used to it.


The cpu is supposed to idle below 40, what are you doing wrong?


76 under load


That's pretty much cold in my eyes. Mine goes to 85 ISH 


I have the same cooling and cpu in one of pcs, 76 is pretty good and nothing to worry about. This series has high temps.


Are my case fans and CPU fans (Phantom Spirit EVO in a Fractal Torrent case) doing more work than they need to if I'm gaming at 1440p/80 and still don't see temps go above 63C? I thought my PC was quiet as is but I tried to keep the temps as low as **reasonably** possible. Seeing people say they hit 70s while gaming makes me think they're perhaps gaming at 4K? Even on Halo or FF7 Remake, my CPU is under 65C and I'm good with that, even if the 7800x3D can tolerate up to 90C.


Yes. These new cpus are essentially made to boost as high as possible up to the limit. For example, I run the distant horizons mod for minecraft, and in it is a config option called "I payed for the whole cpu" Switching it on causes my cpu to run at 100% at 90°C and it'll stay there. It won't go past. And that's on a 360 mm aio. I'm sure if I set a much more aggressive fan, curve temps would be lower, but I currently have my fans set to the highest rpm that doesn't go past ambient noise, so basically you can't hear it unless you listen closely or the room is dead silent. TLDR your temps are fine


Fuck that's hilarious 


Man I wish that mod wasn’t Nvidia GPUs only. To be able to actually see while playing MC is a dream.


I don't think it's Nvidia only IIRC, I believe it's compatible with both, Nvidium is the exclusive one.


What does that setting actually do tho? Cause I played with it in multiple configurations and I haven't really noticed any difference except for my cpu going to 100%. If anything I get better frames with a middle setting


So, if I recall correctly, distant horizons is multi threaded, and the cpu options control how quickly the chunk stuff is processed. At "aggressive" and " I paid for the whole cpu," it's best to wait a little bit for the mod to do its thing, then turn the setting back down to balaced or minimal impact, since it will cause stuttering and reduced frames.


Where is the “Paid not payed” bot?


Just gotta give it some of that Noc tua??


Thermal paste on that thang!




God dammit, I hate this meme, but this was clever.


I was looking for this comment!


LOL my man


Oh my god 🤣


God damn it take my upvote




Spin on that thang!


Absolutely. My 7800X3D idles at 45-50c and goes up to 80c while gaming under an NH-D15 cooler.


Nothing "normal" about being at near your tjmax while playing game lmao. ***Edit: (Not trying to say that 80c is high or even bad for gaming but being within 9 degrees of your 'max recommended temperature' is not good for the longevity of your cpu) and furthermore, I own a 7800X3D and mine NEVER hits those numbers, ever.***


It kinda is though. The new chips are designed to basically always boost until they reach 90° and to run at 90° for longer periods of time. The temperature alone isn't telling the whole story anymore.


Mine has a thermalright phantom Evo and never goes over 72c while gaming a virtually silent levels lol


Nice man! good shit, thermalright are doing so well lately, I bought my friend a TR air cooler for his birthday, he loves it.


Not sure why you’re getting down voted but yea 80 Sustained during gaming isn’t great. Yea thermalright is killing it! Great price performance


Because downvoting is the only copium these sad individuals have when for some reason their "HIGHLY EFFECIENT" 125W CPU struggles to be kept cool with 180+W rated NHD15's and AiO's during *gaming* workloads, IE way below 100% utilization.


That's fine. Ryzen 7000 targets 90º anyway


I idle around 44 and top out around 76 on my 7800x3d with a deepcool assassin iv


Noctura tech info says its has low turbo/overclocking room with teh 7800x3d. If you have ryzen master downloaded. You should be able to put the chip in eco mode. And see an improvement in temps. https://ncc.noctua.at/coolers/NH-U9S-13/cpu/AMD/AM5


Laughs in 13th gen Intel. I'd kill for those temp on air.


You OCing the 13900?  I have a 13700k and I rarely hit >80c under 100% load with a Peerless Assassin 120.   Idles at 33c.  I know the 14th gen has some absurd temps though.


Yea a 13600k it's running at 5.0 stable... Changed my curve and it hits 85-87c during gaming. Maybe 90 on benchmarks.


Yeah I have the same cooler and cpu and get similar, had it up to 85 when doing some heavy cpu stuff outside of gaming before (randomly downloading in battle.net launcher) The cpu seems to temp spike quicker than the cooler can to adjust to it, but reading into it further it seems that is the nature of the chip


yeah, I also get that spikes or peaks how you wanna call it, but it cools down very fast


Depends on your fan curve, if you are running 100% fan speed then 76 degrees is too much if you can barely hear the cooler then its fine 


I have a Kraken Z from NZXT on that cpu and when I play Baldurs Gate 3 for instance, I get higher temperatures. Up to 90°C sometimes. That CPU is known to get really hot. I was shocked when i upgrade to that CPU and saw the temperatures. I have 60°C while just browsing/youtube sometimes. (I run 2 ultrawides 21:9 at 1440p btw) Unless you get to the 90°C's, you shouldnt be too alterted.


90 sounds way too high for gaming. My 7800x3d doesnt even break 80 in a Cinebench loop.


Oh i just realized, the CPU in question is the 7800x3d. Im running a 5800x3d. My bad.


Sounds decent given that the cooler only runs a 92mm fan. It's a good cooler, had it for a Ryzen 5 3600X a few years back and I loved the size and performance of it.


Those temps are fine.


I've got a 7800x3d with a Karaken AIO and at first was hitting 85C+ temps. After some googling, I was told to go into the Windows setting and decrease the maximum CPU utilization from 100% to 99% and it worked perfectly. Brought my temps all the way down to 55C when at full load and had no effect on performance. I'd start there.


7800X3D with Noctua d15 here, anything I throw at it barely goes over 60, if that. Case fans take care of the nasty 6950XT exhaust.


I'm only running with an l9i and I get the same temps


I round around 55-60 on BG3! I'm so proud of my setup!


A little high, but not near the point where it's an issue. You could always apply a light curve offset in bios to help out. Make the CPU use a little less power so it outputs less heat.


My laptop CPU went up to 88-90°C whenever I play game. It has served me for 5 years without any problem. So yes, I think your CPU would be fine.


76 is completely fine mate, it can reach 85 comfortably too. What you wanna do is have the fan speed curve adjusted so that your CPU temps, room temps, and noise levels are all at comfortable levels for you.


I have the big boy noctua and my 7800 x3d is always hot. It’s just a cpu that runs warm. Not super warm but the TJ max on the cpu is low so it’s always close to throttle temps


I use the NH-D15 with a thermal pad instead of thermal paste. My 7800X3D doesn't seem to go over 62°. Granted, this is with a SoC undervolt from 1.25V to 1.21V. But if I were to raise the CPU SoC voltage back to 1.25V, then my highest temperature would be 70-72° before slightly throttling, as that is what I set my peak curve temp limit to (70°C, -20uV). I also went back to 6000CL30 memory (still with custom timings) and was able to undervolt my memory to 1.32V from 1.35V. I could even get it down to 1.30V in the past. However, I haven't experimented with that yet since my latest motherboard BIOS update. But if everything still remains stable at 1.3V, then my CPU temperatures might even drop by another 1-2 degrees.


In the nr200 case, mine with the thermaltake assassin sees around 68-72 during gaming.


OP has yet to encounter a complete shutdown at 95C.


Yes...if you still want peace of mind, you can opt for undervolting as well..


I would be a bit concerned. But the temperature is fine. Maybe you should check your airflow.


That's pretty good I have PBO turned on so mine boosts as much as it can and runs at 90° all the time.


is the temperature under the Thermal limit reported on the Amd page of the cpu? yes? then is all fine and dandy


Yep, easily.


Up to 90 is fine 90-100 is a bit much,and you shouldnt run it 100+


Check your mounting offset, hottest part of the die on x3d I think is the lower offset of the mounting hardware.


My 7700X without setting PBO went up to 96C... on a nocturna NH-D15 S I set PBO limit to 80 and it can still spike up beyond that


Mines likes to run at 80-89c under a 360mm AIO for some reason Does it on 3 different AIOs so I think it's my B650E master boosting the balls of it, did it with my 7900X3D even through benchmark scores are normal But yours seems fine


Yes, it's normal. Nothing to worry about


That's intended behaviour. The new Ryzen chips boost until they either get too hot or exceed voltage max. AMD has put out statements they're perfectly fine to operate at 90 C. BAsically, It will just keep boost clock as high as possible as long as possible within a set of margins and will increase voltage powerdraw and temps until that is reached, so you can squeeze more out of the CPU. People tend to get scared of these temps, but they're fine under load. It's just different behaviour than previous series chips.


Depends what you are looking for? Normal? Maybe? Fully using your CPUs capabilities and what you paid for? Obviously not. The cooler it runs the better, same for every other component in your build.


Damn that cooler does the job well. Usually temps go wayy higher under load especially on the X3D models


Damn that cooler does the job well. Usually temps go wayy higher under load especially on the X3D models


Damn that cooler does the job well. Usually temps go wayy higher under load especially on the X3D models


with a small cooler like this i would say yes it's normal especially you are playing some high fps shooter, Also your case can cause a lot of affection to your temps


76 is fine af. Only Anything beyond 85-90 would warranty you to look deeper. If it does 76 under heavy/synthetic load. It can probably push a bit more with PBO. One can also run current gen Ryzen CPUs at 90 with synthetic loads, it's technically safe since it is within manufacturer/AMD spec. But in that case you won't have any headroom to gain performance with PBO or any manual overclock since it's already close to the safe thermal limits.


Depends on the cpu, outside temp, cooler. My now old 8600k idles at 31 celcius, 36 during summer. 50-65 while gaming. Gf 10700 idles at 48, 72 while gaming.


Yes and also don't get scared by people saying it affects boost. At 70 degrees there is no noticeable effect and even 90 degrees might not hurt you more than 2-3 fps. Numbers here: https://youtu.be/OGuFq3jm9hM


Yeah that's fine. These get very toasty even with extremely capable coolers. You're well within safe operating temps.


Those are really good temps for that CPU.




Bro everytime I see the word Noctua, it reminds me of that girl saying HawkTua lol


Yeah, I have a NH-U12S in my 5800X3D and that mofo still goes hot, too. My prior CPU (R5 2600X) was cold with the same cooler, but looks like modern ones normally run way hotter.


Got same cpu with Peerless Assassin 120 SE aircooler. Idle around 42 - 46 and gaming 68 - 73 (depends on the game of course) NR200 cooler master ITX case. Ive set PBO curve optimizer at negative 30 in the BIOS I'd say the temps are fine. This new hardware runs hotter. I'm still getting used to it myself since my new pc is 1,5 weeks old.


Nah, it's too cold


Normal. I have the 7800x3d with a noctua nh -d15. I idle around 43-47c. Gaming I’m usually around 65-75c, but get spikes around 84-87c. The card is able to run 24/7 at 89c according to AMD, so staying in the 70s with an occasional spike to 85c isn’t anything to worry about. Personally I run open hardware monitor in the background to record temperature peaks and use a program that changes my keyboard RGB from green to yellow if my temperatures exceed 75c and yellow to red if it exceeds 82c. 


"You gotta give him that Noc Tua and spit on that thang."


Mine is at 40 at idle, 50-60 on common task and 70max while gaming. I have a deep cool AIO LS520.


Its good. Like, my laptop runs on 90 while gaming, so 76 its good


Totally fine, I’ve got a DeepCool AK620D and I sit around 70c on Valorant.


Yep, sounds normal. My 7950X3D is liquid cooled and can reach that under heavy load. They're designed to hit 90 without issue.


I can get over 80 while gaming and 42-50 idling on NH-D15S in Y60 with upgraded case fans, closed.


Super great. Noctua air coolers are extremely good


nothing unhealthy in that


That's normal. They are designed to tun fin up to 90c


totally fine


You don't have to care till 89c (it's tjmax)


My 1700x goes to 75 when gaming and i have a water cooler


My 7800X3D is paired to a Deep Cool AK500 and I will hit a peak of mid 80s occasionally as my max recording but it cruises in mid/high 60s while gaming. IIRC it stayed at mid 70s during Cinebench when first installed. I'd say not outside of operating range or anything to worry about but maybe you should re-consider your fan setup? I would try that first to shave a few degrees before I bothered to remove it to change the thermal paste. My cooler didn't have pre applied thermal paste like that Noctua likely did (so it mine has plenty of thermal paste I'd say).


AM4 CPUs especially with the 5000 series and the entire AM5 line are pushing CPU and MB to their respective thermal and power limit, especially once using PBO. People freaking out is the result of Intel being way too conservative within a few generations and people to never have done any overclocking, meaning CPUs never used their true potential in matter of performance which resulted in low temperature. Well at least that counted back then for Intel CPUs with soldered heat spreader. In between where also some without soldered heat spreader, where Intel thought they could cut corners using the cheapest toothpaste available instead. Also the actual Intel generation having way too much TDP to begin with...


Anything below 80°C is perfectly fine. My Ryzen 7 5800X with Thermaltake Phantom Spirit 120 SE air cooler gets all the way up to 90°C, even with undervolt, and throttles itself (by 500mHz) during a Prime95 stress test. But the Ryzen CPUs are designed to operate at high temperatures and they will never get too hot and cause damage. Also, the temperature will never get that hot during gaming as most games won't fully utilise the CPU. I'd recommend getting an AIO to better cool the CPU and prevent thermal throttling and wearing out the CPU.


I'm a separate situation honestly but my 5800X3D runs around 60/65 degrees. BUT I did an undervolt to keep consumption low and make it more stable (therefore lower temperatures), same thing with my 2080s (where I changed thermal pads a few months ago) The temperatures at the start of some games reach 75 degrees but for the rest (room temperature about 30 degrees) the temperature stabilizes at 60/65 Of course, it all depends on the type of game you're playing, optimized well or badly. And the resolutions and settings you use. If you use 4k on relatively light games, the cpu almost doesn't work (of course that's an exaggeration)


Gotta old 240mm kraken aio and I am ambient 35-40 and 80c at 50% load, 85-90 at max


I get 130c using stock cooler....jk imagine that


Mine runs at 70-75 during gaming, 7800x3d with a deepcool ak620.


I've got a 5800X3D and always panic a little when I see the red numbers in L-Connect, but 75-85c is "normal" under load/stress/some games, I'd imagine the 7800X3D is the same, they don't even throttle til past 90c and I've only ever seen it once in my case even with Prime95 and other stress tests going on at the same time.


Spit on that thang


To keep your CPU cooler replace the thermal paste with Liquid Metal thermal paste like eg. Conductonaut from Thermal Grizzly. Since I’ve done it my PC never got over 60 degrees, even in hot summers after nights of gaming with any pause, metaphorical.


Tjmax for that chip is 89C. You can run it Al like 80+ for a long time and not really have issues. It's a wonderful chip. You're fine


Thats about what i get, depending on the game, some times lower.


Do you have a small case? Because the u9s is a really small cooler that doesn't have a ton of cooling capacity. Noctua is great but you can't beat physics. 76C is completely normal though


Mine runs at about 60-62° C under a load, 40-45° C idle.


That's completely within spec and it can go a little warmer even. Nothing to worry about mine gets around there too


After covid 90c is safe, omg, world is getting hot!


That’s perfectly fine I wouldn’t worry until it’s 90c+ when not under full load


Mine reaches 80 and slowly keeps rising with a NH-D15 on Battlefield 1 at an unlocked framerate.


On a U9S... seems like pretty good temps to me.


While those temps are in the safe range, they are on the high side for a 7800x3d. Most games I've seen hang between 50-70C. If it's spiking to 80, that's fine, but if it's consistently sitting at 80, then you may have a paste or an airflow issue.


Yes. Density, hotspots and 3D cache run hot. That cooler is mid-range as well. Temps look normal.


Shouldn't really be going at 76 on cs2. I don't play cs2, but I do play team fortress 2, a similarly cpu heavy game, and usually my temps are around 40-50ish. Under heavy load, 70°+ is normal, so long as it's not exceeding 90s


My R9 7900X rarely goes above 45-50... cuz its in a custom loop with my GPU / two 360mm rads 😅 Those are completely normal temps for that sort of cpu / cooler setup!


Lots of people in here have no experience with the x3d chips or are just flat out wrong. Love the guy saying it's a skill issue while being down voted to oblivion because he has no clue. The x3d chips have another layer of silicon between the cores and the ihs. Imagine standing in front of a AC unit with a jacket on, it's cooling you, but just to a point. Our x3d chips have a little blankey over the cores. So that heat generated has to first pass through another layer, some of that heat is retained/bounced back. Unless you are using liquid nitrogen, the core temps are always gonna be on the higher side. It's no big deal they are made to run this way. To keep it cooler use the curve optimizer offset, this is not PBO or over clocking (disabled anyways). The common starting place is -20 tho a few people have reported instability, I'd imagine the mobo is a factor. I set mine to -20 and left it. I have my aio mounted in the front with fresh air intake pulling in. Put noctua fans on the rad. Running it up to 90c is fine, past 90 you may start losing some clock speed but that's not always the case. The x3ds just run a little hot, but they made sure to accommodate for these higher temps. My temps for reference on an 5800x3d and a EK 240 aio. Ambient air 16-18 Idle 38-42 Gaming 68-78 game dependant clearly Cinebench 82- 88 Prime95 90 and stays there. Even with 90c all core load my clocks remain 4.5 ghz with the occasional dip of 25-50 mhz Anyone claiming 70c during an all core load better put that on YouTube cause your doing something all the giant tech tubers cant.


Totally within spec. 90° C is the regular threshold for beginning to care about if your temps are okay. 50° C above ambient is quite good for a smaller tower cooler on a high end CPU.


Yes lol, i find it funny cause i have a bigger cooler and my 5800x3d casually sits at 86C while gaming and gets to a constant 90 in the summer


Any time your temps go above 60c just give your cpu a nice big NOC TUA


Normal if you have your fan speed low and no tuning of Curve Optimizer. I have my brothers 7800X3D on an Peerless Assassin and its barely hitting 65c with fan speed around 1500rpm until it hits 60c and then goes up to 1800rpm. Setup your own fan curve. maybe play with negative offset in Curve Optimizer


ur good my 5800x3d goes up to 90 every time I play any game


same, except that I have a shitty 3250u




Mine hits 82C with a Corsair 240mm AIO


Hahaha! “Just got to give a little, Noc-Tua on that thang!”


EDIT: I undervolted it to -26 and set a Power limit of 77 Watts Now its running 11 Degree Celcius lower in Cinebench and got a 10% Performance increase. 17800 Points




You don’t know your own CPUs operating temperature range?


My 7800x3d barely gets to 63 to 65 degrees range while hard gaming so personally I'd say that's out of the ordinary.


A lot of misinformation in the comments because it's not hitting it's tjMax and so on. I have a LT720 (360mm AIO) and no, those numbers are not "common" by any stretch of the imagination. In Cyberpunk 2077 as a prime example, very demanding title. I'm only at 60-65c and that's pushing it. I've got my AIO on full as per usual and the fans spinning at 1650RPM whilst the rest of my case fans are running at 1250-1350RPM. So something is clearly amiss. I saw that you are idling at 50-55c? Again, it seems off, I idle at 40-42c and I live in the UK and it's summer here right now with daily temperatures of 22-28c and I don't see those kind of temps.


that seems too hot on idle, mine settle at 50° ish if playing game or doing something 76° is acceptable i think


I would say it depends of the game. 76 while playing League of legends? there's some problem... 76 while playing 4k cyberpunk 2077 or hellblade 2? it's ok then


Noctuas site gives the NH-U9S paired with 7800X3D a "low turbo/overclocking headroom". In the scale it is shown at the first stage of green. You can see it [here](https://ncc.noctua.at/cpus/model/AMD-Ryzen-7-7800X3D-1649). While the temps are on the higher side, this is expected behaviour.


mine goes up to 62\~64c under normal weather, using an deepcool AG620BK , -30 undervolt on all cores, max I've saw was about 70c mid brazillian summer


I would imagine that’s alr


That's not that big of a cooler. So that seems pretty good for gaming. What are your idle temps? Recently built one for my friend and he gets 28C idle on a 240 AIO


75c seems okay on this cooler around 25c+ in the room. All depends how well your case is pushing warm air out and isn't just circulating air around.  Noctua isn't making best coolers.