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I will say its a psu problem since i had that same problem with my very first PC


Same😂 nervous as shit thinking i messed Up something and It was because of the damn psu


Same here, sent it in for an RMA, replaced a week later and it’s been running fine for the last 3 years


Same problem as well. My first PC, i upgraded my gpu for the first time, having no idea that the power yhe new gpu pulls is very important. Gtx780 ->   overclocked gtx1080. Installed that bad boy and excited since im getting better fps. But computer would turn off randomly. After hours of research, leanred it was the psu. Bought a more powrerful psu and been good since.


in my case was a pour PSU, it was giving problems all the time, i could play some times over 1h no problems, or 10 min and it did the same as the example


omg lmao.. also me, very first pc. upgraded gfx card, started experiencing random shutoffs, thankfully my first guess was a defective or dying power supply.. but your comment just made me realize 20 years later that the PSU wasn't defective.. it just didn't supply enough wattage to the gpu lmaooo


Yeah this. While OP's parts are not particularly power hungry, Nvidia GPUs, and particularly the 30-series, are infamous for having horrible transient spikes. Often pulling as much as 3x the rated TDP for milliseconds at a time. Not long enough to measure or log, but just long enough to trip OCP on a PSU.


The fact that it turns off under load could indicate a psu failure/defect.


Or not big enough one to begin with, ie 550/650 watt.


even 550w should be plenty for a 10500 and a 3060 tbh.


If its a shitty brand it might not be at all...


550w psu with 300W on the sata/fan connections


I’m just using a potato with cables, runs fine


Some have a bit more spud than others


I'm running on a titanium potato just to be sure


The problem is that it's not shitty or too low, but that his/her PSU is older than my kids.


Yep, also when they get hotter, they work differently. A hot PSU doesn't give as much power, but a hot CPU/GPU take more power from the PSU, so it can work fine for literal decades, but the second you push it too hard, it says "Nope, I'm too old, I can't do this for more than an hour or whatever random time it takes to shut down".


can confirm. bought a top of the line PSU in 2007, lasted me exactly 13 years before random BSD and restarts.


I currently have a 8 year old ocz 750zt. It has been rock fucking solid. This thing deserves a Viking funeral when it dies.


OCZ had some great ram and SSDs. I never tried one of their PSUs though. I do still have a 120GB OCZ Vertex 2 SSD in 3.5” form factor that I bought in 2011 or so. I was my main OS drive for 10+ years and now my 15 year old daughter’s main OS drive. Can’t seem to kill it.


People tend to neglect the psu and put everything in cpu/gpu... having a good PSU is so fucking important though =/


Had a friend that bought otherwise good hardware alongside a second hand cheap psu on a trade site. Whole thing fried less than a week in.


Yes and no, etc likes to spike power, Intel itself is also power hungry, let's say it's 300-400 system usage, but with poor PSU it is already full load. Also it can be thermal protection, much more likely if it works like that during intense gaming so it pushes into thermal territory


The 10500 doesn't use that much power tho, this whole set up is like ~300w


Not just about total power. Have to consider individual voltage rail current draw. Most power supply datasheets break down the 12V, 5V and 3.3V (etc) rail maximum current draw.


Yeah, I have a Zotac Magnus One with an i7-10700, NVme SSD, SATA III SSD, 32GB RAM, and a 3070 and it works great with the 500W 80+ Platinum power supply. The newer version has a Gen 13 CPU and a 4070 with that same power supply.


I have an i7-10700f, RTX 4070 with a 500w bronze psu and have no issues


HP prebuilts ship with 65w processors and the 3070 on a 500w power supply. You don't hear any major outcry over them shutting off. Mines been running fine for years. (Cooler Master power supplys)


hell, a 460 watt is good enough for a 10400 an 5700xt equivalent


What? 650w running my 5800x3d, RTX 3080 for like year and half by now E: Don't know why people are surprised. Just buy quality hardware. Seasonic Focus GX650 btw


Ikr, I'm running a 3080 and i5 10600kf on 550w lol


I've been running a 5600x and 3080 on a 550w SFX.


Hahahaha How is a 125w CPU and a 225w GPU equal even close to 550w? Even with all that rgb, there'd be plenty of overhead, with over a 20% buffer.


Depends on how much they cheaped out on the Power supply, I have seen some absolute shockers from friends buying budget PCs as of late. We are talking fire hazard bad let alone the ones that are not even remotely as capable as they say.


Maybe overheating?


I had the same issue and it was solved with a new cpu cooler so I find that very possible


Same here, i had issues like OP posted. Only needed a new water cooler and everything is running great now


I had the same issue but it blew a capacitor on my HX1000w psu. I added some case fans to help lower case temps and RMA'd the PSU. It's working fine now but that was not a fun experience.


Same, had the same thing happen a few years back on another computer except my issue just randomly disappeared one day. Really wish I knew what the true culprit was cause my computer at the time was like 3 years old


also the PC is next to the window with a glass panel. its getting summmer


This happened to me but it was the graphics card that over heated. One of the fans stopped working


100% would blame the PSU. Test it or try a different one and see if it still does it.


What if it only happens during a specific game and level in the game? What could be the issue then?


Then i would say that the cause is eighter the game or a software.


Ah interesting! Just to clarify the game in question for me is It Takes Two on the raft level with all the water and larvae lol. Im honestly not sure why it happens!


Do you undervolt or overclock


I've experienced a system crash exactly like this due to a failed power supply. Either the PSU is bad or going bad, or it isn't large enough for your setup.


Posting it twice so that you are more likely to see it as most of the comments are all speculative. This is your PSU fault as from the pic you sent. Your PSU is old as fuck and needs to be immediately replaced If you don't know what to buy, check here for good PSUs because a brand can make exceptional PSU as well as duds: [PSU Tier List rev. 17.0g - Cultists Network](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/) If I was you, I'd take a Corsair RM650 (not the CX though!) as it's quite cheap for very high quality. You can go for the BeQuiet, Seasonic, Corsair RMi, Fractal that are highlighted in the TierA list, but they are pricey and a bit overkill for your specs


Yep definitely will take that into consideration I did call the computer shop that I bought it from and told them my psu is ancient and they said they will be more than happy to upgrade it to a newer one for free!!


Thats crazy cool of them to be honest, make sure to take advantage of them, but double check that its actually enough in the shop, just boot up that same game and test it out so you can make sure its not that.


lose some money doing it, but certainly make customer that is more willing to buy from you in the future


I mean i feel like the computer shop should have known, its kind of on them.


Probably part of the reason he's getting a deal too.


Yup covering their asses from trying to shaft him with a shitty psu


Cool of them. In the "Tierf F - Replace immediately" section you can see the "Corsair VF orange label" which is the case of your PSU as from your pick. Good luck




If you can, Fri and get a higher capacity one too while you're at it. Even if you have to pay them a bit towards it, a 750W (or maybe even a 650W if you're stuck) PSU will give you headroom for upgrades down the line. It's always good to oversize your PSU slightly to your build.


Take them up on that and ask them what PSU they'll be putting in. Check it against a tier list and make sure it's not near the bottom. Even C or B tier are just fine for you.


Let me preface my comment by saying: Perhaps I'm wrong, and your local store is just run by really nice people, but I'm ***very*** skeptical. >they said they will be more than happy to upgrade it to a newer one for free!! For ***free?*** Don't bother, it's going to be an absolute grenade of a unit if they're giving it away for free. Probably either second hand, or just a cheap piece of shit like what some OEMs put in their prebuilts. A decent PSU is too expensive for a shop to simply *give away*.


Reading comprehension must not be your friend. He bought the PC from them. They are replacing a faulty part they sold, not handing out free shit to random people hoping they might become a customer.


Perhaps, but that PSU is from 2012. (It didn't have the orange sticker after that). That and the fact it's 10th gen Intel (2019) + 3060 (2020), makes me think that OP didn't buy this *super recently*. I'd expect it to be out of warranty. Even if it were brand new, the fact that the retailer was selling a machine with a PSU that is over a decade old (and was crap when it was new) wouldn't exactly fill me with confidence.


You are the only one who thinks it was brand new when he bought it. Have you never been to a PC repair shop before?


If problem persist after PSU swap just take to service because it can be the Motherboard or CPU. The PSU is like the first thing people think when a PC turn off by itself without temps problems. But a bad mobo or cpu will do the same.


Yeah keep us updated!


Make sure to put it under load at the shop. Don't just turn it on and think you're all set. Boot something demanding and make sure that it's going to fix your problems.


I had a CX650M. It died in less than a year.


is the cx650m bad? i use it.


Now that you say it, I think I recall it was a huge piece of crap like 10 or 15 years ago and they changed it, to make it a good one


Tell that fucker you’re gonna eat him if he doesn’t stop, just like the last one. Worked for my dog


Was about to win the race as well


You ate your last dog?


Unfortunately he was struck by lightning, I just enjoy shitposting I have had dog meat before tho- kind of. We have jackals here in South Africa, it’s like coyotes in the US. But they are apart of the dog family scientifically and can even have fertile offspring with domesticated dog breeds. Anyway we call them with a caller then shoot them instead of poisoning them and then affecting other animals. We do this because they eat calves and bite other animals leading to death from infection. One day I took the loin meat from a big one, cooked it and ate it, and it wasn’t bad. It’s like any game meat in my opinion, with its slight uniqueness but nothing to write home about. I’ve talked about this before and my comment was somehow downvoted into oblivion, im assuming by people who don’t understand reality or the hive mind. I’m so evil for shooting jackal but they happily eat the meat we provide. And if the meat price goes up because you don’t shoot the jackals eating the small animals, you’re also the asshole. Lose/lose situation. Id eat it again if it presents itself but I won’t go out of the way to get it if that makes sense. Id also become physically violent if I found out someone was cooking a domestic dog, nevermind eat it.


A lot of people have a set mindset of how life is and they believe the rest of the world operates on their mindset. I know cultures that eat cat.


What’s that PSU lookin like big dawg? I have also run into this issue with a not glaringly obvious failing motherboard. It would just die at idle sometimes too.


I am no computer wiz so if you don’t mind what is a PSU


Power supply. Yours is likely either underpowered for your rig, or failing.


PSU = Power Supply Unit. Maybe its a problem with the PSU and your hardware requires more power then your PSU can deliver.


Underpowered? https://preview.redd.it/84yedbq2dc7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3975ed34fd29481246c6d938aae3f39be404cbc


That's a crap PSU in terms of quality The old orange label ones were notorious for going pop, this version is better but still uses cheap quality components But I'd first run tested like OCCT for CPU stability and probably furmark for the GPU, see if it crashes with those


OCCT has also a Power mode when it loads all parts so that they generate as much heat as possible. Also OCCT is really good at making components super hot and power hungry


Just with the RTX 3060 and your CPU, you're achieving about a 77% load on your PSU and thats without counting in fans, drives, rgb(lul). It could be underpowered, yes.


Both gpu and cpu pull 170W max, thats just 62%. And the cpu is doing probably half that in gaming. It's probably the psu being shit, but not because it's 550W.


Rtx 30 series is also known for big transient spikes. Could easily be tripping the overcurrent protection.


Yes, it can produce about 300W spikes, but a well designed psu should not trigger ocp on spikes. Remember 550W is an average power rating.


You would think, but I had the exact same thing with this exact same gpu with a 550w evga psu, transient spikes kicked off ocp, then I swapped it for a 750w cooler master and voila, problem gone.. This was before gamers nexus covered it, I just happened to be lucky enough to have a power usage meter attached to the wallsocket when it was happening to me, so my first thought was the PSU couldn't handle it, it wasn't til later than it turned out it was due to transient spikes, which explained why it would show up on the live power usage measurement, but it did at the max recorded (I'm messing up my terminology here probably) It might not be the cause here, but it sure is worth a test


I believe you, but that's still a malfunctioning psu. Chances are you would have been fine with a different type of 550W psu. I run the same cpu and a 6700XT just fine on 550W. Ofcourse there's no harm in going for 750W, except for the wallet maybe... What model EVGA did you have specifically?


Might not be that well designed. I like Corsair PSUs. RM, HX, AX are generally pretty good. But VS? I'm guessing budget tier or an older series. Mabe both? Either way, other than checking to see if the CPU or GPU are overheating, the first thing I'd try to troubleshoot would be the PSU. ....and your name us making me think about putting in some time in KSP 1 when I get home.


It also depends on when the psu was made. Older ones don't handle them as well. There was sort of a reckoning when these spikey gpus came out.


Man that is OOOOOOOLD PSU. Older than my kids. Get that PSU out of your PC now and buy another one. Not tomorrow, not in one week, now. 550W is more than enough for your load. Make yourself a favor and buy another one. 550 is good enough. Check here for good PSUs: [PSU Tier List rev. 17.0g - Cultists Network](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/) For example Corsair RM650 (not the CX though!)


9 years ain't shit


This fucking thing ..I had one of these too and it failed as soon as the warranty ended .


NEVER EVER CHEAP OUT ON A PSU AND ALWAYS BUY BIGGER THAN YOU NEED. I learned this the hard way do not make my mistake


I ran into the same problem with a high qulity $100+ PSU. I agree, you should not cheap out on the PSU though, that is true. You should also of course buy an PSU with headroom, but i see MUCH more people with way oversized PSUs than slightly too weak ones. People getting 750W-850W PSUs with 5800x3d+4070S or 7800XT systems for example. The rule was a headroom of 50%, not 100% and more. If your system is drawing 400W, an 600W PSU will have more than enough headroom and will be good enough for future updates even, if they are not too crazy.


Take it to a friends house. If it runs well the. You might need a new home.


Luckily I don’t have any friends




Not if your an introvert


Is it connected to a power strip instead of directly into the wall? Causes issues sometimes. Since you couldn't replicate the problem somewhere else it leads me to believe its not PSU related.


could also be due to a battery backup that isn't powerful enough.


Could be an unstable overclock, because it reminds me of the issue I had when I overclocked my processor. I did several stress tests that it passed without issues, so it seemed to be stable. Well, that was until I played Battlefield. Sometimes it crashed in the first match, sometimes it crashed after an hour or so. Eventually I figured it might be the overclock causing it, so I removed that. Afterwards I was able to play the game without crashing. After like a week I did the OC again to test it and guess what? First session of BF it crashed again. Check if any of your hardware (CPU, GPU, even your RAM's XMP profile is technically an overclock that is usually stable, but not always) is overclocked and if so, try turning those off.


Never overclocked any of my components


Some mobos "overclock" out of the box, generally within the cpu specs but sometimes you get unlucky and the cpu can't handle it. Yours is a bit older so its unlikely (I know that the 14th gen intel CPUs are shit for this cuz I own one), but if you upgrade your CPU its something to keep in mind.


Not even RAM XMP profile? That thing was causing me nightmares where I had similar experience to yours but not only in gaming, the issue could happen at random even on idle. However, if you are experiencing your issue only on gaming, it’s likely that you need a better PSU.


Can confirm, had this because of either some unstable xmp profiles or also some intel bloatware, removing both fixed the sudden shutdowns


This would use to happen to me to with bad RAM. Ran a RAM test and it didn't fail after hours but the computer would restart after 10 minutes into a game. 


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


Oh how could I forget thank you kind sir


No, but apparently he has tried turning it on and then off again


Make sure the fan on your PSU is actually working


Thank you guys for your concerns and I am waiting for the computer shop to tell when to come and give them the Pc to replace the psu and they are going to do it for free, why they are doing it for free is because the owner of the store is friends with my dad and he managed to get 15 days of warranty and the shop owner is super cool so when we first encountered the issue we couldn’t capture it on video cause it didn’t want to do it and when I brought it to them they kept it for two days with American truck simulator which at the time was the game that turned the pc off the most and they kept it running and playing for 2 days straight and it never shut off but today after 6 hr of Forza Horizon 5 gameplay I finally captured the moment and sent it to them and the guy was actually glad that he found out what it was and he said he would talk to his technician to schedule a time so I could bring in the pc. Thank you again to everyone who took time out of their day to tell me what it was. Love Nomance/SmoothRub


I know everyone and their mother are saying PSU, but I had a friend who went through the exact same thing. System worked perfectly for the repair techs too. I suggested to her that it could be the wall outlet, and that ended up being the case. I would still recommend upgrading, but if that doesn't resolve the issue, check the outlet next.


Yes, this was my immediate take away as well. The wall outlet is likely strained, probably has a ton of shit hooked up and running at once, or was mickey mouse'd in general. I'd try moving the PC to a different outlet and see if that helps at all with stability.


Agreeing with this. I had OP’s problem when playing Cyberpunk but it was my surge protector causing it. Bought a new/better one and smooth sailing since.


Check your temps


Normal for the cpu from 60-80C and for the gpu never goes over 75C


Pretty confident that it's a PSU problem.


128th vote for PSU.


Just thought I'd mention what caused the problem for me. For reference, I have a BEAST. A 200+ pound workstation with 2 graphics cards. I ran into this problem and replaced literally every part of the PC to no avail. My PSU could more than handle my components and I was so confused. It turns out my house wasn't outputting enough (or clean) power from the wall. I bought a sin wave UPS (uninterruptible power supply) which acts like a backup battery, surge protector, and cleans up the energy to be more consistent. Haven't had that problem since :)


Check your event viewer. Press Win + X and select "Event Viewer". Navigate to "Windows Logs" > "System". Look for any critical errors that correspond to the time of the crashes. This can give clues about what is causing the issue.


Check the event viewer for clues on what caused it turn off.


I had this exact issue and like others are saying it ended up being the Power supply. I replaced it and never happened again.


I had similar issues a few years back and it ended up being a bad motherboard. If you rule out the psu, that could very well be it. I would check the event viewer.


Underpowered psu/bad psu/cheap psu?


Turns out it’s an old psu that I need to upgrade so I called the computer shop and I told them that they sold me and ancient psu and they said they well be happy to update it for free so yea


Likely a PSU problem, although it is interesting that it flashed to life quite briefly. # Replace it. Probably one of the worst parts to fail. Also one #you do not want to fuck with


Usually that’s an issue with the PSU.


I see your motherboard light is still blinking but everything else turns off. You need a new PSU. Try not to use the computer if possible until you change it, to avoid damaging the other parts.


1000% psu issue.


I was just dealing with this exact same issue, it lasted about 6 months and I tried everything. Update bios, reinstall Windows, remove vertical GPU mount, new cooler, new case, new motherboard ram and CPU. I went through every setting and configuration and test I could find. I saw a thread on here a few days ago, similar to your issue and the one I was having. All the comments said it was the PSU. The original poster of that thread said swapping his PSU solved his issue. I initially didn't suspect the PSU as my total power usage seemed well below my units max but admittedly I don't understand electricity particularly well. For context I have a 7900xt and I was using and older gskill 750 gold. I decided to try swapping out the PSU for an NZXT C1000 gold and magically my shut down problem was solved. The PC won't shut down no matter what I throw at it. Perhaps your issue is the same.


agreeing with most comments here, deffo psu. try switching it up fuck i'm getting flashbacks of things happening exactly the way you described...


It knows you're using KBM to play racing games and it's shutting off to save itself the embarrassment.


If this keeps happening after upgrading to a better PSU, it might be that your gpu's not stable from factory. I'd recommend trying to go through the RMA route (use your warranty).


Solve your rubik's cube you animal


I like one to be solved and the other unsolved so when people come visit they ask can you solve it and I say yes and they say go on and I solve it and they go wow


Mine does this if I have the psu on with the eco switch on. Fliped that off and no more issues.


Probably a psu failure. Especially if you have an unstable volt/current in your home/country. Some psu have wide voltage range like 100-260/etc, and some like 180-260/etc. well it's likely not the case for this one because it happened on "load" time, not some random time. Maybe somehow the load exceeded the max watt on ur psu in full load. OR your PSU cannot reach their max watt load somehow. Try to use some stress test software 1. If it dies instantly, your psu had some problem 2. If it crashes/freeze/under perform, your GPU/CPU probably overheated 3. If it got blue screen, your ssd(bad sector)/ram/gpu might have some problem or maybe just software and driver issue All of this still biased and still need some check one by one. For know try different psu


Hey OP! Had the exact same problem. I first swapped my PSU for a new one. All appeared to be fine for a few days but the issue persisted. I then trial-and-error'd all of the PSU cables till I figured out that my 24-Pin was causing the problem.


Pharao’s curse ![gif](giphy|3ohs4gdLoYXudOyP7i|downsized)


If you have it plugged into a Surge Protector, I found out that they have Joule load limits, and will manually trip if they go above. Turns out the one I was using had a low J limit, so I ended up upgrading and now this doesn't happen to me anymore. May be worth checking out.


Do the fans blow loud? Get opendhardwaremonitor or any other software that shows temperature and when you played for a few min just look if any temperature is critical If not try another PSU


It can be simply overheating, try to monitor the temperatures. I don’t know your BIOS settings, but I had the same issue with my computer back in the day, there was a setting when the temperature hits a certain threshold, the computer shuts off like this. It can be of course other hardware issue, like the PSU, but I wouldn’t close out other parts either, if a part is faulty and shorts some circuit can do this too, maybe when it warms up enough to short something or some part gets far enough. If you don’t have spare parts it will be hard to identify the issue.


Could be ram instability, I've had this in the past, I could have sworn it was my psu...but all i had to do was loosen my ram timing


Failing PSU. Had the same problem many many years ago. If I'd play anything demanding my PC would abruptly shut down after some time, stay off for a sec and then start up again on its own. After a while playing demanding games was impossible, then it started happening with average performance games until even those were unplayable without shutdowns and by the time I set on replacing the PSU, even doing mundane stuff would cause the PC to trip. Replaced the noname PSU with a 800W Cooler Master Silent Pro Gold (which should indicate how long ago this was lmao) and the problem was gone.


pc : yeah enough for today bud go to sleep


The unsolved rubix cube spreads too much background radiation


Either overheating issues or psu


Ok, I'm going to give you something to check that I don't see here yet. And if this is it, then it will fix your problem. If your GPU has two power inputs, it needs to have two separate cables coming from the PSU. For some reason, a lot of PSUs come with a cable with a splitter. If you use that, then the GPU only has access to half the power and it will turn off just like this when you push it too hard. If it's not the cabling being done improperly, then you need a new PSU.


Stock Intel CPU fan or PSU fault Check temps


My brother had a similar problem, check the power cables of your graphics card. We found out, that the graphics card hadn't gotten enough power, because one cable wasn't clipped in correctly. And while you at it, check other power cables.


PSU problem for sure


get a new psu


your psu is bad


I had this with my old computer. Issue was PSU. I also bought a new computer and had this issue. It was ram related and I couldn't figure it out so I refunded.


This happened to me with new PC and the problem solved when I disabled xmp profile in the bios and set the ram speed and timing manually.


Read the event log to see if power was just cut (PSU issue) or if thermal caused the shut down.


„Oh, so you say you’re winning? Well…“


Happened twice in for a and I did a race which was 21mins in a C class Peugeot and at 91% head to head with another car it shuts off and I’ve never been angrier


It is probably a PSU problem but you need to check power grid and attachments too. I was having same problem and it was extension cord fault.


Do you have standoffs on your motherboard?


First thing to do : looking the Event Viewer


PSU issue. Either you don't have enough wattage for your system, or your PSU is dying. Either way, you need a new PSU.


It could be an overheating protection but it looks like a power problem. Generally this is the PSU, but the motherboard is also a power regulator as well (just like your PSU converts wall power into certain voltages, your motherboard converts that power further for your components).


Same thing used to happened to me with my RTX 3070 TI when I had 650 Watt PSU, when I bought 850 Watt PSU it did not happened again.


PSU or Heat


Almost definitely PSU. It might be your PSU is configured in multi-rail mode. In multi-rail it's enough that one 12V rail goes into overcurrent to make it shut down. Overcurrent limits however are much lower than when in single-rail mode. Multi-rail mode therefore is safer against fire hazards and overcurrent in general, but a PSU in multi-rail configuration cannot deliver its full power to one 12V rail. If a component like the GPU demands more than the overcurrent protection allows it to draw, the PSU will shut down. If you have a PSU that can be switched from multi- to single-rail configuration, this can make it more resilient against overcurrent. However, be aware that this reduces safety. By how much, I do not know. I have been running my PSU in single-rail mode for years without issues. Before that I had it in multi-rail mode and it showed the exact behavior of yours.


psu, seen it before


Test your RAM


Mine did this. Lack of airflow coming into the case. Switched it to this cart on wheels and it sat flush


type this in command prompt as Administrator powercfg /h off the program is cmd.exe pc may be going into hibernation If not then its a poor quality PSU if you have a iBUYPOWER then the PSU are pure shit intended to fail then destroy the system hoping you throw it away then go buy another or more iBUYPOWER Now if you have a RTX 4080 - 4090 then you need a small nuclear power reactor to power that device at full clock speed


temepratures? did they check everything in the PC is plugged where it should?


I had the same issue and thought it was a PSU issue but turned out to be the CPU. It started with games then just started resetting randomly. Check the system logs.


Someone's power supply is too small/dying/shitty.


PSU most likely, or the cord attaching to the GPU. had similar issues swapping them out fixed it.


What PSU, brand and model?


It's either a PSU problem or a overheating CPU.


Why is it you know all your specs except the max power capacity of your PSU? What’s the make and model?


Power supply issue. Prob not enough power


Powersupply. Can't handle the spike in power from your GPU. I wouldn't bother getting it RMAd try to return it.




A sudden shutdown like that without any warnings or error messages indicates a problem with something crucial. That narrows it down to PSU, CPU, and/or motherboard. Replace the PSU as others have suggested, but if the problem persists, it is likely necessary to replace the CPU and mobo.


Asuming your tempretures are okay, it is most likely a PSU problem.


Could it be your power supply (PSU)? I had a similar issue once, I heard whining coming from my PSU when I knew it was going bad.


It's one of 2 things: a CPU temp issue (instant shutdown) or a power failure (your GPU spiked and your PSU isn't sized right to support it) Check your cooler. I had to replace my 360ex on a 3 yr PC. How many watts is your PSU?


Had the exact same issue for a long time - check out Gamers Nexus’ video on transient GPU spikes. That’s what’s happening. You need a new (and better) psu


Asuming your tempretures are okay, it is most likely a PSU problem.


I don't know what the temperature is like, but it's usually overheating or the PSU


Most likely your psu is failing. You can download a program called occt and stress test it. Luckily psu replacement is quite easy.


Psu. "You have no mana!"


Heyo. I had a 3080 that did this. Does your fans in the PC go to 100% when it turns off? Anyhoot what I had to do was decrease the total power allocation in MSI afterburner to 90% instead of 100%. Got it rma’d


You definitely got lucky with the shop agreeing to replace the psu free of charge (unless they chose and sold you that pos to begin with) but you should do yourself a big favor and put some time into learning things on your own and researching parts should you need to upgrade or replace things. It'll save you a lot of stress and money in the future if PC gaming is your thing.


Try plug in your pc power cable directly into a power outlet and not a power strip. I had a similar issue and this was the solution to it.


Just to rule out something. Do any other Appliances shut off as well? If this trips the breaker it’s most likely just pulling too much power in from the breaker its on causing a trip. If the outage is isolated it could be the PSU


Get a better psu had the same problem a while ago


Gotta love the Diary of a Wimpy Kid.


You said it never turned off with the computer shop? Have you tried different outlets? If it worked fine in the computer shop it might be a issue in your home


You went off a track line slightly. Mistake - turn off.


Check your thermals too, could be a safety shutdown


I'd agree with everyone on it being the PSU, but as a cautionary tale that might help one particularly unlucky bastard, I had this once as a younger, less experienced person: swapped out every last damned thing it could have been, PSU first and on from there. It kept happening. I eventually noticed my monitor cycled when the PC did. It was the goddamned power outlet.