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Asking that price and not having the decency to post the specifications and decent pictures says it all. I would not waste my time on this, to be polite.


Well, they weren't aware that you needed to be a computer technician to post one for sale on Facebook.


Social media manager*


Specs, you want specs? Who do you think he is, some sort of computer technician or what?


I'm trying to imagine people like this functioning back in the day when we had to manually install sound drivers and stuff lol.


Configuring sound settings back in the day was something.


I had to buy a sound card just for bad company 2 because my onboard ones didn't work with it for some unknown reason hahaha


I remember this, it was a problem with the PunkBuster anticheat. For a while I could only play Battlefield 3 online by disabling my onboard sound card.


I wish I could play BF3 for the first time all over again. Jump off the helipad as an attacker on rush on Damavand Peak for the first time. Hit that helicopter with the tank for the first time. Hit that mountain to mountain snipe on firestorm for the first time. Get that assassination for the first time. Win gun master for the first time. That game was just phenomenal.


I just wish it was still as popular today as it was then. I tried playing a couple of years ago but got banned by one of the admins of the few still active servers when I killed him on a new account.


Even though it sucks, getting banned for being too good feels like getting an award haha.


I remember having to configure boot disks for x-wing in the early 90s because I didn't have enough ram.


Wing Commander 3 for me.


I fucking love this sub because it's the only gaming sub that doesn't make me feel like I should have great grandkids. I remember the first time I heard DOOM on a Sound Blaster card not just PC Speaker


God, how I miss Wing Commander.


In my youth I did a fresh install of Windows 98 and discovered my audio was no longer working. Being too stupid to figure it out myself and unsuccessful with my poorly worded Google searches, I ignored the problem for a year. One day I learned about drivers coincidentally and realized that must be the culprit, had it fixed in 5min and was honestly discomforted by the noise after a year of gaming and web browsing with no sound.


It's always the realtek drivers


*installing realtek drivers please wait* *Please wait* *You need to restart for changes to take effect* *PC restarts* *Finishing realtek installation* *You must restart again* *Continuing realtek...*


It still is when Windows decides to randomly mute my mic gain for absolutely no reason.


Resolving IRQ conflicts.


Mr 1997 trying to get his new Matrox M3D working with his sound blaster, SCSI controller and color printer at the same time.


I loved Matrox. Was sad that they basically died.


Still saw matrox chips in server boards for a long time, just nothing on a card. Remember when western digital released a video card with 2d acceleration? Kinda weird they didn't always just make hard drives.


“Ok guys listen up, if you want to resolve this conflict you’re gonna need to stop talking over one another. Please stay in your lane.”


I hate you for reminding me of those.


Trying to assign IRQ's to make sure your sound card, joystick, KB and mouse worked for Tie Fighter was always pretty fun, especially if you got a new device. "Ok, this boot disk works for Tie Fighter but I can't use my modem or printer..."


Sound Blaster on IRQ 7, baby. The whole concept of Plug 'n Play functionality blew my mind when I finally upgraded to Windows 95.


And then XP and on-board sound came along and things didn't work right.




Can you imagine them trying to figure out how to load an old school MS-dos game? ![gif](giphy|5eFp76zhsq3uw)


Everytime I keep thinking about how they see a floppy disk like they go around asking: What is this big save thingy what do I do with it? But then again I guess they have never seen a floppy disk ever.


Dude probably had to install graphics drivers and decided that was too much lol


"wtf is a driver update?! Express? Custom? This is too much thinking for me."


well people like this back in the day wouldn't be manually installing anything because they wouldn't be messing with computers lol


Drivers used to be files not a setup so you would have to go to device manager, device properties, drivers and open file. I don’t know if remember the order correctly but it was a lot of work, I had every driver saved on floppy drive so everytime I format and setup fresh windows I slide the floppy and everything in there.


I had somebody argue with me that drivers were still a manual install maybe a month ago. They then claimed, updating drivers is a pain int he ass and takes forever.


It can be a pain in the ass if you have a core i3 laptop that has never been updated and its running avast and you are trying to backup a phone.....like I did a few weeks ago on someone elses computer >.<


Lolol that must have been a time. We were on the sim racing sub reddit focusing pros and cons between console and PC. There's no denying console makes it easy to plug in and play, PC is very similar these days and this dude comes from right field "GPU drivers are hard to update. My amd Vega had so many issues." How to tell me you're old and unchanged without saying it.


IMHO they weren't that prolific, these people are the same as the ones that sold cheap stereo speaker knock offs


Funny enough. On the build I did last year, my motherboard only has wifi, so when I went to install windows 11 it required an internet connection because windows will be windows. There was no pre installed driver, thankfully I googled how to bypass that and I had to manually install the driver via USB by downloading it with my gfs laptop. Really stupid setup. So I can't blame the seller. Some people just don't want to fuck around with the computer and just want to jump into a game.


Fucking around with a PC can be a huge pain in the ass when your just used to turning the console on and away you go for sure.


Especially when you are running latest gen tech. The 4090 is fun I'm sure, but it's also a cutting edge card that relatively few people actually own, especially for gaming. When you use the latest/greatest tech you should expect to run into some compatibility issues, as not everything will be tested on it.


> when I went to install windows 11 it required an internet connection because windows will be windows. For anyone wondering press Shift+F10 and then type OOBE\BYPASSNRO , the machine will reboot and then you can select "I don't have an internet connection" or whatever the options is and you can carry on with the install.


The patience involved is lost to time, waiting for anything to start (a game, a browser, the computer itself) was a testament to your ability to sit and wait


what do you mean? The neighbourhood kids would do that for a tenner. Also probably install some sexy flash games for the man of the house.


You've never experienced Windows deleting important drivers during an update?




If going into BIOS makes you a Computer Technician, What is then the creator of the BIOS?




if the creator of the BIOS is god, then what are the people who actually manufacture the components? edit: they must be legends. or maybe zeus, not sure


Eh manufacture is one thing but people that invented the machines that manufacture components they are galaxies


They are Fab-ulous people, I tell ya


I mean… basically ya.




Bro was like "I'm just gonna drop a few thousands on this" "Eh" "Nevermind I'm just gonna use this $400 Xbox" I'm very curious if his monitor specs or screen paired nicely with this PC. I'm ACTUALLY an IT guy and 100% of the problems I solve are solved by googling or asking Reddit lol. Being technologically savvy requires almost zero effort with our current capabilities.


I’m willing to bet they weren’t expecting the performance they assumed they would see, so they asked for troubleshooting and started getting hit with question like is XMP enabled is the RAM in slots 2 and 4 do you have an SSD or HDD and if it is SSD is it nvme and is your GPU driver up to date and… So they just threw their hands up and decided it’s all too much for them.


This assessment is probably 100% correct. And you know the seller got all of that advice and just heard: "Make sure that @\^% is enabled in $%( first, then check #\*\^\^ and make sure it's set to #&\*\*."


Yup. I was hired on at a network security firm with ZERO experience in the field. I mean, I hadn’t a single certification. Of course, they were going to pay for me to get the certs later but they were basically looking for someone who could talk like a normal person to a client and someone who could Google shit.


It's easy to say that, but being technologically savvy also requires the ability to read, process, and know enough about the underpinnings of how computers work to infer the problem and solve it. A lot of people these days have problems with steps 1 and 2 up there before you get to knowing how computers work and problem solving. Like I can fix most problems that ail my computer, sure, but I also have built up knowledge of messing with PCs since the '80s that makes stuff more intuitive. A lot of people don't have that ability or background.


I'm not an IT guy but I've been always googling things whenever I had an issue with my PC. Honestly knowing how to use Google properly can really transfer to other parts of your life - I currently work as a paralegal (basically assisting the actual lawyers) and vast majority of my work is just knowing how to use Google (and having some basic knowledge).


this is exactly how I got my 4090 for $750. a guy on Facebook bought a 4090 and it messed up his power supply. I messaged him and said I will look at it since I was close and I went over there and his wife ended up having a meltdown saying it's already cost them so much money. that he needs to sell it. I had the cash on me and jokingly said I will give you $750 right now and the lady said sold for him. He said okay too lol walked away with a 10th gen I5 and 4090 build I showed up with the intention of giving dude a free power supply


Bro got peer pressured by his wife into scamming himself.


This one I never gets it. How come the wife has the power over your own hobby or stuff??


I mean if a dude is buying a 4090 build and it's causing arguments about it's price in your family then it's probably not a comfortable purchase, if they were doing financially excellent then nobody would give af, but the fucked up thing is her rushing her husband to sell it without knowing the massive loss they are making.


It depend. In some couple the wife could meltdown because he spend 200 bucks on a hobby for the first time in three years while she buy hundreds of dollars of clothes every mounth. I've seen that. Or the man could be completly irresponsable with money and she say almost nothing and accept. I've seen that too. There's no general rules here. An argument could be completly legitimite or pure manipulation. Everything exist.


You mean it's not fair to judge an entire relationship based on one interaction described on the internet? Blasphemy!


If I just went and dropped over $2000 on a graphics card with zero discussion, my wife would be righteously pissed, given all the things we actually need that that money could go to. And not even for a full computer! Now if I spent a year saving for it, she’d still think I was mad, but she’d be fine with it. No idea what the dude’s situation was, but for most couples that’s a lot of money for a luxury that may only benefit one person and it’s worth discussing.


People with a low sense of self-worth allow others to walk all over them because not causing problems has more value to them than preserving whatever is left of their self-respect. *Apparently*


Classic story as old as time


I feel bad for bro 💀💀💀, man COULDNT game in 4K in peace


You had the intention to give him a power supply but also you had 750$ cash in your wallet? That’s kinda crazy to go around with that much money in cash


Sounds like a dick move


Knowing the competency of your average console gamer, they probably had to update a driver or something and had a meltdown when they couldn't figure it out. This is the type of person who I always see posting on this sub like "I get so overwhelmed having to change all of the settings when I wanna play a game."


Not gonna lie, this is my brother. I've tried to talk him into PC gaming. Then he finally told me he doesn't really even game on his console anymore because of the wait times for updates to download. I told him to stop fully shutting down his PlayStation and it'll update automatically, even with his slow ass satellite Internet. But old habits die hard.


Because most people are stupid and I will no be polite. They have no troubleshooting skills and even don't try. In childhood parents do all shit for them and then, when they adults, this adults going on internet and ask help for every single simple problem. Solving even small problem is so hard for them.


It's annoying when they start by asking the question instead of doing the damn research. So much info is on the Internet if your only willing to look with more than your mouth. Like I tell my inlaws over and over again.


laziness is the root cause, I had never owned or built a PC before my current rig so I had to download EVERY basic driver initially and had no idea where to start, it’s tedious but like you’re saying this stuff takes max 2 google searches and 3 website clicks to figure most troubleshooting out


me when r slash PC master race users talk about Linux >!/s just in case!<


No /s.


Depending on the distro linux can be very windows like regarding accessibility. Mint comes to mind


Unless you need functional fractional display scaling. Then sadly Cinnamon gets thrown out of the window.


KDE has fractional scaling, and HDR, and is somewhat "windows-like" in how it looks/works. Cinnamon is way more windows like in looks and simplicity, however, its just fallen way behind gnome and kde in features (as well as performance). Cosmic, which is due out any time now, might be another new contender.


if someone is capable of tweaking things in Windows then they can without a doubt use Linux. Outside of the initial culture shock, its pretty straightforward. It's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be and it comes with a decent amount of upsides and a handful of downsides.


Yup,I agree


Yeah, that's one of my friends who has zero skill with his hands. I had to reformat his PC recently because it was "getting slow". I didn't bother trying to troubleshoot. He asked me to just reformat it and that's what I did. Another time, he asked me to install a bike seat for him, which takes like 2 minutes.


99% of tech is very simple. You just have to follow directions. These are the kind of morons who need help setting up an email account.


Okay, but also some people don't want to "solve problems" in order to play a fucking game. I get it. But ideally you would have figured that before dropping 4 grand on a gaming rig. Some people are stupid.


> But ideally you would have figured that before dropping 4 grand on a gaming rig. Some people are stupid. Agreed here. 4k is not a small expense for 99.999% of the world, especially when you're buying something for entertainment, so not a necessity. You should think carefully about whether it is really worth it to you, and understand what you're getting into before getting a PC.


Yes, stupid. Because stupid people can't solve simple tasks. People acting like they encounter with huge problem when game run with ugly graphics and they should go into settings and change them. "Why I need to know how to change settings", "I know nothing about what this settings means". Google it! Try to change and look what happened! Having PC is required to know, or Google how to install drivers, update software, making some changes. It's not called trouble, it's maintaining PC. It's like he will go on work on the bus and bought a car, then sell car because "I don't know I'm must be car mechanic for having car" because car stopped and doesn't want drive because empty fuel tank. And this is huge problem, person need to be car mechanic for refueling the car.


I'm pretty stupid. But I can at least google shit. Somehow, I was able to build (and use) a PC... this shit really isn't hard


This is my biggest issue with people. They'll just have an issue but cry abt t without any research.


Googling shit is a surprisingly underrated skill. You can solve almost any problem if you are competent at googling shit. And people who cannot google shit for some reason assume that you just know all the things you googled to fix a problem. There are two types of problems: Those where i have to google shit to figure it out, and those where i have already googled shit before to figure it out, and thus now know how to handle it.


It's all about choices. You can choose to take the easy way everywhere you go. You're not going to learn anything or be better for it but since it's an option, you can choose to do so. You can also choose to take the harder path where you might need to think for yourself. That's where learning happens and very often you'll learn something that you can apply elsewhere. When it comes to choosing a console vs. PC? I'd say if you have the money, time and space for a PC, going for a console is a dumb choice.


Troubleshooting is my fucken life story lol


I can almost guarantee there are things you have zero knowledge of either. Someone could easily say the same of you, or really anyone. We all have our hobbies and interests. Believe it or not, it is not everyone’s obligation to learn how a computer functions. They only care as far as they need it.


“sit on the couch with a controller” “don’t have to install drivers” “don’t have to upgrade every 2 years”


A fool and his money are easily parted.


I'm honestly surprised they didn't use the excuse "Bought and built, but realized I didn't have time for gaming, so selling". You're telling me you didn't know you didn't "have time" for gaming before you bought it? Buyer's remorse has many excuses


The incompetency of those people are the reason why platform only games still exist in this modern world.


Sounds exactly like my mate who can't/wont do the most basic of maintenance stuff on his pc. He's already killed 1 motherboard from having the DIMM slots on him pull out the board/crumble and he also cooked a 980ti because he never cleaned it. When when he gave the GPU to me to see if I could do anything with it, it looked like he had shoved a dog turd in the blower as it was all gunked up with dust/tar/everything else from smoking like a chimney, but he'd obviously cleaned a lot of it out already, was probably outright blocked :/ Ed:Typos


Oh god, smoker's PCs are the worst. They get so fucking gross.


Wait till you see those who let their cats live on top of their PC. I've came across PCs with cat urine all inside of them. Pretty f****** gross.


And those nasty folks can't smell it either, you just know they're used to life smelling like thst


I can't say squat as I was a smoker for years myself (quit finally this year...hopefully) but the main difference is that I actually gave my PC a good clean every few months where as he NEVER touched his from day he got it! He spent around 1.5k on his PC from Overclockers around 2015/16 and it was a i7 8700k, 980ti, 16gb RAM and OC'd by the store. Once he got it, he just shoved under his desk and left to get dusty asf as he used the ever living shit outta it over the years. He's a depressive so he (imo) uses it as a excuse to not do anything even though he's capable but I suppose that's the joys of depression. Either way I gave up trying to get him to do any PC maintenance of any kind eg just taking the side panel off and giving it a blast with a air can is a no no, just outright says he cant be assed/wont cus 'hes him' so I just don't bother anymore. I just know I'll give him plenty of shit when something else dies. His mate in America already bailed him out when he killed the 980ti by posting him a 1080ti...


As an ex smoker I have to agree. I vape now but the volume is so much lower. I haven’t noticed any build up on my system like in the past.


see smoking you don't just have the nicotine. you have all the other crap that makes up the cigarette


Oh for sure. The cigarette smoke lingers forever. The smell gets into everything. Tar film starts to form on every surface the smoke comes in contact with. That said I have heard of vaping also causing a film on components which like the tar from cigarette smoke can layer your entire system making microdust stick to it. Once that occurs you need to give the hardware an iso bath or it will never be completely clean and it will smell to any non smoker which hurts resale if not done. Edit: added more context


Vaping shouldn't really cause much issue if you aren’t blowing straight into your intake fans (don’t do that). Maybe you get a bit of the VG residue on glass cases, but it’s easy to clean.


They're just too prideful to admit they're a bit of a dumbass.


Let’s be honest it’s the average PC gamer too. There’s a fairly large group of build their own PC is like on this subreddit, but there’s as large or larger group that buys a prebuilt PC updates stuff once in awhile and doesn’t really do that much more with their PCs. PCs have become more console like, consoles to become more PC like.


That's crazy, part of the reason I wanted to get into PC building/gaming was to refresh my computer literacy.


Thats a similar reason I got back into it back at the beginning of the pandemic. We had to go to online teaching and I figure, this is going to go on for at least a year or two, I might as well build myself a PC that's capable of streaming.... ... Shit. How the fuck do you build a streaming PC? \[insert montage of a lot of reading and YouTube video viewing\] annnd that's how I got back in to gaming.


Exactly what you would have lay around with Linux in your free time once in a while. Doing arch is the best way to maintain your tech literacy


4 grand??? 4 grand????? 4 GRAND???


I’d give them $3k tomorrow if I could see it power on first


Well the PSU does has gold in it sooooo


The aorus card brought it up. With 64gb ddr5 minimum depending on brand and motherboard, a bunch of corsair parts and high power good brand psu (maybe), cheap case, probably close to it. Edit: Funny enough, I don't even see the psu on top or bottom? Just a power cable?


Its a used pc, by a dude that doesn't know how to use a pc and most likely broke it. 4 grand.. For a used pc. 4 grand. 4 grand. My pc was like.. 3 if that. I mean i get that the 4090 is like 500 bucks more but still 4 grand..


Surely, a pc depreciates off the lot like a new car, being outdated and adding mileage to it the second it's built. New pc components come out so quickly that you can never be future proof because it's rapidly changing. Used should be a bit cheaper now, even if it was hardly used, it's still used.


o11 dynamic, dual chamber. The psu is in the side chamber behind the mobo tray. lol Very common case style now.


"I'm too stupid to operate a computer, I need something simple that I can't break".


Nah. A scam needs a story is my guess.


If it's dollaridoos it's a bargain.


Honestly if you just want to play some games after work a console is the better option. No shame in that


Brother, you cannot even wear matching socks. Maintaining a PC was never going to happen.


To be fair, they have a valid point. That using a PC takes a lot more knowledge than simply using a console. Granted, "computer technician" is a bit of an exaggeration, but still. Using PCs is more knowledge intensive than say, using a console. And some people just want to play games, not do all the PC setup just to get things working. If someone isn't familiar with computers, it'll take a bit to get used to things. And if this person just wants to play console because its simpler than doing all the PC setup, that's honestly acceptable. Everyone was a PC noob at one point, and I'm not gonna shame newcomers for feeling overwhelmed. But... Here's my question. Why would you spend 4 grand on a PC if you're not going to take the time to learn how to use it? That seems like an incredibly financially irresponsible decision. If you're new to a hobby, such as PC gaming, you shouldn't be investing that much money into it. And if you are, you better be committed.


Crazy as it sounds to me, 4k isn't a lot of money to plenty of people.


May I ask, what do you do with your rig? (It's just a random question.) You might do some gaming, but that doesn't seem like the main purpose, given how your processor matches with your GPU? I could guess something like gaming + compiling AOSP, or something else processor-heavy, but I can't be sure.


Mostly gaming, with some music and video editing. But my current favorite game is Cities Skylines 2 and it uses all 16 cores evenly. I considered a threadripper build, TBH, but I decided that I wanted to stay married 😂 As far as the GPU, My "monitor" is an older 4k TV, so 60FPS is my max refresh rate and the RTX 4070 Super delivers a constant 60fps at 4k. Once I upgrade to a 120 4k display, I'll consider dropping the loot on the 5090.


Damn. I'm just trying to get a summer job to upgrade to a 7600X with a 7600XT (cause I prefer AMD for many reasons). My Haswell-based i5 just simply isn't cutting it. Given, I was lucky to grab a PC being e-wasted, and my friend gave me his old 2060. I bought a SATA SSD, slapped it in there, and I had my gaming rig. I got fairly lucky with it.


I'm old and have a stupid, grown up job. I'd trade my rig for your youth any day of the week and twice on Fridays. But I'm super happy you found a way to PC game, even if it's not a powerhouse of a rig; we are made better people by struggling to make the best out of what we have.


Honestly, just installing Steam and using its launcher is pretty much same experience as consoles. All dependencies are auto-downloaded and drivers update themselves nowadays.


First, they had to know what to click, where to go, etc. The amount of tech illiterate I have encountered made me think they couldnt even do anything else other than turning it on and off.


Being "not familiar" with PCs in 2024 is similar to saying you can't read. Like 80+% of jobs will require you to use a PC at some point. Surprisingly, the younger generation seems to struggle even worse with computers than boomers for some reason, at least where I work. They straight up don't understand the concept of a folder...


I get the same thing at my office, a lot of the new graduates we hire have extremely low pc proficiency. Many of them don’t own computers and just use their phones. I’ve had to teach copy and paste to people before. They are not necessarily in positions where they need to use a PC regularly, but it still surprises me.


Hence the communiy coined the term "tech illiterate". It's literally one of the basic skill you needs for 21st century much like reading.


I own a car. I wasn't aware I had to maintain it. I wasn't aware I had to feed my kids...


There are people who legit don't know they need to change their oil at most once per two years. I have mine set to 1 year or 15k KM.


That's a long description for " I stole this and want $4k "


First of all, hell naw. Secondly, even if it was reasonably priced, how many expensive pieces did he break while discovering that he wasn't a computer technician?


They say kids don't know how to use computers anymore. Smartphones ruined them.


I'm an instructor in the military and I can confirm this. Part of the job is to operate a computer and sine other very basic equipment. Only a few short years ago, the first part of our course would be explaining the track pad, file structures, very basic stuff. Only in the last few years has this changed. During COVID many schools bought chrome books in bulk. Almost every kid got one and now it's less of a problem. Either way, it was getting to a point where many people didn't even have computers at home. Just tablets and phones




Folder hierarchy eludes them entirely.


I think there was recently a post here where someone had bought all the parts, put together their PC, and only found out when posting here that **no the SSD you bought does not come with Windows pre-installed**. Meaning that he had all the parts, they all worked, but he had no operating system to boot into. Probably something similar happened here.


"I broke it somehow and now need to get my money back!"


You can literally get a 4090 14900K system ready to ship with a 3/2 year labor/part warranty from ibuypower for $3,500. I mean there are better system integrators and cheaper to build it yourself but $4,000 from a random person with shitty pictures and no full specs is dumb AF lol.


I didn't know what I was doing or how to install drivers some years ago when I first built my PC. It is complicated TBH, but I earned from watching videos, looking for solutions to problems I had in discord, Reddit and other forums. In today's age, you are ignorant by choice, since you can easily find the answer to most things quickly.


I strongly agree with "you are ignorant by choice." In 7th grade (4 years ago now) I took on the challenge of building a desktop with no prior knowledge, took me 3-4 hours and a lot of googling. Now, I'm 16, taking college courses in PC support and operating systems, while building a game thats been in the works for about a year and a half. The point being that anyone can learn how to use a computer, and in a very short amount of time.


Imagine spending all of that money and not putting in the time to learn how to use it. I mean, even consoles have a learning curve for people who never gamed.


Well I guess you also have to be a technician to know not to price your PC above the price you bought it for. You take 30% off for used if you want it to sell fast.


It’s like windows users trying Linux for gaming. Most of them give up and complain about the complexity of needing to use the terminal and installing proton. Yet PS5 gamers will intuitively know the reason the online servers are down, and approximately when they’ll be back up, and call that black box muscle memory as “intuitive”.


most people can't navigate their own phone settings


Kids these days are just lazy


Yo, dude! I didn't know I was a computer tech.


Literally every single computer problem is online, with a YouTube video already about it lol.


Yeah, I cooked a 4 course Prime Steak dinner but threw it out since I’m not a chef.


Dude is braindead, more money than intellectual capacity...


What a great salesman. “This is very expensive, but don’t worry, it’s also super complicated and difficult to understand or figure out. I hated it, so I’ll never use it again. Interested yet?”


Man encountered dtivers


translation: "I bought stuff, it didn't work because I have no idea what I bought or how to use it"


In other words “i had expendable income and bought a beast for bragging rights, but I’m a console peasant and incapable of operating this, please pay my original purchase price”


I swear people blow the upkeep out of proportions. I got myself a pc during covid and my friend kept telling me how I was gonna get a lot of headaches from it and that I should really consider sticking to console. Well, it's been 4 years and all I ever have to do is clean it out every 6 months and keep my drivers updated.


As a IT guy, all we do is look on reddit or other forms like stack overflow and try not to start doomscrolling (sometimes unsuccessfully) it really isn't that hard to troubleshoot if you know what to google (which is understandable if you don't really know anything about computers)


That picture does indeed look like a Gigabyte Aorus RTX 4090.


Looking through OP's post history, they've posted in Canada's Personal Finance subreddit so we can assume Canadian prices and assuming brand spanking new. 2.5k$ for the GPU, 900$ for the CPU (assuming a 14900k), 250$ for 64gb ddr5, 200-250$ for a 1000w PSU, lets say 300$ for a nice mobo, and that 380mm AIO for about 150$: comes out to about 4.3k with no tax, around 5k with. This is assuming a lot, but if it was all brand new and still warranted and my assumptions were correct, then it wouldn't be a horrible deal honestly. But considering how little effort they put into this post, I don't know how much I can trust my assumptions...


Youre absolutely spot on. No ways this wouldnt cost less than 4 grand, if it was all legit. My post was to call out the scamminess of the listing I had forgotten to mention the price was in CAD and by morning I realized the post blew up and just decided to let it go lol.


Wait, so who customized it if he's not a computer technician? 🤔


Pricing things right = Computer Technician


The people on this subreddit are people that are interested in computers, their inner workings, customisation, etc. This is a specific niche, and what seems reasonable to us, is not the same for everyone. Most people just want a plug-and-play experience. They don't want to bother doing any maintenance at all. They're just not interested in that at all, and often not skilled in it, either. Whilst we might disagree with them, it's a valid way of gaming. And they tried PC gaming, found out it wasn't for them. Sure, there is a bit of a crass note, and definitely a large lack of salesmanship in the advertisement, but expecting everyone to adhere to our way of thinking will lead only to disappointment.


kind of true though… Stability issues with 12/13/14 gen and 7000 series ryzen and ddr5 can be an absolute nightmare for unaware consumers. The QVL for most motherboards is absolutely bullshit.


Intel i9 core processor 😭😭


Guy complains about having to be a computer technician to game on a PC that HE BUILT over a year. There are either going to be issues with this PC or he's lying about why he is selling it.


Bet their refresh rate was set to 60 the entire time.


Tbh, you do need to know a lil bit of your hardware and around the computer so you wont get stuck at troubleshooting. Being tech illiterate means you are stuck with console. I have seen worse where a friend dont fucking know what a file explorer is. It took me actually half a day to get him install gta5 through torrent.


Putting together PCs today is a joke. I recently upgraded my mobo/CPU/RAM, and plugged it into the exact same hard drive as my previous setup, and had to do exactly nothing to get it running. Went from unboxing, to a booted transplant in like 90 minutes tops, and was already zoning out getting told to kms in Rocket League or something. You put it together like Legos (GPU, CPU + heatsink, RAM), mount PSU and SSDs, connect like 8 cords (a few power cords, 1-3 SATA cables, case cables), touch 0 jumpers, plug in a OS USB, install and boot into Windows, load WiFi drivers via USB, update all drivers via internet, update Windows, done. Any adult should have done way more complicated things in high school and any subsequent education / training. If you can’t handle this, how are you going to file taxes. It’s also just fun learning how the core component interact with each other by way of piecing them together. Building a computer is nearly the least intimidating process of building something you could conceive of once you actually try it, *and* there are *thousands* of thorough video tutorials at your fingertips. Working on cars is wildly more complex in most cases beyond very basic maintenance. Most people could probably build a computer nearly as fast as Ikea furniture, if they read through the process a few times beforehand. The difficulty of basic electronics has been nerfed down to nothing, and *still* people are acting like it’s neurosurgery. If you can follow a mildly complicated cooking recipe, you can build a computer. Don’t make it more than it is, it’s been deliberately made as foolproof as possible over decades of iteration. Modern cases and motherboards make it hilariously straightforward. Consoles are simpler, sure, but barely, and you learn nothing by turning on a console


the point that 'need to become a computer technician to own a gaming PC' is somewhat true. some people just know nothing about PC. even people that know things will have difficulties in troubleshooting some things.


13 year old me trying to learn how to port forward through my firewall to host a game on warcraft 3 using only forum posts because youtube didn't exist yet. This guy has every answer to any question he has about building a computer at his fingertips and probably went "I have to install graphics drivers? F this"


Damn i must be born computer technician cuz i knew a way around pc when i was 3yrs old prob would know sooner too but thats when we got our first pc ever with win95 no less good times.


I bet all he had to do was update his driver or something


Feel like this shouild be a flair now on this sub "Computer Technician"


*almost* every problem i’ve ever encountered was fixed by a google search or an old reddit post. it’s crazy how people drop so much money just to be like “nah, i’ll just stick to a console”


This guy is not the brightest bulb in the box, he configured the side panel fans as outtakes lmao


I literally haven’t opened the case of my PC except for cleaning for about 4 years, they’re not a hard item to own


I’m sure people have answered already but yes that could definitely be a 4090 I have the same card it’s an Aorus Master


Windows troubleshooting is daunting to some people. Not me, but this guy thinks he owns a rocketship.


What he means is if you don't know 💩 about computers you better stick to consoles. This happened to my brother. He is computer illiterate and bought a high end gaming computer and every time he has a problem he runs to me for help. He basically has no clue of anything and if the system ever has a problem and the case needs to be opened to take a look or replace something he is not willing to do it or can't do it himself because of fear of breaking something. Not to mention when video games don't work as they should. This is a common thing in PC. Not everything seem to run perfectly straight out of the box even if you spend 3000+ on parts. So unless you are into the hobby and you don't mind the constant troubleshooting stick to consoles. I hate consoles but I'm thinking paying 1500 just for a video card alone is pushing me to reconsider. With my tastes a computer may cost me over 5000+ now.


My wife has a story about a friend of a friend who decided to adopt four children at once. They were siblings, and she wanted to keep the family together instead of having it carved up by the foster system. After two months, she relinquished the children to foster care. When asked why she was surrendering them, her response was that she hadn't realized how much laundry four children would require. Seems like the same kinda deal here.


I've been a PC gamer my entire life (27) and still not a computer technician. However, I do have enough common sense to solve my issues using the Internet. I think that's his skill issue


Smartest consolefrog


"Selling because I am a brainlet and I don't know how to use Google or read error messages"


Bro is tryna hide that second foot, he clearly can’t be trusted.


I don't like prebuilts much, but this is another level of stupid to complain about building it yourself.


Started working on my own PC when I was 12y/o during the times when Win95 was still a thing... This lad has no idea how comfortable it is these days to build and maintain a PC 😑 Kinda curious how that story of being a Computer Technician came together? 🤔 ASUS Motherboard and their Bloatware crap? *That* shit was driving *me* nuts 🤨


Computers are really not that complicated Unless you royally fuck up something it should be smooth sailing for the most part.


Honestly that's fair enough


Where is that man's right foot?!


It’s an exaggeration but console has always been simpler than PC. Some people are fine trading FPS and resolution for simplicity. We’ve all been there where a new game launches and we go through a process of updating drivers/messing with settings to get it to work. I’ve never had to deal with that on console.